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Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Created Card Game [Yu-Gi-Oh! OCCG]


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Jazoro + Plasmoid Herculus + Sacrifice + Wondrous Orb + Gillman Summoner + The Destructive Trunk.


Hmmm... Not sure on this. Improvements?

[font="Impact"][size="5"][u][b]3x Jazoro[/b][/u][/size][/font]
3x The Destructive Trunk
3x Gillman Summoner
3x Mariella (might reduce this to 2 and add another Normal...)
3x Plasmoid
3x Bird of Illusion
2x Suterusu(? Not sure. Maybe neg for Normal Beaters or some tuners)
1x Spring-a-Sprong(Junk Fastgun with The Destructive Trunk and makes Auros. Shame there's no level 3 normal tuner, but this is still the best card of the format, so it's all good.)

3x Assassination of the Baron
3x Brimstone Core (might neg 1/2 for general room purposes. Probably Protective Radiance?)
3x Black Cross
3x Wondrous Orb (so staple.)

3x Sacrifice
3x Spell Syphon (Possible staple?)

3x Auros
3x Junk Fastgun
3x Lightning-level-5-thing
3x Level-7-cannot-activate-stuff-thing
3x Level-9-beatstick-that-hurts-Jackal-thing

Anyway. I've become kinda interested in the idea of using the trap version of Creature Swap we have - Contract of Mutual Support.

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3 x Mech-Lion
3 x Nanotech Soldier
3 x Assault Drum
3 x Guard Drum
3 x Moon Archer
2 x Suterusu, the Ninja of Hidden Storms
1 x Bushi, Samurai Keeper
3 x Neko Dance
2 x Pot of Magic
2 x Draining Spell
2 x Assassination of the Baron
2 x Mechanized Battle Call
1 x Spell Cards IDK what does it does
3 x Overheat
3 x Flint Arrows
2 x Lightning Pact

That would be some sort of what I want to build...

Again not being able to see what half of the Spells do does hurt a little
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[quote name='Tempest of Reach' timestamp='1303321768' post='5154545']
[color="#4169e1"]The problem off having no idea off how getting my pictures onto this forum so I can submit them is not fixed.

There is no problem, you just can't figure it out for some stupid reason. Think. Or just search this thread for intel.

Really, how can't you figure it out on how to get images onto this forum? You obviously make cards etc. use the card maker etc. You should be able to figure it out yourself.
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[b]Jazoro[/b].dek feels like a success. Only face-up monster on my field for 90% of the duel was [b]Jazoro[/b], and I totally stunned all monsters for the duel.

Tip for fighting [b]Jazoro[/b].dek: Let him kill something by battle. If you don't, they get mountains of awesome +0 moves. If it does, it's a +1 for them, but most of their Deck is suddenly -1 cards until they get their next [b]Jazoro[/b].

@.Kow: Yeah, that's a known error we had. It's fixed in our current version. Newest .set paste is here:


It doesn't contain a few image fixes though.
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[quote name='Tempest of Reach' timestamp='1303325056' post='5154624']
[color="#0000ff"] ... So as no one going to help be with my problems of being unable to figure out how to submit a .gif image, should I just leave? As I won't be able to submit any cards other wise.

On the wiki?

Go in the top right corner of the wiki and click on the thing that says "tiddlerspace:occg". Go to options and upload your photos there.

Or the zip file.

In fact, go to the wiki. They tell you how to do everything.

Search the following articles:

"Image Files"
"Wiki Images"
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[quote name='Tempest of Reach' timestamp='1303326540' post='5154675']
[color="#0000ff"]And now it is saying I need to be a memeber... well I am a user, surely that is the same?

What's your username, I'll add you to the members-list. That's how it works.

Make an account on Tinypic or Photobucket. Search on Google. Upload your images onto there after making an account and it'll give you the code for the image with [img][/img] tags around it so you can post it here.
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[quote name='Tempest of Reach' timestamp='1303326854' post='5154687']
[color="#0000ff"]tempestofreach is my username...

And I have to submit my smaller pictures, thne submit them here? That's what I have to do?

Yep. Added you. You don't have to show them here, it's just nice if you do.
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[color="#0000ff"] Okay... gonna add the cards now... and I'm gonna post up the images that I wil be using with my cards
This is Storm - Bresalve
Storm - Nighatim
Storm - Aquosis
Storm - Shinseus
And finally, Storm - Flarzaqus

Of course, none off these are the right size...

[color="#0000ff"]Alright, I have uploaded all off the images up onto the wiki!

Now... can my cards be accepted now or is there more work I have to do?
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