Anti-Apocryphal Posted December 14, 2011 Report Share Posted December 14, 2011 Well, that's true too. When do you think the R/S/E remake is going to come out? [spoiler=Executive Team of Future Paradise]'Uncommon' Executive Champion of the Kalall Region "I, Future Paradise, am Champion of the Kalall Region. You have made it through tough challenges to get here. However, up to this point, you can consider your past challenges easy. What you're about to witness is the greatest team to ever exist!" ARON [Male][LEVEL 12][ROCK HEAD][LEAD POKEMON] TACKLEHARDENMUD-SLAPHEADBUTT [spoiler=Items] x1 Dusk Stone 7/10 [uP]27/60 [PKMN]27 [postS THIS WEEK][44 BP] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted December 14, 2011 Report Share Posted December 14, 2011 @FP: R/S Remakes....hmmmm probably 2013? however it might come before Grey so we never know however my friend thinks we'll get the R/S remakes before grey because of the TCG. He says that Groudon EX and Kyogre EX was intentionally cut from our next TCG release because of Rayquaza coming out next month in Japan's Dragon's Selection set, and that they wanted them to be released together. [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Johto's Burning MasterChaos. Chaos is Power, Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is one that unifies the chaos. Welcome challenger, I am Silver Yuja, I am generally a competitive person, and that fuels my spirit, and my spirit contributes to the power that emanates from my soul. Now let me show you what true power feels like. Club Posts: 1520 Pokemon Vibrava (Dragor) - MaleLevitateLV42 - EXP: 10 -> 0BiteSand AttackFaint AttackSand TombCrunchDigDragonbreath Gabite (Shark) - MaleSand VeilLV38 - EXP: 0TackleSand AttackDragon RageDigSandstormTake DownSand TombDual ChopDragon Claw[spoiler=Gabite's Combo Moves]Sandstorming Dragon Rage - Sandstorm + Dragon Rage Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitQuick AttackMoonlight-----------------Dark PulseDigSecret PowerShadow Ball[spoiler=Umbreon's Combo Moves]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsQuick Tackle - Quick Attack + TackleDark Pulse Impact - Dark Pulse + Pursuit Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFire SpinConfuse Ray---------------------FlamethrowerSunny DayThunderboltOverheat[spoiler=Magmortar's Combo moves]Burning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogBlazing Bolt - Flamethrower + ThunderboltBlazing Storm Smog - Flamethrower + Thunderbolt + SmokescreenExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Froslass (Frostie) - FemaleSnow CloakLV10 - EXP: 0Powder SnowLeerDouble TeamBiteAstonishHail-------------------Ice BeamThunderboltShadow Ball[spoiler=Froslass' Combo Moves]Shocking Ice Beam - Ice Beam + ThunderboltSnow Cloaking Double Team - Hail + Double Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - Male*EXP Share*StaticLV14 - EXP: 0Fire PunchQuick AttackLeerThundershockLow Kick--------------------------ThunderboltBrick Break[spoiler=Electivire's Combo Moves]Storming Quick Attack - Thundershock + Quick Attack [spoiler=Box #1 (25/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Swinub (Mammoth) - MaleThick FatLV10 - EXP: 0TackleOdor SleuthMud SportPowder Snow Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm---------------------Shadow BallBrick Break[spoiler=Metagross' Combo Moves]Bullet Claw - Metal Claw + Bullet PunchControlled Shadow Balls - Psychic + Shadow Balls Larvitar (Tyranno) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0BiteLeerSandstormScreech Vanillite (Ice Cream) - MaleIce BodyLV10 - EXP: 0Icicle SpearHardenAstonishUproar Dratini (Dragos) - MaleShed SkinLV10 - EXP: 0WrapLeerThunder Wave Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV35 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse SwipeFury CutterSlash[spoiler=Scizor's Combo Move]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitFury Slash - Fury Cutter + Slash Salamence (Drago) - MaleIntimidateLV50 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerHeadbuttFocus EnergyDragonbreathZen HeadbuttScary FaceCrunch-------------------FlamethrowerBrick Break[spoiler=Salamence's Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerRaging Flamethrower - Rage + FlamethrowerRaging Zen Headbutt - Rage + Zen Headbutt Druddigon (Dragan) - MaleRough SkinLV10 - EXP: 0LeerScratchHone ClawsBite Darkrai (Darkrai)Bad DreamsLV26 - EXP: 0Ominous WindDisableQuick AttackHypnosis Chandelure (Ghoulflame) - MaleFlame BodyLV41 - EXP: 0EmberAstonishMinimizeSmogFire SpinConfuse RayNight ShadeWill 'O' WispFlame BurstImprisonHexMementoInferno-------------------Shadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Chandelure's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow BallBurning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Swablu (Cotton) - MaleNatural CureLV10 - EXP: 0PeckGrowlAstonishSing Aerodactyl (Aero) - MaleRock HeadLV10 - EXP: 0Ice FangFire FangThunder FangWing AttackSupersonicBiteScary FaceRoar Charmander (Blaze) - MaleBlazeLV10 - EXP: 0ScratchGrowlEmberSmokecreen Haxorus (Dracofang) - MaleMold BreakerLV48 - EXP: 0ScratchLeerAssuranceDragon RageDual ChopScary FaceSlashFalse SwipeDragon ClawDragon DanceTaunt------------------------------Brick Break[spoiler=Haxorus' Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerDragon Swipe - Dragon Claw + False Swipe Houndour (Hellhound) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0LeerEmberHowlSmogFlamethrower-----------------------Shadow BallSunny DayDark PulseOverheat[spoiler=Houndour's Combo Moves]Flaming Smog - Ember + SmogDark Flame Pulse - Flamethrower + Dark PulseExplosive Smog - Overheat + SmogDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsFlaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Magikarp (Rage) - MaleSwift SwimLV10 - EXP: 0Splash Unfezant (Birdy) - Female*Leftovers*Super LuckLV10 - EXP: 0GustGrowlLeerQuick Attack Rotom (Rotom)//LevitateLV20 - EXP: 0TrickAstonishThunder WaveThundershockConfuse RaySignal BeamUproarDouble Team----------------------Shadow BallThunderboltDark Pulse[spoiler=Formes Available]Heat Forme - Overheat [spoiler=Rotom's Combo Moves]Shocking Shadow Balls + Thunderbolt + Shadow BallShocking Signal Beam - Thunderbolt + Signal BeamStorming Heat - Thunderbolt + OverHeat (Heat Forme only) Flareon (Flame Guy) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandSand Attack-----------------------Sunny DayDigShadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Flareon's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Hydreigon (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV64 - EXP: 0Tri AttackTackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteHeadbuttDragonbreathRoarCrunchSlamDragon PulseWork UpDragon RushBody SlamScary FaceHyper VoiceOutrage-----------------Dark PulseFlamethrower[spoiler=Hydreigon's Combo Moves]Focused Dragon Rage - Focus Energy + Dragon RageDark Dragon Rage - Dark Pulse + Dragon RageOutraging Dragon Rush - Outrage + Dragon RushFlaming Rage - Flamethrower + Dragon RageDarkened Flame Pulse - Dark Pulse + Flamethrower Volcarona (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV59 - EXP: 0EmberString ShotLeech LifeTake DownFlame ChargeBug BiteDouble-EdgeQuiver Dance---------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Volcarona's Combo Moves]Burning String Shot - String Shot + FlamethrowerFlaming Double Edge - Flame Charge + Double Edge Kingdra (Sea Dragon) - MaleSwift SwimLV35 - EXP: 0BubbleSmokescreenLeerWater GunFocus EnergyBubblebeamAgilityTwisterBrineHydro Pump-------------------Ice Beam[spoiler=Horsea's Combo Moves]Smokey Bubbles - Bubble + SmokescreenFrigid Smoke - Ice Beam + SmokescreenFrigid Twister - Ice Beam + TwisterFocused Bubblebeam - Focus Energy + BubblebeamIcy Hydro - Hydro Pump + Ice Beam Gallade (Psi-Blade) - MaleSteadfastLV20 - EXP: 0Leaf BladeNight SlashGrowlConfusionDouble TeamTeleportLucky Chant--------------------ThunderboltShadow BallBrick Break[spoiler=Ralt's Combo moves]Controlled Thunderbolt - Confusion + ThunderboltControlled Shadow Balls - Confusion + Shadow Ball [spoiler=in Day Care] Tynamo (Eelektra) - FemaleLevitateLV14 - EXP: 0TackleThunder WaveSparkCharge Beam BP: 10 Items: Thunderstone x1 Rare Candy x 6Rare Goody x 3 Cheri Berry x 4 Chesto Berry x 4 Pecha Berry x 4 Lum Berry x 4 Oran Berry x 4 Sitrus Berry x 4 Enigma Berry x 1 BP: 633TMs/HMs:TM07 HailTM11 Sunny DayTM13 Ice BeamTM24 ThunderboltTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM31 Brick Break TM35 FlamethrowerTM43 Secret PowerTM50 NightmareTM50 OverheatTM61 Will O WispTM79 Dark Pulse [spoiler=Move Tutor Moves]Moonlight [spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Tynamo2. Sandile3. Tepig4. Chimchar5. Sneasel6. Gastly7. Totodile8. Torchic9. Cyndaquil10. Growlithe11. Torkoal12. Slugma13. Vulpix14. Darumakka15. Ponyta16. Castform17. Pansear18. Heatmor19. Numel Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 9Losses: 9Draws: 6 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament"September 18th - I advanced to the "Pokemon Master" rankOctober 6th - i got 1000 Club PostsOctober 27th - I obtained my first Legendary Pokemon - Darkrai posts 1/10posts till next pokemon 11/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anti-Apocryphal Posted December 14, 2011 Report Share Posted December 14, 2011 @FP: R/S Remakes....hmmmm probably 2013? however it might come before Grey so we never know however my friend thinks we'll get the R/S remakes before grey because of the TCG. He says that Groudon EX and Kyogre EX was intentionally cut from our next TCG release because of Rayquaza coming out next month in Japan's Dragon's Selection set, and that they wanted them to be released together. [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Johto's Burning MasterChaos. Chaos is Power, Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is one that unifies the chaos. Welcome challenger, I am Silver Yuja, I am generally a competitive person, and that fuels my spirit, and my spirit contributes to the power that emanates from my soul. Now let me show you what true power feels like. Club Posts: 1520 Pokemon Vibrava (Dragor) - MaleLevitateLV42 - EXP: 10 -> 0BiteSand AttackFaint AttackSand TombCrunchDigDragonbreath Gabite (Shark) - MaleSand VeilLV38 - EXP: 0TackleSand AttackDragon RageDigSandstormTake DownSand TombDual ChopDragon Claw[spoiler=Gabite's Combo Moves]Sandstorming Dragon Rage - Sandstorm + Dragon Rage Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitQuick AttackMoonlight-----------------Dark PulseDigSecret PowerShadow Ball[spoiler=Umbreon's Combo Moves]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsQuick Tackle - Quick Attack + TackleDark Pulse Impact - Dark Pulse + Pursuit Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFire SpinConfuse Ray---------------------FlamethrowerSunny DayThunderboltOverheat[spoiler=Magmortar's Combo moves]Burning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogBlazing Bolt - Flamethrower + ThunderboltBlazing Storm Smog - Flamethrower + Thunderbolt + SmokescreenExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Froslass (Frostie) - FemaleSnow CloakLV10 - EXP: 0Powder SnowLeerDouble TeamBiteAstonishHail-------------------Ice BeamThunderboltShadow Ball[spoiler=Froslass' Combo Moves]Shocking Ice Beam - Ice Beam + ThunderboltSnow Cloaking Double Team - Hail + Double Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - Male*EXP Share*StaticLV14 - EXP: 0Fire PunchQuick AttackLeerThundershockLow Kick--------------------------ThunderboltBrick Break[spoiler=Electivire's Combo Moves]Storming Quick Attack - Thundershock + Quick Attack [spoiler=Box #1 (25/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Swinub (Mammoth) - MaleThick FatLV10 - EXP: 0TackleOdor SleuthMud SportPowder Snow Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm---------------------Shadow BallBrick Break[spoiler=Metagross' Combo Moves]Bullet Claw - Metal Claw + Bullet PunchControlled Shadow Balls - Psychic + Shadow Balls Larvitar (Tyranno) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0BiteLeerSandstormScreech Vanillite (Ice Cream) - MaleIce BodyLV10 - EXP: 0Icicle SpearHardenAstonishUproar Dratini (Dragos) - MaleShed SkinLV10 - EXP: 0WrapLeerThunder Wave Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV35 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse SwipeFury CutterSlash[spoiler=Scizor's Combo Move]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitFury Slash - Fury Cutter + Slash Salamence (Drago) - MaleIntimidateLV50 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerHeadbuttFocus EnergyDragonbreathZen HeadbuttScary FaceCrunch-------------------FlamethrowerBrick Break[spoiler=Salamence's Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerRaging Flamethrower - Rage + FlamethrowerRaging Zen Headbutt - Rage + Zen Headbutt Druddigon (Dragan) - MaleRough SkinLV10 - EXP: 0LeerScratchHone ClawsBite Darkrai (Darkrai)Bad DreamsLV26 - EXP: 0Ominous WindDisableQuick AttackHypnosis Chandelure (Ghoulflame) - MaleFlame BodyLV41 - EXP: 0EmberAstonishMinimizeSmogFire SpinConfuse RayNight ShadeWill 'O' WispFlame BurstImprisonHexMementoInferno-------------------Shadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Chandelure's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow BallBurning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Swablu (Cotton) - MaleNatural CureLV10 - EXP: 0PeckGrowlAstonishSing Aerodactyl (Aero) - MaleRock HeadLV10 - EXP: 0Ice FangFire FangThunder FangWing AttackSupersonicBiteScary FaceRoar Charmander (Blaze) - MaleBlazeLV10 - EXP: 0ScratchGrowlEmberSmokecreen Haxorus (Dracofang) - MaleMold BreakerLV48 - EXP: 0ScratchLeerAssuranceDragon RageDual ChopScary FaceSlashFalse SwipeDragon ClawDragon DanceTaunt------------------------------Brick Break[spoiler=Haxorus' Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerDragon Swipe - Dragon Claw + False Swipe Houndour (Hellhound) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0LeerEmberHowlSmogFlamethrower-----------------------Shadow BallSunny DayDark PulseOverheat[spoiler=Houndour's Combo Moves]Flaming Smog - Ember + SmogDark Flame Pulse - Flamethrower + Dark PulseExplosive Smog - Overheat + SmogDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsFlaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Magikarp (Rage) - MaleSwift SwimLV10 - EXP: 0Splash Unfezant (Birdy) - Female*Leftovers*Super LuckLV10 - EXP: 0GustGrowlLeerQuick Attack Rotom (Rotom)//LevitateLV20 - EXP: 0TrickAstonishThunder WaveThundershockConfuse RaySignal BeamUproarDouble Team----------------------Shadow BallThunderboltDark Pulse[spoiler=Formes Available]Heat Forme - Overheat [spoiler=Rotom's Combo Moves]Shocking Shadow Balls + Thunderbolt + Shadow BallShocking Signal Beam - Thunderbolt + Signal BeamStorming Heat - Thunderbolt + OverHeat (Heat Forme only) Flareon (Flame Guy) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandSand Attack-----------------------Sunny DayDigShadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Flareon's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Hydreigon (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV64 - EXP: 0Tri AttackTackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteHeadbuttDragonbreathRoarCrunchSlamDragon PulseWork UpDragon RushBody SlamScary FaceHyper VoiceOutrage-----------------Dark PulseFlamethrower[spoiler=Hydreigon's Combo Moves]Focused Dragon Rage - Focus Energy + Dragon RageDark Dragon Rage - Dark Pulse + Dragon RageOutraging Dragon Rush - Outrage + Dragon RushFlaming Rage - Flamethrower + Dragon RageDarkened Flame Pulse - Dark Pulse + Flamethrower Volcarona (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV59 - EXP: 0EmberString ShotLeech LifeTake DownFlame ChargeBug BiteDouble-EdgeQuiver Dance---------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Volcarona's Combo Moves]Burning String Shot - String Shot + FlamethrowerFlaming Double Edge - Flame Charge + Double Edge Kingdra (Sea Dragon) - MaleSwift SwimLV35 - EXP: 0BubbleSmokescreenLeerWater GunFocus