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Bakugan - Battle Brawlers Academy! (Not started/Accepting)

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[i]Thirty years after the main events of Bakugan: Battle Brawlers, Dan, Runo, and the others have grown up. But, two years ago, the Brawlers founded a school to teach to the next generation of brawlers. However, all is not right. The Vexos have returned. They are currently working in secrecy, recruiting students, occasionally taking some by force. The young students and the teachers must band together before it is too late. If they can not work together to stop the Vexos, all hope is lost[/i].

[spoiler='Dorms']Shining Brawlers (Haos)
Blazing Raiders (Pyrus)
Aquating Masters (Aquos)
Wind Riders (Ventus)
Rock Crushers (Sub Terra)
Dark Destroyers (Darkus)[/spoiler]

Age: (10 - 18 students, 25+ teachers)
Appearance: (Pics accepted, if no pic, 4 line minimum)
Bio: (4+ Lines minimum)
Class: (Teachers only)
Dorm of Choice:
Bakugan Attribute:
Bakugan: (One may be custom)
Guardian Bakugan: (Optional)
Personality: [/spoiler]

[spoiler='Teachers']Principal/Tag Battle Teacher - Dan Kuso
Battle Teacher - Runo Kuso
Battle Teacher 2 - Julie Marukura
Battle Tricks - Shun Kazami
Librarian - Alice Kazami
Battle Strategy - Marucho Marukura[/spoiler]

[spoiler='Rules']1. What the co-hosts and I say goes.
2. No Bakugan from before season 2
3. No godmodding, power playing, etc.
4. No shortposting
5. No Bakugan with more than 400 G other than your guardian bakugan
6. If you have a custom Bakugan, you must include an apperance for it
7. If you have a custom Bakugan, I am the only one who can accept you.
8. There is only one head student per dorm.[/spoiler]

[spoiler='My App']Name: Hikari Kuso
Age: 13
Appearance: He stands about 5' 3" with short, spiky brown hair. He has light, silvery-green eyes, and a birthmark in the shape of the sun under his right eye. He has a necklace with a pendant in the shape of a lightning bolt. He wears a light yellow jacket, with a red t-shirt underneath. He has earrings like Bill Weasley from harry potter's (Fangs). His body is built more on the muscular side. He wears blue jeans, and in the winter, A light yellow winter coat, with a red long sleeve t-shirt with red-and-blue striped sweat pants. He often wears a dark-colored baret.
Bio: He is the son of Dan and Runo Kuso, and is head student of Shining Brawlers. He was raised for the last four years of his life at the Academy, by not only his parents, but the staff as well. He learned to brawl when he was three years old, at a Battle Brawler reunion when he went with his parents. He met the original battle brawlers, Shun, Alice, Marucho, and Julie, and their children. Hikari and the other children were taught to brawl by their parents, and after they received their first Bakugan, they all brawled together and became the best of friends. His closest friend is Shun and Alice's son, and he has a crush on Shun and Alice's daughter.
Dorm of choice: Shining Brawlers (Head student)
Bakugan Attribute: Haos
Bakugan: Tigrerra ~ 370 G
Mantris ~ 330 G
Dragonoid ~ 420 G
Guardian Bakugan: Haos Mantris
Personality: Kind, caring, very smart, the most popular boy in school. all the girls have a crush on him, but he only likes Shun's daughter. He has many friends, and is one of the only students allowed in the teachers lounge. Cares deeply for Mantris and all his Bakugan. [/spoiler]
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Here is my app. We can have talking Bakugan, right? And is the style of battling like in the first season or the second season. And for the pic for Darkus Lazer Hammer, the first is him in ball form. The second is when he is actually out of the bakugan form (Not when it opens up).

