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[quote name='Dark' timestamp='1301952932' post='5114671']
[i]I played the 3DS at Best Buy and got a headache after two minutes of playing.[/i]

Dude, you aren't supposed to play it with the 3D setting on if you are under six years old!

What? Why didn't anyone tell me???
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Just picked mine up today. Its amazing, I started out with DS #1 (fat one) and never got the other versions although I was well aware of what they were capable of.

To make the huge jump to the 3DS was aweinspiring. It has so many features that I, myself am enjoying getting used to. The 3D was a bit strong at first, but than I toggled it to a level I liked.

Only complaint is that battery life died at 2.5 hours. O___O

@Dark: +1'd, just for having the same story as me and coming to the conclusion that the 3DS-XL is the only upgrade that would make sense.
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So I told my dad I wanted one, so he goes on the computer and tells me that a bunch of adults are returning the 3DS because it made their eyes go all funky.
Other than the fact that its price is around that of an XBox360, I still want it, but I guess I'll have to wait until the price goes down...
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Want one sooooooo bad. As for now, I'd stick with Street Fighter. Then once Nintendo brings out the big guns, I'll see what else I can get.

Unfortunately, I'm strapped for cash at the moment, so it's gonna have to stay out of my hands for that much longer. D:

[quote name='Hiyama Kiyoteru' timestamp='1302140140' post='5119510']
So I told my dad I wanted one, so he goes on the computer and tells me that a bunch of adults are returning the 3DS because it made their eyes go all funky.



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[quote name='Nightmare Zarkus' timestamp='1302139522' post='5119480']
>Animal Crossing 3D
>Kid Icarus: Uprising
>Mario Kart 3D
>Paper Mario 3D
>Star Fox 3D
>Super Mario 3D
>All releasing on the same day

My wallet will not be ready for this.

Not to mention that Ocarina of Time 3D comes out on either the same day or only a few days before.

I literally got a job for two reasons; one, so I can put it on my resume, and two, so I could have enough money to stock up on 3DS games whenever I buy my 3DS.

[quote name='Hiyama Kiyoteru' timestamp='1302140140' post='5119510']
So I told my dad I wanted one, so he goes on the computer and tells me that a bunch of adults are returning the 3DS because it made their eyes go all funky.
Other than the fact that its price is around that of an XBox360, I still want it, but I guess I'll have to wait until the price goes down...

Everyone is complaining about headaches and whatnot, but it's really just all lies. People are just st-

[quote name='TAG' timestamp='1302154198' post='5119952']
Want one sooooooo bad. As for now, I'd stick with Street Fighter. Then once Nintendo brings out the big guns, I'll see what else I can get.

Unfortunately, I'm strapped for cash at the moment, so it's gonna have to stay out of my hands for that much longer. D:




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Guys, I got Ridge Racer as my first game and I HIGHLY recommend it, even if you're new to racing genres.

So far, "its has the best use of Nintendo's 3D effect" says xplay as to which I 100% agree with. Also, as a former fan of the Ridge Racer series (logging 250+ hours on my psp version and being only 20 spots away from the WR on a track), this has a tone of upgrades to the game and the graphics don't really take a huge hit.

Just my $0.02
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I ordered my 3DS yesterday so I should expect it in about ten to twelve days. Honestly, there were no good release games whatsoever. Maybe PilotWings Resort, and I've heard good things about Ridge Racer, but I think the only reason I bought a 3DS is because my old DS is five seconds away from dying. Seriously, I'll be ecstatic if it lasts long enough to transfer Pokemon from 4th gen games to Black.
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[quote name='TAG' timestamp='1302450112' post='5128074']
I'm guessing you're not a fan of Street Fighter?

You guessed correctly.

Although I've heard wonderful things about SF IV, I'm just not into 2D fighting games. Arcades back in the day were very boring to me, you see. It was all Pacman and Galaga...
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Ocarina of Time will be out on June 19. Now that the release date is confirmed, I'm going to actually beat the copy I downloaded for the Wii before it comes out. Now to wait for info on Uprising, Star Fox, and Dream Drop Distance.
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I just got my 3DS today, and I literally had an orgasm just staring at the damn thing.