EnergyBubblebeamAgilityTwisterBrineHydro Pump-------------------Ice Beam[spoiler=Horsea's Combo Moves]Smokey Bubbles - Bubble + SmokescreenFrigid Smoke - Ice Beam + SmokescreenFrigid Twister - Ice Beam + TwisterFocused Bubblebeam - Focus Energy + BubblebeamIcy Hydro - Hydro Pump + Ice Beam Gallade (Psi-Blade) - MaleSteadfastLV20 - EXP: 0Leaf BladeNight SlashGrowlConfusionDouble TeamTeleportLucky Chant--------------------ThunderboltShadow BallBrick Break[spoiler=Ralt's Combo moves]Controlled Thunderbolt - Confusion + ThunderboltControlled Shadow Balls - Confusion + Shadow Ball [spoiler=in Day Care] Tynamo (Eelektra) - FemaleLevitateLV14 - EXP: 0TackleThunder WaveSparkCharge Beam BP: 10 Items: Thunderstone x1 Rare Candy x 6Rare Goody x 3 Cheri Berry x 4 Chesto Berry x 4 Pecha Berry x 4 Lum Berry x 4 Oran Berry x 4 Sitrus Berry x 4 Enigma Berry x 1 BP: 633TMs/HMs:TM07 HailTM11 Sunny DayTM13 Ice BeamTM24 ThunderboltTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM31 Brick Break TM35 FlamethrowerTM43 Secret PowerTM50 NightmareTM50 OverheatTM61 Will O WispTM79 Dark Pulse [spoiler=Move Tutor Moves]Moonlight [spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Tynamo2. Sandile3. Tepig4. Chimchar5. Sneasel6. Gastly7. Totodile8. Torchic9. Cyndaquil10. Growlithe11. Torkoal12. Slugma13. Vulpix14. Darumakka15. Ponyta16. Castform17. Pansear18. Heatmor19. Numel Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 9Losses: 9Draws: 6 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament"September 18th - I advanced to the "Pokemon Master" rankOctober 6th - i got 1000 Club PostsOctober 27th - I obtained my first Legendary Pokemon - Darkrai posts 1/10posts till next pokemon 11/60 Well that would be great if they did indeed make the Emerald remake. Sooooooooo many people would buy that...probably more than B/W. Would anybody be interested in helping me with making a Pokemon Forum? [spoiler=Executive Team of Future Paradise]'Uncommon' Executive Champion of the Kalall Region "I, Future Paradise, am Champion of the Kalall Region. You have made it through tough challenges to get here. However, up to this point, you can consider your past challenges easy. What you're about to witness is the greatest team to ever exist!" ARON [Male][LEVEL 12][ROCK HEAD][LEAD POKEMON] TACKLEHARDENMUD-SLAPHEADBUTT [spoiler=Items] x1 Dusk Stone 8/10 [uP]28/60 [PKMN]28 [postS THIS WEEK][44 BP] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted December 15, 2011 Report Share Posted December 15, 2011 @FP: but as i said we won't find out until next month, then in February we'll probably have Keldeo revealed as for a Pokemon Forum, i dunno about helping you with it, since i don't have much knowledge with making forums even though i'm a member of many forums [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Johto's Burning MasterChaos. Chaos is Power, Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is one that unifies the chaos. Welcome challenger, I am Silver Yuja, I am generally a competitive person, and that fuels my spirit, and my spirit contributes to the power that emanates from my soul. Now let me show you what true power feels like. Club Posts: 1522 Pokemon Vibrava (Dragor) - MaleLevitateLV42 - EXP: 2BiteSand AttackFaint AttackSand TombCrunchDigDragonbreath Gabite (Shark) - MaleSand VeilLV38 - EXP: 0TackleSand AttackDragon RageDigSandstormTake DownSand TombDual ChopDragon Claw[spoiler=Gabite's Combo Moves]Sandstorming Dragon Rage - Sandstorm + Dragon Rage Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitQuick AttackMoonlight-----------------Dark PulseDigSecret PowerShadow Ball[spoiler=Umbreon's Combo Moves]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsQuick Tackle - Quick Attack + TackleDark Pulse Impact - Dark Pulse + Pursuit Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFire SpinConfuse Ray---------------------FlamethrowerSunny DayThunderboltOverheat[spoiler=Magmortar's Combo moves]Burning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogBlazing Bolt - Flamethrower + ThunderboltBlazing Storm Smog - Flamethrower + Thunderbolt + SmokescreenExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Froslass (Frostie) - FemaleSnow CloakLV10 - EXP: 0Powder SnowLeerDouble TeamBiteAstonishHail-------------------Ice BeamThunderboltShadow Ball[spoiler=Froslass' Combo Moves]Shocking Ice Beam - Ice Beam + ThunderboltSnow Cloaking Double Team - Hail + Double Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - Male*EXP Share*StaticLV14 - EXP: 0Fire PunchQuick AttackLeerThundershockLow Kick--------------------------ThunderboltBrick Break[spoiler=Electivire's Combo Moves]Storming Quick Attack - Thundershock + Quick Attack [spoiler=Box #1 (25/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Swinub (Mammoth) - MaleThick FatLV10 - EXP: 0TackleOdor SleuthMud SportPowder Snow Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm---------------------Shadow BallBrick Break[spoiler=Metagross' Combo Moves]Bullet Claw - Metal Claw + Bullet PunchControlled Shadow Balls - Psychic + Shadow Balls Larvitar (Tyranno) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0BiteLeerSandstormScreech Vanillite (Ice Cream) - MaleIce BodyLV10 - EXP: 0Icicle SpearHardenAstonishUproar Dratini (Dragos) - MaleShed SkinLV10 - EXP: 0WrapLeerThunder Wave Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV35 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse SwipeFury CutterSlash[spoiler=Scizor's Combo Move]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitFury Slash - Fury Cutter + Slash Salamence (Drago) - MaleIntimidateLV50 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerHeadbuttFocus EnergyDragonbreathZen HeadbuttScary FaceCrunch-------------------FlamethrowerBrick Break[spoiler=Salamence's Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerRaging Flamethrower - Rage + FlamethrowerRaging Zen Headbutt - Rage + Zen Headbutt Druddigon (Dragan) - MaleRough SkinLV10 - EXP: 0LeerScratchHone ClawsBite Darkrai (Darkrai)Bad DreamsLV26 - EXP: 0Ominous WindDisableQuick AttackHypnosis Chandelure (Ghoulflame) - MaleFlame BodyLV41 - EXP: 0EmberAstonishMinimizeSmogFire SpinConfuse RayNight ShadeWill 'O' WispFlame BurstImprisonHexMementoInferno-------------------Shadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Chandelure's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow BallBurning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Swablu (Cotton) - MaleNatural CureLV10 - EXP: 0PeckGrowlAstonishSing Aerodactyl (Aero) - MaleRock HeadLV10 - EXP: 0Ice FangFire FangThunder FangWing AttackSupersonicBiteScary FaceRoar Charmander (Blaze) - MaleBlazeLV10 - EXP: 0ScratchGrowlEmberSmokecreen Haxorus (Dracofang) - MaleMold BreakerLV48 - EXP: 0ScratchLeerAssuranceDragon RageDual ChopScary FaceSlashFalse SwipeDragon ClawDragon DanceTaunt------------------------------Brick Break[spoiler=Haxorus' Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerDragon Swipe - Dragon Claw + False Swipe Houndour (Hellhound) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0LeerEmberHowlSmogFlamethrower-----------------------Shadow BallSunny DayDark PulseOverheat[spoiler=Houndour's Combo Moves]Flaming Smog - Ember + SmogDark Flame Pulse - Flamethrower + Dark PulseExplosive Smog - Overheat + SmogDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsFlaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Magikarp (Rage) - MaleSwift SwimLV10 - EXP: 0Splash Unfezant (Birdy) - Female*Leftovers*Super LuckLV10 - EXP: 0GustGrowlLeerQuick Attack Rotom (Rotom)//LevitateLV20 - EXP: 0TrickAstonishThunder WaveThundershockConfuse RaySignal BeamUproarDouble Team----------------------Shadow BallThunderboltDark Pulse[spoiler=Formes Available]Heat Forme - Overheat [spoiler=Rotom's Combo Moves]Shocking Shadow Balls + Thunderbolt + Shadow BallShocking Signal Beam - Thunderbolt + Signal BeamStorming Heat - Thunderbolt + OverHeat (Heat Forme only) Flareon (Flame Guy) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandSand Attack-----------------------Sunny DayDigShadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Flareon's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Hydreigon (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV64 - EXP: 0Tri AttackTackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteHeadbuttDragonbreathRoarCrunchSlamDragon PulseWork UpDragon RushBody SlamScary FaceHyper VoiceOutrage-----------------Dark PulseFlamethrower[spoiler=Hydreigon's Combo Moves]Focused Dragon Rage - Focus Energy + Dragon RageDark Dragon Rage - Dark Pulse + Dragon RageOutraging Dragon Rush - Outrage + Dragon RushFlaming Rage - Flamethrower + Dragon RageDarkened Flame Pulse - Dark Pulse + Flamethrower Volcarona (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV59 - EXP: 0EmberString ShotLeech LifeTake DownFlame ChargeBug BiteDouble-EdgeQuiver Dance---------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Volcarona's Combo Moves]Burning String Shot - String Shot + FlamethrowerFlaming Double Edge - Flame Charge + Double Edge Kingdra (Sea Dragon) - MaleSwift SwimLV35 - EXP: 0BubbleSmokescreenLeerWater GunFocus EnergyBubblebeamAgilityTwisterBrineHydro Pump-------------------Ice Beam[spoiler=Horsea's Combo Moves]Smokey Bubbles - Bubble + SmokescreenFrigid Smoke - Ice Beam + SmokescreenFrigid Twister - Ice Beam + TwisterFocused Bubblebeam - Focus Energy + BubblebeamIcy Hydro - Hydro Pump + Ice Beam Gallade (Psi-Blade) - MaleSteadfastLV20 - EXP: 0Leaf BladeNight SlashGrowlConfusionDouble TeamTeleportLucky Chant--------------------ThunderboltShadow BallBrick Break[spoiler=Ralt's Combo moves]Controlled Thunderbolt - Confusion + ThunderboltControlled Shadow Balls - Confusion + Shadow Ball [spoiler=in Day Care] Tynamo (Eelektra) - FemaleLevitateLV16 - EXP: 0TackleThunder WaveSparkCharge Beam BP: 15 Items: Thunderstone x1 Rare Candy x 6Rare Goody x 3 Cheri Berry x 4 Chesto Berry x 4 Pecha Berry x 4 Lum Berry x 4 Oran Berry x 4 Sitrus Berry x 4 Enigma Berry x 1 BP: 633TMs/HMs:TM07 HailTM11 Sunny DayTM13 Ice BeamTM24 ThunderboltTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM31 Brick Break TM35 FlamethrowerTM43 Secret PowerTM50 NightmareTM50 OverheatTM61 Will O WispTM79 Dark Pulse [spoiler=Move Tutor Moves]Moonlight [spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Sandile2. Tepig3. Chimchar4. Sneasel5. Gastly6. Totodile7. Torchic8. Cyndaqu9l9. Growlithe10. Torkoal11. Slugma12. Vulpix13. Darumakka14. Ponyta15. Castform16. Pansear17. Heatmor18. Numel Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 9Losses: 9Draws: 6 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament"September 18th - I advanced to the "Pokemon Master" rankOctober 6th - i got 1000 Club PostsOctober 27th - I obtained my first Legendary Pokemon - Darkrai posts 2/10posts till next pokemon 12/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anti-Apocryphal Posted December 15, 2011 Report Share Posted December 15, 2011 Well, here's the link. It's brand new, so it doesn't have much: [spoiler=Executive Team of Future Paradise]'Uncommon' Executive Champion of the Kalall Region "I, Future Paradise, am Champion of the Kalall Region. You have made it through tough challenges to get here. However, up to this point, you can consider your past challenges easy. What you're about to witness is the greatest team to ever exist!" ARON [Male][LEVEL 12][ROCK HEAD][LEAD POKEMON] TACKLEHARDENMUD-SLAPHEADBUTT [spoiler=Items] x1 Dusk Stone 9/10 [uP]29/60 [PKMN]29 [postS THIS WEEK][44 BP] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ren✧ Posted December 16, 2011 Author Report Share Posted December 16, 2011 Who missed me? I missed you guys. Sorry I have been busy with school lately and have just recently had some downtime. Tomorrow is the last day of the semester and then we get out for the Christmas Holiday! WOOP! Anyway congrats Burning Soul you have just obtained a Drafairy. So what goes on here? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted December 16, 2011 Report Share Posted December 16, 2011 @Renegade: i had to finish all of my work before the holidays too, but i'm glad i have it done now i won the contest? nice, i made a sprite for my spoiler[spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Johto's Burning MasterChaos. Chaos is Power, Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is one that unifies the chaos. Welcome challenger, I am Silver Yuja, I am generally a competitive person, and that fuels my spirit, and my spirit contributes to the power that emanates from my soul. Now let me show you what true power feels like. Club Posts: 1523 Pokemon Vibrava (Dragor) - MaleLevitateLV42 - EXP: 3BiteSand AttackFaint AttackSand TombCrunchDigDragonbreath Gabite (Shark) - MaleSand VeilLV38 - EXP: 0TackleSand AttackDragon RageDigSandstormTake DownSand TombDual ChopDragon Claw[spoiler=Gabite's Combo Moves]Sandstorming Dragon Rage - Sandstorm + Dragon Rage Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitQuick AttackMoonlight-----------------Dark PulseDigSecret PowerShadow Ball[spoiler=Umbreon's Combo Moves]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsQuick Tackle - Quick Attack + TackleDark Pulse Impact - Dark Pulse + Pursuit Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFire SpinConfuse Ray---------------------FlamethrowerSunny DayThunderboltOverheat[spoiler=Magmortar's Combo moves]Burning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogBlazing Bolt - Flamethrower + ThunderboltBlazing Storm Smog - Flamethrower + Thunderbolt + SmokescreenExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Froslass (Frostie) - FemaleSnow CloakLV10 - EXP: 0Powder SnowLeerDouble TeamBiteAstonishHail-------------------Ice BeamThunderboltShadow Ball[spoiler=Froslass' Combo Moves]Shocking Ice Beam - Ice Beam + ThunderboltSnow Cloaking Double Team - Hail + Double Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - Male*EXP Share*StaticLV14 - EXP: 0Fire PunchQuick AttackLeerThundershockLow Kick--------------------------ThunderboltBrick Break[spoiler=Electivire's Combo Moves]Storming Quick Attack - Thundershock + Quick Attack [spoiler=Box #1 (26/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Swinub (Mammoth) - MaleThick FatLV10 - EXP: 0TackleOdor SleuthMud SportPowder Snow Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm---------------------Shadow BallBrick Break[spoiler=Metagross' Combo Moves]Bullet Claw - Metal Claw + Bullet PunchControlled Shadow Balls - Psychic + Shadow Balls Larvitar (Tyranno) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0BiteLeerSandstormScreech Vanillite (Ice Cream) - MaleIce BodyLV10 - EXP: 0Icicle SpearHardenAstonishUproar Dratini (Dragos) - MaleShed SkinLV10 - EXP: 0WrapLeerThunder Wave Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV35 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse SwipeFury CutterSlash[spoiler=Scizor's Combo Move]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitFury Slash - Fury Cutter + Slash Salamence (Drago) - MaleIntimidateLV50 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerHeadbuttFocus EnergyDragonbreathZen HeadbuttScary FaceCrunch-------------------FlamethrowerBrick Break[spoiler=Salamence's Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerRaging Flamethrower - Rage + FlamethrowerRaging Zen Headbutt - Rage + Zen Headbutt Druddigon (Dragan) - MaleRough SkinLV10 - EXP: 0LeerScratchHone ClawsBite Darkrai (Darkrai)Bad DreamsLV26 - EXP: 0Ominous WindDisableQuick AttackHypnosis Chandelure (Ghoulflame) - MaleFlame BodyLV41 - EXP: 0EmberAstonishMinimizeSmogFire SpinConfuse RayNight ShadeWill 'O' WispFlame BurstImprisonHexMementoInferno-------------------Shadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Chandelure's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow BallBurning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Swablu (Cotton) - MaleNatural CureLV10 - EXP: 0PeckGrowlAstonishSing Aerodactyl (Aero) - MaleRock HeadLV10 - EXP: 0Ice FangFire FangThunder FangWing AttackSupersonicBiteScary FaceRoar Charmander (Blaze) - MaleBlazeLV10 - EXP: 0ScratchGrowlEmberSmokecreen Haxorus (Dracofang) - MaleMold