Name: Vladimir Disark (Oh how I abuse this name...)
Age: 12
Appearance: [spoiler='Vladimir (Ignore the butterfly)'][IMG]http://i52.tinypic.com/oril1e.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]
[spoiler='Darkus Lazer Hammer (I used Paint to make it. It sucks)'][IMG]http://i54.tinypic.com/2ym8wwg.png[/IMG][/spoiler]
Bio: Vladimir Disark lived in a city, and his mom had died when he was born. His father took care of him, but despite this, he could not go to school and make friends, and he had to be homeschooled. However, his father was a good teacher to him, and he was soon getting smarter and smarter. Soon, he was super smart. Because he was proud of his son, for his 10th birthday, he got him a Bakugan set. He loved it. He began playing with the Darkus Attribute, which suited him perfectly. One day, he and his dad had to go to the grocery store, and he saw a lone Darkus Bakugan on the street. Picking it up,, he secretly took it, as it was nobody elses. When he got back home, he pulled the Bakugan out of his pocket. To his utter surprise, it was a Bakugan he had never seen before. It was called Darkus Lazer Hammer. And to add on, he thought he heard it talk. That's when he passed out at the moment. Soon, his father got enough money to send him to school, and he could choose any school. He picked the Battle Brawlers Academy.
Class: NA
Dorm of Choice: Dark Destroyers (If the dude above isnt accepted, then, if its okay, Head Student)
Bakugan Attribute: Darkus
Darkus Wormquake 360 G's
Darkus Mantris 340 G's
Darkus Lazer Hammer 420 G's
Guardian Bakugan: Darkus Lazer Hammer 420 G's
Personality: He carefully makes strategy's for Bakugan because he is so smart. He is also handsome, but he also doesnt have much experiance in other things most kids know, despite being homeschooled. But despite this, he can be a good friend and can be very friendly. He likes to read in his spare time, and he also likes practicing against other people. He is also modest, not thinking he is that good at Bakugan. However, he has a good friend in Darkus Lazer Hammer, who believes he is a good Bakugan player and has a kind heart. He may also be secretive, and can pick things up before others can.
Prized Bakugan:
Lazer Hammer (Guardian Bakugan)
Mantris (Given to him by his father)
Wormquake (Given to him by his father)
Gate Cards:
Darkus Explosion (Custom) (Any non-Darkus Bakugan have there G-Power reduced to 0)
Lazer Hammer (Custom) (Lazer Hammer's Base G-Power doubles)
Darkness Fields (Custom) (Add 150 G-Power to any Darkus Bakugan)
Ability Cards:
Marionette (Let's Mantris move one Opponent Bakugan to another Gate Card)
Hammer's of Destruction (Custom) (Adds 100 G-Power to Lazer Hammer)
Dark Wall (Custom) (Subtract 50 G-Power from an Opponent Bakugan and adds 50 G-power to a Darkus Bakugan)
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[quote name='master of yu-gi-oh' timestamp='1302424957' post='5127488']
can i be dark destroyers head student?
if so

Name:finn light
Appearance: black hair with a tinge of red.
ussaly wears a black jacket with purple gloves and brown trousers.
he wears a black baseball cap.
he seems to ussaly have a gameboy in his pocket.
Bio:he is the son of julie and murocho
Dorm of Choice:dark destroyers (head student, maybe)
Bakugan Attribute:darkus
Bakugan:darkus backspinner
Guardian Bakugan:darkus dual hydranoid
Personality:frendily, clever.he cares alot for his bakugan.

not accepted. Backspinner's a custom bakugan, right? If it is, you have to give a picture or 4+ line description. If he's Julie and Marucho's son, then why doesn't he have their last name? give us more of a description on the bio, as well as a longer appearance. plus, what is the G power for the bakugan, and where did he get dual hydranoid?

[quote name='ty9239' timestamp='1302440447' post='5127677']
Here is my app. We can have talking Bakugan, right? And is the style of battling like in the first season or the second season. And for the pic for Darkus Lazer Hammer, the first is him in ball form. The second is when he is actually out of the bakugan form (Not when it opens up).