I haven't tinkered around with it much yet (so far the only thing I've done is put some songs on an SD card), but tomorrow... let's just say I'm going to be 3DSing my Friday night.
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Overhyped. When it came out, my Youtube subscription box was littered with 3DS unboxing videos and reviews ALL WEEK. :angry:





It doesn't look that interesting.

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Maybe it's because I went straight from the DSPhat to the 3DS, but the console itself is amazing. I don't even have any games for it yet and the sound and video quality is through the roof. I'd even say the 2D graphics match the PSP, if they aren't better. The 3D is amazing, and the "sweet spot" is actually fairly large. People just like to b[b][/b]itch about it because they can, and they also complain about headaches when Dark, the person who is most prone to getting headaches from video games, hasn't gotten one yet. The console itself looks sleek as hell, I love the stylus, I love the circle pad... everything about the console is amazing. Is it maybe a tad overhyped? Yeah, but it sure as hell was worth the money, and it's a must-get for all the people who want Nintendo's sick 3DS game lineup. It's not perfect, sure, but it's a damn good handheld console, and I think Sony should just stick with home consoles.
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My thoughts:

- The glossy cover isn't as dust prone or fingerprint prone as I thought it'd be
- The 3D effect is actually alot better than I'd anticipated
- The 3D slider allows for you to choose an optimum depth to play at without hurting your eyes (I usually play 3/4 full)
- Being able to play my DS games on it aswell makes me happy
- SD Card makes uploading photos and music so simple
- 3D Camera is good fun with your friends and the such
- Circle Pad is very soft and responsive, I like it a lot
- Wii-like interface is very impressive, it allows you to customize things however you want
- Universal Friend Code. Do I even have to explain why this is good?
- Step Counter, the more steps I take, the more coins I get to play online games. Its very fun and rewarding
- WiFi access is remarkable. As compared to the other consoles, Nintendo somehow always allows for smooth online play even with poor internet connections
- Nice metal and extendable stylus feels sturdy and cool

- Having to keep the 3DS in line or else the screen goes blurry is quite frustrating, albeit it doesn't happen all the time
- The Camera has horrendous quality
- Street Pass seems rather pointless this early in the game
- System is very delicate and the D-Pad seems like it'd become unresponsive after prolonged use
- Internet browser isn't installed yet, (it will be in a later update) so it could either be a success or be pointless
- $249.99, for some people this might not be an issue, but it will prevent some people from buying it right away
- No major game titles upon release, the good stuff comes out this summer, so expect more 3DSs to be bought around than
- Battery Life, even with lowest brightness, no volume, and no 3D, the most I got was 4 hours
- Microphone addon is a gimic, and nothing more

This was all I could think of at the moment, if you feel like questioning me, feel free too.
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[quote name='Dark' timestamp='1302934781' post='5142233']
Maybe it's because I went straight from the DSPhat to the 3DS, but the console itself is amazing. I don't even have any games for it yet and the sound and video quality is through the roof. I'd even say the 2D graphics match the PSP, if they aren't better. The 3D is amazing, and the "sweet spot" is actually fairly large. People just like to b[b][/b]itch about it because they can, and they also complain about headaches when Dark, the person who is most prone to getting headaches from video games, hasn't gotten one yet. The console itself looks sleek as hell, I love the stylus, I love the circle pad... everything about the console is amazing. Is it maybe a tad overhyped? Yeah, but it sure as hell was worth the money, and it's a must-get for all the people who want Nintendo's sick 3DS game lineup. It's not perfect, sure, but it's a damn good handheld console, and I think Sony should just [s]stick with home consoles.[/s] [b]die in a fire.[/b]

