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Pokemon: Keys of Anima! [OOC/Accepting/Started/Owned and Hosted by Zextra, Luxray and I]

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[quote name='Grandt' timestamp='1302745819' post='5136694']
Well, I've got quite a few theories for what legendaries the Artifacts correspond to. Hidden in a spoiler tag in case you want to keep guessing.

Of course, not all of these actually are definite--I'm just guessing here.

[spoiler="Artifacts"]• Inferno Sigil --> Moltres
• Blizzard Crest --> Articuno
• Thunder Emblem --> Zapdos
• Molten Necklace --> Entei
• Storm Pendant --> Raikou
• Torrent Medallion --> Suicune
• Glacier Cup --> Regice
• Earth Glass --> Regirock
• Steel Grail --> Registeel
• Age Flute --> Latios
• Age Circlet --> Latias
• Memory Chain --> Uxie
• Force Knot --> Azelf
• Soul Rope --> Mesprit
• Crescent Bracelet --> Cresselia
• Dream Gauntlet --> Darkrai
• Planet Glove --> Regigigias
• Sheer Earring --> Heatran (likely wrong)
• Mountain Ring --> Terrakion
• Growth Armlet --> Cobalion
• Nature Lute --> Virizion
• Tornado Staff --> Tornadus
• Cloud Scepter --> Thundurus
• Health Rod --> Landorus
• Foam Bell --> Keldeo
• Hi-Tech Watch --> Genesect
• Temporal Bell --> Meloetta[/spoiler]
So my Soul Rope is...Mesprit?...Uh...Is he right?
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Yeah, I'll just skip the whole guessing mess and add in my second character

Character Name: Emma Rella
Age: 11
Gender: Female
^image credit to hetaliart15
Biography: Just in time for her 10th birthday, Emma's Snover, which she has named XmasTree because she thought it looked like one, had just hatched from an egg she found in the snow one day. It's been her number one Pokemon, as it was cute AND it turned out to have some strong egg moves such as Avalanche, Bullet Seed and Nature Power. Ironically, Emma managed to figure this out while she was playing with XmasTree. However, when she tried telling it to do stuff, it would always fall on deaf ears... literally, as she eventually found out that it couldn't hear a thing she said.

Emma's an expert at sign language. She mostly uses this to issue commands to XmasTree, but she also uses it at times when her speech fails her, sometimes with even knowing it. She also has a little combat experience, but she has yet to learn about the abilities of all the Pokemon. Emma seems to be much older than she truly is; she's even had people guess that she was 14 or 15. It's easy to see why though, as she stands at 5' 2" and her breasts have grown to be really perky.
Faction: Trainer
Artifact: Glacier Cup
Other noteworthy info: Emma prefers to be called 'Emly'
Starter Pokémon: Snover
Pokémon Team: XmasTree (Snover)
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Sheer Earring, Hi-Tech Watch, and Temporal Bell are wrong.

[quote name='Hydra of Legend' timestamp='1302741967' post='5136521']
Genesect, Mewtwo and Zekrom are the only legendaries even obliquely equatable to technology.

Mewtwo was biologically engineered, so I don't think a watch would fit him very well.

Zekrom would undoubtedly have something Ying-Yang based.

I think it's a safe bet it's Genesect.

EDIT: Or not, I guess. Pretty certain it's Zekrom, even though a watch is a pretty weird item for it.

Nope, you're still missing a Sinnoh legendary that could change into several forms of technological items.

[quote name='ty9239' timestamp='1302742098' post='5136531']
What? It's got to be Sinnoh, because they're near Cresselia. So it's either Uxie/Mesprit/Azelf or Dialga/Palkia/Giritina. Hmm...

The order of the list doesn't always have to do with which legendary it is.

[quote name='Supreme Gamesmaster' timestamp='1302743218' post='5136578']
Memory Chain is probably Uxie, who can erase memories. Thus, Temporal Bell is Dialga.

Hit us with those hints. Though you could have just kept quiet and kept us guessing. (Not a great secret-keeper, I'm guessing.)

Nope, as I said, order has nothing to do with it. Talk to evilfusion.

Confession: We forgot both Heatran and Jirachi.

EDIT: You're accepted, but for the nickname, isn't it spelled "Emily"?
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[quote name='Zextra' timestamp='1302763515' post='5137107']
I don't know if Genesect would be considered a legendary or not - I mean, it is one in the games, but in reality, Genesect is just a science project...
So was Mewtwo.

Anyway, guise, less guessing and more roleplaying. Honestly, this guessing game shouldn't have started in the first place. >_>
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@Gamesmaster: Well, we would be roleplaying if the plot would take another step forward. We're playing the guessing game here to pass the time. With any luck, one of our hosts will post the next plot point up tonight or tomorrow. Then I can get around to that battle with Kurow :P

Which'll be interesting, as I've also played through Okamiden. Crossover characters ftw!

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[quote name='Grandt' timestamp='1302809437' post='5138093']
Change into several... But Rotom is only a pseudo-legendary >.> That, and he doesn't turn into the things. Just possesses them, like a poltergeist. Still I guess that leaves my new guesses as... Back to my list I go!

Rotom has been included for the fact he plays the legendary theme music, is one-of-a-kind, and can only be found in one location. He is not classified as a legendary, yes, but we are going to say that he is. Woot for going against the canon.
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[quote name='Luxray' timestamp='1302811465' post='5138185']
Yeah. Well, in any case, I can't advance the plot just yet. Hydra has something going on that with Anima that we need to wait for; until he logs on, we must wait, I'm afraid.

Well, (this might sound stupid but) while we wait for Hydra, could our characters try to figure out what these artifacts are?
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