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Hey guys, i have a new idea for tournaments. It's like a winner takes all kinda thing. So like to get in you have to donate 10 points to me. And then your winnings increase for every dude who enters. Because i give everyones donated points to the winner. I dont know how you guys like that, so either that will happen or the winner will simply recieve 10 points and a rep. Extra if i like it. (I'm very generous with my points so if you do something amazing or somthin i might double your winnings).


Any way, the challenge is to make two fusion material cards and a fusion card.


I hope that all makes sence, if it doesn't i apologize........



3, 2, 1, GO

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Naw i dont need any points, its more fun to give them away because when you have less you earn them faster. It's exactly like Bhim said, all of the participants donate 10 points to me to enter, and then if ten dudes enter, the winner gets 100 points. So the more people that enter the higher the prize will be.

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"Crystal Beast Diamond Gaurdian" - "4 Sword Master"

This cards name is treated as "Crystal Beast Dragonblade". If there is another crystal beast monster on your side of the field you can send it to the graveyard to special summon one Crystal Beast monster from your spell and trap card zone. When this card is destroyed while in a monster card zone, instead of sending it to the graveyard, you can put this card face-up as a continuous magic card in your magic/trap card zone.

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Alright I'm giving up 10 points. My Entrys.







This card can only be fusion summond. When this card is summond special summon bat tokkens to every empty monster space on your side of the field. You may tribute bat tokens to inflict 500 points of damage to your opponents lifepoints for each tributed token. During your standby phase special summon one bat token to your side of the field.


Hope this is right.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, I totally forgot about this thread and I can't remember who actually paid the entry fee so I'm just gonna give the winner 50 points cause I feel like it. I think thats actually better for the winner 'cause only 4 people entered *goes into deep thought*.


Anyway, the winner is....MAX!!!!


Even though I thought your first card was a bit overpowered I still think you effectswere really creative. So congratz

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Um I really want to know if your seriously going to give the winner his points or if your stealing the points because you may have a +1 rep, but that doesnt meen you can be trusted, human's are very odd and you could have the suddon urge to scam someone, make a new account and donate the points to your new account... but I might be wrong and if so lol that's alright it is human way to be suspicious lol.

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