Talking Bakugan only the head students have, and it's pretty much like the first season (They made it that way)

Name: Vladimir Disark (Oh how I abuse this name...)
Age: 12
Appearance: [spoiler='Vladimir (Ignore the butterfly)'][img]http://i52.tinypic.com/oril1e.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
[spoiler='Darkus Lazer Hammer (I used Paint to make it. It sucks)'][img]http://i54.tinypic.com/2ym8wwg.png[/img][/spoiler]
Bio: Vladimir Disark lived in a city, and his mom had died when he was born. His father took care of him, but despite this, he could not go to school and make friends, and he had to be homeschooled. However, his father was a good teacher to him, and he was soon getting smarter and smarter. Soon, he was super smart. Because he was proud of his son, for his 10th birthday, he got him a Bakugan set. He loved it. He began playing with the Darkus Attribute, which suited him perfectly. One day, he and his dad had to go to the grocery store, and he saw a lone Darkus Bakugan on the street. Picking it up,, he secretly took it, as it was nobody elses. When he got back home, he pulled the Bakugan out of his pocket. To his utter surprise, it was a Bakugan he had never seen before. It was called Darkus Lazer Hammer. And to add on, he thought he heard it talk. That's when he passed out at the moment. Soon, his father got enough money to send him to school, and he could choose any school. He picked the Battle Brawlers Academy.
Class: NA
Dorm of Choice: Dark Destroyers (If the dude above isnt accepted, then, if its okay, Head Student)
Bakugan Attribute: Darkus
Darkus Wormquake 360 G's
Darkus Mantris 330 G's
Darkus Lazer Hammer 420 G's
Guardian Bakugan: Darkus Lazer Hammer 420 G's
Personality: He carefully makes strategy's for Bakugan because he is so smart. He is also handsome, but he also doesnt have much experiance in other things most kids know, despite being homeschooled. But despite this, he can be a good friend and can be very friendly. He likes to read in his spare time, and he also likes practicing against other people. He is also modest, not thinking he is that good at Bakugan. However, he has a good friend in Darkus Lazer Hammer, who believes he is a good Bakugan player and has a kind heart. He may also be secretive, and can pick things up before others can.

accepted. you can be a head student.

also ty, would you like to co-host?
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okay, well i'm re-doing my app. plus, now, you can have certain bakugan that you treasure most.
[spoiler='re-done app'] Name: Hikari Kuso
Age: 13
Appearance: He stands about 5' 3" with short, spiky brown hair. He has light, silvery-green eyes, and a birthmark in the shape of the sun under his right eye. He has a necklace with a pendant in the shape of a lightning bolt. He wears a light yellow jacket, with a red t-shirt underneath. He has earrings like Bill Weasley from harry potter's (Fangs). His body is built more on the muscular side. He wears blue jeans, and in the winter, A light yellow winter coat, with a red long sleeve t-shirt with red-and-blue striped sweat pants. He often wears a dark-colored baret.
Bio: He is the son of Dan and Runo Kuso, and is head student of Shining Brawlers. He was raised for the last four years of his life at the Academy, by not only his parents, but the staff as well. He learned to brawl when he was three years old, at a Battle Brawler reunion when he went with his parents. He met the original battle brawlers, Shun, Alice, Marucho, and Julie, and their children. Hikari and the other children were taught to brawl by their parents, and after they received their first Bakugan, they all brawled together and became the best of friends. His closest friend is Shun and Alice's son, and he has a crush on Shun and Alice's daughter.
Dorm of choice: Shining Brawlers (Head student) Bakugan Attribute: Haos Bakugan: Tigrerra ~ 370 G Mantris ~ 330 G Dragonoid ~ 420 G Guardian Bakugan: Haos Mantris Personality: Kind, caring, very smart, the most popular boy in school. all the girls have a crush on him, but he only likes Shun's daughter. He has many friends, and is one of the only students allowed in the teachers lounge. Cares deeply for Mantris and all his Bakugan. Prized Bakugan: Tigrerra (Belonged to Runo, de-evolved) Mantris (Guardian Bakugan) Dragonoid (Dan's Dragonoid, but changed attributes)
Gate Cards: Haos (Custom) Effect: Gives all Haos Bakugan + 150 G, subtracts 50 G from Darkus Bakugan
Luminous (Custom) Effect: Gives all Haos Bakugan + 170 G
Ability Cards: Marionette (Anime)
Cut-In-Saber (Anime)
Boosted Dragon
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Name:finn Marukura
Appearance: black and grey hair
ussaly wears a black jacket with purple gloves and brown trousers.
he seems to ussaly have a gameboy in his pocket.
has a special braclet that allows him to hear bakugan.
[ see picture ]
Bio:he is the son of julie and murocho
he got dual hydranoid when he was 5.
he went down a slide in a park and found it at the bottom.
at the age of 9 his best freind moved away and gave him darkus reaper.
Dorm of Choice:dark destroyers
Bakugan Attribute:darkus
Bakugan:darkus reaper(370 g)
Guardian Bakugan:darkus dual hydranoid (480 g)
Personality:freindly,enjoys books and is intrested in greek myths.will go great lengths to save a freind.[img][img]http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://images.wikia.com/bakuganfanon/images/c/ce/Sweet-Anime-Boy.jpg&im vpy=217&dur=8&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=118&ty=104&oei=W-ahTdTQGsSt8AOEj9WnAw&page=1&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:0[/img][/img]
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Edited app to include Gate Cards, Ability Cards, and Prized Bakugan. I also have two Anime-exclusive ability cards (Well, they released Marionette as a card, but the one I'm talking about is the one Mantris can use). By the way, dont bump within a 24-hour period.
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k. sorry, this is my 2nd created RP.

