Lexadin Posted December 1, 2011 Report Share Posted December 1, 2011 @BS: I only come across that by accident, that and all that hentai... It's disturbing how much of it is on that site. [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 6Post till next BP: 6Posts till next Pokémon: 26 [spoiler=Team](Chad)~ Lv. 32~ Run Away* Lucky Egg- Tackle- Shadow Ball- Dig- Bite (Tragedy)~ Lv. 15~ Justified- Scratch- Quick Attack- Leer- Taunt (Kimberley)~ Lv. 11~ Prankster- Sand Attack- Assist- Scratch- Growl (Takan)~ Lv. 10~ Aftermath- Fury Swipes- Poison Gas- Screech- Scratch Caracon~ Lv. 10~ Shed Skin- Leer- Low Kick- Sand Attack- Faint Attack [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Nightmare (12/30)](Grogorion)~ Lv. 44~ Iron Fist- Heavy Bomber- Shadow Punch- Dynamic Punch- Magnitude (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches Plasmus~ Lv.44~ Levitate- Signal Beam- Electro Ball- Omnious Wind- Double Team+ 5 Posts (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite (Lady Blanc)~ Lv. 10~ Snow Cloak- Bite- Double Team- Powder Snow- Astonish (Freed)~ Lv. 10~ Flare Boost- Constrict- Minimize- Astonish [spoiler=Lost Souls (15/30)](Shade)~ Lv.75~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Gargula)~ Lv.54~ Overcoat- Dark Pulse- Air Slash- Tailwind- Bone Rush (Katana)~ Lv. 52~ Defiant- Night Slash- Slash- Metal Claw- Iron Defense (Ruin)~ Lv. 51~ Levitate- Dragon Pulse- Dragon Rush- Crunch- Dark Pulse (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Spinecrow)~ Lv. 44~ Sand Veil- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Cronos)~ Lv. 44~ Sand Stream- Rock Slide- Trash- Dark Pulse- E-Fangs (Brutus)~ Lv. 44~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Piccolo)~ Lv. 10~ Adaptability- Bubble- Harden- Vicegrip [spoiler=Other (10/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Paling)~ Lv. 44~ Levitate- Crunch- Thunder Wave- Wild Charge- Charge Beam- Zap Cannon- Thunderbolt (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Carbonus)~ Lv.10~ Compoundeyes- Tackle- Foresigh- Quick Attack Clubz~ Lv. 11~ Rock Head- Growl- Tail Whip- Bone Club Pele~ Lv. 11~ Drought- Ember- Tail Whip- Roar (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Sabrina)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Growl- Psywave- Spite- Astonish Days in Daycare: 2 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 156 Items: Rare Candie x6Rare Goodie x2 TM's & HM's: TMXX MoonlightTM06 ToxicTM07 Zap CannonTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM50 NightmareTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM61 Will-O-WispTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomTM93 Wild ChargeHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted December 1, 2011 Report Share Posted December 1, 2011 @Lex: if you come across an awesome picture by accident, it just makes running into it more awesome than intentionally searching fo it [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Johto's Burning MasterChaos. Chaos is Power, Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is one that unifies the chaos. Welcome challenger, I am Silver Yuja, I am generally a competitive person, and that fuels my spirit, and my spirit contributes to the power that emanates from my soul. Now let me show you what true power feels like. Club Posts: 1430 Pokemon Gabite (Shark) - MaleSand VeilLV38 - EXP: 10 -> 0TackleSand AttackDragon RageDigSandstormTake DownSand TombDual ChopDragon Claw[spoiler=Gabite's Combo Moves]Sandstorming Dragon Rage - Sandstorm + Dragon Rage Hydreigon (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV64 - EXP: 0TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteHeadbuttDragonbreathRoarCrunchSlamDragon PulseWork UpDragon RushBody SlamScary FaceHyper VoiceOutrage-----------------Dark PulseFlamethrower[spoiler=Hydreigon's Combo Moves]Focused Dragon Rage - Focus Energy + Dragon RageDark Dragon Rage - Dark Pulse + Dragon RageOutraging Dragon Rush - Outrage + Dragon RushFlaming Rage - Flamethrower + Dragon RageDarkened Flame Pulse - Dark Pulse + Flamethrower Volcarona (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV59 - EXP: 0EmberString ShotLeech LifeTake DownFlame ChargeBug BiteDouble-EdgeQuiver Dance---------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Volcarona's Combo Moves]Burning String Shot - String Shot + FlamethrowerFlaming Double Edge - Flame Charge + Double Edge Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitQuick AttackMoonlight-----------------Dark PulseDigSecret PowerShadow Ball[spoiler=Umbreon's Combo Moves]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsQuick Tackle - Quick Attack + TackleDark Pulse Impact - Dark Pulse + Pursuit Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFire SpinConfuse Ray---------------------FlamethrowerSunny DayThunderboltOverheat[spoiler=Magmortar's Combo moves]Burning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogBlazing Bolt - Flamethrower + ThunderboltBlazing Storm Smog - Flamethrower + Thunderbolt + SmokescreenExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Ralts (Psi-Blade) - Male*EXP Share*SyncronizeLV15 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble TeamTeleport--------------------ThunderboltShadow Ball[spoiler=Ralt's Combo moves]Controlled Thunderbolt - Confusion + ThunderboltControlled Shadow Balls - Confusion + Shadow Ball [spoiler=Box #1 (22/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock[spoiler=Electivire's Combo Moves]Storming Quick Attack - Thundershock + Quick Attack Swinub (Mammoth) - MaleThick FatLV10 - EXP: 0TackleOdor SleuthMud SportPowder Snow Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm---------------------Shadow Ball[spoiler=Metagross' Combo Moves]Bullet Claw - Metal Claw + Bullet PunchControlled Shadow Balls - Psychic + Shadow Balls Larvitar (Tyranno) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0BiteLeerSandstormScreech Vanillite (Ice Cream) - MaleIce BodyLV10 - EXP: 0Icicle SpearHardenAstonishUproar Dratini (Dragos) - MaleShed SkinLV10 - EXP: 0WrapLeerThunder Wave Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV35 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse SwipeFury CutterSlash[spoiler=Scizor's Combo Move]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitFury Slash - Fury Cutter + Slash Salamence (Drago) - MaleIntimidateLV50 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerHeadbuttFocus EnergyDragonbreathZen HeadbuttScary FaceCrunch-------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Salamence's Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerRaging Flamethrower - Rage + FlamethrowerRaging Zen Headbutt - Rage + Zen Headbutt Druddigon (Dragan) - MaleRough SkinLV10 - EXP: 0LeerScratchHone ClawsBite Darkrai (Darkrai)Bad DreamsLV26 - EXP: 0Ominous WindDisableQuick AttackHypnosis Chandelure (Ghoulflame) - MaleFlame BodyLV41 - EXP: 0EmberAstonishMinimizeSmogFire SpinConfuse RayNight ShadeWill 'O' WispFlame BurstImprisonHexMementoInferno-------------------Shadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Chandelure's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow BallBurning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Swablu (Cotton) - MaleNatural CureLV10 - EXP: 0PeckGrowlAstonishSing Aerodactyl (Aero) - MaleRock HeadLV10 - EXP: 0Ice FangFire FangThunder FangWing AttackSupersonicBiteScary FaceRoar Charmander (Blaze) - MaleBlazeLV10 - EXP: 0ScratchGrowlEmberSmokecreen Haxorus (Dracofang) - MaleMold BreakerLV48 - EXP: 0ScratchLeerAssuranceDragon RageDual ChopScary FaceSlashFalse SwipeDragon ClawDragon DanceTaunt[spoiler=Haxorus' Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerDragon Swipe - Dragon Claw + False Swipe Houndour (Hellhound) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0LeerEmberHowlSmogFlamethrower-----------------------Shadow BallSunny DayDark PulseOverheat[spoiler=Houndour's Combo Moves]Flaming Smog - Ember + SmogDark Flame Pulse - Flamethrower + Dark PulseExplosive Smog - Overheat + SmogDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsFlaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Magikarp (Rage) - MaleSwift SwimLV10 - EXP: 0Splash Unfezant (Birdy) - Female*Leftovers*Super LuckLV10 - EXP: 0GustGrowlLeerQuick Attack Rotom (Rotom)LevitateLV20 - EXP: 0TrickAstonishThunder WaveThundershockConfuse RaySignal BeamUproarDouble Team----------------------Shadow BallThunderboltDark Pulse[spoiler=Formes Available]Heat Forme - Overheat [spoiler=Rotom's Combo Moves]Shocking Shadow Balls + Thunderbolt + Shadow BallShocking Signal Beam - Thunderbolt + Signal BeamStorming Heat - Thunderbolt + OverHeat (Heat Forme only) Eevee (Flame Guy) - MaleRun AwayLV10 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandSand Attack [spoiler=in Day Care]Trapinch (Dragor) - MaleHyper CutterLV32 - EXP: 0BiteSand Attack Horsea (Sea Dragon) - MaleSwift SwimLV32 - EXP: 