BreakerLV48 - EXP: 0ScratchLeerAssuranceDragon RageDual ChopScary FaceSlashFalse SwipeDragon ClawDragon DanceTaunt------------------------------Brick Break[spoiler=Haxorus' Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerDragon Swipe - Dragon Claw + False Swipe Houndour (Hellhound) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0LeerEmberHowlSmogFlamethrower-----------------------Shadow BallSunny DayDark PulseOverheat[spoiler=Houndour's Combo Moves]Flaming Smog - Ember + SmogDark Flame Pulse - Flamethrower + Dark PulseExplosive Smog - Overheat + SmogDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsFlaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Magikarp (Rage) - MaleSwift SwimLV10 - EXP: 0Splash Unfezant (Birdy) - Female*Leftovers*Super LuckLV10 - EXP: 0GustGrowlLeerQuick Attack Rotom (Rotom)//LevitateLV20 - EXP: 0TrickAstonishThunder WaveThundershockConfuse RaySignal BeamUproarDouble Team----------------------Shadow BallThunderboltDark Pulse[spoiler=Formes Available]Heat Forme - Overheat [spoiler=Rotom's Combo Moves]Shocking Shadow Balls + Thunderbolt + Shadow BallShocking Signal Beam - Thunderbolt + Signal BeamStorming Heat - Thunderbolt + OverHeat (Heat Forme only) Flareon (Flame Guy) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandSand Attack-----------------------Sunny DayDigShadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Flareon's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Hydreigon (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV64 - EXP: 0Tri AttackTackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteHeadbuttDragonbreathRoarCrunchSlamDragon PulseWork UpDragon RushBody SlamScary FaceHyper VoiceOutrage-----------------Dark PulseFlamethrower[spoiler=Hydreigon's Combo Moves]Focused Dragon Rage - Focus Energy + Dragon RageDark Dragon Rage - Dark Pulse + Dragon RageOutraging Dragon Rush - Outrage + Dragon RushFlaming Rage - Flamethrower + Dragon RageDarkened Flame Pulse - Dark Pulse + Flamethrower Volcarona (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV59 - EXP: 0EmberString ShotLeech LifeTake DownFlame ChargeBug BiteDouble-EdgeQuiver Dance---------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Volcarona's Combo Moves]Burning String Shot - String Shot + FlamethrowerFlaming Double Edge - Flame Charge + Double Edge Kingdra (Sea Dragon) - MaleSwift SwimLV35 - EXP: 0BubbleSmokescreenLeerWater GunFocus EnergyBubblebeamAgilityTwisterBrineHydro Pump-------------------Ice Beam[spoiler=Horsea's Combo Moves]Smokey Bubbles - Bubble + SmokescreenFrigid Smoke - Ice Beam + SmokescreenFrigid Twister - Ice Beam + TwisterFocused Bubblebeam - Focus Energy + BubblebeamIcy Hydro - Hydro Pump + Ice Beam Gallade (Psi-Blade) - MaleSteadfastLV20 - EXP: 0Leaf BladeNight SlashGrowlConfusionDouble TeamTeleportLucky Chant--------------------ThunderboltShadow BallBrick Break[spoiler=Ralt's Combo moves]Controlled Thunderbolt - Confusion + ThunderboltControlled Shadow Balls - Confusion + Shadow Ball Drafairy (Drafairy) - MaleSuper LuckLV10 - EXP: 0TackleTail WhipCharmConfusion [spoiler=in Day Care] Tynamo (Eelektra) - FemaleLevitateLV18 - EXP: 0TackleThunder WaveSparkCharge Beam BP: 15 Items: Thunderstone x1 Rare Candy x 6Rare Goody x 3 Cheri Berry x 4 Chesto Berry x 4 Pecha Berry x 4 Lum Berry x 4 Oran Berry x 4 Sitrus Berry x 4 Enigma Berry x 1 BP: 633TMs/HMs:TM07 HailTM11 Sunny DayTM13 Ice BeamTM24 ThunderboltTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM31 Brick Break TM35 FlamethrowerTM43 Secret PowerTM50 NightmareTM50 OverheatTM61 Will O WispTM79 Dark Pulse [spoiler=Move Tutor Moves]Moonlight [spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Sandile2. Tepig3. Chimchar4. Sneasel5. Gastly6. Totodile7. Torchic8. Cyndaqu9l9. Growlithe10. Torkoal11. Slugma12. Vulpix13. Darumakka14. Ponyta15. Castform16. Pansear17. Heatmor18. Numel Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 9Losses: 9Draws: 6 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament"September 18th - I advanced to the "Pokemon Master" rankOctober 6th - i got 1000 Club PostsOctober 27th - I obtained my first Legendary Pokemon - DarkraiDecember 16th - I won the 2nd "Fakemon Contest" and obtained Drafairy posts 3/10posts till next pokemon 13/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ren✧ Posted December 16, 2011 Author Report Share Posted December 16, 2011 @Renegade: i had to finish all of my work before the holidays too, but i'm glad i have it done now i won the contest? nice, i made a sprite for my spoiler[spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Johto's Burning MasterChaos. Chaos is Power, Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is one that unifies the chaos. Welcome challenger, I am Silver Yuja, I am generally a competitive person, and that fuels my spirit, and my spirit contributes to the power that emanates from my soul. Now let me show you what true power feels like. Club Posts: 1523 Pokemon Vibrava (Dragor) - MaleLevitateLV42 - EXP: 3BiteSand AttackFaint AttackSand TombCrunchDigDragonbreath Gabite (Shark) - MaleSand VeilLV38 - EXP: 0TackleSand AttackDragon RageDigSandstormTake DownSand TombDual ChopDragon Claw[spoiler=Gabite's Combo Moves]Sandstorming Dragon Rage - Sandstorm + Dragon Rage Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitQuick AttackMoonlight-----------------Dark PulseDigSecret PowerShadow Ball[spoiler=Umbreon's Combo Moves]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsQuick Tackle - Quick Attack + TackleDark Pulse Impact - Dark Pulse + Pursuit Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFire SpinConfuse Ray---------------------FlamethrowerSunny DayThunderboltOverheat[spoiler=Magmortar's Combo moves]Burning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogBlazing Bolt - Flamethrower + ThunderboltBlazing Storm Smog - Flamethrower + Thunderbolt + SmokescreenExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Froslass (Frostie) - FemaleSnow CloakLV10 - EXP: 0Powder SnowLeerDouble TeamBiteAstonishHail-------------------Ice BeamThunderboltShadow Ball[spoiler=Froslass' Combo Moves]Shocking Ice Beam - Ice Beam + ThunderboltSnow Cloaking Double Team - Hail + Double Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - Male*EXP Share*StaticLV14 - EXP: 0Fire PunchQuick AttackLeerThundershockLow Kick--------------------------ThunderboltBrick Break[spoiler=Electivire's Combo Moves]Storming Quick Attack - Thundershock + Quick Attack [spoiler=Box #1 (26/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Swinub (Mammoth) - MaleThick FatLV10 - EXP: 0TackleOdor SleuthMud SportPowder Snow Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm---------------------Shadow BallBrick Break[spoiler=Metagross' Combo Moves]Bullet Claw - Metal Claw + Bullet PunchControlled Shadow Balls - Psychic + Shadow Balls Larvitar (Tyranno) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0BiteLeerSandstormScreech Vanillite (Ice Cream) - MaleIce BodyLV10 - EXP: 0Icicle SpearHardenAstonishUproar Dratini (Dragos) - MaleShed SkinLV10 - EXP: 0WrapLeerThunder Wave Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV35 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse SwipeFury CutterSlash[spoiler=Scizor's Combo Move]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitFury Slash - Fury Cutter + Slash Salamence (Drago) - MaleIntimidateLV50 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerHeadbuttFocus EnergyDragonbreathZen HeadbuttScary FaceCrunch-------------------FlamethrowerBrick Break[spoiler=Salamence's Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerRaging Flamethrower - Rage + FlamethrowerRaging Zen Headbutt - Rage + Zen Headbutt Druddigon (Dragan) - MaleRough SkinLV10 - EXP: 0LeerScratchHone ClawsBite Darkrai (Darkrai)Bad DreamsLV26 - EXP: 0Ominous WindDisableQuick AttackHypnosis Chandelure (Ghoulflame) - MaleFlame BodyLV41 - EXP: 0EmberAstonishMinimizeSmogFire SpinConfuse RayNight ShadeWill 'O' WispFlame BurstImprisonHexMementoInferno-------------------Shadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Chandelure's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow BallBurning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Swablu (Cotton) - MaleNatural CureLV10 - EXP: 0PeckGrowlAstonishSing Aerodactyl (Aero) - MaleRock HeadLV10 - EXP: 0Ice FangFire FangThunder FangWing AttackSupersonicBiteScary FaceRoar Charmander (Blaze) - MaleBlazeLV10 - EXP: 0ScratchGrowlEmberSmokecreen Haxorus (Dracofang) - MaleMold BreakerLV48 - EXP: 0ScratchLeerAssuranceDragon RageDual ChopScary FaceSlashFalse SwipeDragon ClawDragon DanceTaunt------------------------------Brick Break[spoiler=Haxorus' Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerDragon Swipe - Dragon Claw + False Swipe Houndour (Hellhound) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0LeerEmberHowlSmogFlamethrower-----------------------Shadow BallSunny DayDark PulseOverheat[spoiler=Houndour's Combo Moves]Flaming Smog - Ember + SmogDark Flame Pulse - Flamethrower + Dark PulseExplosive Smog - Overheat + SmogDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsFlaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Magikarp (Rage) - MaleSwift SwimLV10 - EXP: 0Splash Unfezant (Birdy) - Female*Leftovers*Super LuckLV10 - EXP: 0GustGrowlLeerQuick Attack Rotom (Rotom)//LevitateLV20 - EXP: 0TrickAstonishThunder WaveThundershockConfuse RaySignal BeamUproarDouble Team----------------------Shadow BallThunderboltDark Pulse[spoiler=Formes Available]Heat Forme - Overheat [spoiler=Rotom's Combo Moves]Shocking Shadow Balls + Thunderbolt + Shadow BallShocking Signal Beam - Thunderbolt + Signal BeamStorming Heat - Thunderbolt + OverHeat (Heat Forme only) Flareon (Flame Guy) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandSand Attack-----------------------Sunny DayDigShadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Flareon's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Hydreigon (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV64 - EXP: 0Tri AttackTackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteHeadbuttDragonbreathRoarCrunchSlamDragon PulseWork UpDragon RushBody SlamScary FaceHyper VoiceOutrage-----------------Dark PulseFlamethrower[spoiler=Hydreigon's Combo Moves]Focused Dragon Rage - Focus Energy + Dragon RageDark Dragon Rage - Dark Pulse + Dragon RageOutraging Dragon Rush - Outrage + Dragon RushFlaming Rage - Flamethrower + Dragon RageDarkened Flame Pulse - Dark Pulse + Flamethrower Volcarona (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV59 - EXP: 0EmberString ShotLeech LifeTake DownFlame ChargeBug BiteDouble-EdgeQuiver Dance---------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Volcarona's Combo Moves]Burning String Shot - String Shot + FlamethrowerFlaming Double Edge - Flame Charge + Double Edge Kingdra (Sea Dragon) - MaleSwift SwimLV35 - EXP: 0BubbleSmokescreenLeerWater GunFocus EnergyBubblebeamAgilityTwisterBrineHydro Pump-------------------Ice Beam[spoiler=Horsea's Combo Moves]Smokey Bubbles - Bubble + SmokescreenFrigid Smoke - Ice Beam + SmokescreenFrigid Twister - Ice Beam + TwisterFocused Bubblebeam - Focus Energy + BubblebeamIcy Hydro - Hydro Pump + Ice Beam Gallade (Psi-Blade) - MaleSteadfastLV20 - EXP: 0Leaf BladeNight SlashGrowlConfusionDouble TeamTeleportLucky Chant--------------------ThunderboltShadow BallBrick Break[spoiler=Ralt's Combo moves]Controlled Thunderbolt - Confusion + ThunderboltControlled Shadow Balls - Confusion + Shadow Ball Drafairy (Drafairy) - MaleSuper LuckLV10 - EXP: 0TackleTail WhipCharmConfusion [spoiler=in Day Care] Tynamo (Eelektra) - FemaleLevitateLV18 - EXP: 0TackleThunder WaveSparkCharge Beam BP: 15 Items: Thunderstone x1 Rare Candy x 6Rare Goody x 3 Cheri Berry x 4 Chesto Berry x 4 Pecha Berry x 4 Lum Berry x 4 Oran Berry x 4 Sitrus Berry x 4 Enigma Berry x 1 BP: 633TMs/HMs:TM07 HailTM11 Sunny DayTM13 Ice BeamTM24 ThunderboltTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM31 Brick Break TM35 FlamethrowerTM43 Secret PowerTM50 NightmareTM50 OverheatTM61 Will O WispTM79 Dark Pulse [spoiler=Move Tutor Moves]Moonlight [spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Sandile2. Tepig3. Chimchar4. Sneasel5. Gastly6. Totodile7. Torchic8. Cyndaqu9l9. Growlithe10. Torkoal11. Slugma12. Vulpix13. Darumakka14. Ponyta15. Castform16. Pansear17. Heatmor18. Numel Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 9Losses: 9Draws: 6 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament"September 18th - I advanced to the "Pokemon Master" rankOctober 6th - i got 1000 Club PostsOctober 27th - I obtained my first Legendary Pokemon - DarkraiDecember 16th - I won the 2nd "Fakemon Contest" and obtained Drafairy posts 3/10posts till next pokemon 13/60 looks good. I have some homework over break but not too much. Just one project and 3 other minor assignments. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted December 16, 2011 Report Share Posted December 16, 2011 @Renegade: i have to revise for 2 exams and i have an interview for work experience over the holidays, but i don't mind though [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Johto's Burning MasterChaos. Chaos is Power, Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is one that unifies the chaos. Welcome challenger, I am Silver Yuja, I am generally a competitive person, and that fuels my spirit, and my spirit contributes to the power that emanates from my soul. Now let me show you what true power feels like. Club Posts: 1523 Pokemon Vibrava (Dragor) - MaleLevitateLV42 - EXP: 3BiteSand AttackFaint AttackSand TombCrunchDigDragonbreath Gabite (Shark) - MaleSand VeilLV38 - EXP: 0TackleSand AttackDragon RageDigSandstormTake DownSand TombDual ChopDragon Claw[spoiler=Gabite's Combo Moves]Sandstorming Dragon Rage - Sandstorm + Dragon Rage Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitQuick AttackMoonlight-----------------Dark PulseDigSecret PowerShadow Ball[spoiler=Umbreon's Combo Moves]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsQuick Tackle - Quick Attack + TackleDark Pulse Impact - Dark Pulse + Pursuit Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFire SpinConfuse Ray---------------------FlamethrowerSunny DayThunderboltOverheat[spoiler=Magmortar's Combo moves]Burning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogBlazing Bolt - Flamethrower + ThunderboltBlazing Storm Smog - Flamethrower + Thunderbolt + SmokescreenExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Froslass (Frostie) - FemaleSnow CloakLV10 - EXP: 0Powder SnowLeerDouble TeamBiteAstonishHail-------------------Ice BeamThunderboltShadow Ball[spoiler=Froslass' Combo Moves]Shocking Ice Beam - Ice Beam + ThunderboltSnow Cloaking Double Team - Hail + Double Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - Male*EXP Share*StaticLV14 - EXP: 0Fire PunchQuick AttackLeerThundershockLow Kick--------------------------ThunderboltBrick Break[spoiler=Electivire's Combo Moves]Storming Quick Attack - Thundershock + Quick Attack [spoiler=Box #1 (26/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Swinub (Mammoth) - MaleThick FatLV10 - EXP: 0TackleOdor SleuthMud SportPowder Snow Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm---------------------Shadow BallBrick Break[spoiler=Metagross' Combo Moves]Bullet Claw - Metal Claw + Bullet PunchControlled Shadow Balls - Psychic + Shadow Balls Larvitar (Tyranno) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0BiteLeerSandstormScreech Vanillite (Ice Cream) - MaleIce BodyLV10 - EXP: 0Icicle SpearHardenAstonishUproar Dratini (Dragos) - MaleShed SkinLV10 - EXP: 0WrapLeerThunder Wave Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV35 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse SwipeFury CutterSlash[spoiler=Scizor's Combo Move]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitFury Slash - Fury Cutter + Slash Salamence (Drago) - MaleIntimidateLV50 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerHeadbuttFocus EnergyDragonbreathZen HeadbuttScary FaceCrunch-------------------FlamethrowerBrick Break[spoiler=Salamence's Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerRaging Flamethrower - Rage + FlamethrowerRaging Zen Headbutt - Rage + Zen Headbutt Druddigon (Dragan) - MaleRough SkinLV10 - EXP: 0LeerScratchHone ClawsBite Darkrai (Darkrai)Bad DreamsLV26 - EXP: 0Ominous WindDisableQuick AttackHypnosis Chandelure (Ghoulflame) - MaleFlame BodyLV41 - EXP: 0EmberAstonishMinimizeSmogFire SpinConfuse RayNight ShadeWill 'O' WispFlame BurstImprisonHexMementoInferno-------------------Shadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Chandelure's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow BallBurning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Swablu (Cotton) - MaleNatural CureLV10 - EXP: 0PeckGrowlAstonishSing Aerodactyl (Aero) - MaleRock HeadLV10 - EXP: 0Ice FangFire FangThunder FangWing AttackSupersonicBiteScary FaceRoar Charmander (Blaze) - MaleBlazeLV10 - EXP: 0ScratchGrowlEmberSmokecreen Haxorus (Dracofang) - MaleMold BreakerLV48 - EXP: 0ScratchLeerAssuranceDragon RageDual ChopScary FaceSlashFalse SwipeDragon ClawDragon DanceTaunt------------------------------Brick Break[spoiler=Haxorus' Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerDragon Swipe - Dragon Claw + False Swipe Houndour (Hellhound) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0LeerEmberHowlSmogFlamethrower-----------------------Shadow BallSunny DayDark PulseOverheat[spoiler=Houndour's Combo Moves]Flaming Smog - Ember + SmogDark Flame Pulse - Flamethrower + Dark PulseExplosive Smog - Overheat + SmogDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsFlaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Magikarp (Rage) - MaleSwift SwimLV10 - EXP: 0Splash Unfezant (Birdy) - Female*Leftovers*Super LuckLV10 - EXP: 0GustGrowlLeerQuick Attack Rotom (Rotom)//LevitateLV20 - EXP: 0TrickAstonishThunder WaveThundershockConfuse RaySignal BeamUproarDouble Team----------------------Shadow BallThunderboltDark Pulse[spoiler=Formes Available]Heat Forme - Overheat [spoiler=Rotom's Combo Moves]Shocking Shadow Balls + Thunderbolt + Shadow BallShocking Signal Beam - Thunderbolt + Signal BeamStorming Heat - Thunderbolt + OverHeat (Heat Forme only) Flareon (Flame Guy) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandSand Attack-----------------------Sunny DayDigShadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Flareon's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Hydreigon (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV64 - EXP: 0Tri AttackTackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteHeadbuttDragonbreathRoarCrunchSlamDragon PulseWork UpDragon RushBody SlamScary FaceHyper VoiceOutrage-----------------Dark PulseFlamethrower[spoiler=Hydreigon's Combo Moves]Focused Dragon Rage - Focus Energy + Dragon RageDark Dragon Rage - Dark Pulse + Dragon RageOutraging Dragon Rush - Outrage + Dragon RushFlaming Rage - Flamethrower + Dragon RageDarkened Flame Pulse - Dark Pulse + Flamethrower Volcarona (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV59 - EXP: 0EmberString ShotLeech LifeTake DownFlame ChargeBug BiteDouble-EdgeQuiver Dance---------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Volcarona's Combo Moves]Burning String Shot - String Shot + FlamethrowerFlaming Double Edge - Flame Charge + Double Edge Kingdra (Sea Dragon) - MaleSwift SwimLV35 - EXP: 0BubbleSmokescreenLeerWater GunFocus EnergyBubblebeamAgilityTwisterBrineHydro Pump-------------------Ice Beam[spoiler=Horsea's Combo Moves]Smokey Bubbles - Bubble + SmokescreenFrigid Smoke - Ice Beam + SmokescreenFrigid Twister - Ice Beam + TwisterFocused Bubblebeam - Focus Energy + BubblebeamIcy Hydro - Hydro Pump + Ice Beam Gallade (Psi-Blade) - MaleSteadfastLV20 - EXP: 0Leaf BladeNight SlashGrowlConfusionDouble TeamTeleportLucky Chant--------------------ThunderboltShadow BallBrick Break[spoiler=Ralt's Combo moves]Controlled Thunderbolt - Confusion + ThunderboltControlled Shadow Balls - Confusion + Shadow Ball Drafairy (Drafairy) - MaleSuper LuckLV10 - EXP: 0TackleTail WhipCharmConfusion [spoiler=in Day Care] Tynamo (Eelektra) - FemaleLevitateLV18 - EXP: 0TackleThunder WaveSparkCharge Beam BP: 20 Items: Thunderstone x1 Rare Candy x 6Rare Goody x 3 Cheri Berry x 4 Chesto Berry x 4 Pecha Berry x 4 Lum Berry x 4 Oran Berry x 4 Sitrus Berry x 4 Enigma Berry x 1 BP: 633TMs/HMs:TM07 HailTM11 Sunny DayTM13 Ice BeamTM24 ThunderboltTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM31 Brick Break TM35 FlamethrowerTM43 Secret PowerTM50 NightmareTM50 OverheatTM61 Will O WispTM79 Dark Pulse [spoiler=Move Tutor Moves]Moonlight [spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Sandile2. Tepig3. Chimchar4. Sneasel5. Gastly6. Totodile7. Torchic8. Cyndaquil9. Growlithe10. Torkoal11. Slugma12. Vulpix13. Darumakka14. Ponyta15. Castform16. Pansear17. Heatmor18. Numel Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 9Losses: 9Draws: 6 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament"September 18th - I advanced to the "Pokemon Master" rankOctober 6th - i got 1000 Club PostsOctober 27th - I obtained my first Legendary Pokemon - DarkraiDecember 16th - I won the 2nd "Fakemon Contest" and obtained Drafairy posts 4/10posts till next pokemon 14/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Myst Posted December 17, 2011 Report Share Posted December 17, 2011 What do you guys think of the Pokemon + Nobunaga spinoff? I think I'm gonna buy it when it comes out to Australia. [spoiler=Swords' Statistics]Lead Pokemon: RhydonLevel-Up in: 8New Pokemon in : 58BP: 108 [spoiler=Pokemon]#112 RhydonLevel 10Ability: Rock HeadItem: ---- Horn Attack- Tail Whip- Stomp #610 Axew (in Daycare)Level 17Ability: Mold BreakerItem: ---- Scratch- Leer- Assurance- Dragon Rage [spoiler=Axew's combos]Speed Launch = Dragon Rage (fired at the ground)Dragon Cannon = Dragon Rage (fired at the sky)Dragon Force = Speed Launch + Dragon Cannon #566 Archen (in Daycare)Level 22Ability: DefeatistItem: ---- Quick Attack- Scary Face- Double Team- Wing Attack- Rock Throw [spoiler=Archen's combos]Speed Launch = Quick Attack (used to increase speed)Quick Tornado = Quick Attack (circling around the opponent) #491 DarkraiLevel 23Ability: Bad DreamsItem: ---- Ominous Wind- Disable- Quick Attack #479 RotomLevel 10Ability: LevitateItem: ---- Confuse Ray- Thunder Wave- Signal Beam #521 UnfezantLevel 10Ability: Super LuckItem: EXP Share- Gust- Leer- Quick Attack [spoiler=Equipment]NightmareWill-o-WispMoonlight x1 Protector x1 Leftoversx6 Rare Candyx3 Rare Goodiesx4 Cheri Berriesx4 Chesto Berriesx4 Pecha Berriesx4 Lum Berriesx4 Oran Berriesx4 Sitrus Berriesx1 Enigma Berry [spoiler=Pokemon Wanted]#564 Tirtouga#246 Larvitar#597 Ferroseed#562 Yamask [spoiler=Battle Record]Wins: 3 (Single 3, Double 0, Triple 0)Losses: 3 (Single 3, Double 0, Triple 0)Draws: 0 (Single 0, Double 0, Triple 0) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted December 17, 2011 Report Share Posted December 17, 2011 @Toshiro: it's ok i guess, i still have have to get used to the concept of the game, though i hope that it isn't the game that CoroCoro is revealing next month [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Johto's Burning MasterChaos. Chaos is Power, Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is one that unifies the chaos. Welcome challenger, I am Silver Yuja, I am generally a competitive person, and that fuels my spirit, and my spirit contributes to the power that emanates from my soul. Now let me show you what true power feels like. Club Posts: 1525 Pokemon Vibrava (Dragor) - MaleLevitateLV42 - EXP: 5SonicboomBiteSand AttackFaint AttackSand TombCrunchDigDragonbreathScreech[spoiler=Vibrava's combo moves]Sonic Screech - Sonicboom + Screech Gabite (Shark) - MaleSand VeilLV38 - EXP: 0TackleSand AttackDragon RageDigSandstormTake DownSand TombDual ChopDragon Claw[spoiler=Gabite's Combo Moves]Sandstorming Dragon Rage - Sandstorm + Dragon Rage Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitQuick AttackMoonlight-----------------Dark PulseDigSecret PowerShadow Ball[spoiler=Umbreon's Combo Moves]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsQuick Tackle - Quick Attack + TackleDark Pulse Impact - Dark Pulse + Pursuit Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0ThunderpunchSmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFire SpinConfuse Ray---------------------FlamethrowerSunny DayThunderboltOverheat[spoiler=Magmortar's Combo moves]Burning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogBlazing Bolt - Flamethrower + ThunderboltBlazing Storm Smog - Flamethrower + Thunderbolt + SmokescreenExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Froslass (Frostie) - FemaleSnow CloakLV10 - EXP: 0Powder SnowLeerDouble TeamBiteAstonishHail-------------------Ice BeamThunderboltShadow Ball[spoiler=Froslass' Combo Moves]Shocking Ice Beam - Ice Beam + ThunderboltSnow Cloaking Double Team - Hail + Double Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - Male*EXP Share*StaticLV14 - EXP: 0Fire PunchQuick AttackLeerThundershockLow Kick--------------------------ThunderboltBrick Break[spoiler=Electivire's Combo Moves]Storming Quick Attack - Thundershock + Quick Attack [spoiler=Box #1 (26/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Swinub (Mammoth) - MaleThick FatLV10 - EXP: 0TackleOdor SleuthMud SportPowder Snow Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Magnet RiseTake DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm---------------------Shadow BallBrick Break[spoiler=Metagross' Combo Moves]Bullet Claw - Metal Claw + Bullet PunchControlled Shadow Balls - Psychic + Shadow Balls Larvitar (Tyranno) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0BiteLeerSandstormScreech Vanillite (Ice Cream) - MaleIce BodyLV10 - EXP: 0Icicle SpearHardenAstonishUproar Dratini (Dragos) - MaleShed SkinLV10 - EXP: 0WrapLeerThunder Wave Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV35 - EXP: 0Bullet PunchQuick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse SwipeFury CutterSlash[spoiler=Scizor's Combo Move]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitFury Slash - Fury Cutter + Slash Salamence (Drago) - MaleIntimidateLV50 - EXP: 0Fire FangThunder FangRageBiteLeerHeadbuttFocus EnergyDragonbreathZen HeadbuttScary FaceCrunchFly-------------------FlamethrowerBrick Break[spoiler=Salamence's Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerRaging Flamethrower - Rage + FlamethrowerRaging Zen Headbutt - Rage + Zen Headbutt Druddigon (Dragan) - MaleRough SkinLV10 - EXP: 0LeerScratchHone ClawsBite Darkrai (Darkrai)Bad DreamsLV26 - EXP: 0Ominous WindDisableQuick AttackHypnosis Chandelure (Ghoulflame) - MaleFlame BodyLV41 - EXP: 0EmberAstonishMinimizeSmogFire SpinConfuse RayNight ShadeWill 'O' WispFlame BurstImprisonHexMementoInferno-------------------Shadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Chandelure's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow BallBurning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Swablu (Cotton) - MaleNatural CureLV10 - EXP: 0PeckGrowlAstonishSing Aerodactyl (Aero) - MaleRock HeadLV10 - EXP: 0Ice FangFire FangThunder FangWing AttackSupersonicBiteScary FaceRoar Charmander (Blaze) - MaleBlazeLV10 - EXP: 0ScratchGrowlEmberSmokecreen Haxorus (Dracofang) - MaleMold BreakerLV48 - EXP: 0ScratchLeerAssuranceDragon RageDual ChopScary FaceSlashFalse SwipeDragon ClawDragon DanceTaunt------------------------------Brick Break[spoiler=Haxorus' Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerDragon Swipe - Dragon Claw + False Swipe Houndour (Hellhound) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0LeerEmberHowlSmogFlamethrower-----------------------Shadow BallSunny DayDark PulseOverheat[spoiler=Houndour's Combo Moves]Flaming Smog - Ember + SmogDark Flame Pulse - Flamethrower + Dark PulseExplosive Smog - Overheat + SmogDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsFlaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Magikarp (Rage) - MaleSwift SwimLV10 - EXP: 0Splash Unfezant (Birdy) - Female*Leftovers*Super LuckLV10 - EXP: 0GustGrowlLeerQuick Attack Rotom (Rotom)//LevitateLV20 - EXP: 0TrickAstonishThunder WaveThundershockConfuse RaySignal BeamUproarDouble Team----------------------Shadow BallThunderboltDark Pulse[spoiler=Formes Available]Heat Forme - Overheat [spoiler=Rotom's Combo Moves]Shocking Shadow Balls + Thunderbolt + Shadow BallShocking Signal Beam - Thunderbolt + Signal BeamStorming Heat - Thunderbolt + OverHeat (Heat Forme only) Flareon (Flame Guy) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandSand Attack-----------------------Sunny DayDigShadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Flareon's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Hydreigon (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV64 - EXP: 0Tri AttackTackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteHeadbuttDragonbreathRoarCrunchSlamDragon PulseWork UpDragon RushBody SlamScary FaceHyper VoiceOutrage-----------------Dark PulseFlamethrower[spoiler=Hydreigon's Combo Moves]Focused Dragon Rage - Focus Energy + Dragon RageDark Dragon Rage - Dark Pulse + Dragon RageOutraging Dragon Rush - Outrage + Dragon RushFlaming Rage - Flamethrower + Dragon RageDarkened Flame Pulse - Dark Pulse + Flamethrower Volcarona (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV59 - EXP: 0EmberString ShotLeech LifeTake DownFlame ChargeBug BiteDouble-EdgeQuiver Dance---------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Volcarona's Combo Moves]Burning String Shot - String Shot + FlamethrowerFlaming Double Edge - Flame Charge + Double Edge Kingdra (Sea Dragon) - MaleSwift SwimLV35 - EXP: 0YawnBubbleSmokescreenLeerWater GunFocus EnergyBubblebeamAgilityTwisterBrineHydro Pump-------------------Ice Beam[spoiler=Horsea's Combo Moves]Smokey Bubbles - Bubble + SmokescreenFrigid Smoke - Ice Beam + SmokescreenFrigid Twister - Ice Beam + TwisterFocused Bubblebeam - Focus Energy + BubblebeamIcy Hydro - Hydro Pump + Ice Beam Gallade (Psi-Blade) - MaleSteadfastLV20 - EXP: 0Leaf BladeNight SlashGrowlConfusionDouble TeamTeleportLucky Chant--------------------ThunderboltShadow BallBrick Break[spoiler=Ralt's Combo moves]Controlled Thunderbolt - Confusion + ThunderboltControlled Shadow Balls - Confusion + Shadow Ball Drafairy (Drafairy) - MaleSuper LuckLV10 - EXP: 0TackleTail WhipCharmConfusion [spoiler=in Day Care] Tynamo (Eelektra) - FemaleLevitateLV20 - EXP: 0TackleThunder WaveSparkCharge Beam BP: 25 Items: Thunderstone x1 Rare Candy x 6Rare Goody x 3 Cheri Berry x 4 Chesto Berry x 4 Pecha Berry x 4 Lum Berry x 4 Oran Berry x 4 Sitrus Berry x 4 Enigma Berry x 1 BP: 633TMs/HMs:TM07 HailTM11 Sunny DayTM13 Ice BeamTM24 ThunderboltTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM31 Brick Break TM35 FlamethrowerTM43 Secret PowerTM50 NightmareTM50 OverheatTM61 Will O WispTM79 Dark Pulse [spoiler=Move Tutor Moves]Moonlight [spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Sandile2. Tepig3. Chimchar4. Sneasel5. Gastly6. Totodile7. Torchic8. Cyndaquil9. Growlithe10. Torkoal11. Slugma12. Vulpix13. Darumakka14. Ponyta15. Castform16. Pansear17. Heatmor18. Numel Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 9Losses: 9Draws: 6 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament"September 18th - I advanced to the "Pokemon Master" rankOctober 6th - i got 1000 Club PostsOctober 27th - I obtained my first Legendary Pokemon - DarkraiDecember 16th - I won the 2nd "Fakemon Contest" and obtained Drafairy posts 5/10posts till next pokemon 15/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Myst Posted December 17, 2011 Report Share Posted December 17, 2011 Name change! Probably it's a FF sort of game, only with Pokemon! Also, a Mudkipz (guest)! BS, trade my Rhydon and back to evolve, plz? [spoiler=Swords' Statistics]Lead Pokemon: RhydonLevel-Up in: 7New Pokemon in : 57BP: 108 [spoiler=Pokemon]#112 RhydonLevel 10Ability: Rock HeadItem: ---- Horn Attack- Tail Whip- Stomp #610 Axew (in Daycare)Level 17Ability: Mold BreakerItem: ---- Scratch- Leer- Assurance- Dragon Rage [spoiler=Axew's combos]Speed Launch = Dragon Rage (fired at the ground)Dragon Cannon = Dragon Rage (fired at the sky)Dragon Force = Speed Launch + Dragon Cannon #566 Archen (in Daycare)Level 22Ability: DefeatistItem: ---- Quick Attack- Scary Face- Double Team- Wing Attack- Rock Throw [spoiler=Archen's combos]Speed Launch = Quick Attack (used to increase speed)Quick Tornado = Quick Attack (circling around the opponent) #491 DarkraiLevel 23Ability: Bad DreamsItem: ---- Ominous Wind- Disable- Quick Attack #479 RotomLevel 10Ability: LevitateItem: ---- Confuse Ray- Thunder Wave- Signal Beam #521 UnfezantLevel 10Ability: Super LuckItem: EXP Share- Gust- Leer- Quick Attack [spoiler=Equipment]NightmareWill-o-WispMoonlight x1 Protector x1 Leftoversx6 Rare Candyx3 Rare Goodiesx4 Cheri Berriesx4 Chesto Berriesx4 Pecha Berriesx4 Lum Berriesx4 Oran Berriesx4 Sitrus Berriesx1 Enigma Berry [spoiler=Pokemon Wanted]#564 Tirtouga#246 Larvitar#597 Ferroseed#562 Yamask [spoiler=Battle Record]Wins: 3 (Single 3, Double 0, Triple 0)Losses: 3 (Single 3, Double 0, Triple 0)Draws: 0 (Single 0, Double 0, Triple 0) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted December 17, 2011 Report Share Posted December 17, 2011 @Myst: oh yea i forgot you asked that earlier in the week, i'll do it*trades Gabite over* [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Johto's Burning MasterChaos. Chaos is Power, Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is one that unifies the chaos. Welcome challenger, I am Silver Yuja, I am generally a competitive person, and that fuels my spirit, and my spirit contributes to the power that emanates from my soul. Now let me show you what true power feels like. Club Posts: 1526 Pokemon Vibrava (Dragor) - MaleLevitateLV42 - EXP: 6SonicboomBiteSand AttackFaint AttackSand TombCrunchDigDragonbreathScreech[spoiler=Vibrava's combo moves]Sonic Screech - Sonicboom + Screech Gabite (Shark) - MaleSand VeilLV38 - EXP: 0TackleSand AttackDragon RageDigSandstormTake DownSand TombDual ChopDragon Claw[spoiler=Gabite's Combo Moves]Sandstorming Dragon Rage - Sandstorm + Dragon Rage Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitQuick AttackMoonlight-----------------Dark PulseDigSecret PowerShadow Ball[spoiler=Umbreon's Combo Moves]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsQuick Tackle - Quick Attack + TackleDark Pulse Impact - Dark Pulse + Pursuit Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0ThunderpunchSmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFire SpinConfuse Ray---------------------FlamethrowerSunny DayThunderboltOverheat[spoiler=Magmortar's Combo moves]Burning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogBlazing Bolt - Flamethrower + ThunderboltBlazing Storm Smog - Flamethrower + Thunderbolt + SmokescreenExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Froslass (Frostie) - FemaleSnow CloakLV10 - EXP: 0Powder SnowLeerDouble TeamBiteAstonishHail-------------------Ice BeamThunderboltShadow Ball[spoiler=Froslass' Combo Moves]Shocking Ice Beam - Ice Beam + ThunderboltSnow Cloaking Double Team - Hail + Double Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - Male*EXP Share*StaticLV14 - EXP: 0Fire PunchQuick AttackLeerThundershockLow Kick--------------------------ThunderboltBrick Break[spoiler=Electivire's Combo Moves]Storming Quick Attack - Thundershock + Quick Attack [spoiler=Box #1 (26/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Swinub (Mammoth) - MaleThick FatLV10 - EXP: 0TackleOdor SleuthMud SportPowder Snow Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Magnet RiseTake DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm---------------------Shadow BallBrick Break[spoiler=Metagross' Combo Moves]Bullet Claw - Metal Claw + Bullet PunchControlled Shadow Balls - Psychic + Shadow Balls Larvitar (Tyranno) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0BiteLeerSandstormScreech Vanillite (Ice Cream) - MaleIce BodyLV10 - EXP: 0Icicle SpearHardenAstonishUproar Dratini (Dragos) - MaleShed SkinLV10 - EXP: 0WrapLeerThunder Wave Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV35 - EXP: 0Bullet PunchQuick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse SwipeFury CutterSlash[spoiler=Scizor's Combo Move]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitFury Slash - Fury Cutter + Slash Salamence (Drago) - MaleIntimidateLV50 - EXP: 0Fire FangThunder FangRageBiteLeerHeadbuttFocus EnergyDragonbreathZen HeadbuttScary FaceCrunchFly-------------------FlamethrowerBrick Break[spoiler=Salamence's Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerRaging Flamethrower - Rage + FlamethrowerRaging Zen Headbutt - Rage + Zen Headbutt Druddigon (Dragan) - MaleRough SkinLV10 - EXP: 0LeerScratchHone ClawsBite Darkrai (Darkrai)Bad DreamsLV26 - EXP: 0Ominous WindDisableQuick AttackHypnosis Chandelure (Ghoulflame) - MaleFlame BodyLV41 - EXP: 0EmberAstonishMinimizeSmogFire SpinConfuse RayNight ShadeWill 'O' WispFlame BurstImprisonHexMementoInferno-------------------Shadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Chandelure's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow BallBurning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Swablu (Cotton) - MaleNatural CureLV10 - EXP: 0PeckGrowlAstonishSing Aerodactyl (Aero) - MaleRock HeadLV10 - EXP: 0Ice FangFire FangThunder FangWing AttackSupersonicBiteScary FaceRoar Charmander (Blaze) - MaleBlazeLV10 - EXP: 0ScratchGrowlEmberSmokecreen Haxorus (Dracofang) - MaleMold BreakerLV48 - EXP: 0ScratchLeerAssuranceDragon RageDual ChopScary FaceSlashFalse SwipeDragon ClawDragon DanceTaunt------------------------------Brick Break[spoiler=Haxorus' Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerDragon Swipe - Dragon Claw + False Swipe Houndour (Hellhound) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0LeerEmberHowlSmogFlamethrower-----------------------Shadow BallSunny DayDark PulseOverheat[spoiler=Houndour's Combo Moves]Flaming Smog - Ember + SmogDark Flame Pulse - Flamethrower + Dark PulseExplosive Smog - Overheat + SmogDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsFlaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Magikarp (Rage) - MaleSwift SwimLV10 - EXP: 0Splash Unfezant (Birdy) - Female*Leftovers*Super LuckLV10 - EXP: 0GustGrowlLeerQuick Attack Rotom (Rotom)//LevitateLV20 - EXP: 0TrickAstonishThunder WaveThundershockConfuse RaySignal BeamUproarDouble Team----------------------Shadow BallThunderboltDark Pulse[spoiler=Formes Available]Heat Forme - Overheat [spoiler=Rotom's Combo Moves]Shocking Shadow Balls + Thunderbolt + Shadow BallShocking Signal Beam - Thunderbolt + Signal BeamStorming Heat - Thunderbolt + OverHeat (Heat Forme only) Flareon (Flame Guy) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandSand Attack-----------------------Sunny DayDigShadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Flareon's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Hydreigon (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV64 - EXP: 0Tri AttackTackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteHeadbuttDragonbreathRoarCrunchSlamDragon PulseWork UpDragon RushBody SlamScary FaceHyper VoiceOutrage-----------------Dark PulseFlamethrower[spoiler=Hydreigon's Combo Moves]Focused Dragon Rage - Focus Energy + Dragon RageDark Dragon Rage - Dark Pulse + Dragon RageOutraging Dragon Rush - Outrage + Dragon RushFlaming Rage - Flamethrower + Dragon RageDarkened Flame Pulse - Dark Pulse + Flamethrower Volcarona (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV59 - EXP: 0EmberString ShotLeech LifeTake DownFlame ChargeBug BiteDouble-EdgeQuiver Dance---------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Volcarona's Combo Moves]Burning String Shot - String Shot + FlamethrowerFlaming Double Edge - Flame Charge + Double Edge Kingdra (Sea Dragon) - MaleSwift SwimLV35 - EXP: 0YawnBubbleSmokescreenLeerWater GunFocus EnergyBubblebeamAgilityTwisterBrineHydro Pump-------------------Ice Beam[spoiler=Horsea's Combo Moves]Smokey Bubbles - Bubble + SmokescreenFrigid Smoke - Ice Beam + SmokescreenFrigid Twister - Ice Beam + TwisterFocused Bubblebeam - Focus Energy + BubblebeamIcy Hydro - Hydro Pump + Ice Beam Gallade (Psi-Blade) - MaleSteadfastLV20 - EXP: 0Leaf BladeNight SlashGrowlConfusionDouble TeamTeleportLucky Chant--------------------ThunderboltShadow BallBrick Break[spoiler=Ralt's Combo moves]Controlled Thunderbolt - Confusion + ThunderboltControlled Shadow Balls - Confusion + Shadow Ball Drafairy (Drafairy) - MaleSuper LuckLV10 - EXP: 0TackleTail WhipCharmConfusion [spoiler=in Day Care] Tynamo (Eelektra) - FemaleLevitateLV20 - EXP: 0TackleThunder WaveSparkCharge Beam BP: 25 Items: Thunderstone x1 Rare Candy x 6Rare Goody x 3 Cheri Berry x 4 Chesto Berry x 4 Pecha Berry x 4 Lum Berry x 4 Oran Berry x 4 Sitrus Berry x 4 Enigma Berry x 1 BP: 633TMs/HMs:TM07 HailTM11 Sunny DayTM13 Ice BeamTM24 ThunderboltTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM31 Brick Break TM35 FlamethrowerTM43 Secret PowerTM50 NightmareTM50 OverheatTM61 Will O WispTM79 Dark Pulse [spoiler=Move Tutor Moves]Moonlight [spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Sandile2. Tepig3. Chimchar4. Sneasel5. Gastly6. Totodile7. Torchic8. Cyndaquil9. Growlithe10. Torkoal11. Slugma12. Vulpix13. Darumakka14. Ponyta15. Castform16. Pansear17. Heatmor18. Numel Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 9Losses: 9Draws: 6 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament"September 18th - I advanced to the "Pokemon Master" rankOctober 6th - i got 1000 Club PostsOctober 27th - I obtained my first Legendary Pokemon - DarkraiDecember 16th - I won the 2nd "Fakemon Contest" and obtained Drafairy posts 6/10posts till next pokemon 16/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anti-Apocryphal Posted December 18, 2011 Report Share Posted December 18, 2011 So, I created a new fakemon. Actually 12, but I've got a pretty good one....anyone care to hear about it? Aron levels up. [spoiler=Executive Team of Future Paradise]'Uncommon' Executive Champion of the Kalall Region "I, Future Paradise, am Champion of the Kalall Region. You have made it through tough challenges to get here. However, up to this point, you can consider your past challenges easy. What you're about to witness is the greatest team to ever exist!" ARON [Male][LEVEL 13][ROCK HEAD][LEAD POKEMON] TACKLEHARDENMUD-SLAPHEADBUTT [spoiler=Items] x1 Dusk Stone 0/10 [uP]30/60 [PKMN]30 [postS THIS WEEK][54 BP] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Myst Posted December 18, 2011 Report Share Posted December 18, 2011 Show me! I don't think I can distribute Chansey with Presents anymore. Happiness evolving is pure sh*t.. So, Pichu with Present 8D [spoiler=Swords' Statistics]Lead Pokemon: RhyperiorLevel-Up in: 6New Pokemon in : 56BP: 108 [spoiler=Pokemon]#464 RhyperiorLevel 10Ability: Rock HeadItem: ---- Horn Attack- Tail Whip- Stomp #610 AxewLevel 29Ability: Mold BreakerItem: ---- Scratch- Leer- Assurance- Dragon Rage [spoiler=Axew's combos]Speed Launch = Dragon Rage (fired at the ground)Dragon Cannon = Dragon Rage (fired at the sky)Dragon Force = Speed Launch + Dragon Cannon #566 ArchenLevel 34Ability: DefeatistItem: ---- Quick Attack- Scary Face- Double Team- Wing Attack- Rock Throw [spoiler=Archen's combos]Speed Launch = Quick Attack (used to increase speed)Quick Tornado = Quick Attack (circling around the opponent) #491 DarkraiLevel 23Ability: Bad DreamsItem: ---- Ominous Wind- Disable- Quick Attack #479 RotomLevel 10Ability: LevitateItem: EXP Share- Confuse Ray- Thunder Wave- Signal Beam #521 UnfezantLevel 11Ability: Super LuckItem: ---- Gust- Leer- Quick Attack [spoiler=Equipment]NightmareWill-o-WispMoonlight x1 Leftoversx6 Rare Candyx3 Rare Goodiesx4 Cheri Berriesx4 Chesto Berriesx4 Pecha Berriesx4 Lum Berriesx4 Oran Berriesx4 Sitrus Berriesx1 Enigma Berry [spoiler=Pokemon Wanted]#564 Tirtouga#246 Larvitar#597 Ferroseed#562 Yamask [spoiler=Battle Record]Wins: 3 (Single 3, Double 0, Triple 0)Losses: 3 (Single 3, Double 0, Triple 0)Draws: 0 (Single 0, Double 0, Triple 0) *evolution music* Congratulations! Your Rhydon evolved into Rhyperior! I take Archen and Axew out of the Daycare. It levels by 12. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted December 18, 2011 Report Share Posted December 18, 2011 @Myst: for sheer difficultness:What? Rhydon is evolving *evolution music* Congratulations! Your Rhydon evolved into Rhyperior!*trades back* sorry just had to @FP: can i/we see it? [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Johto's Burning MasterChaos. Chaos is Power, Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is one that unifies the chaos. Welcome challenger, I am Silver Yuja, I am generally a competitive person, and that fuels my spirit, and my spirit contributes to the power that emanates from my soul. Now let me show you what true power feels like. Club Posts: 1527 Pokemon Vibrava (Dragor) - MaleLevitateLV42 - EXP: 7SonicboomBiteSand AttackFaint AttackSand TombCrunchDigDragonbreathScreech[spoiler=Vibrava's combo moves]Sonic Screech - Sonicboom + Screech Gabite (Shark) - MaleSand VeilLV38 - EXP: 0TackleSand AttackDragon RageDigSandstormTake DownSand TombDual ChopDragon Claw[spoiler=Gabite's Combo Moves]Sandstorming Dragon Rage - Sandstorm + Dragon Rage Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitQuick AttackMoonlight-----------------Dark PulseDigSecret PowerShadow Ball[spoiler=Umbreon's Combo Moves]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsQuick Tackle - Quick Attack + TackleDark Pulse Impact - Dark Pulse + Pursuit Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0ThunderpunchSmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFire SpinConfuse Ray---------------------FlamethrowerSunny DayThunderboltOverheat[spoiler=Magmortar's Combo moves]Burning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogBlazing Bolt - Flamethrower + ThunderboltBlazing Storm Smog - Flamethrower + Thunderbolt + SmokescreenExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Froslass (Frostie) - FemaleSnow CloakLV10 - EXP: 0Powder SnowLeerDouble TeamBiteAstonishHail-------------------Ice BeamThunderboltShadow Ball[spoiler=Froslass' Combo Moves]Shocking Ice Beam - Ice Beam + ThunderboltSnow Cloaking Double Team - Hail + Double Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - Male*EXP Share*StaticLV14 - EXP: 0Fire PunchQuick AttackLeerThundershockLow Kick--------------------------ThunderboltBrick Break[spoiler=Electivire's Combo Moves]Storming Quick Attack - Thundershock + Quick Attack [spoiler=Box #1 (26/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Swinub (Mammoth) - MaleThick FatLV10 - EXP: 0TackleOdor SleuthMud SportPowder Snow Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Magnet RiseTake DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm---------------------Shadow BallBrick Break[spoiler=Metagross' Combo Moves]Bullet Claw - Metal Claw + Bullet PunchControlled Shadow Balls - Psychic + Shadow Balls Larvitar (Tyranno) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0BiteLeerSandstormScreech Vanillite (Ice Cream) - MaleIce BodyLV10 - EXP: 0Icicle SpearHardenAstonishUproar Dratini (Dragos) - MaleShed SkinLV10 - EXP: 0WrapLeerThunder Wave Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV35 - EXP: 0Bullet PunchQuick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse SwipeFury CutterSlash[spoiler=Scizor's Combo Move]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitFury Slash - Fury Cutter + Slash Salamence (Drago) - MaleIntimidateLV50 - EXP: 0Fire FangThunder FangRageBiteLeerHeadbuttFocus EnergyDragonbreathZen HeadbuttScary FaceCrunchFly-------------------FlamethrowerBrick Break[spoiler=Salamence's Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerRaging Flamethrower - Rage + FlamethrowerRaging Zen Headbutt - Rage + Zen Headbutt Druddigon (Dragan) - MaleRough SkinLV10 - EXP: 0LeerScratchHone ClawsBite Darkrai (Darkrai)Bad DreamsLV26 - EXP: 0Ominous WindDisableQuick AttackHypnosis Chandelure (Ghoulflame) - MaleFlame BodyLV41 - EXP: 0EmberAstonishMinimizeSmogFire SpinConfuse RayNight ShadeWill 'O' WispFlame