Okay, I've decided: We can have more than three bakugan, but we can only keep them in our dorm room. My other bakugan are:
Haos Monarus - 370 G
Haos Siege - 330 G
Haos Fear Ripper - 350 G
Haos Robotalion - 280 G
Haos El Condor - 390 G
Haos Gargonoid - 360 G
Haos Griffin - 320 G
Haos Rattleoid - 330 G
Haos Ravenoid 380 G
Haos Tuskor - 360 G
Haos Warius - 320 G
Haos Centipoid - 330 G
Haos Wormquake - 290 G
Haos Terrorclaw - 370 G

But you can't have more than fifteen spares
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Since you said that you could have more than one bakugan is it possible to switch them out? As long as they are the same attribute as the dorm you are staying in?

Secondly how many characters are we allowed? I always ask because my normal quota is two characters, and I was planning on having Kazumi twins.
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Name: Clara Kazami
Age: (10 - 18 students, 25+ teachers) 13
Appearance: (Pics accepted, if no pic, 4 line minimum) http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://api.ning.com/files/Cusu9YXHfMeqTrDYojXKezzLKFzouWHRiVgsMvgO19XdKLz2wKBylj26COuFkLe2mJ-ABwGea3IN8yxy1-AVU*985nT5EQN3/anime_girl_fav42361.jpg&imgrefurl=http://thetwilightsaga.com/profile/ILOVESKITTLESSS&usg=__HCjnZzcT3cNUDwpBP0V_a-GrCXI=&h=461&w=614&sz=170&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=BV7T16APRZMyFM:&tbnh=142&tbnw=192&ei=jsikTZX5NordgQenusnWCA&prev=/images%3Fq%3Ddark%2Banime%2Bgirls%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1628%26bih%3D863%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=541&vpy=131&dur=921&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=190&ty=96&oei=jsikTZX5NordgQenusnWCA&page=1&ndsp=31&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0
Bio: (4+ Lines minimum)
Class: (Teachers only)
Dorm of Choice: Dark Destroyers
Bakugan Attribute: Darkus
Bakugan: (One may be custom)
Darkus Leonidas ~ 410
Darkus Monarus - hardly uses ~ 370
Darkus Serpeniod - hardly uses ~ 260
Guardian Bakugan: (Optional) Darkus Leonidas
Personality: You know the old cliche: "Like mother like daughter, like father like son"? Well Clara doesn't fallow that at all. Clara is a lot more like Shun then Alice. She is typically calm and patient while in a brawl and is anything but soft spoken like her mother is. Of course that's not to say she can't have a real nasty temper if she is pushed enough or can be ruthless in a brawl either. She is also very independent, resourcefull and good at reading her opponent's moves. Her martial arts skills are very good just like her father's.
Gate Cards - Evil Gravity, freezes oponent to the floor and nulifies ability
Darkus Reactor, do I have to explain this one?

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