0BubbleSmokescreenLeer[spoiler=Horsea's Combo Moves]Smokey Bubbles - Bubble + Smokescreen BP: 110 Items: Dawn Stone x1 Thunderstone x1 Dragon Scale x1 Fire Stone x1 Rare Candy x 6Rare Goody x 3Cheri Berry x 4Chesto Berry x 4Pecha Berry x 4Lum Berry x 4Oran Berry x 4Sitrus Berry x 4Enigma Berry x 1 BP: 648TMs/HMs:TM11 Sunny DayTM24 ThunderboltTM28 DigTM30 Shadow Ball TM35 FlamethrowerTM43 Secret PowerTM50 NightmareTM50 OverheatTM61 Will O WispTM79 Dark Pulse [spoiler=Move Tutor Moves]Moonlight [spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Sandile2. Tepig3. Chimchar4. Sneasel5. Snorunt6. Gastly7. Totodile8. Torchic9. Cyndaquil10. Growlithe11. Torkoal12. Slugma13. Vulpix14. Darumakka15. Ponyta16. Castform17. Pansear18. Heatmor19. Numel Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 9Losses: 8Draws: 5 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament"September 18th - I advanced to the "Pokemon Master" rankOctober 6th - i got 1000 Club PostsOctober 27th - I obtained my first Legendary Pokemon - Darkrai posts 1/10posts till next pokemon 41/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted December 1, 2011 Report Share Posted December 1, 2011 BS! Are you suggesting that hentai is awesome? [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 5Post till next BP: 5Posts till next Pokémon: 25 [spoiler=Team](Chad)~ Lv. 32~ Run Away* Lucky Egg- Tackle- Shadow Ball- Dig- Bite (Tragedy)~ Lv. 15~ Justified- Scratch- Quick Attack- Leer- Taunt (Kimberley)~ Lv. 11~ Prankster- Sand Attack- Assist- Scratch- Growl (Takan)~ Lv. 10~ Aftermath- Fury Swipes- Poison Gas- Screech- Scratch Caracon~ Lv. 10~ Shed Skin- Leer- Low Kick- Sand Attack- Faint Attack [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Nightmare (12/30)](Grogorion)~ Lv. 44~ Iron Fist- Heavy Bomber- Shadow Punch- Dynamic Punch- Magnitude (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches Plasmus~ Lv.44~ Levitate- Signal Beam- Electro Ball- Omnious Wind- Double Team+ 5 Posts (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite (Lady Blanc)~ Lv. 10~ Snow Cloak- Bite- Double Team- Powder Snow- Astonish (Freed)~ Lv. 10~ Flare Boost- Constrict- Minimize- Astonish [spoiler=Lost Souls (15/30)](Shade)~ Lv.75~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Gargula)~ Lv.54~ Overcoat- Dark Pulse- Air Slash- Tailwind- Bone Rush (Katana)~ Lv. 52~ Defiant- Night Slash- Slash- Metal Claw- Iron Defense (Ruin)~ Lv. 51~ Levitate- Dragon Pulse- Dragon Rush- Crunch- Dark Pulse (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Spinecrow)~ Lv. 44~ Sand Veil- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Cronos)~ Lv. 44~ Sand Stream- Rock Slide- Trash- Dark Pulse- E-Fangs (Brutus)~ Lv. 44~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Piccolo)~ Lv. 10~ Adaptability- Bubble- Harden- Vicegrip [spoiler=Other (10/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Paling)~ Lv. 44~ Levitate- Crunch- Thunder Wave- Wild Charge- Charge Beam- Zap Cannon- Thunderbolt (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Carbonus)~ Lv.10~ Compoundeyes- Tackle- Foresigh- Quick Attack Clubz~ Lv. 11~ Rock Head- Growl- Tail Whip- Bone Club Pele~ Lv. 11~ Drought- Ember- Tail Whip- Roar (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Sabrina)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Growl- Psywave- Spite- Astonish Days in Daycare: 2 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 156 Items: Rare Candie x6Rare Goodie x2 TM's & HM's: TMXX MoonlightTM06 ToxicTM07 Zap CannonTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM50 NightmareTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM61 Will-O-WispTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomTM93 Wild ChargeHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted December 1, 2011 Report Share Posted December 1, 2011 @Lex: can you think of a reason that suggests that Hentai is not awesome? [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Johto's Burning MasterChaos. Chaos is Power, Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is one that unifies the chaos. Welcome challenger, I am Silver Yuja, I am generally a competitive person, and that fuels my spirit, and my spirit contributes to the power that emanates from my soul. Now let me show you what true power feels like. Club Posts: 1432 Pokemon Gabite (Shark) - MaleSand VeilLV38 - EXP: 2TackleSand AttackDragon RageDigSandstormTake DownSand TombDual ChopDragon Claw[spoiler=Gabite's Combo Moves]Sandstorming Dragon Rage - Sandstorm + Dragon Rage Hydreigon (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV64 - EXP: 0TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteHeadbuttDragonbreathRoarCrunchSlamDragon PulseWork UpDragon RushBody SlamScary FaceHyper VoiceOutrage-----------------Dark PulseFlamethrower[spoiler=Hydreigon's Combo Moves]Focused Dragon Rage - Focus Energy + Dragon RageDark Dragon Rage - Dark Pulse + Dragon RageOutraging Dragon Rush - Outrage + Dragon RushFlaming Rage - Flamethrower + Dragon RageDarkened Flame Pulse - Dark Pulse + Flamethrower Volcarona (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV59 - EXP: 0EmberString ShotLeech LifeTake DownFlame ChargeBug BiteDouble-EdgeQuiver Dance---------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Volcarona's Combo Moves]Burning String Shot - String Shot + FlamethrowerFlaming Double Edge - Flame Charge + Double Edge Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitQuick AttackMoonlight-----------------Dark PulseDigSecret PowerShadow Ball[spoiler=Umbreon's Combo Moves]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsQuick Tackle - Quick Attack + TackleDark Pulse Impact - Dark Pulse + Pursuit Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFire SpinConfuse Ray---------------------FlamethrowerSunny DayThunderboltOverheat[spoiler=Magmortar's Combo moves]Burning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogBlazing Bolt - Flamethrower + ThunderboltBlazing Storm Smog - Flamethrower + Thunderbolt + SmokescreenExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Ralts (Psi-Blade) - Male*EXP Share*SyncronizeLV15 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble TeamTeleport--------------------ThunderboltShadow Ball[spoiler=Ralt's Combo moves]Controlled Thunderbolt - Confusion + ThunderboltControlled Shadow Balls - Confusion + Shadow Ball [spoiler=Box #1 (22/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock[spoiler=Electivire's Combo Moves]Storming Quick Attack - Thundershock + Quick Attack Swinub (Mammoth) - MaleThick FatLV10 - EXP: 0TackleOdor SleuthMud SportPowder Snow Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm---------------------Shadow Ball[spoiler=Metagross' Combo Moves]Bullet Claw - Metal Claw + Bullet PunchControlled Shadow Balls - Psychic + Shadow Balls Larvitar (Tyranno) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0BiteLeerSandstormScreech Vanillite (Ice Cream) - MaleIce BodyLV10 - EXP: 0Icicle SpearHardenAstonishUproar Dratini (Dragos) - MaleShed SkinLV10 - EXP: 0WrapLeerThunder Wave Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV35 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse SwipeFury CutterSlash[spoiler=Scizor's Combo Move]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitFury Slash - Fury Cutter + Slash Salamence (Drago) - MaleIntimidateLV50 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerHeadbuttFocus EnergyDragonbreathZen HeadbuttScary FaceCrunch-------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Salamence's Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerRaging Flamethrower - Rage + FlamethrowerRaging Zen Headbutt - Rage + Zen Headbutt Druddigon (Dragan) - MaleRough SkinLV10 - EXP: 0LeerScratchHone ClawsBite Darkrai (Darkrai)Bad DreamsLV26 - EXP: 0Ominous WindDisableQuick AttackHypnosis Chandelure (Ghoulflame) - MaleFlame BodyLV41 - EXP: 0EmberAstonishMinimizeSmogFire SpinConfuse RayNight ShadeWill 'O' WispFlame BurstImprisonHexMementoInferno-------------------Shadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Chandelure's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow BallBurning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Swablu (Cotton) - MaleNatural CureLV10 - EXP: 0PeckGrowlAstonishSing Aerodactyl (Aero) - MaleRock HeadLV10 - EXP: 0Ice FangFire FangThunder FangWing AttackSupersonicBiteScary FaceRoar Charmander (Blaze) - MaleBlazeLV10 - EXP: 0ScratchGrowlEmberSmokecreen Haxorus (Dracofang) - MaleMold BreakerLV48 - EXP: 0ScratchLeerAssuranceDragon RageDual ChopScary FaceSlashFalse SwipeDragon ClawDragon DanceTaunt[spoiler=Haxorus' Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerDragon Swipe - Dragon Claw + False Swipe Houndour (Hellhound) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0LeerEmberHowlSmogFlamethrower-----------------------Shadow BallSunny DayDark PulseOverheat[spoiler=Houndour's Combo Moves]Flaming Smog - Ember + SmogDark