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The front legs look abnormally bent, and the coloring looks a little odd. Try grabbing colors from the body and filling the legs in, because right now, it's a strange immediate color change. Just try to have 2 or 3 main colors, and get different shades of them in the body parts. Because no one likes Sigilyph.




Overall, I can tell this isn't something you slapped together in 5 minutes, because the only Pokémon I can make out are Shedinja and possibly Rapidash.


Oh, another thing, the background is bland and weird with an un-textured teal layer.

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The front legs look abnormally bent, and the coloring looks a little odd. Try grabbing colors from the body and filling the legs in, because right now, it's a strange immediate color change. Just try to have 2 or 3 main colors, and get different shades of them in the body parts. Because no one likes Sigilyph.




Overall, I can tell this isn't something you slapped together in 5 minutes, because the only Pokémon I can make out are Shedinja and possibly Rapidash.


Oh, another thing, the background is bland and weird with an un-textured teal layer.

Its a sprite not really a drawing (though i just guessed thats what you meant because of the pic u posted)

anyway its an unfinished sprite so its not really going to be that good.

One last thing, its not a splice actually

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this pokemon might just be in pokemon twilight


We might have a situation here:





Would appear that this sprite in the very least is based off someone else's design. That someone else has also asked that no one steal it. So it would appear there is some theft going on.




I also message the artist real quick to just check on this, responded with: "i hate it when people do that especially on sites where i cant report them" So clearly the artist has no given permission and isn't happy with this either.

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