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YCMaker #2, could you please add this to the first post?


Pokemon Maps

To order a Pokemon Map, fill out the following form.


Type of Map: (town/route/cave)

Number of Tiles: (for example, 20x20 tiles)

Graphics: (FR/LG or R/S)

Cost: 15 points each or 40 points for 3

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  • Replies 74
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Hey there' date=' This is my first shop so please be nice.

Welcome I am OPEN




2 points


Partial inverts:


1 point




3 points


Finding pictures:

2-5 points(depending on how hard it was to find



Style one:fm5tf8.gif

Style two:29fcujc.gif

Style three:2cynt6f.jpg

Style four:29cknsh.jpg

Style five:fcjx8z.jpg

Style six:2j124qt.jpg

Style seven:2hdmia9.jpg

Style eight:2ptun4n.jpg

I can not always make holos so sometimes it will take a while to make them.

4 points


Gift cards:


How many the buyer wants to use




20 points


YCMaker #2, could you please add this to the first post?


Pokemon Maps

To order a Pokemon Map, fill out the following form.


Type of Map: (town/route/cave)

Number of Tiles: (for example, 20x20 tiles)

Graphics: (FR/LG or R/S)

Cost: 15 points each or 40 points for 3

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YCMaker#2 could you PM me orders that are in my department. I also now do splices, Fake Pop-Ups, & Costom DS screans.


All of then are 7 Point's


:: Splices ::

Pokemon 1:

Pokemon 2:


:: DS Costom Screan ::

Pic 1:

Pic 2:



txt 1(txt in bar):

txt 2(Main txt):

txt 3 & 4(Buttons):

txt 5(Copyright © info):

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