Flame Pulse - Flamethrower + Dark PulseExplosive Smog - Overheat + SmogDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsFlaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Magikarp (Rage) - MaleSwift SwimLV10 - EXP: 0Splash Unfezant (Birdy) - Female*Leftovers*Super LuckLV10 - EXP: 0GustGrowlLeerQuick Attack Rotom (Rotom)LevitateLV20 - EXP: 0TrickAstonishThunder WaveThundershockConfuse RaySignal BeamUproarDouble Team----------------------Shadow BallThunderboltDark Pulse[spoiler=Formes Available]Heat Forme - Overheat [spoiler=Rotom's Combo Moves]Shocking Shadow Balls + Thunderbolt + Shadow BallShocking Signal Beam - Thunderbolt + Signal BeamStorming Heat - Thunderbolt + OverHeat (Heat Forme only) Eevee (Flame Guy) - MaleRun AwayLV10 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandSand Attack [spoiler=in Day Care]Trapinch (Dragor) - MaleHyper CutterLV32 - EXP: 0BiteSand Attack Horsea (Sea Dragon) - MaleSwift SwimLV32 - EXP: 0BubbleSmokescreenLeer[spoiler=Horsea's Combo Moves]Smokey Bubbles - Bubble + Smokescreen BP: 110 Items: Dawn Stone x1 Thunderstone x1 Dragon Scale x1 Fire Stone x1 Rare Candy x 6Rare Goody x 3Cheri Berry x 4Chesto Berry x 4Pecha Berry x 4Lum Berry x 4Oran Berry x 4Sitrus Berry x 4Enigma Berry x 1 BP: 648TMs/HMs:TM11 Sunny DayTM24 ThunderboltTM28 DigTM30 Shadow Ball TM35 FlamethrowerTM43 Secret PowerTM50 NightmareTM50 OverheatTM61 Will O WispTM79 Dark Pulse [spoiler=Move Tutor Moves]Moonlight [spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Sandile2. Tepig3. Chimchar4. Sneasel5. Snorunt6. Gastly7. Totodile8. Torchic9. Cyndaquil10. Growlithe11. Torkoal12. Slugma13. Vulpix14. Darumakka15. Ponyta16. Castform17. Pansear18. Heatmor19. Numel Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 9Losses: 8Draws: 5 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament"September 18th - I advanced to the "Pokemon Master" rankOctober 6th - i got 1000 Club PostsOctober 27th - I obtained my first Legendary Pokemon - Darkrai posts 2/10posts till next pokemon 42/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted December 1, 2011 Report Share Posted December 1, 2011 ... BS, you got me there. [spoiler=*nosebleed*]Don't ask me where I got this (actually I think it was Pixiv). On another note, I might be thinking about restarting my SS. And this time getting the team that I want. [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 4Post till next BP: 4Posts till next Pokémon: 24 [spoiler=Team](Chad)~ Lv. 32~ Run Away* Lucky Egg- Tackle- Shadow Ball- Dig- Bite (Tragedy)~ Lv. 15~ Justified- Scratch- Quick Attack- Leer- Taunt (Kimberley)~ Lv. 11~ Prankster- Sand Attack- Assist- Scratch- Growl (Takan)~ Lv. 10~ Aftermath- Fury Swipes- Poison Gas- Screech- Scratch Caracon~ Lv. 10~ Shed Skin- Leer- Low Kick- Sand Attack- Faint Attack [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Nightmare (12/30)](Grogorion)~ Lv. 44~ Iron Fist- Heavy Bomber- Shadow Punch- Dynamic Punch- Magnitude (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches Plasmus~ Lv.44~ Levitate- Signal Beam- Electro Ball- Omnious Wind- Double Team+ 5 Posts (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite (Lady Blanc)~ Lv. 10~ Snow Cloak- Bite- Double Team- Powder Snow- Astonish (Freed)~ Lv. 10~ Flare Boost- Constrict- Minimize- Astonish [spoiler=Lost Souls (15/30)](Shade)~ Lv.75~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Gargula)~ Lv.54~ Overcoat- Dark Pulse- Air Slash- Tailwind- Bone Rush (Katana)~ Lv. 52~ Defiant- Night Slash- Slash- Metal Claw- Iron Defense (Ruin)~ Lv. 51~ Levitate- Dragon Pulse- Dragon Rush- Crunch- Dark Pulse (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Spinecrow)~ Lv. 44~ Sand Veil- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Cronos)~ Lv. 44~ Sand Stream- Rock Slide- Trash- Dark Pulse- E-Fangs (Brutus)~ Lv. 44~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Piccolo)~ Lv. 10~ Adaptability- Bubble- Harden- Vicegrip [spoiler=Other (10/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Paling)~ Lv. 44~ Levitate- Crunch- Thunder Wave- Wild Charge- Charge Beam- Zap Cannon- Thunderbolt (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Carbonus)~ Lv.10~ Compoundeyes- Tackle- Foresigh- Quick Attack Clubz~ Lv. 11~ Rock Head- Growl- Tail Whip- Bone Club Pele~ Lv. 11~ Drought- Ember- Tail Whip- Roar (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Sabrina)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Growl- Psywave- Spite- Astonish Days in Daycare: 2 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 156 Items: Rare Candie x6Rare Goodie x2 TM's & HM's: TMXX MoonlightTM06 ToxicTM07 Zap CannonTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM50 NightmareTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM61 Will-O-WispTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomTM93 Wild ChargeHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted December 1, 2011 Report Share Posted December 1, 2011 @Lex: well what pokemon were you planning on using or are you gonna decide that as you go along? [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Johto's Burning MasterChaos. Chaos is Power, Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is one that unifies the chaos. Welcome challenger, I am Silver Yuja, I am generally a competitive person, and that fuels my spirit, and my spirit contributes to the power that emanates from my soul. Now let me show you what true power feels like. Club Posts: 1433 Pokemon Gabite (Shark) - MaleSand VeilLV38 - EXP: 3TackleSand AttackDragon RageDigSandstormTake DownSand TombDual ChopDragon Claw[spoiler=Gabite's Combo Moves]Sandstorming Dragon Rage - Sandstorm + Dragon Rage Hydreigon (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV64 - EXP: 0TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteHeadbuttDragonbreathRoarCrunchSlamDragon PulseWork UpDragon RushBody SlamScary FaceHyper VoiceOutrage-----------------Dark PulseFlamethrower[spoiler=Hydreigon's Combo Moves]Focused Dragon Rage - Focus Energy + Dragon RageDark Dragon Rage - Dark Pulse + Dragon RageOutraging Dragon Rush - Outrage + Dragon RushFlaming Rage - Flamethrower + Dragon RageDarkened Flame Pulse - Dark Pulse + Flamethrower Volcarona (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV59 - EXP: 0EmberString ShotLeech LifeTake DownFlame ChargeBug BiteDouble-EdgeQuiver Dance---------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Volcarona's Combo Moves]Burning String Shot - String Shot + FlamethrowerFlaming Double Edge - Flame Charge + Double Edge Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitQuick AttackMoonlight-----------------Dark PulseDigSecret PowerShadow Ball[spoiler=Umbreon's Combo Moves]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsQuick Tackle - Quick Attack + TackleDark Pulse Impact - Dark Pulse + Pursuit Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFire SpinConfuse Ray---------------------FlamethrowerSunny DayThunderboltOverheat[spoiler=Magmortar's Combo moves]Burning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogBlazing Bolt - Flamethrower + ThunderboltBlazing Storm Smog - Flamethrower + Thunderbolt + SmokescreenExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Ralts (Psi-Blade) - Male*EXP Share*SyncronizeLV15 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble TeamTeleport--------------------ThunderboltShadow Ball[spoiler=Ralt's Combo moves]Controlled Thunderbolt - Confusion + ThunderboltControlled Shadow Balls - Confusion + Shadow Ball [spoiler=Box #1 (22/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock[spoiler=Electivire's Combo Moves]Storming Quick Attack - Thundershock + Quick Attack Swinub (Mammoth) - MaleThick FatLV10 - EXP: 0TackleOdor SleuthMud SportPowder Snow Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm---------------------Shadow Ball[spoiler=Metagross' Combo Moves]Bullet Claw - Metal Claw + Bullet PunchControlled Shadow Balls - Psychic + Shadow Balls Larvitar (Tyranno) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0BiteLeerSandstormScreech Vanillite (Ice Cream) - MaleIce BodyLV10 - EXP: 0Icicle SpearHardenAstonishUproar Dratini (Dragos) - MaleShed SkinLV10 - EXP: 0WrapLeerThunder Wave Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV35 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse SwipeFury CutterSlash[spoiler=Scizor's Combo Move]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitFury Slash - Fury Cutter + Slash Salamence (Drago) - MaleIntimidateLV50 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerHeadbuttFocus EnergyDragonbreathZen HeadbuttScary FaceCrunch-------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Salamence's Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerRaging Flamethrower - Rage + FlamethrowerRaging Zen Headbutt - Rage + Zen Headbutt Druddigon (Dragan) - MaleRough SkinLV10 - EXP: 0LeerScratchHone ClawsBite Darkrai (Darkrai)Bad DreamsLV26 - EXP: 0Ominous WindDisableQuick AttackHypnosis Chandelure (Ghoulflame) - MaleFlame BodyLV41 - EXP: 0EmberAstonishMinimizeSmogFire SpinConfuse RayNight ShadeWill 'O' WispFlame BurstImprisonHexMementoInferno-------------------Shadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Chandelure's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow BallBurning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Swablu (Cotton) - MaleNatural CureLV10 - EXP: 0PeckGrowlAstonishSing Aerodactyl (Aero) - MaleRock HeadLV10 - EXP: 0Ice FangFire FangThunder FangWing AttackSupersonicBiteScary FaceRoar Charmander (Blaze) - MaleBlazeLV10 - EXP: 0ScratchGrowlEmberSmokecreen Haxorus (Dracofang) - MaleMold BreakerLV48 - EXP: 0ScratchLeerAssuranceDragon RageDual ChopScary FaceSlashFalse SwipeDragon ClawDragon DanceTaunt[spoiler=Haxorus' Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerDragon Swipe - Dragon Claw + False Swipe Houndour (Hellhound) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0LeerEmberHowlSmogFlamethrower-----------------------Shadow BallSunny DayDark PulseOverheat[spoiler=Houndour's Combo Moves]Flaming Smog - Ember + SmogDark Flame Pulse - Flamethrower + Dark PulseExplosive Smog - Overheat + SmogDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsFlaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Magikarp (Rage) - MaleSwift SwimLV10 - EXP: 0Splash Unfezant (Birdy) - Female*Leftovers*Super LuckLV10 - EXP: 0GustGrowlLeerQuick Attack Rotom (Rotom)LevitateLV20 - EXP: 0TrickAstonishThunder WaveThundershockConfuse RaySignal BeamUproarDouble Team----------------------Shadow BallThunderboltDark Pulse[spoiler=Formes Available]Heat Forme - Overheat [spoiler=Rotom's Combo Moves]Shocking Shadow Balls + Thunderbolt + Shadow BallShocking Signal Beam - Thunderbolt + Signal BeamStorming Heat - Thunderbolt + OverHeat (Heat Forme only) Eevee (Flame Guy) - MaleRun AwayLV10 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandSand Attack [spoiler=in Day Care]Trapinch (Dragor) - MaleHyper CutterLV32 - EXP: 0BiteSand Attack Horsea (Sea Dragon) - MaleSwift SwimLV32 - EXP: 0BubbleSmokescreenLeer[spoiler=Horsea's Combo Moves]Smokey Bubbles - Bubble + Smokescreen BP: 110 Items: Dawn Stone x1 Thunderstone x1 Dragon Scale x1 Fire Stone x1 Rare Candy x 6Rare Goody x 3Cheri Berry x 4Chesto Berry x 4Pecha Berry x 4Lum Berry x 4Oran Berry x 4Sitrus Berry x 4Enigma Berry x 1 BP: 648TMs/HMs:TM11 Sunny DayTM24 ThunderboltTM28 DigTM30 Shadow Ball TM35 FlamethrowerTM43 Secret PowerTM50 NightmareTM50 OverheatTM61 Will O WispTM79 Dark Pulse [spoiler=Move Tutor Moves]Moonlight [spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Sandile2. Tepig3. Chimchar4. Sneasel5. Snorunt6. Gastly7. Totodile8. Torchic9. Cyndaquil10. Growlithe11. Torkoal12. Slugma13. Vulpix14. Darumakka15. Ponyta16. Castform17. Pansear18. Heatmor19. Numel Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 9Losses: 8Draws: 5 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament"September 18th - I advanced to the "Pokemon Master" rankOctober 6th - i got 1000 Club PostsOctober 27th - I obtained my first Legendary Pokemon - Darkrai posts 3/10posts till next pokemon 43/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted December 1, 2011 Report Share Posted December 1, 2011 @BS: Feraligatr, Yanmega, Honchkrow (that'll be a though one to get early game), Exeggutor, Mamoswine and the last slot is open for suggestions. [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 3Post till next BP: 3Posts till next Pokémon: 23 [spoiler=Team](Chad)~ Lv. 32~ Run Away* Lucky Egg- Tackle- Shadow Ball- Dig- Bite (Tragedy)~ Lv. 15~ Justified- Scratch- Quick Attack- Leer- Taunt (Kimberley)~ Lv. 11~ Prankster- Sand Attack- Assist- Scratch- Growl (Takan)~ Lv. 10~ Aftermath- Fury Swipes- Poison Gas- Screech- Scratch Caracon~ Lv. 10~ Shed Skin- Leer- Low Kick- Sand Attack- Faint Attack [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Nightmare (12/30)](Grogorion)~ Lv. 44~ Iron Fist- Heavy Bomber- Shadow Punch- Dynamic Punch- Magnitude (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches Plasmus~ Lv.44~ Levitate- Signal Beam- Electro Ball- Omnious Wind- Double Team+ 5 Posts (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite (Lady Blanc)~ Lv. 10~ Snow Cloak- Bite- Double Team- Powder Snow- Astonish (Freed)~ Lv. 10~ Flare Boost- Constrict- Minimize- Astonish [spoiler=Lost Souls (15/30)](Shade)~ Lv.75~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Gargula)~ Lv.54~ Overcoat- Dark Pulse- Air Slash- Tailwind- Bone Rush (Katana)~ Lv. 52~ Defiant- Night Slash- Slash- Metal Claw- Iron Defense (Ruin)~ Lv. 51~ Levitate- Dragon Pulse- Dragon Rush- Crunch- Dark Pulse (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Spinecrow)~ Lv. 44~ Sand Veil- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Cronos)~ Lv. 44~ Sand Stream- Rock Slide- Trash- Dark Pulse- E-Fangs (Brutus)~ Lv. 44~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Piccolo)~ Lv. 10~ Adaptability- Bubble- Harden- Vicegrip [spoiler=Other (10/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Paling)~ Lv. 44~ Levitate- Crunch- Thunder Wave- Wild Charge- Charge Beam- Zap Cannon- Thunderbolt (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Carbonus)~ Lv.10~ Compoundeyes- Tackle- Foresigh- Quick Attack Clubz~ Lv. 11~ Rock Head- Growl- Tail Whip- Bone Club Pele~ Lv. 11~ Drought- Ember- Tail Whip- Roar (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Sabrina)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Growl- Psywave- Spite- Astonish Days in Daycare: 2 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 156 Items: Rare Candie x6Rare Goodie x2 TM's & HM's: TMXX MoonlightTM06 ToxicTM07 Zap CannonTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM50 NightmareTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM61 Will-O-WispTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomTM93 Wild ChargeHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
☖☠☗JAXCOB☗☠☖ Posted December 1, 2011 Report Share Posted December 1, 2011 ... BS, you got me there. [spoiler=*nosebleed*]Don't ask me where I got this (actually I think it was Pixiv). On another note, I might be thinking about restarting my SS. And this time getting the team that I want. [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 4Post till next BP: 4Posts till next Pokémon: 24 [spoiler=Team](Chad)~ Lv. 32~ Run Away* Lucky Egg- Tackle- Shadow Ball- Dig- Bite (Tragedy)~ Lv. 15~ Justified- Scratch- Quick Attack- Leer- Taunt (Kimberley)~ Lv. 11~ Prankster- Sand Attack- Assist- Scratch- Growl (Takan)~ Lv. 10~ Aftermath- Fury Swipes- Poison Gas- Screech- Scratch Caracon~ Lv. 10~ Shed Skin- Leer- Low Kick- Sand Attack- Faint Attack [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Nightmare (12/30)](Grogorion)~ Lv. 44~ Iron Fist- Heavy Bomber- Shadow Punch- Dynamic Punch- Magnitude (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches Plasmus~ Lv.44~ Levitate- Signal Beam- Electro Ball- Omnious Wind- Double Team+ 5 Posts (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite (Lady Blanc)~ Lv. 10~ Snow Cloak- Bite- Double Team- Powder Snow- Astonish (Freed)~ Lv. 10~ Flare Boost- Constrict- Minimize- Astonish [spoiler=Lost Souls (15/30)](Shade)~ Lv.75~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Gargula)~ Lv.54~ Overcoat- Dark Pulse- Air Slash- Tailwind- Bone Rush (Katana)~ Lv. 52~ Defiant- Night Slash- Slash- Metal Claw- Iron Defense (Ruin)~ Lv. 51~ Levitate- Dragon Pulse- Dragon Rush- Crunch- Dark Pulse (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Spinecrow)~ Lv. 44~ Sand Veil- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Cronos)~ Lv. 44~ Sand Stream- Rock Slide- Trash- Dark Pulse- E-Fangs (Brutus)~ Lv. 44~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Piccolo)~ Lv. 10~ Adaptability- Bubble- Harden- Vicegrip [spoiler=Other (10/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Paling)~ Lv. 44~ Levitate- Crunch- Thunder Wave- Wild Charge- Charge Beam- Zap Cannon- Thunderbolt (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Carbonus)~ Lv.10~ Compoundeyes- Tackle- Foresigh- Quick Attack Clubz~ Lv. 11~ Rock Head- Growl- Tail Whip- Bone Club Pele~ Lv. 11~ Drought- Ember- Tail Whip- Roar (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Sabrina)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Growl- Psywave- Spite- Astonish Days in Daycare: 2 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 156 Items: Rare Candie x6Rare Goodie x2 TM's & HM's: TMXX MoonlightTM06 ToxicTM07 Zap CannonTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM50 NightmareTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM61 Will-O-WispTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomTM93 Wild ChargeHM05 Waterfall TEAMGETTO. Also, Hentai is Awesome(?)! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted December 1, 2011 Report Share Posted December 1, 2011 TEAMGETTO. Also, Hentai is Awesome(?)