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Just Newbies Projects


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Hello and I'm Grand Raine, star of YCM's popular television series Cooking with Raine. I've just began using photoshop so I messed around and was trying to make some images and here are my first 2 the third is my banner in my sig. Just advise and criticism is all I'm looking for please enjoy.

[spoiler=First Project] [img]http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff473/GrandRaine/demyx2oyk2ng7.jpg[/img]

This was my first project I was about to layer and make Demyx background transparent though some 1 pixel erasers lol [/spoiler]

[spoiler=Second project] [img]http://i1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff473/GrandRaine/CidRaines.jpg[/img]

Whats this? An auto selection tool... SO MUCH TIME SAVED. Here I was about to use masking with help alot compared to erasers. [/spoiler]

I'm just looking for imput and advide maybe on how to blend images better or some nice tricks which I can play with.

Thank you for your time.
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