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No one else posted soooo.
I like the smudging. It seems to make the guy look like he is in the clouds. One thing to work on is that there don't seem to be a background. it just has a plain red color. Without a background it doesn't really have much depth to it. I also think you should add just a little more lighting because the whole looks the same brightness. Put a soft brush by his sunglasses or something. Finally, as you may have already noticed, I believe that borders should be removed.

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I was preparing a "I see YCM still hasn't understood GFX during my leave." comment, but this actually positively surprised me. The boder actually fits pretty well with the piece as it is. Colours are ok, what I see you need to work on is your lighting. The light parts of your tag are contradicting the lights and shadows on the render.
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So, according to shadows on the render, the lightning should be above his head?

Thanks JG. =D.


I'll try to figure something out for the BG. Fixed the lightning...and did some other adjustments.

I didn't really wanted to remove the border, unless it's really, really terrible...

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