! Getto? Considering your age, the law forbids me to discuss this topic with you... Sorry. [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 2Post till next BP: 2Posts till next Pokémon: 22 [spoiler=Team](Chad)~ Lv. 32~ Run Away* Lucky Egg- Tackle- Shadow Ball- Dig- Bite (Tragedy)~ Lv. 15~ Justified- Scratch- Quick Attack- Leer- Taunt (Kimberley)~ Lv. 11~ Prankster- Sand Attack- Assist- Scratch- Growl (Takan)~ Lv. 10~ Aftermath- Fury Swipes- Poison Gas- Screech- Scratch Caracon~ Lv. 10~ Shed Skin- Leer- Low Kick- Sand Attack- Faint Attack [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Nightmare (12/30)](Grogorion)~ Lv. 44~ Iron Fist- Heavy Bomber- Shadow Punch- Dynamic Punch- Magnitude (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches Plasmus~ Lv.44~ Levitate- Signal Beam- Electro Ball- Omnious Wind- Double Team+ 5 Posts (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite (Lady Blanc)~ Lv. 10~ Snow Cloak- Bite- Double Team- Powder Snow- Astonish (Freed)~ Lv. 10~ Flare Boost- Constrict- Minimize- Astonish [spoiler=Lost Souls (15/30)](Shade)~ Lv.75~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Gargula)~ Lv.54~ Overcoat- Dark Pulse- Air Slash- Tailwind- Bone Rush (Katana)~ Lv. 52~ Defiant- Night Slash- Slash- Metal Claw- Iron Defense (Ruin)~ Lv. 51~ Levitate- Dragon Pulse- Dragon Rush- Crunch- Dark Pulse (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Spinecrow)~ Lv. 44~ Sand Veil- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Cronos)~ Lv. 44~ Sand Stream- Rock Slide- Trash- Dark Pulse- E-Fangs (Brutus)~ Lv. 44~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Piccolo)~ Lv. 10~ Adaptability- Bubble- Harden- Vicegrip [spoiler=Other (10/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Paling)~ Lv. 44~ Levitate- Crunch- Thunder Wave- Wild Charge- Charge Beam- Zap Cannon- Thunderbolt (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Carbonus)~ Lv.10~ Compoundeyes- Tackle- Foresigh- Quick Attack Clubz~ Lv. 11~ Rock Head- Growl- Tail Whip- Bone Club Pele~ Lv. 11~ Drought- Ember- Tail Whip- Roar (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Sabrina)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Growl- Psywave- Spite- Astonish Days in Daycare: 2 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 156 Items: Rare Candie x6Rare Goodie x2 TM's & HM's: TMXX MoonlightTM06 ToxicTM07 Zap CannonTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM50 NightmareTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM61 Will-O-WispTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomTM93 Wild ChargeHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
☖☠☗JAXCOB☗☠☖ Posted December 1, 2011 Report Share Posted December 1, 2011 Getto? Considering your age, the law forbids me to discuss this topic with you... Sorry. [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 2Post till next BP: 2Posts till next Pokémon: 22 [spoiler=Team](Chad)~ Lv. 32~ Run Away* Lucky Egg- Tackle- Shadow Ball- Dig- Bite (Tragedy)~ Lv. 15~ Justified- Scratch- Quick Attack- Leer- Taunt (Kimberley)~ Lv. 11~ Prankster- Sand Attack- Assist- Scratch- Growl (Takan)~ Lv. 10~ Aftermath- Fury Swipes- Poison Gas- Screech- Scratch Caracon~ Lv. 10~ Shed Skin- Leer- Low Kick- Sand Attack- Faint Attack [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Nightmare (12/30)](Grogorion)~ Lv. 44~ Iron Fist- Heavy Bomber- Shadow Punch- Dynamic Punch- Magnitude (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches Plasmus~ Lv.44~ Levitate- Signal Beam- Electro Ball- Omnious Wind- Double Team+ 5 Posts (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite (Lady Blanc)~ Lv. 10~ Snow Cloak- Bite- Double Team- Powder Snow- Astonish (Freed)~ Lv. 10~ Flare Boost- Constrict- Minimize- Astonish [spoiler=Lost Souls (15/30)](Shade)~ Lv.75~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Gargula)~ Lv.54~ Overcoat- Dark Pulse- Air Slash- Tailwind- Bone Rush (Katana)~ Lv. 52~ Defiant- Night Slash- Slash- Metal Claw- Iron Defense (Ruin)~ Lv. 51~ Levitate- Dragon Pulse- Dragon Rush- Crunch- Dark Pulse (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Spinecrow)~ Lv. 44~ Sand Veil- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Cronos)~ Lv. 44~ Sand Stream- Rock Slide- Trash- Dark Pulse- E-Fangs (Brutus)~ Lv. 44~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Piccolo)~ Lv. 10~ Adaptability- Bubble- Harden- Vicegrip [spoiler=Other (10/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Paling)~ Lv. 44~ Levitate- Crunch- Thunder Wave- Wild Charge- Charge Beam- Zap Cannon- Thunderbolt (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Carbonus)~ Lv.10~ Compoundeyes- Tackle- Foresigh- Quick Attack Clubz~ Lv. 11~ Rock Head- Growl- Tail Whip- Bone Club Pele~ Lv. 11~ Drought- Ember- Tail Whip- Roar (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Sabrina)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Growl- Psywave- Spite- Astonish Days in Daycare: 2 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 156 Items: Rare Candie x6Rare Goodie x2 TM's & HM's: TMXX MoonlightTM06 ToxicTM07 Zap CannonTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM50 NightmareTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM61 Will-O-WispTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomTM93 Wild ChargeHM05 Waterfall Get,But said with a Japanese Accent. Please,I MAY BE UNDERAGE.BUT I HAVE THE MIND OF A 25 YEAR OLD. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted December 1, 2011 Report Share Posted December 1, 2011 @Jax: Oooh! Hehehe, that's true. Lol, the law is the law. But yes, hentai can be both disturbing and awesome. [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 1Post till next BP: 1Posts till next Pokémon: 21 [spoiler=Team](Chad)~ Lv. 32~ Run Away* Lucky Egg- Tackle- Shadow Ball- Dig- Bite (Tragedy)~ Lv. 15~ Justified- Scratch- Quick Attack- Leer- Taunt (Kimberley)~ Lv. 11~ Prankster- Sand Attack- Assist- Scratch- Growl (Takan)~ Lv. 10~ Aftermath- Fury Swipes- Poison Gas- Screech- Scratch Caracon~ Lv. 10~ Shed Skin- Leer- Low Kick- Sand Attack- Faint Attack [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Nightmare (12/30)](Grogorion)~ Lv. 44~ Iron Fist- Heavy Bomber- Shadow Punch- Dynamic Punch- Magnitude (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches Plasmus~ Lv.44~ Levitate- Signal Beam- Electro Ball- Omnious Wind- Double Team+ 5 Posts (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite (Lady Blanc)~ Lv. 10~ Snow Cloak- Bite- Double Team- Powder Snow- Astonish (Freed)~ Lv. 10~ Flare Boost- Constrict- Minimize- Astonish [spoiler=Lost Souls (15/30)](Shade)~ Lv.75~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Gargula)~ Lv.54~ Overcoat- Dark Pulse- Air Slash- Tailwind- Bone Rush (Katana)~ Lv. 52~ Defiant- Night Slash- Slash- Metal Claw- Iron Defense (Ruin)~ Lv. 51~ Levitate- Dragon Pulse- Dragon Rush- Crunch- Dark Pulse (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Spinecrow)~ Lv. 44~ Sand Veil- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Cronos)~ Lv. 44~ Sand Stream- Rock Slide- Trash- Dark Pulse- E-Fangs (Brutus)~ Lv. 44~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Piccolo)~ Lv. 10~ Adaptability- Bubble- Harden- Vicegrip [spoiler=Other (10/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Paling)~ Lv. 44~ Levitate- Crunch- Thunder Wave- Wild Charge- Charge Beam- Zap Cannon- Thunderbolt (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Carbonus)~ Lv.10~ Compoundeyes- Tackle- Foresigh- Quick Attack Clubz~ Lv. 11~ Rock Head- Growl- Tail Whip- Bone Club Pele~ Lv. 11~ Drought- Ember- Tail Whip- Roar (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Sabrina)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Growl- Psywave- Spite- Astonish Days in Daycare: 2 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 156 Items: Rare Candie x6Rare Goodie x2 TM's & HM's: TMXX MoonlightTM06 ToxicTM07 Zap CannonTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM50 NightmareTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM61 Will-O-WispTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomTM93 Wild ChargeHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted December 1, 2011 Report Share Posted December 1, 2011 @Lex: hmmm.....that sounds like a solid team, what about Fire Types? [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Johto's Burning MasterChaos. Chaos is Power, Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is one that unifies the chaos. Welcome challenger, I am Silver Yuja, I am generally a competitive person, and that fuels my spirit, and my spirit contributes to the power that emanates from my soul. Now let me show you what true power feels like. Club Posts: 1434 Pokemon Gabite (Shark) - MaleSand VeilLV38 - EXP: 4TackleSand AttackDragon RageDigSandstormTake DownSand TombDual