I fixed it for ya.
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[i]- Having to keep the 3DS in line or else the screen goes blurry is quite frustrating, albeit it doesn't happen all the time
- The Camera has horrendous quality
- Street Pass seems rather pointless this early in the game
- System is very delicate and the D-Pad seems like it'd become unresponsive after prolonged use
- Internet browser isn't installed yet, (it will be in a later update) so it could either be a success or be pointless
- $249.99, for some people this might not be an issue, but it will prevent some people from buying it right away
- No major game titles upon release, the good stuff comes out this summer, so expect more 3DSs to be bought around than
- Battery Life, even with lowest brightness, no volume, and no 3D, the most I got was 4 hours
- Microphone addon is a gimic, and nothing more[/i]

-The sweet spot is fairly large, and unless you shift the 3DS around at least two or more inches, or unless you look away at something else and try to refocus, the 3D stays perfectly intact. As you said, you keep the 3D at about 75%, and for me, that gives me a large sweet spot, at least one-third of the screen at the middle.
-The camera isn't perfect, but it's better than a phone camera, and that is all they were really going for. It's not webcam quality or an actual camera's quality, but it's good enough to warrant a good amount of use. The 3D camera is also very useful, despite it being a tad grainy.
-Street Pass I thought was kind of useless, but because very few people actually currently have the 3DS, it obviously has no use. It's not really a con, it's just an addon feature that doesn't have much use [i]yet[/i].
-I just played Sapphire for a good six hours, and I refused to play with the circle pad. The D-pad is very responsive, but it's stiff enough so that you have ease of movement. It fees more stiff than my old DS, but I find it easier to move around with.
-You don't know how many times I was playing my Wii and was too lazy to get my laptop to look up a Guitar Hero code or something. I used the internet browser for a long time on my Wii, and I'm glad that the 3DS will allow it to become portable. You can't bring your laptop everywhere, and any place with WiFi will accept the 3DS.
-It is a tad expensive, but for a console of this magnitude, I think it's a fair price. I was wiling to play up to $300 for the Wii on launch, but I guess that's just me.
-Fair point, but that's not a con. Just beacuse the release lineup was terrible (except SSFIV) doesn't mean the console is bad. The June games actually look very sick, and I'm already planning on buying four announced games.
-I'd have to disagree. I was playing Super Mario 64 when my 3DS was on full battery. I played with a brightness setting of 3 (out of 5), 3D off, and volume max. I played for a good three hours, and when I checked my battery life, it was half. Maybe the 3DS games will have a battery life of four hours, and maybe the DS games cap at six or eight, but I know nobody that plays for five hours straight on a handheld, unless it's Pokemon. Besides, that's why I got a car charger adapter.
-There was a microphone in the DS line, too, and that wasn't a gimmick. It actually made conducting trades in Pokemon a lot easier, and now that there is video communication in Pokemon Black and White, it just adds to the whole experience.

Just my opinions on your "cons". The only actual con I found with the console is that I feel it takes too much force to pull the stylus out of the console. Other than that, it seems perfect for me.
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Only you, Dark, would complain about the stylus, of all things...

I'll be going from a DS Lite to the 3DS. Not only a DS Lite, but a DS Lite where the top screen gets horrible static very often and I have to hold the L button to keep it clear most of the time, and even then there's a strange red or blue film over the entire screen. Imagine playing Black/White entirely with messed up colors on the top screen. Also, the hinges have broken and it's only attached by the wires, so if I let go of the top screen if it's not facing up, I risk the top screen falling off completely.

When I get the 3DS, I'm gonna s*** bricks. Beautiful, 3D bricks.

I know there's a trade in thing if you trade in older DSs, it takes away from some of the 3DS price. I wonder if they'd accept mine? I have another one, but that one's top screen is always completely black, and there's no sound anymore...
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[i]Only you, Dark, would complain about the stylus, of all things...[/i]

It was the only flaw I found with the system. I'm not complaining, I'm just detailing that I liked how the stylus on the DS took less effort to pull out. :/
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