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D. Gray Man

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Hello, I'm Grand Raine. Formerly known as known as the artist formerly known as Grand Raine. I'm here to talk to talk to you about something serious, D. Gray Man. Thats right the anime with bad ass villians and bad ass good guys, world ending plots, and extremely epic fights. What sets this anime apart in my opinion is dependent on some of the more recent events, before it was good but the plots were thin and the progression minimum. However from Allen's fight with Tiki Mikk (the first one) onward the story begins falling in place very well. The plot is very deep and I love how the line between friend and enemy, good and evil becomes blurred. I would like your thoughts on this anime and any imput you have on it.

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the plot is getting good but somewhat confusing, i'm not sure i'm grasping this right but to me it seems that the fuhrer is running the popes private army, the magical religious powers are slowly turning evil, the man who appears to be thousands of years old and is trying to wipe out humanity may not be so bad, the main character who is susposed to be the epitomy of light has the most righteous powers and coincidentally one of the darkest powers is everyones enemy and to top it off, the guy who is susposed to be the key to winning the war killed one of the generalswho was on his side because he treated his student like his student not a weapon with both good and evil?

i'm very confused :?

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Its that blur that makes the anime good in my opinion. When everything is gray its more realistic and has a grim feel to it which I haven't found in an other anime. Confusing isn't the word I;d use, think of it as a massive continuous plot twist that never ends but is understandable.
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D. Gray Man has its fair share of filler in the anime, personally I recommend the manga but in the end it comes down to personal preference. Manga toward the part where it is currently moves quite fast so be warned if you do read it the plot is fairly speedy. The filler in the anime does slow that pace down a bit but the first several episodes get bogged down with several two or three episode side plots. Like I said i do recommend the manga for the most satisfying experence.
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  • 1 month later...
I Know you're talking about the anime but I'll try to comment based on the manga since I'm not watching many animes... OK this is one of the best stories I've ever read, All the character are very interesting and have their own personality, the draw is perfect... I know you haven't asked but I will told my favorite character, they are General Cross, Krory and Lavi, I would like to see the anime too, I hope some day I'll have time to watch it...
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