ChopDragon Claw[spoiler=Gabite's Combo Moves]Sandstorming Dragon Rage - Sandstorm + Dragon Rage Hydreigon (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV64 - EXP: 0TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteHeadbuttDragonbreathRoarCrunchSlamDragon PulseWork UpDragon RushBody SlamScary FaceHyper VoiceOutrage-----------------Dark PulseFlamethrower[spoiler=Hydreigon's Combo Moves]Focused Dragon Rage - Focus Energy + Dragon RageDark Dragon Rage - Dark Pulse + Dragon RageOutraging Dragon Rush - Outrage + Dragon RushFlaming Rage - Flamethrower + Dragon RageDarkened Flame Pulse - Dark Pulse + Flamethrower Volcarona (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV59 - EXP: 0EmberString ShotLeech LifeTake DownFlame ChargeBug BiteDouble-EdgeQuiver Dance---------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Volcarona's Combo Moves]Burning String Shot - String Shot + FlamethrowerFlaming Double Edge - Flame Charge + Double Edge Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitQuick AttackMoonlight-----------------Dark PulseDigSecret PowerShadow Ball[spoiler=Umbreon's Combo Moves]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsQuick Tackle - Quick Attack + TackleDark Pulse Impact - Dark Pulse + Pursuit Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFire SpinConfuse Ray---------------------FlamethrowerSunny DayThunderboltOverheat[spoiler=Magmortar's Combo moves]Burning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogBlazing Bolt - Flamethrower + ThunderboltBlazing Storm Smog - Flamethrower + Thunderbolt + SmokescreenExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Ralts (Psi-Blade) - Male*EXP Share*SyncronizeLV15 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble TeamTeleport--------------------ThunderboltShadow Ball[spoiler=Ralt's Combo moves]Controlled Thunderbolt - Confusion + ThunderboltControlled Shadow Balls - Confusion + Shadow Ball [spoiler=Box #1 (22/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock[spoiler=Electivire's Combo Moves]Storming Quick Attack - Thundershock + Quick Attack Swinub (Mammoth) - MaleThick FatLV10 - EXP: 0TackleOdor SleuthMud SportPowder Snow Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm---------------------Shadow Ball[spoiler=Metagross' Combo Moves]Bullet Claw - Metal Claw + Bullet PunchControlled Shadow Balls - Psychic + Shadow Balls Larvitar (Tyranno) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0BiteLeerSandstormScreech Vanillite (Ice Cream) - MaleIce BodyLV10 - EXP: 0Icicle SpearHardenAstonishUproar Dratini (Dragos) - MaleShed SkinLV10 - EXP: 0WrapLeerThunder Wave Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV35 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse SwipeFury CutterSlash[spoiler=Scizor's Combo Move]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitFury Slash - Fury Cutter + Slash Salamence (Drago) - MaleIntimidateLV50 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerHeadbuttFocus EnergyDragonbreathZen HeadbuttScary FaceCrunch-------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Salamence's Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerRaging Flamethrower - Rage + FlamethrowerRaging Zen Headbutt - Rage + Zen Headbutt Druddigon (Dragan) - MaleRough SkinLV10 - EXP: 0LeerScratchHone ClawsBite Darkrai (Darkrai)Bad DreamsLV26 - EXP: 0Ominous WindDisableQuick AttackHypnosis Chandelure (Ghoulflame) - MaleFlame BodyLV41 - EXP: 0EmberAstonishMinimizeSmogFire SpinConfuse RayNight ShadeWill 'O' WispFlame BurstImprisonHexMementoInferno-------------------Shadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Chandelure's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow BallBurning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Swablu (Cotton) - MaleNatural CureLV10 - EXP: 0PeckGrowlAstonishSing Aerodactyl (Aero) - MaleRock HeadLV10 - EXP: 0Ice FangFire FangThunder FangWing AttackSupersonicBiteScary FaceRoar Charmander (Blaze) - MaleBlazeLV10 - EXP: 0ScratchGrowlEmberSmokecreen Haxorus (Dracofang) - MaleMold BreakerLV48 - EXP: 0ScratchLeerAssuranceDragon RageDual ChopScary FaceSlashFalse SwipeDragon ClawDragon DanceTaunt[spoiler=Haxorus' Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerDragon Swipe - Dragon Claw + False Swipe Houndour (Hellhound) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0LeerEmberHowlSmogFlamethrower-----------------------Shadow BallSunny DayDark PulseOverheat[spoiler=Houndour's Combo Moves]Flaming Smog - Ember + SmogDark Flame Pulse - Flamethrower + Dark PulseExplosive Smog - Overheat + SmogDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsFlaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Magikarp (Rage) - MaleSwift SwimLV10 - EXP: 0Splash Unfezant (Birdy) - Female*Leftovers*Super LuckLV10 - EXP: 0GustGrowlLeerQuick Attack Rotom (Rotom)LevitateLV20 - EXP: 0TrickAstonishThunder WaveThundershockConfuse RaySignal BeamUproarDouble Team----------------------Shadow BallThunderboltDark Pulse[spoiler=Formes Available]Heat Forme - Overheat [spoiler=Rotom's Combo Moves]Shocking Shadow Balls + Thunderbolt + Shadow BallShocking Signal Beam - Thunderbolt + Signal BeamStorming Heat - Thunderbolt + OverHeat (Heat Forme only) Eevee (Flame Guy) - MaleRun AwayLV10 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandSand Attack [spoiler=in Day Care]Trapinch (Dragor) - MaleHyper CutterLV32 - EXP: 0BiteSand Attack Horsea (Sea Dragon) - MaleSwift SwimLV32 - EXP: 0BubbleSmokescreenLeer[spoiler=Horsea's Combo Moves]Smokey Bubbles - Bubble + Smokescreen BP: 110 Items: Dawn Stone x1 Thunderstone x1 Dragon Scale x1 Fire Stone x1 Rare Candy x 6Rare Goody x 3Cheri Berry x 4Chesto Berry x 4Pecha Berry x 4Lum Berry x 4Oran Berry x 4Sitrus Berry x 4Enigma Berry x 1 BP: 648TMs/HMs:TM11 Sunny DayTM24 ThunderboltTM28 DigTM30 Shadow Ball TM35 FlamethrowerTM43 Secret PowerTM50 NightmareTM50 OverheatTM61 Will O WispTM79 Dark Pulse [spoiler=Move Tutor Moves]Moonlight [spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Sandile2. Tepig3. Chimchar4. Sneasel5. Snorunt6. Gastly7. Totodile8. Torchic9. Cyndaquil10. Growlithe11. Torkoal12. Slugma13. Vulpix14. Darumakka15. Ponyta16. Castform17. Pansear18. Heatmor19. Numel Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 9Losses: 8Draws: 5 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament"September 18th - I advanced to the "Pokemon Master" rankOctober 6th - i got 1000 Club PostsOctober 27th - I obtained my first Legendary Pokemon - Darkrai posts 4/10posts till next pokemon 44/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted December 1, 2011 Report Share Posted December 1, 2011 @BS: Pre-Kento non-starter Fire Types: Vulpix & Magmar... Not much of a choice, is there? [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 10Post till next BP: 10Posts till next Pokémon: 20 [spoiler=Team](Chad)~ Lv. 34~ Run Away* Lucky Egg- Tackle- Shadow Ball- Dig- Bite (Tragedy)~ Lv. 15~ Justified- Scratch- Quick Attack- Leer- Taunt (Kimberley)~ Lv. 11~ Prankster- Sand Attack- Assist- Scratch- Growl (Takan)~ Lv. 10~ Aftermath- Fury Swipes- Poison Gas- Screech- Scratch Caracon~ Lv. 10~ Shed Skin- Leer- Low Kick- Sand Attack- Faint Attack [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Nightmare (12/30)](Grogorion)~ Lv. 44~ Iron Fist- Heavy Bomber- Shadow Punch- Dynamic Punch- Magnitude (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches Plasmus~ Lv.44~ Levitate- Signal Beam- Electro Ball- Omnious Wind- Double Team+ 5 Posts (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite (Lady Blanc)~ Lv. 10~ Snow Cloak- Bite- Double Team- Powder Snow- Astonish (Freed)~ Lv. 10~ Flare Boost- Constrict- Minimize- Astonish [spoiler=Lost Souls (15/30)](Shade)~ Lv.75~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Gargula)~ Lv.54~ Overcoat- Dark Pulse- Air Slash- Tailwind- Bone Rush (Katana)~ Lv. 52~ Defiant- Night Slash- Slash- Metal Claw- Iron Defense (Ruin)~ Lv. 51~ Levitate- Dragon Pulse- Dragon Rush- Crunch- Dark Pulse (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Spinecrow)~ Lv. 44~ Sand Veil- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Cronos)~ Lv. 44~ Sand Stream- Rock Slide- Trash- Dark Pulse- E-Fangs (Brutus)~ Lv. 44~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Piccolo)~ Lv. 10~ Adaptability- Bubble- Harden- Vicegrip [spoiler=Other (10/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Paling)~ Lv. 44~ Levitate- Crunch- Thunder Wave- Wild Charge- Charge Beam- Zap Cannon- Thunderbolt (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Carbonus)~ Lv.10~ Compoundeyes- Tackle- Foresigh- Quick Attack Clubz~ Lv. 11~ Rock Head- Growl- Tail Whip- Bone Club Pele~ Lv. 11~ Drought- Ember- Tail Whip- Roar (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Sabrina)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Growl- Psywave- Spite- Astonish Days in Daycare: 2 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 157 