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Dwarven King

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[quote name='Saroku' timestamp='1303017768' post='5144736']
Does this mean we need 1 more person to start?

Two more after Kingofmuffins. We need at least 10 or it won't be balanced enough.

[quote name='Kingofmuffins' timestamp='1303052214' post='5145342']
I'll Join. Do you happen to have an account on Paradox Plaza?

No, I don't. Welcome to Werewolves! :D

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Ok, time to start! :D

[spoiler=It begins]A high pitched scream came from the main room of the mansion. The group of people that were milling about the mansion quickly took off to the main room. It was early in the morning, and everyone had just waken up. Nobody had no idea what was going on.

As the group of seven came to the door to the room, they ran into the eighth guest, Hotaru, who was standing there crying here eyes out. "What's wrong?" asked GreyCat. Hotaru raised her shaking arm and pointed towards the door. The group cautiously advanced through the door and looked around the room. Inside they found the owner of the house and his servants. Or what was left of them at least. Every last of of them had been ripped apart.

"Who...who could have done this?" asked Renji.

"Werewolves." answered Kingofmuffins calmly.

"Werewolves? How do you know?" asked Greycat.

"I've seen this all before." answered Kingofmuffins once again just as calmly as before. "This is bad news. This means at least one person in this very room is a Werewolf. We only have one option now. Nobody leaves this mansion. Every day, we take a vote on who we think the Werewolf is. The person with the most votes gets lynched. Then we sleep. If no body dies that night, then the Werewolf is dead and we can all leave. If someone else dies that night, we vote again the next day. If anyone tries to leave, we will assume you're the Werewolf and hunt you down. Does everyone understand?"

Everyone slowly nodded their heads in agreement. They didn't have much of a choice. If the Werewolf wasn't killed, it would run free and kill other people in this town and in other towns.

"Good." said Kingofmuffins. "Now let's get started. Express your opinions and vote."[/spoiler]


(all updates can be found in the first post for quicker reference)

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Just because I was the only one still there does not necessarily give a valid enough reason for being a werewolf. There are still a number of variables that are there. I could have simply just wondered into the room after the attack. As you saw I was pretty devistated. Furthermore, if I was the one who killed them wouldn't there have been signs of resistance on my clothing, or blood of something?

[b]Well anyway, my voite[/b] is for Kingofmuffins. I say that because the way he readily came up with an answer to a sitiuation that should have had people going in hysterics (especially if there is a freaking werewolf in the house!). The solution he came up with seemed to be almost too perfectly planned, like it was planned. That's my take.
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"So you plan and locking us up in this place?" Greycat asked. He looked at the bodies and shuddered. "Just what kind of beast would... [b]Kingofmuffins[/b], I think you are the wolf. You looked at the murder scene and immediately identified it as a werewolf attack," he reasoned. "And why where you the only survivor of the attacks you mentioned? Too convenient."
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"Renji, you seem quite shooked, are you okay?" [i]Hmm...he spoke out of tone almost instantly, and King and Hotaru don't seem to have any violent vives. But him, I wonder if he...[/i] "Renji, you seem to out of place to NOT be the werewolf."

Note: my vote is [b]Renji[/b]
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