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Pokemon: Keys of Anima! [OOC/Accepting/Started/Owned and Hosted by Zextra, Luxray and I]

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[quote name='Dementuo' timestamp='1302310519' post='5123703']
Then. I'll post the IC thread soon.

Everyone ready?

It's up.

Alright, good job. Gonna start posting now ;) .

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Character Name: Jillian Stills ( Goes by Jill for short)
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Appearance: [IMG]http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y208/picmasterex/Jillandabsol.jpg[/IMG]
Jill has grey eyes, however she places red contacts lenses in her eyes for unknown reasons. Jill also has long blonde hair, which reaches down to her lower back. It is very rare to see jill with her hair down, she normaly has her hair tied and held with a purple band.The most notacble aspect of jill is her voluptuous figure and the rather revealing cloths she wears. Jill also wears black shades time to time.
Biography: Jillian grew up in Lavaridge Town and raised in the same house hold as the gym leader known as Flannery. At a young age Jill's parents were killed in a tragic boating accident and was taken in by Mr.Moore who is a friend of the family and also grandfather to Flannery. Jill was very close to Flannery and the two seemed to be the best of friends while growing up. Jill always looked up to Flannery as an older sister and looked at Mr. Moore as a type of father figure, life for jill seemed like a good one. The day soon came where Flannery was chosen to become a gym leader. Jill was happy for Flannery, but she had conflicting toughts aswell. Without a word Jill left her adopted household and never looked back. Up to this day Jill has never returned to Lavaridge town, nor has she spoken to her friend Flannery. Jill has now strayed down a darker path and is now a pround and respected member of Team Anima.
Faction: Team Anima ( Can I be a lieutenant )
Other noteworthy info: Before joining Team Anima Jill was a pokemon pulture. Even now if she comes across a rare pokemon she captures, or steals the pokemon and sells it to the largest bidder. Jill trys to use reason to get out of a bad situation, relying on her womanly charm and assets to save her ( Shes a big tease). Jill shows a great deal of charm to her pokemon, but aside from her own pokemon she is rather cruel. Jill is also known for using a great deal of gadgets.
Starter Pokémon:Absol (Absol was Flannery's first pokemon, but she decided to give it to Jill as a symbol of their friendship.)
Pokémon Team: Absol (Dark), Drapion (Dark,poison), Sneasel(Dark/ice).
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Pretty much, the job of Anima is to steal the artifacts, so the Lieutenants can just show up wherever (within reasonable placement/time) and try to steal the artifacts.

And whenever you begin a battle with someone, try to work out the out outcome first. That way, you don't get two people constantly countering eachother.
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This is cool i'm in

Character Name: Jamie Stone
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Biography: Jamie Stone was born in Mossdeep City. He lived there with his father, Steven Stone, and his mother from a very young age. In that time he was extremely happy. When he was four, his mother left him and Steven to go and become a Gym Leader in Unova. He hated that time because he thought his father pushed her away. Then he ran away saying he was going to go to Unova and get her to come back. He ended up at Mauville City. He was then attacked by a group of Manectric. Steven then found him and defeated the Manectric. Jamie then knew that Steven didn’t push away his mother. From that day he said he would become as strong as Steven so no pokemon could stand in his way.

When Jamie was eleven, Steven gave him his first pokemon, a Beldum and an Old Amber Fossil. Steven told him to travel the world. Before he left Hoenn he first went to Professor Brich and got his second pokemon, a Torchic. Jamie then traveled the world. First he went to Kanto and met some great trainer’s like Lance, Blaine and Koga. He then went to Pewter City and went to the museum. They revived his fossil so he got his third pokemon, an Aerodactyl. Then he went to Sinnoh and caught his fourth pokemon, an Eevee. He also went to the Moss Rock and it evolved into a Leafon. He stayed in Sinnoh for a while and met there best Trainers, like Cynthia, Volkner and Palmer.

By that time Jamie was 15 and he thought he was ready to challenge Steven. He went back to Hoenn and found him. Jamie battled him and lost. Steven said he was great though he could still do better. Steven then suggested that he should challenge a League. That day Jamie left to challenge the Unova league. He said after he wins that he will defeat his father. When Jamie arrives in Unova he defeats the first three gyms easily. Now he is about to challenge the fourth, though what he doesn’t realise is that he will be reunited with his own mother…
Faction: Trainer
Artifact: Temporal Bell
Other noteworthy info: He hates Electric type from being attacked by a swarm of Manectric when he was a kid
Starter Pokémon: Beldum
Pokémon Team: Metang, Aerodactyl, Blaziken, Simipour, Leafon, Axew
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Not accepted. Both the Biography and Appearence are lacking in detail, the appearance is too short of a description. Also, you're lacking majorly in Puncuation and grammar. Please, take a few English classes, then come back and try again.
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[quote name='Supreme Gamesmaster' timestamp='1302318810' post='5124126']
Yeah, but, uh, we have to have someone tell us what to do. As lieutenants, we'd only act on our superiors' orders -- who do we go after, and when? Do we just do whatever the hell we want and rely on the big guy for resources, or do you shape the plot via the big bad?

What Dementuo said. Basically, the big bad gives very vague orders and has his Lieutenants act on them in whatever manner they wish- to have gotten to lieutenant, these females would have to show a lot of ingenuity and leadership skills, so the big bad can trust them to get him what he wants. When direct orders need to be given, the big bad contacts his lieutenants via voice message, as referenced within Selene's application.

[quote name='TheGenuine' timestamp='1302319508' post='5124152']
So should i be under cover in a "casino". Waiting for someone with a artifact

Please talk with proper grammar and punctuation.

[quote name='CardMaster24' timestamp='1302335592' post='5124610']
Ok Dem how long is it supposed to be

I was just looking through the other apps and the bio seems to be the same size as some of them though the apperance might be a bit short, though really how much more detail does appearance need

4+ sentences, but the fact you had to ask that gives me pause. I don't want someone just sliding by- try your best and try to make it as long and detailed as you can. Don't judge your app by other people's app; just do the best you can.
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