BurstImprisonHexMementoInferno-------------------Shadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Chandelure's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow BallBurning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Swablu (Cotton) - MaleNatural CureLV10 - EXP: 0PeckGrowlAstonishSing Aerodactyl (Aero) - MaleRock HeadLV10 - EXP: 0Ice FangFire FangThunder FangWing AttackSupersonicBiteScary FaceRoar Charmander (Blaze) - MaleBlazeLV10 - EXP: 0ScratchGrowlEmberSmokecreen Haxorus (Dracofang) - MaleMold BreakerLV48 - EXP: 0ScratchLeerAssuranceDragon RageDual ChopScary FaceSlashFalse SwipeDragon ClawDragon DanceTaunt------------------------------Brick Break[spoiler=Haxorus' Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerDragon Swipe - Dragon Claw + False Swipe Houndour (Hellhound) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0LeerEmberHowlSmogFlamethrower-----------------------Shadow BallSunny DayDark PulseOverheat[spoiler=Houndour's Combo Moves]Flaming Smog - Ember + SmogDark Flame Pulse - Flamethrower + Dark PulseExplosive Smog - Overheat + SmogDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsFlaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Magikarp (Rage) - MaleSwift SwimLV10 - EXP: 0Splash Unfezant (Birdy) - Female*Leftovers*Super LuckLV10 - EXP: 0GustGrowlLeerQuick Attack Rotom (Rotom)//LevitateLV20 - EXP: 0TrickAstonishThunder WaveThundershockConfuse RaySignal BeamUproarDouble Team----------------------Shadow BallThunderboltDark Pulse[spoiler=Formes Available]Heat Forme - Overheat [spoiler=Rotom's Combo Moves]Shocking Shadow Balls + Thunderbolt + Shadow BallShocking Signal Beam - Thunderbolt + Signal BeamStorming Heat - Thunderbolt + OverHeat (Heat Forme only) Flareon (Flame Guy) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandSand Attack-----------------------Sunny DayDigShadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Flareon's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Hydreigon (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV64 - EXP: 0Tri AttackTackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteHeadbuttDragonbreathRoarCrunchSlamDragon PulseWork UpDragon RushBody SlamScary FaceHyper VoiceOutrage-----------------Dark PulseFlamethrower[spoiler=Hydreigon's Combo Moves]Focused Dragon Rage - Focus Energy + Dragon RageDark Dragon Rage - Dark Pulse + Dragon RageOutraging Dragon Rush - Outrage + Dragon RushFlaming Rage - Flamethrower + Dragon RageDarkened Flame Pulse - Dark Pulse + Flamethrower Volcarona (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV59 - EXP: 0EmberString ShotLeech LifeTake DownFlame ChargeBug BiteDouble-EdgeQuiver Dance---------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Volcarona's Combo Moves]Burning String Shot - String Shot + FlamethrowerFlaming Double Edge - Flame Charge + Double Edge Kingdra (Sea Dragon) - MaleSwift SwimLV35 - EXP: 0YawnBubbleSmokescreenLeerWater GunFocus EnergyBubblebeamAgilityTwisterBrineHydro Pump-------------------Ice Beam[spoiler=Horsea's Combo Moves]Smokey Bubbles - Bubble + SmokescreenFrigid Smoke - Ice Beam + SmokescreenFrigid Twister - Ice Beam + TwisterFocused Bubblebeam - Focus Energy + BubblebeamIcy Hydro - Hydro Pump + Ice Beam Gallade (Psi-Blade) - MaleSteadfastLV20 - EXP: 0Leaf BladeNight SlashGrowlConfusionDouble TeamTeleportLucky Chant--------------------ThunderboltShadow BallBrick Break[spoiler=Ralt's Combo moves]Controlled Thunderbolt - Confusion + ThunderboltControlled Shadow Balls - Confusion + Shadow Ball Drafairy (Drafairy) - MaleSuper LuckLV10 - EXP: 0TackleTail WhipCharmConfusion [spoiler=in Day Care] Tynamo (Eelektra) - FemaleLevitateLV22 - EXP: 0TackleThunder WaveSparkCharge Beam BP: 30 Items: Thunderstone x1 Rare Candy x 6Rare Goody x 3 Cheri Berry x 4 Chesto Berry x 4 Pecha Berry x 4 Lum Berry x 4 Oran Berry x 4 Sitrus Berry x 4 Enigma Berry x 1 BP: 633TMs/HMs:TM07 HailTM11 Sunny DayTM13 Ice BeamTM24 ThunderboltTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM31 Brick Break TM35 FlamethrowerTM43 Secret PowerTM50 NightmareTM50 OverheatTM61 Will O WispTM79 Dark Pulse [spoiler=Move Tutor Moves]Moonlight [spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Sandile2. Tepig3. Chimchar4. Sneasel5. Gastly6. Totodile7. Torchic8. Cyndaquil9. Growlithe10. Torkoal11. Slugma12. Vulpix13. Darumakka14. Ponyta15. Castform16. Pansear17. Heatmor18. Numel Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 9Losses: 9Draws: 6 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament"September 18th - I advanced to the "Pokemon Master" rankOctober 6th - i got 1000 Club PostsOctober 27th - I obtained my first Legendary Pokemon - DarkraiDecember 16th - I won the 2nd "Fakemon Contest" and obtained Drafairy posts 7/10posts till next pokemon 17/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Demyx~ Posted December 18, 2011 Report Share Posted December 18, 2011 I'm back. School has been killing me lately. It's probably been about 2-3 weeks since I've been on YCM. I should have came back on Christmas for the lols. Myst: Cool, Pichu with Present. Also, cool name change! :D FP: I'm not good at spriting anymore. But anyway, sure. I wanna see. (Grenouille levels up twice due to Lucky Egg. Allument also levels up once because of EXP Share. BTW, is it one level or two levels that the Pokemon with EXP Share gains when the Pokemon who actually levels up has a Lucky Egg?) [spoiler=Demyx's Magnificent Pokemon and Statistics]Unova's Storms Champion Front Pokemon: PredatourPosts Until New Pokemon: 31/60Posts Until Level Up: 0/10Posts Until 50 BP: 1/10[spoiler=BP]48 [spoiler=Achivements]March ?: Joined Pokemon LegionApril 30, 2011: Defeated Baraka in the semifinal match in the Tag Team Tournament.May 1st, 2011: Defeated Reaper:Jaxcob in the finals in the Tag Team Tournament.May 1st: Won the Tag Team Tournament.May 1st: Obtained his first Legendary Pokemon, Regigigas.May 17th: Obtained the Legendary Pokemon, Cressalia.June 27th: Became Unova's Light and Darkness Champion.June 29th: Sent Venoclaw entry for the Fakemon Creation Contest.July 7th: Reached 1000 postsJuly 12th: Came in 2nd place in the Fakemon Creation Contest...along with everyone else except Nightwing.July 19th: Switched in a new team!July 25th: Beat Nightwing in the Weaklings Tournament,July 26th: Was disqualified because he wasn't able to battle.September 23rd: Had a birthday, and became Unova's Thunderstorm ChampionOctoper 30th: Obtained the Legendary Pokemon, Darkrai.November 11th: Became Unova's Storm ChampionNovember 19th: Became Unova's Stormy Champion (Big difference lol)December 18th: Came back after a hiatus. [spoiler=Inventory][spoiler=TM/HM's]Energy BallDigScaldFlash CannonEgg BombShock WaveBrick BreakVolt SwitchThunder WavePoison JabX-ScissorWill-O-WispNightmareMoonlight [spoiler=Key Items/Item's]Electirizer3 Rare Goodies6 Rare Candies4 Cheri Berries4 Chesto Berries4 Pecha Berries4 Lum Berries4 Oran Berries4 Sitrus Berries1 Enigma Berry [spoiler='Pokemon':] ~ Grenouille~ Level 28~ Swift Swim~ Female~ Lucky Egg- Body Slam- Scald- Hypnosis- Rain Dance- Dig~ Aimant~ Level 30~ Analytic~ Genderless- Lock On- Electro Ball- Tri Attack- Shock Wave- Thunder Wave- Volt Switch~ Chenille~ Level 32~ Swarm~ Male- Iron Defense- Bug Bite- Rollout- Protect- Poison Jab- X-Scissor- Screech- Tonnerre~ Level 47~ Motor Drive~ Male~ Lonely- Electro Ball- Light Screen- Swift- Discharge- Thunderpunch- Brick Break- Fire Punch ~ Allument~ Level 28~ Water Absorb~ Female~ EXP Share- Volt Switch- Confuse Ray- Scald- Thunder Wave- Shock Wave- Stockpile- Swallow- Spit Up~ Lunette~ Level 30~ Intimidate~ Male- Brick Break- Crunch- Swagger- Dig- Torment [spoiler=Center's][spoiler=Day Care Center] [spoiler=Breeding Center] [spoiler=Trading Center] [spoiler=Playground] [spoiler=Box's:][spoiler=Box 1: Dark Cloud Pokemon:]~ Serpent~ Level 17~ Shed Skin~ Male- Wrap- Lick- Bite~ Cocoter~ Level 10~ Stench~ Male- Dig- Fury Swipes- Screech- Poison Gas~ Loup~ Level 54~ Quick Feet~ Male~ Adament- Dig- Scary Face- Swagger- Assurance- Take Down- Embargo- Roar~ Cauchemar~ Level 47~ Bad Dreams~ Genderless- Hypnosis- Dream Eater- Nightmare- Faint Attack- Disable- Double Team- Thunder Wave- Poison Jab~ Clair~ Level 10~ Synchronize~ Female- Tail Whip- Tackle- Sand Attack- Helping Hand~ Matou~ Level 46~ Prankster~ Female~ Naive- Night Slash- Taunt- Hone Claws- Fake Out- Assurance- Assist- Snatch [spoiler=Box 2: Thunderstorm Pokemon]~ Piege~ Level 10~ Static~ Female- Mud Slap- Bide- Thundershock- Mud Sport~ Meloi~ Level 43~ Static~ Female- Quiet- Brick Break- Fire Punch- Electro Ball- Cotton Spore- Shock Wave~ Engin~ Level 42~ Levitate~ Genderless~ Modest- Forms Avalible: Fan, Frost, Wash- Substitute- Thunder Wave- Ominous Wind (Fan: Air Slash; Frost: Ice Punch; Wash: Scald)- Double Team- Confuse Ray- Shock Wave Rotom Egg ~ Foudre~ Level 10~ Quick Feet~ Male- Tail Whip- Tackle- Volt Switch- Shock Wave- Thunder Wave- Helping Hand~ Ecureuil~ Level 10~ Volt Absorb~ Female- Growl- Bide- Quick Attack- Charm- Shock Wave [spoiler=Box 3: Rainstorm Pokemon]~ Homard~ Level 56~ Adaptability~ Male~ Naughty- Protect- Swift- Dig- Taunt- Crabhammer- Swords Dance - Night Slash [spoiler=Box 4: Other Pokemon]~ Roi~ Level 42~ Steadfast~ Male- Brick Break- Heal Pulse- Dig- Detect- Dark Pulse- Bone Rush- Me First- Swords Dance- Flash Cannon~ Gardeur~ Level 14~ Tinted Lens~ Female- Hypnosis- Psywave- Tailwind- Gust ~ Biser~ Level 1~ Super Luck~ Female- Growl- Charm~ Mugen~ Level 40~ Levitate~ Female- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Mist- Confusion- Double Team- Safeguard~ Predatour~ Level 25~ Keen Eye~ Female~ Lucky Egg- Wing Attack- Quick Attack- Double Team- Endeavor~ Teishu~ Level 30~ Slow Start~ Genderless- Ice Punch- Fire Punch-Thunder Punch- Dizzy Punch- Confuse Ray- Revenge~ Fleur~ Level 10~ Poison Point~ Female- Absorb- Energy Ball- Water Spout- Tackle ~ Poulet~ Level 33~ Speed Boost~ Female- Ember- Quick Attack- Double Kick- Bulk Up~ Lapin~ Level 20~ Cute Charm~ Female- Mirror Coat- Endure- Thunder Wave- Quick Attack- Return~ Roulons~ Level 10~ Shiny~ Pickup~ Female- Odur Sleuth- Take Down- Defense Curl- Flail~ Fier~ Level 10~ Super Luck~ Female~ Leftovers- Leer- Growl- Quick Attack- Growl Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted December 18, 2011 Report Share Posted December 18, 2011 @Demyx: welcome back as for the EXP Share thing, i can't remember even though that question was brought up before [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Johto's Burning MasterChaos. Chaos is Power, Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is one that unifies the chaos. Welcome challenger, I am Silver Yuja, I am generally a competitive person, and that fuels my spirit, and my spirit contributes to the power that emanates from my soul. Now let me show you what true power feels like. Club Posts: 1528 Pokemon Vibrava (Dragor) - MaleLevitateLV42 - EXP: 8SonicboomBiteSand AttackFaint AttackSand TombCrunchDigDragonbreathScreech[spoiler=Vibrava's combo moves]Sonic Screech - Sonicboom + Screech Gabite (Shark) - MaleSand VeilLV38 - EXP: 0TackleSand AttackDragon RageDigSandstormTake DownSand TombDual ChopDragon Claw[spoiler=Gabite's Combo Moves]Sandstorming Dragon Rage - Sandstorm + Dragon Rage Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitQuick AttackMoonlight-----------------Dark PulseDigSecret PowerShadow Ball[spoiler=Umbreon's Combo Moves]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsQuick Tackle - Quick Attack + TackleDark Pulse Impact - Dark Pulse + Pursuit Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0ThunderpunchSmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFire SpinConfuse Ray---------------------FlamethrowerSunny DayThunderboltOverheat[spoiler=Magmortar's Combo moves]Burning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogBlazing Bolt - Flamethrower + ThunderboltBlazing Storm Smog - Flamethrower + Thunderbolt + SmokescreenExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Froslass (Frostie) - FemaleSnow CloakLV10 - EXP: 0Powder SnowLeerDouble TeamBiteAstonishHail-------------------Ice BeamThunderboltShadow Ball[spoiler=Froslass' Combo Moves]Shocking Ice Beam - Ice Beam + ThunderboltSnow Cloaking Double Team - Hail + Double Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - Male*EXP Share*StaticLV14 - EXP: 0Fire PunchQuick AttackLeerThundershockLow Kick--------------------------ThunderboltBrick Break[spoiler=Electivire's Combo Moves]Storming Quick Attack - Thundershock + Quick Attack [spoiler=Box #1 (26/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Swinub (Mammoth) - MaleThick FatLV10 - EXP: 0TackleOdor SleuthMud SportPowder Snow Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Magnet RiseTake DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm---------------------Shadow BallBrick Break[spoiler=Metagross' Combo Moves]Bullet Claw - Metal Claw + Bullet PunchControlled Shadow Balls - Psychic + Shadow Balls Larvitar (Tyranno) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0BiteLeerSandstormScreech Vanillite (Ice Cream) - MaleIce BodyLV10 - EXP: 0Icicle SpearHardenAstonishUproar Dratini (Dragos) - MaleShed SkinLV10 - EXP: 0WrapLeerThunder Wave Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV35 - EXP: 0Bullet PunchQuick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse SwipeFury CutterSlash[spoiler=Scizor's Combo Move]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitFury Slash - Fury Cutter + Slash Salamence (Drago) - MaleIntimidateLV50 - EXP: 0Fire FangThunder FangRageBiteLeerHeadbuttFocus EnergyDragonbreathZen HeadbuttScary FaceCrunchFly-------------------FlamethrowerBrick Break[spoiler=Salamence's Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerRaging Flamethrower - Rage + FlamethrowerRaging Zen Headbutt - Rage + Zen Headbutt Druddigon (Dragan) - MaleRough SkinLV10 - EXP: 0LeerScratchHone ClawsBite Darkrai (Darkrai)Bad DreamsLV26 - EXP: 0Ominous WindDisableQuick AttackHypnosis Chandelure (Ghoulflame) - MaleFlame BodyLV41 - EXP: 0EmberAstonishMinimizeSmogFire SpinConfuse RayNight ShadeWill 'O' WispFlame BurstImprisonHexMementoInferno-------------------Shadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Chandelure's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow BallBurning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Swablu (Cotton) - MaleNatural CureLV10 - EXP: 0PeckGrowlAstonishSing Aerodactyl (Aero) - MaleRock HeadLV10 - EXP: 0Ice FangFire FangThunder FangWing AttackSupersonicBiteScary FaceRoar Charmander (Blaze) - MaleBlazeLV10 - EXP: 0ScratchGrowlEmberSmokecreen Haxorus (Dracofang) - MaleMold BreakerLV48 - EXP: 0ScratchLeerAssuranceDragon RageDual ChopScary FaceSlashFalse SwipeDragon ClawDragon DanceTaunt------------------------------Brick Break[spoiler=Haxorus' Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerDragon Swipe - Dragon Claw + False Swipe Houndour (Hellhound) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0LeerEmberHowlSmogFlamethrower-----------------------Shadow BallSunny DayDark PulseOverheat[spoiler=Houndour's Combo Moves]Flaming Smog - Ember + SmogDark Flame Pulse - Flamethrower + Dark PulseExplosive Smog - Overheat + SmogDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsFlaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Magikarp (Rage) - MaleSwift SwimLV10 - EXP: 0Splash Unfezant (Birdy) - Female*Leftovers*Super LuckLV10 - EXP: 0GustGrowlLeerQuick Attack Rotom (Rotom)//LevitateLV20 - EXP: 0TrickAstonishThunder WaveThundershockConfuse RaySignal BeamUproarDouble Team----------------------Shadow BallThunderboltDark Pulse[spoiler=Formes Available]Heat Forme - Overheat [spoiler=Rotom's Combo Moves]Shocking Shadow Balls + Thunderbolt + Shadow BallShocking Signal Beam - Thunderbolt + Signal BeamStorming Heat - Thunderbolt + OverHeat (Heat Forme only) Flareon (Flame Guy) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandSand Attack-----------------------Sunny DayDigShadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Flareon's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Hydreigon (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV64 - EXP: 0Tri AttackTackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteHeadbuttDragonbreathRoarCrunchSlamDragon PulseWork UpDragon RushBody SlamScary FaceHyper VoiceOutrage-----------------Dark PulseFlamethrower[spoiler=Hydreigon's Combo Moves]Focused Dragon Rage - Focus Energy + Dragon RageDark Dragon Rage - Dark Pulse + Dragon RageOutraging Dragon Rush - Outrage + Dragon RushFlaming Rage - Flamethrower + Dragon RageDarkened Flame Pulse - Dark Pulse + Flamethrower Volcarona (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV59 - EXP: 0EmberString ShotLeech LifeTake DownFlame ChargeBug BiteDouble-EdgeQuiver Dance---------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Volcarona's Combo Moves]Burning String Shot - String Shot + FlamethrowerFlaming Double Edge - Flame Charge + Double Edge Kingdra (Sea Dragon) - MaleSwift SwimLV35 - EXP: 0YawnBubbleSmokescreenLeerWater GunFocus EnergyBubblebeamAgilityTwisterBrineHydro Pump-------------------Ice Beam[spoiler=Horsea's Combo Moves]Smokey Bubbles - Bubble + SmokescreenFrigid Smoke - Ice Beam + SmokescreenFrigid Twister - Ice Beam + TwisterFocused Bubblebeam - Focus Energy + BubblebeamIcy Hydro - Hydro Pump + Ice Beam Gallade (Psi-Blade) - MaleSteadfastLV20 - EXP: 0Leaf BladeNight SlashGrowlConfusionDouble TeamTeleportLucky Chant--------------------ThunderboltShadow BallBrick Break[spoiler=Ralt's Combo moves]Controlled Thunderbolt - Confusion + ThunderboltControlled Shadow Balls - Confusion + Shadow Ball Drafairy (Drafairy) - MaleSuper LuckLV10 - EXP: 0TackleTail WhipCharmConfusion [spoiler=in Day Care] Tynamo (Eelektra) - FemaleLevitateLV22 - EXP: 0TackleThunder WaveSparkCharge Beam BP: 30 Items: Thunderstone x1 Rare Candy x 6Rare Goody x 3 Cheri Berry x 4 Chesto Berry x 4 Pecha Berry x 4 Lum Berry x 4 Oran Berry x 4 Sitrus Berry x 4 Enigma Berry x 1 BP: 633TMs/HMs:TM07 HailTM11 Sunny DayTM13 Ice BeamTM24 ThunderboltTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM31 Brick Break TM35 FlamethrowerTM43 Secret PowerTM50 NightmareTM50 OverheatTM61 Will O WispTM79 Dark Pulse [spoiler=Move Tutor Moves]Moonlight [spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Sandile2. Tepig3. Chimchar4. Sneasel5. Gastly6. Totodile7. Torchic8. Cyndaquil9. Growlithe10. Torkoal11. Slugma12. Vulpix13. Darumakka14. Ponyta15. Castform16. Pansear17. Heatmor18. Numel Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 9Losses: 9Draws: 6 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament"September 18th - I advanced to the "Pokemon Master" rankOctober 6th - i got 1000 Club PostsOctober 27th - I obtained my first Legendary Pokemon - DarkraiDecember 16th - I won the 2nd "Fakemon Contest" and obtained Drafairy posts 8/10posts till next pokemon 18/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anti-Apocryphal Posted December 18, 2011 Report Share Posted December 18, 2011 Actually, they're not sprites. Just drawings, which I haven't even took a picture(s) of yet. I have 19 fakemon. Anyways, once I have them all posted, I'll give you guys the link. Or if you want to take a look at just one of them so far, you can click on the link to my forum: It only has one of nineteen, so don't expect too much. [spoiler=Executive Team of Future Paradise]'Uncommon' Executive Champion of the Kalall Region "I, Future Paradise, am Champion of the Kalall Region. You have made it through tough challenges to get here. However, up to this point, you can consider your past challenges easy. What you're about to witness is the greatest team to ever exist!" ARON [Male][LEVEL 13][ROCK HEAD][LEAD POKEMON] TACKLEHARDENMUD-SLAPHEADBUTT [spoiler=Items] x1 Dusk Stone 1/10 [uP]31/60 [PKMN]1 [postS THIS WEEK][54 BP] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted December 18, 2011 Report Share Posted December 18, 2011 @FP: i'll check it out *checks* that's nice so far, i can't wait to see the picture of the fakemon [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Johto's Burning MasterChaos. Chaos is Power, Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is one that unifies the chaos. Welcome challenger, I am Silver Yuja, I am generally a competitive person, and that fuels my spirit, and my spirit contributes to the power that emanates from my soul. Now let me show you what true power feels like. Club Posts: 1529 Pokemon Vibrava (Dragor) - MaleLevitateLV42 - EXP: 9SonicboomBiteSand AttackFaint AttackSand TombCrunchDigDragonbreathScreech[spoiler=Vibrava's combo moves]Sonic Screech - Sonicboom + Screech Gabite (Shark) - MaleSand VeilLV38 - EXP: 0TackleSand AttackDragon RageDigSandstormTake DownSand TombDual ChopDragon Claw[spoiler=Gabite's Combo Moves]Sandstorming Dragon Rage - Sandstorm + Dragon Rage Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitQuick AttackMoonlight-----------------Dark PulseDigSecret PowerShadow Ball[spoiler=Umbreon's Combo Moves]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsQuick Tackle - Quick Attack + TackleDark Pulse Impact - Dark Pulse + Pursuit Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0ThunderpunchSmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFire SpinConfuse Ray---------------------FlamethrowerSunny DayThunderboltOverheat[spoiler=Magmortar's Combo moves]Burning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogBlazing Bolt - Flamethrower + ThunderboltBlazing Storm Smog - Flamethrower + Thunderbolt + SmokescreenExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Froslass (Frostie) - FemaleSnow CloakLV10 - EXP: 0Powder SnowLeerDouble TeamBiteAstonishHail-------------------Ice BeamThunderboltShadow Ball[spoiler=Froslass' Combo Moves]Shocking Ice Beam - Ice Beam + ThunderboltSnow Cloaking Double Team - Hail + Double Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - Male*EXP Share*StaticLV14 - EXP: 0Fire PunchQuick AttackLeerThundershockLow Kick--------------------------ThunderboltBrick Break[spoiler=Electivire's Combo Moves]Storming Quick Attack - Thundershock + Quick Attack [spoiler=Box #1 (26/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Swinub (Mammoth) - MaleThick FatLV10 - EXP: 0TackleOdor SleuthMud SportPowder Snow Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Magnet RiseTake DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm---------------------Shadow BallBrick Break[spoiler=Metagross' Combo Moves]Bullet Claw - Metal Claw + Bullet PunchControlled Shadow Balls - Psychic + Shadow Balls Larvitar (Tyranno) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0BiteLeerSandstormScreech Vanillite (Ice Cream) - MaleIce BodyLV10 - EXP: 0Icicle SpearHardenAstonishUproar Dratini (Dragos) - MaleShed SkinLV10 - EXP: 0WrapLeerThunder Wave Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV35 - EXP: 0Bullet PunchQuick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse SwipeFury CutterSlash[spoiler=Scizor's Combo Move]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitFury Slash - Fury Cutter + Slash Salamence (Drago) - MaleIntimidateLV50 - EXP: 0Fire FangThunder FangRageBiteLeerHeadbuttFocus EnergyDragonbreathZen HeadbuttScary FaceCrunchFly-------------------FlamethrowerBrick Break[spoiler=Salamence's Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerRaging Flamethrower - Rage + FlamethrowerRaging Zen Headbutt - Rage + Zen Headbutt Druddigon (Dragan) - MaleRough SkinLV10 - EXP: 0LeerScratchHone ClawsBite Darkrai (Darkrai)Bad DreamsLV26 - EXP: 0Ominous WindDisableQuick AttackHypnosis Chandelure (Ghoulflame) - MaleFlame BodyLV41 - EXP: 0EmberAstonishMinimizeSmogFire SpinConfuse RayNight ShadeWill 'O' WispFlame BurstImprisonHexMementoInferno-------------------Shadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Chandelure's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow BallBurning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Swablu (Cotton) - MaleNatural CureLV10 - EXP: 0PeckGrowlAstonishSing Aerodactyl (Aero) - MaleRock HeadLV10 - EXP: 0Ice FangFire FangThunder FangWing AttackSupersonicBiteScary FaceRoar Charmander (Blaze) - MaleBlazeLV10 - EXP: 0ScratchGrowlEmberSmokecreen Haxorus (Dracofang) - MaleMold BreakerLV48 - EXP: 0ScratchLeerAssuranceDragon RageDual ChopScary FaceSlashFalse SwipeDragon ClawDragon DanceTaunt------------------------------Brick Break[spoiler=Haxorus' Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerDragon Swipe - Dragon Claw + False Swipe Houndour (Hellhound) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0LeerEmberHowlSmogFlamethrower-----------------------Shadow BallSunny DayDark PulseOverheat[spoiler=Houndour's Combo Moves]Flaming Smog - Ember + SmogDark Flame Pulse - Flamethrower + Dark PulseExplosive Smog - Overheat + SmogDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsFlaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Magikarp (Rage) - MaleSwift SwimLV10 - EXP: 0Splash Unfezant (Birdy) - Female*Leftovers*Super LuckLV10 - EXP: 0GustGrowlLeerQuick Attack Rotom (Rotom)//LevitateLV20 - EXP: 0TrickAstonishThunder WaveThundershockConfuse RaySignal BeamUproarDouble Team----------------------Shadow BallThunderboltDark Pulse[spoiler=Formes Available]Heat Forme - Overheat [spoiler=Rotom's Combo Moves]Shocking Shadow Balls + Thunderbolt + Shadow BallShocking Signal Beam - Thunderbolt + Signal BeamStorming Heat - Thunderbolt + OverHeat (Heat Forme only) Flareon (Flame Guy) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandSand Attack-----------------------Sunny DayDigShadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Flareon's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Hydreigon (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV64 - EXP: 0Tri AttackTackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteHeadbuttDragonbreathRoarCrunchSlamDragon PulseWork UpDragon RushBody SlamScary FaceHyper VoiceOutrage-----------------Dark PulseFlamethrower[spoiler=Hydreigon's Combo Moves]Focused Dragon Rage - Focus Energy + Dragon RageDark Dragon Rage - Dark Pulse + Dragon RageOutraging Dragon Rush - Outrage + Dragon RushFlaming Rage - Flamethrower + Dragon RageDarkened Flame Pulse - Dark Pulse + Flamethrower Volcarona (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV59 - EXP: 0EmberString ShotLeech LifeTake DownFlame ChargeBug BiteDouble-EdgeQuiver Dance---------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Volcarona's Combo Moves]Burning String Shot - String Shot + FlamethrowerFlaming Double Edge - Flame Charge + Double Edge Kingdra (Sea Dragon) - MaleSwift SwimLV35 - EXP: 0YawnBubbleSmokescreenLeerWater GunFocus EnergyBubblebeamAgilityTwisterBrineHydro Pump-------------------Ice Beam[spoiler=Horsea's Combo Moves]Smokey Bubbles - Bubble + SmokescreenFrigid Smoke - Ice Beam + SmokescreenFrigid Twister - Ice Beam + TwisterFocused Bubblebeam - Focus Energy + BubblebeamIcy Hydro - Hydro Pump + Ice Beam Gallade (Psi-Blade) - MaleSteadfastLV20 - EXP: 0Leaf BladeNight SlashGrowlConfusionDouble TeamTeleportLucky Chant--------------------ThunderboltShadow BallBrick Break[spoiler=Ralt's Combo moves]Controlled Thunderbolt - Confusion + ThunderboltControlled Shadow Balls - Confusion + Shadow Ball Drafairy (Drafairy) - MaleSuper LuckLV10 - EXP: 0TackleTail WhipCharmConfusion [spoiler=in Day Care] Tynamo (Eelektra) - FemaleLevitateLV22 - EXP: 0TackleThunder WaveSparkCharge Beam BP: 30 Items: Thunderstone x1 Rare Candy x 6Rare Goody x 3 Cheri Berry x 4 Chesto Berry x 4 Pecha Berry x 4 Lum Berry x 4 Oran Berry x 4 Sitrus Berry x 4 Enigma Berry x 1 BP: 633TMs/HMs:TM07 HailTM11 Sunny DayTM13 Ice BeamTM24 ThunderboltTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM31 Brick Break TM35 FlamethrowerTM43 Secret PowerTM50 NightmareTM50 OverheatTM61 Will O WispTM79 Dark Pulse [spoiler=Move Tutor Moves]Moonlight [spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Sandile2. Tepig3. Chimchar4. Sneasel5. Gastly6. Totodile7. Torchic8. Cyndaquil9. Growlithe10. Torkoal11. Slugma12. Vulpix13. Darumakka14. Ponyta15. Castform16. Pansear17. Heatmor18. Numel Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 9Losses: 9Draws: 6 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament"September 18th - I advanced to the "Pokemon Master" rankOctober 6th - i got 1000 Club PostsOctober 27th - I obtained my first Legendary Pokemon - DarkraiDecember 16th - I won the 2nd "Fakemon Contest" and obtained Drafairy posts 9/10posts till next pokemon 19/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anti-Apocryphal Posted December 18, 2011 Report Share Posted December 18, 2011 And here I found a good video on sprites (click on link in the thread): Causes somebody here said they forgot. OH! And I found a sprite generator: [spoiler=Executive Team of Future Paradise]'Uncommon' Executive Champion of the Kalall Region "I, Future Paradise, am Champion of the Kalall Region. You have made it through tough challenges to get here. However, up to this point, you can consider your past challenges easy. What you're about to witness is the greatest team to ever exist!" ARON [Male][LEVEL 13][ROCK HEAD][LEAD POKEMON] TACKLEHARDENMUD-SLAPHEADBUTT [spoiler=Items] x1 Dusk Stone 2/10 [uP]32/60 [PKMN]2 [postS THIS WEEK][54 BP] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted December 18, 2011 Report Share Posted December 18, 2011 @FP: i might view that video just in case i run out of ideas for fakemon [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Johto's Burning MasterChaos. Chaos is Power, Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is one that unifies the chaos. Welcome challenger, I am Silver Yuja, I am generally a competitive person, and that fuels my spirit, and my spirit contributes to the power that emanates from my soul. Now let me show you what true power feels like. Club Posts: 1530 Pokemon Vibrava (Dragor) - MaleLevitateLV43 - EXP: 10 -> 0SonicboomBiteSand AttackFaint AttackSand TombCrunchDigDragonbreathScreech[spoiler=Vibrava's combo moves]Sonic Screech - Sonicboom + Screech Gabite (Shark) - MaleSand VeilLV38 - EXP: 0TackleSand AttackDragon RageDigSandstormTake DownSand TombDual ChopDragon Claw[spoiler=Gabite's Combo Moves]Sandstorming Dragon Rage - Sandstorm + Dragon Rage Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitQuick AttackMoonlight-----------------Dark PulseDigSecret PowerShadow Ball[spoiler=Umbreon's Combo Moves]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsQuick Tackle - Quick Attack + TackleDark Pulse Impact - Dark Pulse + Pursuit Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0ThunderpunchSmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFire SpinConfuse Ray---------------------FlamethrowerSunny DayThunderboltOverheat[spoiler=Magmortar's Combo moves]Burning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogBlazing Bolt - Flamethrower + ThunderboltBlazing Storm Smog - Flamethrower + Thunderbolt + SmokescreenExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Froslass (Frostie) - FemaleSnow CloakLV10 - EXP: 0Powder SnowLeerDouble TeamBiteAstonishHail-------------------Ice BeamThunderboltShadow Ball[spoiler=Froslass' Combo Moves]Shocking Ice Beam - Ice Beam + ThunderboltSnow Cloaking Double Team - Hail + Double Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - Male*EXP Share*StaticLV15 - EXP: 0Fire PunchQuick AttackLeerThundershockLow Kick--------------------------ThunderboltBrick Break[spoiler=Electivire's Combo Moves]Storming Quick Attack - Thundershock + Quick Attack [spoiler=Box #1 (26/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Swinub (Mammoth) - MaleThick FatLV10 - EXP: 0TackleOdor SleuthMud SportPowder Snow Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Magnet RiseTake DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm---------------------Shadow BallBrick Break[spoiler=Metagross' Combo Moves]Bullet Claw - Metal Claw + Bullet PunchControlled Shadow Balls - Psychic + Shadow Balls Larvitar (Tyranno) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0BiteLeerSandstormScreech Vanillite (Ice Cream) - MaleIce BodyLV10 - EXP: 0Icicle SpearHardenAstonishUproar Dratini (Dragos) - MaleShed SkinLV10 - EXP: 0WrapLeerThunder Wave Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV35 - EXP: 0Bullet