Items: Rare Candie x6Rare Goodie x2 TM's & HM's: TMXX MoonlightTM06 ToxicTM07 Zap CannonTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM50 NightmareTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM61 Will-O-WispTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomTM93 Wild ChargeHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted December 1, 2011 Report Share Posted December 1, 2011 @Lex: hmmm...i would go for Magmar then, it sounds like the better of the 2 imo (plus it can become Magmortar) [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Johto's Burning MasterChaos. Chaos is Power, Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is one that unifies the chaos. Welcome challenger, I am Silver Yuja, I am generally a competitive person, and that fuels my spirit, and my spirit contributes to the power that emanates from my soul. Now let me show you what true power feels like. Club Posts: 1435 Pokemon Gabite (Shark) - MaleSand VeilLV38 - EXP: 5TackleSand AttackDragon RageDigSandstormTake DownSand TombDual ChopDragon Claw[spoiler=Gabite's Combo Moves]Sandstorming Dragon Rage - Sandstorm + Dragon Rage Hydreigon (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV64 - EXP: 0TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteHeadbuttDragonbreathRoarCrunchSlamDragon PulseWork UpDragon RushBody SlamScary FaceHyper VoiceOutrage-----------------Dark PulseFlamethrower[spoiler=Hydreigon's Combo Moves]Focused Dragon Rage - Focus Energy + Dragon RageDark Dragon Rage - Dark Pulse + Dragon RageOutraging Dragon Rush - Outrage + Dragon RushFlaming Rage - Flamethrower + Dragon RageDarkened Flame Pulse - Dark Pulse + Flamethrower Volcarona (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV59 - EXP: 0EmberString ShotLeech LifeTake DownFlame ChargeBug BiteDouble-EdgeQuiver Dance---------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Volcarona's Combo Moves]Burning String Shot - String Shot + FlamethrowerFlaming Double Edge - Flame Charge + Double Edge Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitQuick AttackMoonlight-----------------Dark PulseDigSecret PowerShadow Ball[spoiler=Umbreon's Combo Moves]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsQuick Tackle - Quick Attack + TackleDark Pulse Impact - Dark Pulse + Pursuit Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFire SpinConfuse Ray---------------------FlamethrowerSunny DayThunderboltOverheat[spoiler=Magmortar's Combo moves]Burning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogBlazing Bolt - Flamethrower + ThunderboltBlazing Storm Smog - Flamethrower + Thunderbolt + SmokescreenExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Ralts (Psi-Blade) - Male*EXP Share*SyncronizeLV15 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble TeamTeleport--------------------ThunderboltShadow Ball[spoiler=Ralt's Combo moves]Controlled Thunderbolt - Confusion + ThunderboltControlled Shadow Balls - Confusion + Shadow Ball [spoiler=Box #1 (22/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock[spoiler=Electivire's Combo Moves]Storming Quick Attack - Thundershock + Quick Attack Swinub (Mammoth) - MaleThick FatLV10 - EXP: 0TackleOdor SleuthMud SportPowder Snow Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm---------------------Shadow Ball[spoiler=Metagross' Combo Moves]Bullet Claw - Metal Claw + Bullet PunchControlled Shadow Balls - Psychic + Shadow Balls Larvitar (Tyranno) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0BiteLeerSandstormScreech Vanillite (Ice Cream) - MaleIce BodyLV10 - EXP: 0Icicle SpearHardenAstonishUproar Dratini (Dragos) - MaleShed SkinLV10 - EXP: 0WrapLeerThunder Wave Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV35 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse SwipeFury CutterSlash[spoiler=Scizor's Combo Move]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitFury Slash - Fury Cutter + Slash Salamence (Drago) - MaleIntimidateLV50 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerHeadbuttFocus EnergyDragonbreathZen HeadbuttScary FaceCrunch-------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Salamence's Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerRaging Flamethrower - Rage + FlamethrowerRaging Zen Headbutt - Rage + Zen Headbutt Druddigon (Dragan) - MaleRough SkinLV10 - EXP: 0LeerScratchHone ClawsBite Darkrai (Darkrai)Bad DreamsLV26 - EXP: 0Ominous WindDisableQuick AttackHypnosis Chandelure (Ghoulflame) - MaleFlame BodyLV41 - EXP: 0EmberAstonishMinimizeSmogFire SpinConfuse RayNight ShadeWill 'O' WispFlame BurstImprisonHexMementoInferno-------------------Shadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Chandelure's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow BallBurning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Swablu (Cotton) - MaleNatural CureLV10 - EXP: 0PeckGrowlAstonishSing Aerodactyl (Aero) - MaleRock HeadLV10 - EXP: 0Ice FangFire FangThunder FangWing AttackSupersonicBiteScary FaceRoar Charmander (Blaze) - MaleBlazeLV10 - EXP: 0ScratchGrowlEmberSmokecreen Haxorus (Dracofang) - MaleMold BreakerLV48 - EXP: 0ScratchLeerAssuranceDragon RageDual ChopScary FaceSlashFalse SwipeDragon ClawDragon DanceTaunt[spoiler=Haxorus' Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerDragon Swipe - Dragon Claw + False Swipe Houndour (Hellhound) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0LeerEmberHowlSmogFlamethrower-----------------------Shadow BallSunny DayDark PulseOverheat[spoiler=Houndour's Combo Moves]Flaming Smog - Ember + SmogDark Flame Pulse - Flamethrower + Dark PulseExplosive Smog - Overheat + SmogDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsFlaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Magikarp (Rage) - MaleSwift SwimLV10 - EXP: 0Splash Unfezant (Birdy) - Female*Leftovers*Super LuckLV10 - EXP: 0GustGrowlLeerQuick Attack Rotom (Rotom)LevitateLV20 - EXP: 0TrickAstonishThunder WaveThundershockConfuse RaySignal BeamUproarDouble Team----------------------Shadow BallThunderboltDark Pulse[spoiler=Formes Available]Heat Forme - Overheat [spoiler=Rotom's Combo Moves]Shocking Shadow Balls + Thunderbolt + Shadow BallShocking Signal Beam - Thunderbolt + Signal BeamStorming Heat - Thunderbolt + OverHeat (Heat Forme only) Eevee (Flame Guy) - MaleRun AwayLV10 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandSand Attack [spoiler=in Day Care]Trapinch (Dragor) - MaleHyper CutterLV32 - EXP: 0BiteSand Attack Horsea (Sea Dragon) - MaleSwift SwimLV32 - EXP: 0BubbleSmokescreenLeer[spoiler=Horsea's Combo Moves]Smokey Bubbles - Bubble + Smokescreen BP: 110 Items: Dawn Stone x1 Thunderstone x1 Dragon Scale x1 Fire Stone x1 Rare Candy x 6Rare Goody x 3Cheri Berry x 4Chesto Berry x 4Pecha Berry x 4Lum Berry x 4Oran Berry x 4Sitrus Berry x 4Enigma Berry x 1 BP: 648TMs/HMs:TM11 Sunny DayTM24 ThunderboltTM28 DigTM30 Shadow Ball TM35 FlamethrowerTM43 Secret PowerTM50 NightmareTM50 OverheatTM61 Will O WispTM79 Dark Pulse [spoiler=Move Tutor Moves]Moonlight [spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Sandile2. Tepig3. Chimchar4. Sneasel5. Snorunt6. Gastly7. Totodile8. Torchic9. Cyndaquil10. Growlithe11. Torkoal12. Slugma13. Vulpix14. Darumakka15. Ponyta16. Castform17. Pansear18. Heatmor19. Numel Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 9Losses: 8Draws: 5 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament"September 18th - I advanced to the "Pokemon Master" rankOctober 6th - i got 1000 Club PostsOctober 27th - I obtained my first Legendary Pokemon - Darkrai posts 5/10posts till next pokemon 45/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryumori Posted December 2, 2011 Report Share Posted December 2, 2011 [spoiler=Trainer Info]Trainer Name: Ryumaru MugenTeam:Lulu(Gible)-Female Level: 10-EXP: 8Ability: Rough SkinEquiped Item: N/ATackleSand AttackDragon RageFire BlastRyukizo(Hydreigon)-Male Level: 20-Exp: 0Ability: LevitateEquipped Items: N/ADragon RageBiteHeadbuttTackleFocus EnergyDragon TailDragonbreathFire BlastRoar[spoiler=Ryukizo's Combos/Special Maneuvers] Bite + Dragon Rage = Crushing DragonDragon energy(blasted towards ground) = Dragon GuardDragon energy(blasted towards ground) + Tackle = Dragon SmashDragon energy(blasted towards ground) + Headbutt = Draco HeadbuttDragon Rage(Shot Separately from each head) = Double DragonDragon Rage(fired rapidfire) = Hydra RageBite + Fire Blast = Blazing FangTwo Dragon Rage(fired in close proximity of each other) = Twisted Dragons Sui(Dratini)-Female Level: 16-EXP: 0Ability: Shed SkinEquipped Item: EXP. ShareWrapLeerThunder WaveDragonbreathWater PulseDragon TailTwisterFire BlastDragon Rage[spoiler=Sui's Combos/Special Maneuvers]Wraps then Dragon Breath = Dragon's BindThunder Wave + Water Pulse = Hydro ShockerDragonbreath + Thunder Wave = Lightning Stream Dani(Unfezant)-Female Level: 10-EXP: 0Equipped item; LeftoversGustGrowlLeerQuick Attack[spoiler=Dani's Combo's/Special Maneuvers]Quick