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Ultimate Fighting Championships RPG

Mad Hopz

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Many fans were probably drawn to UFC by the latest Lesnar vs Mir fight at the recent pay-per-view. However, I have been a fan for a while and there must be others out there...


UFC is basically a fight league where the fights are real. Not entertainment, like WWE and TNA. It's real. As in "I'm gonna shove my fist down your throat real." So, I said to myself, why not make an RPG out of it? So of course, I answered, "Why not?" So, here I am, typing this description which of course is going nowhere seeing as I have not explained anything about this RPG. So here it is:


Application Form:

NOTE: This form must be filled out entirely. No more, no less. Also, no 7-footers or 500 pounders. Let's be realistic. I'd say the tallest you can be is probably 6'6 and 265 pounds (that's the heavyweight limit)


Name (First and Last):

Nickname (eg: "The Snake"):


Currently Residing In:


Height (feet and inches):

Weight (pounds):

Win-Lose-Draw Record: (Obviously this cannot be filled out at this time but it will be updated.)

Strengths (e.g.: ground submissions):


More about the fight system will be explained as more people join.


Championships: What's a fight without a champ? Each championship is bound by a weight class.


Heavyweight: 205 lbs to 265 lbs

Light Heavyweight: 185 lbs to 205 lbs

Middleweight: 170 lbs to 185 lbs

Welterweight: 155 lbs to 170 lbs

Lightweight: 140 lbs to 170 lbs


More will be added as soon as I receive inspiration.


HELP! LOOK HERE! I need ideas for a battle system! PM ideas to me!

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