PunchQuick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse SwipeFury CutterSlash[spoiler=Scizor's Combo Move]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitFury Slash - Fury Cutter + Slash Salamence (Drago) - MaleIntimidateLV50 - EXP: 0Fire FangThunder FangRageBiteLeerHeadbuttFocus EnergyDragonbreathZen HeadbuttScary FaceCrunchFly-------------------FlamethrowerBrick Break[spoiler=Salamence's Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerRaging Flamethrower - Rage + FlamethrowerRaging Zen Headbutt - Rage + Zen Headbutt Druddigon (Dragan) - MaleRough SkinLV10 - EXP: 0LeerScratchHone ClawsBite Darkrai (Darkrai)Bad DreamsLV26 - EXP: 0Ominous WindDisableQuick AttackHypnosis Chandelure (Ghoulflame) - MaleFlame BodyLV41 - EXP: 0EmberAstonishMinimizeSmogFire SpinConfuse RayNight ShadeWill 'O' WispFlame BurstImprisonHexMementoInferno-------------------Shadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Chandelure's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow BallBurning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Swablu (Cotton) - MaleNatural CureLV10 - EXP: 0PeckGrowlAstonishSing Aerodactyl (Aero) - MaleRock HeadLV10 - EXP: 0Ice FangFire FangThunder FangWing AttackSupersonicBiteScary FaceRoar Charmander (Blaze) - MaleBlazeLV10 - EXP: 0ScratchGrowlEmberSmokecreen Haxorus (Dracofang) - MaleMold BreakerLV48 - EXP: 0ScratchLeerAssuranceDragon RageDual ChopScary FaceSlashFalse SwipeDragon ClawDragon DanceTaunt------------------------------Brick Break[spoiler=Haxorus' Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerDragon Swipe - Dragon Claw + False Swipe Houndour (Hellhound) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0LeerEmberHowlSmogFlamethrower-----------------------Shadow BallSunny DayDark PulseOverheat[spoiler=Houndour's Combo Moves]Flaming Smog - Ember + SmogDark Flame Pulse - Flamethrower + Dark PulseExplosive Smog - Overheat + SmogDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsFlaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Magikarp (Rage) - MaleSwift SwimLV10 - EXP: 0Splash Unfezant (Birdy) - Female*Leftovers*Super LuckLV10 - EXP: 0GustGrowlLeerQuick Attack Rotom (Rotom)//LevitateLV20 - EXP: 0TrickAstonishThunder WaveThundershockConfuse RaySignal BeamUproarDouble Team----------------------Shadow BallThunderboltDark Pulse[spoiler=Formes Available]Heat Forme - Overheat [spoiler=Rotom's Combo Moves]Shocking Shadow Balls + Thunderbolt + Shadow BallShocking Signal Beam - Thunderbolt + Signal BeamStorming Heat - Thunderbolt + OverHeat (Heat Forme only) Flareon (Flame Guy) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandSand Attack-----------------------Sunny DayDigShadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Flareon's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Hydreigon (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV64 - EXP: 0Tri AttackTackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteHeadbuttDragonbreathRoarCrunchSlamDragon PulseWork UpDragon RushBody SlamScary FaceHyper VoiceOutrage-----------------Dark PulseFlamethrower[spoiler=Hydreigon's Combo Moves]Focused Dragon Rage - Focus Energy + Dragon RageDark Dragon Rage - Dark Pulse + Dragon RageOutraging Dragon Rush - Outrage + Dragon RushFlaming Rage - Flamethrower + Dragon RageDarkened Flame Pulse - Dark Pulse + Flamethrower Volcarona (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV59 - EXP: 0EmberString ShotLeech LifeTake DownFlame ChargeBug BiteDouble-EdgeQuiver Dance---------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Volcarona's Combo Moves]Burning String Shot - String Shot + FlamethrowerFlaming Double Edge - Flame Charge + Double Edge Kingdra (Sea Dragon) - MaleSwift SwimLV35 - EXP: 0YawnBubbleSmokescreenLeerWater GunFocus EnergyBubblebeamAgilityTwisterBrineHydro Pump-------------------Ice Beam[spoiler=Horsea's Combo Moves]Smokey Bubbles - Bubble + SmokescreenFrigid Smoke - Ice Beam + SmokescreenFrigid Twister - Ice Beam + TwisterFocused Bubblebeam - Focus Energy + BubblebeamIcy Hydro - Hydro Pump + Ice Beam Gallade (Psi-Blade) - MaleSteadfastLV20 - EXP: 0Leaf BladeNight SlashGrowlConfusionDouble TeamTeleportLucky Chant--------------------ThunderboltShadow BallBrick Break[spoiler=Ralt's Combo moves]Controlled Thunderbolt - Confusion + ThunderboltControlled Shadow Balls - Confusion + Shadow Ball Drafairy (Drafairy) - MaleSuper LuckLV10 - EXP: 0TackleTail WhipCharmConfusion [spoiler=in Day Care] Tynamo (Eelektra) - FemaleLevitateLV22 - EXP: 0TackleThunder WaveSparkCharge Beam BP: 30 Items: Thunderstone x1 Rare Candy x 6Rare Goody x 3 Cheri Berry x 4 Chesto Berry x 4 Pecha Berry x 4 Lum Berry x 4 Oran Berry x 4 Sitrus Berry x 4 Enigma Berry x 1 BP: 635TMs/HMs:TM07 HailTM11 Sunny DayTM13 Ice BeamTM24 ThunderboltTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM31 Brick Break TM35 FlamethrowerTM43 Secret PowerTM50 NightmareTM50 OverheatTM61 Will O WispTM79 Dark Pulse [spoiler=Move Tutor Moves]Moonlight [spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Sandile2. Tepig3. Chimchar4. Sneasel5. Gastly6. Totodile7. Torchic8. Cyndaquil9. Growlithe10. Torkoal11. Slugma12. Vulpix13. Darumakka14. Ponyta15. Castform16. Pansear17. Heatmor18. Numel Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 9Losses: 9Draws: 6 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament"September 18th - I advanced to the "Pokemon Master" rankOctober 6th - i got 1000 Club PostsOctober 27th - I obtained my first Legendary Pokemon - DarkraiDecember 16th - I won the 2nd "Fakemon Contest" and obtained Drafairy posts 10/10 -> 0/10posts till next pokemon 20/60 Vibrava levels up and so does Electivire Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anti-Apocryphal Posted December 18, 2011 Report Share Posted December 18, 2011 I hope to start splicing soon. That'd be great. After all, now that I'm on break, I can.... [spoiler=Executive Team of Future Paradise]'Uncommon' Executive Champion of the Kalall Region "I, Future Paradise, am Champion of the Kalall Region. You have made it through tough challenges to get here. However, up to this point, you can consider your past challenges easy. What you're about to witness is the greatest team to ever exist!" ARON [Male][LEVEL 13][ROCK HEAD][LEAD POKEMON] TACKLEHARDENMUD-SLAPHEADBUTT [spoiler=Items] x1 Dusk Stone 3/10 [uP]33/60 [PKMN]3 [postS THIS WEEK][104 BP] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted December 18, 2011 Report Share Posted December 18, 2011 @FP: well good luck with that, i don't think i'll be good at splicing [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Johto's Burning MasterChaos. Chaos is Power, Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is one that unifies the chaos. Welcome challenger, I am Silver Yuja, I am generally a competitive person, and that fuels my spirit, and my spirit contributes to the power that emanates from my soul. Now let me show you what true power feels like. Club Posts: 1531 Pokemon Gabite (Shark) - MaleSand VeilLV40 - EXP: 1TackleSand AttackDragon RageDigSandstormTake DownSand TombDual ChopDragon Claw[spoiler=Gabite's Combo Moves]Sandstorming Dragon Rage - Sandstorm + Dragon Rage Flygon (Dragor) - MaleLevitateLV45 - EXP: 0SonicboomBiteSand AttackFaint AttackSand TombCrunchDigDragonbreathScreechDragon Claw[spoiler=Flygon's combo moves]Sonic Screech - Sonicboom + Screech Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitQuick AttackMoonlight-----------------Dark PulseDigSecret PowerShadow Ball[spoiler=Umbreon's Combo Moves]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsQuick Tackle - Quick Attack + TackleDark Pulse Impact - Dark Pulse + Pursuit Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0ThunderpunchSmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFire SpinConfuse Ray---------------------FlamethrowerSunny DayThunderboltOverheat[spoiler=Magmortar's Combo moves]Burning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogBlazing Bolt - Flamethrower + ThunderboltBlazing Storm Smog - Flamethrower + Thunderbolt + SmokescreenExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Froslass (Frostie) - FemaleSnow CloakLV12 - EXP: 0Powder SnowLeerDouble TeamBiteAstonishHail-------------------Ice BeamThunderboltShadow Ball[spoiler=Froslass' Combo Moves]Shocking Ice Beam - Ice Beam + ThunderboltSnow Cloaking Double Team - Hail + Double Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - Male*EXP Share*StaticLV17 - EXP: 0Fire PunchQuick AttackLeerThundershockLow KickSwift--------------------------ThunderboltBrick Break[spoiler=Electivire's Combo Moves]Storming Quick Attack - Thundershock + Quick Attack [spoiler=Box #1 (26/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Swinub (Mammoth) - MaleThick FatLV10 - EXP: 0TackleOdor SleuthMud SportPowder Snow Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Magnet RiseTake DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm---------------------Shadow BallBrick Break[spoiler=Metagross' Combo Moves]Bullet Claw - Metal Claw + Bullet PunchControlled Shadow Balls - Psychic + Shadow Balls Larvitar (Tyranno) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0BiteLeerSandstormScreech Vanillite (Ice Cream) - MaleIce BodyLV10 - EXP: 0Icicle SpearHardenAstonishUproar Dratini (Dragos) - MaleShed SkinLV10 - EXP: 0WrapLeerThunder Wave Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV35 - EXP: 0Bullet PunchQuick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse SwipeFury CutterSlash[spoiler=Scizor's Combo Move]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitFury Slash - Fury Cutter + Slash Salamence (Drago) - MaleIntimidateLV50 - EXP: 0Fire FangThunder FangRageBiteLeerHeadbuttFocus EnergyDragonbreathZen HeadbuttScary FaceCrunchFly-------------------FlamethrowerBrick Break[spoiler=Salamence's Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerRaging Flamethrower - Rage + FlamethrowerRaging Zen Headbutt - Rage + Zen Headbutt Druddigon (Dragan) - MaleRough SkinLV10 - EXP: 0LeerScratchHone ClawsBite Darkrai (Darkrai)Bad DreamsLV26 - EXP: 0Ominous WindDisableQuick AttackHypnosis Chandelure (Ghoulflame) - MaleFlame BodyLV41 - EXP: 0EmberAstonishMinimizeSmogFire SpinConfuse RayNight ShadeWill 'O' WispFlame BurstImprisonHexMementoInferno-------------------Shadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Chandelure's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow BallBurning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Swablu (Cotton) - MaleNatural CureLV10 - EXP: 0PeckGrowlAstonishSing Aerodactyl (Aero) - MaleRock HeadLV10 - EXP: 0Ice FangFire FangThunder FangWing AttackSupersonicBiteScary FaceRoar Charmander (Blaze) - MaleBlazeLV10 - EXP: 0ScratchGrowlEmberSmokecreen Haxorus (Dracofang) - MaleMold BreakerLV48 - EXP: 0ScratchLeerAssuranceDragon RageDual ChopScary FaceSlashFalse SwipeDragon ClawDragon DanceTaunt------------------------------Brick Break[spoiler=Haxorus' Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerDragon Swipe - Dragon Claw + False Swipe Houndour (Hellhound) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0LeerEmberHowlSmogFlamethrower-----------------------Shadow BallSunny DayDark PulseOverheat[spoiler=Houndour's Combo Moves]Flaming Smog - Ember + SmogDark Flame Pulse - Flamethrower + Dark PulseExplosive Smog - Overheat + SmogDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsFlaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Magikarp (Rage) - MaleSwift SwimLV10 - EXP: 0Splash Unfezant (Birdy) - Female*Leftovers*Super LuckLV10 - EXP: 0GustGrowlLeerQuick Attack Rotom (Rotom)//LevitateLV20 - EXP: 0TrickAstonishThunder WaveThundershockConfuse RaySignal BeamUproarDouble Team----------------------Shadow BallThunderboltDark Pulse[spoiler=Formes Available]Heat Forme - Overheat [spoiler=Rotom's Combo Moves]Shocking Shadow Balls + Thunderbolt + Shadow BallShocking Signal Beam - Thunderbolt + Signal BeamStorming Heat - Thunderbolt + OverHeat (Heat Forme only) Flareon (Flame Guy) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandSand Attack-----------------------Sunny DayDigShadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Flareon's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Hydreigon (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV64 - EXP: 0Tri AttackTackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteHeadbuttDragonbreathRoarCrunchSlamDragon PulseWork UpDragon RushBody SlamScary FaceHyper VoiceOutrage-----------------Dark PulseFlamethrower[spoiler=Hydreigon's Combo Moves]Focused Dragon Rage - Focus Energy + Dragon RageDark Dragon Rage - Dark Pulse + Dragon RageOutraging Dragon Rush - Outrage + Dragon RushFlaming Rage - Flamethrower + Dragon RageDarkened Flame Pulse - Dark Pulse + Flamethrower Volcarona (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV59 - EXP: 0EmberString ShotLeech LifeTake DownFlame ChargeBug BiteDouble-EdgeQuiver Dance---------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Volcarona's Combo Moves]Burning String Shot - String Shot + FlamethrowerFlaming Double Edge - Flame Charge + Double Edge Kingdra (Sea Dragon) - MaleSwift SwimLV35 - EXP: 0YawnBubbleSmokescreenLeerWater GunFocus EnergyBubblebeamAgilityTwisterBrineHydro Pump-------------------Ice Beam[spoiler=Horsea's Combo Moves]Smokey Bubbles - Bubble + SmokescreenFrigid Smoke - Ice Beam + SmokescreenFrigid Twister - Ice Beam + TwisterFocused Bubblebeam - Focus Energy + BubblebeamIcy Hydro - Hydro Pump + Ice Beam Gallade (Psi-Blade) - MaleSteadfastLV20 - EXP: 0Leaf BladeNight SlashGrowlConfusionDouble TeamTeleportLucky Chant--------------------ThunderboltShadow BallBrick Break[spoiler=Ralt's Combo moves]Controlled Thunderbolt - Confusion + ThunderboltControlled Shadow Balls - Confusion + Shadow Ball Drafairy (Drafairy) - MaleSuper LuckLV10 - EXP: 0TackleTail WhipCharmConfusion [spoiler=in Day Care] Tynamo (Eelektra) - FemaleLevitateLV22 - EXP: 0TackleThunder WaveSparkCharge Beam BP: 30 Items: Thunderstone x1 Rare Candy x 6Rare Goody x 2 Cheri Berry x 4 Chesto Berry x 4 Pecha Berry x 4 Lum Berry x 4 Oran Berry x 4 Sitrus Berry x 4 Enigma Berry x 1 BP: 635TMs/HMs:TM07 HailTM11 Sunny DayTM13 Ice BeamTM24 ThunderboltTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM31 Brick Break TM35 FlamethrowerTM43 Secret PowerTM50 NightmareTM50 OverheatTM61 Will O WispTM79 Dark Pulse [spoiler=Move Tutor Moves]Moonlight [spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Sandile2. Tepig3. Chimchar4. Sneasel5. Gastly6. Totodile7. Torchic8. Cyndaquil9. Growlithe10. Torkoal11. Slugma12. Vulpix13. Darumakka14. Ponyta15. Castform16. Pansear17. Heatmor18. Numel Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 9Losses: 9Draws: 6 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament"September 18th - I advanced to the "Pokemon Master" rankOctober 6th - i got 1000 Club PostsOctober 27th - I obtained my first Legendary Pokemon - DarkraiDecember 16th - I won the 2nd "Fakemon Contest" and obtained Drafairy posts 1/10posts till next pokemon 21/60 i'll use one of my Rare GoodiesVibrava level 43 -> 45Gabite level 38 -> 40Froslass level 10 -> 12Electivire level 15 -> 17 Electivire learns Swift What? Vibrava is evolving *evolution music* Congratulations! your Vibrava evolved into FlygonFlygon learns Dragon Claw i then put Gabite in front Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anti-Apocryphal Posted December 18, 2011 Report Share Posted December 18, 2011 Maybe I'll learn how to make a Region Map, too. Then I could show you all a picture of my Kalall Region. [spoiler=Executive Team of Future Paradise]'Uncommon' Executive Champion of the Kalall Region "I, Future Paradise, am Champion of the Kalall Region. You have made it through tough challenges to get here. However, up to this point, you can consider your past challenges easy. What you're about to witness is the greatest team to ever exist!" ARON [Male][LEVEL 13][ROCK HEAD][LEAD POKEMON] TACKLEHARDENMUD-SLAPHEADBUTT [spoiler=Items] x1 Dusk Stone 4/10 [uP]4/60 [PKMN]4 [postS THIS WEEK][104 BP] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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