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DDT: The One For Me!

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Guest Chaos Pudding

Monsters: 11


Level 5 and above: 6

3x Destiny Hero - Plasma

1x Dark Magician of Chaos

1x Jinzo

1x D.D.M. - Different Dimension Master


Level 4 and below: 5

3x Destiny Hero - Diamond Dude

1x Elemental Hero Stratos

1x Phantom of Chaos


Spells: 28

3x Destiny Draw

3x Trade-In

3x Monster Gate

3x Reasoning

2x Reinforcement of the Army

2x Divine Sword - Phoenix Blade

2x Lightning Vortex

1x Brain Control

1x Card Destruction

1x Dimension Fusion

1x E - Emergency Call

1x Giant Trunade

1x Gold Sarcophagus

1x Heavy Storm

1x Magical Stone Excavation

1x Premature Burial

1x Swords of Revealing Light


Traps: 1

1x Call of the Haunted


Side Deck: 15 (duh)

3x Raiza the Storm Monarch

2x Light and Darkness Dragon

2x Destiny Hero - Malicious

1x Cyber Dragon

1x Dandylion

1x Destiny Hero - Disc Commander

1x Sangan

1x Snipe Hunter

1x Treeborn Frog

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Mirror Force


Fusion Deck: 3

3x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon


Total: 40 (plus 3 Fusion and 15 Side Deck)


This is the effect of Dandylion, for people who don't know what it does...



(Level 3/EARTH/Plant/300/300)

Effect: When this card is sent to the Graveyard, Special Summon 2 "Fluff Tokens" (Plant-Type/WIND/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0) in Defense Position. These tokens cannot be Tributed for a Tribute Summon on the turn they are Special Summoned.


I believe that this is the 3rd or 4th version of this deck. Have at it!

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Guest Chaos Pudding



wherte do u come from as this eems a lot liek the decks that plague my hobby leage




exept better


Thanks! :)


I don't play IRL as much anymore, and I never went to a tourney any bigger than the random ones held at my local mall, though I have been wanting to go to a Regional for some time now.

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