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[Finished]Tower Tournament


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My Entry:

[spoiler=Lore:]All WATER monster face-up on the field cannot be targeted by Spell Card effects except by the effect of this card. Once per turn, during your Main Phase you can select 1 face-up WATER monster on the field and have it gain 600 ATK until the End Phase. Each time a WATER monster you control is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, place 1 Deforestation Counter on this card. When there are 5 Deforestation Counters on this card, destroy it and select 1 WATER monster from your Graveyard. During your next Standby Phase, Special Summon the selected monster. You can then destroy 1 face-up FIRE monster on the field and remove it from play.[/spoiler][/center]
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Not sure why I'd even attempt a field spell that supports both, as it would support nothing I've ever seen.


During your opponent's Battle Phase, you can remove 1 WATER monster (1 only) from your Graveyard to increase the DEF of 1 monster you control by the DEF of the removed monster until the end of the Battle Phase. If your opponents monster(s) attacks a monster whose DEF has been increased by this effect, place 1 'Ice Counter' on the attacking monster(s) at the end of the Battle Phase.[/center]

Most handy with Ice Barriers or Ice Master.
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It seems only 3 out of the 8 people posted their card. I'll get started on my part of the judging soon. Should be up by tomorrow.

8/10 OCG
8/10 Balance
7/10 Picture
7/10 Name
8/10 Playability
38/50 Total

A decent card and worth playing. OCG is off a bit. one should be 1, etc. Basic mistakes happening 3 times. Pic wasn't the best and the name isn't that original.

10/10 OCG
5/10 Balance
9/10 Picture
8/10 Name
8/10 Playability
40/50 Total

One of the best OCG uses I have seen. Your card is OP'd since it has too many +1s to it. Everything else was average or above it.

Bahamut ZERO
7/10 OCG
8/10 Balance
10/10 Picture
9/10 Name
6/10 Playability
40/50 Total

You didn't explain what the Ice Counters do and made is useful for a single archetype. The name and pic saved you though. Also, the (1 only) wasn't necessary.
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[quote name='Mr. Striker' timestamp='1303590957' post='5162503']
Bahamut ZERO
7/10 OCG
8/10 Balance
10/10 Picture
9/10 Name
6/10 Playability
40/50 Total

You didn't explain what the Ice Counters do and made is useful for a single archetype. The name and pic saved you though. Also, the (1 only) wasn't necessary.



And for the OCG...


Please don't tell me I would have scored higher if I'd have made a card that gives ATK up or other positives for both WATER and FIRE types. Just.. please don't...

To be honest this looks dead anyway. Cheap point gain tactic is cheap.
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