Attack + Gust = Quick Wind [spoiler=Team Combos]Sui-Dragonbreath + Ryukizo-Dragon Rage = Ultima Draco [spoiler=Items]Electrizer x 1TM 82 Dragon TailTM 38 fire Blast EXP. Share x 1(Equipped to Sui) Cheri Berries (4) Chesto Berries (4)Pecha Berries (4)Lum Berries (4)Oran Berries (4)Sitrus Berries (4)-Enigma Berry (1) Posts to Level Up(8/10)Posts to BP(8/10)Posts to Next Pokemon(8/60)To 50 BP of the week(NA/10)20 BPBattles Won: 3Lost: 2Tied: 0 @BS: Sui used Water Pulse to deflect the Shadow ball and follows up with dragonbreath Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted December 2, 2011 Report Share Posted December 2, 2011 @Ryumori: use Confusion to control the Dragonbreath and redirect it at Dratini (Controlled Dragonbreath) [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Johto's Burning MasterChaos. Chaos is Power, Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is one that unifies the chaos. Welcome challenger, I am Silver Yuja, I am generally a competitive person, and that fuels my spirit, and my spirit contributes to the power that emanates from my soul. Now let me show you what true power feels like. Club Posts: 1436 Pokemon Gabite (Shark) - MaleSand VeilLV38 - EXP: 6TackleSand AttackDragon RageDigSandstormTake DownSand TombDual ChopDragon Claw[spoiler=Gabite's Combo Moves]Sandstorming Dragon Rage - Sandstorm + Dragon Rage Hydreigon (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV64 - EXP: 0TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteHeadbuttDragonbreathRoarCrunchSlamDragon PulseWork UpDragon RushBody SlamScary FaceHyper VoiceOutrage-----------------Dark PulseFlamethrower[spoiler=Hydreigon's Combo Moves]Focused Dragon Rage - Focus Energy + Dragon RageDark Dragon Rage - Dark Pulse + Dragon RageOutraging Dragon Rush - Outrage + Dragon RushFlaming Rage - Flamethrower + Dragon RageDarkened Flame Pulse - Dark Pulse + Flamethrower Volcarona (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV59 - EXP: 0EmberString ShotLeech LifeTake DownFlame ChargeBug BiteDouble-EdgeQuiver Dance---------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Volcarona's Combo Moves]Burning String Shot - String Shot + FlamethrowerFlaming Double Edge - Flame Charge + Double Edge Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitQuick AttackMoonlight-----------------Dark PulseDigSecret PowerShadow Ball[spoiler=Umbreon's Combo Moves]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsQuick Tackle - Quick Attack + TackleDark Pulse Impact - Dark Pulse + Pursuit Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFire SpinConfuse Ray---------------------FlamethrowerSunny DayThunderboltOverheat[spoiler=Magmortar's Combo moves]Burning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogBlazing Bolt - Flamethrower + ThunderboltBlazing Storm Smog - Flamethrower + Thunderbolt + SmokescreenExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Ralts (Psi-Blade) - Male*EXP Share*SyncronizeLV15 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble TeamTeleport--------------------ThunderboltShadow Ball[spoiler=Ralt's Combo moves]Controlled Thunderbolt - Confusion + ThunderboltControlled Shadow Balls - Confusion + Shadow Ball [spoiler=Box #1 (22/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock[spoiler=Electivire's Combo Moves]Storming Quick Attack - Thundershock + Quick Attack Swinub (Mammoth) - MaleThick FatLV10 - EXP: 0TackleOdor SleuthMud SportPowder Snow Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm---------------------Shadow Ball[spoiler=Metagross' Combo Moves]Bullet Claw - Metal Claw + Bullet PunchControlled Shadow Balls - Psychic + Shadow Balls Larvitar (Tyranno) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0BiteLeerSandstormScreech Vanillite (Ice Cream) - MaleIce BodyLV10 - EXP: 0Icicle SpearHardenAstonishUproar Dratini (Dragos) - MaleShed SkinLV10 - EXP: 0WrapLeerThunder Wave Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV35 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse SwipeFury CutterSlash[spoiler=Scizor's Combo Move]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitFury Slash - Fury Cutter + Slash Salamence (Drago) - MaleIntimidateLV50 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerHeadbuttFocus EnergyDragonbreathZen HeadbuttScary FaceCrunch-------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Salamence's Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerRaging Flamethrower - Rage + FlamethrowerRaging Zen Headbutt - Rage + Zen Headbutt Druddigon (Dragan) - MaleRough SkinLV10 - EXP: 0LeerScratchHone ClawsBite Darkrai (Darkrai)Bad DreamsLV26 - EXP: 0Ominous WindDisableQuick AttackHypnosis Chandelure (Ghoulflame) - MaleFlame BodyLV41 - EXP: 0EmberAstonishMinimizeSmogFire SpinConfuse RayNight ShadeWill 'O' WispFlame BurstImprisonHexMementoInferno-------------------Shadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Chandelure's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow BallBurning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Swablu (Cotton) - MaleNatural CureLV10 - EXP: 0PeckGrowlAstonishSing Aerodactyl (Aero) - MaleRock HeadLV10 - EXP: 0Ice FangFire FangThunder FangWing AttackSupersonicBiteScary FaceRoar Charmander (Blaze) - MaleBlazeLV10 - EXP: 0ScratchGrowlEmberSmokecreen Haxorus (Dracofang) - MaleMold BreakerLV48 - EXP: 0ScratchLeerAssuranceDragon RageDual ChopScary FaceSlashFalse SwipeDragon ClawDragon DanceTaunt[spoiler=Haxorus' Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerDragon Swipe - Dragon Claw + False Swipe Houndour (Hellhound) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0LeerEmberHowlSmogFlamethrower-----------------------Shadow BallSunny DayDark PulseOverheat[spoiler=Houndour's Combo Moves]Flaming Smog - Ember + SmogDark Flame Pulse - Flamethrower + Dark PulseExplosive Smog - Overheat + SmogDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsFlaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Magikarp (Rage) - MaleSwift SwimLV10 - EXP: 0Splash Unfezant (Birdy) - Female*Leftovers*Super LuckLV10 - EXP: 0GustGrowlLeerQuick Attack Rotom (Rotom)LevitateLV20 - EXP: 0TrickAstonishThunder WaveThundershockConfuse RaySignal BeamUproarDouble Team----------------------Shadow BallThunderboltDark Pulse[spoiler=Formes Available]Heat Forme - Overheat [spoiler=Rotom's Combo Moves]Shocking Shadow Balls + Thunderbolt + Shadow BallShocking Signal Beam - Thunderbolt + Signal BeamStorming Heat - Thunderbolt + OverHeat (Heat Forme only) Eevee (Flame Guy) - MaleRun AwayLV10 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandSand Attack [spoiler=in Day Care]Trapinch (Dragor) - MaleHyper CutterLV32 - EXP: 0BiteSand Attack Horsea (Sea Dragon) - MaleSwift SwimLV32 - EXP: 0BubbleSmokescreenLeer[spoiler=Horsea's Combo Moves]Smokey Bubbles - Bubble + Smokescreen BP: 110 Items: Dawn Stone x1 Thunderstone x1 Dragon Scale x1 Fire Stone x1 Rare Candy x 6Rare Goody x 3Cheri Berry x 4Chesto Berry x 4Pecha Berry x 4Lum Berry x 4Oran Berry x 4Sitrus Berry x 4Enigma Berry x 1 BP: 648TMs/HMs:TM11 Sunny DayTM24 ThunderboltTM28 DigTM30 Shadow Ball TM35 FlamethrowerTM43 Secret PowerTM50 NightmareTM50 OverheatTM61 Will O WispTM79 Dark Pulse [spoiler=Move Tutor Moves]Moonlight [spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Sandile2. Tepig3. Chimchar4. Sneasel5. Snorunt6. Gastly7. Totodile8. Torchic9. Cyndaquil10. Growlithe11. Torkoal12. Slugma13. Vulpix14. Darumakka15. Ponyta16. Castform17. Pansear18. Heatmor19. Numel Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 9Losses: 8Draws: 5 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament"September 18th - I advanced to the "Pokemon Master" rankOctober 6th - i got 1000 Club PostsOctober 27th - I obtained my first Legendary Pokemon - Darkrai posts 6/10posts till next pokemon 46/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryumori Posted December 2, 2011 Report Share Posted December 2, 2011 [spoiler=Trainer Info]Trainer Name: Ryumaru MugenTeam:Lulu(Gible)-Female Level: 10-EXP: 9Ability: Rough SkinEquiped Item: N/ATackleSand AttackDragon RageFire BlastRyukizo(Hydreigon)-Male Level: 20-Exp: 0Ability: LevitateEquipped Items: N/ADragon RageBiteHeadbuttTackleFocus EnergyDragon TailDragonbreathFire BlastRoar[spoiler=Ryukizo's Combos/Special Maneuvers] Bite + Dragon Rage = Crushing DragonDragon energy(blasted towards ground) = Dragon GuardDragon energy(blasted towards ground) + Tackle = Dragon SmashDragon energy(blasted towards ground) + Headbutt = Draco HeadbuttDragon Rage(Shot Separately from each head) = Double DragonDragon Rage(fired rapidfire) = Hydra RageBite + Fire Blast = Blazing FangTwo Dragon Rage(fired in close proximity of each other) = Twisted Dragons Sui(Dratini)-Female Level: 16-EXP: 0Ability: Shed SkinEquipped Item: EXP. ShareWrapLeerThunder WaveDragonbreathWater PulseDragon TailTwisterFire BlastDragon Rage[spoiler=Sui's Combos/Special Maneuvers]Wraps then Dragon Breath = Dragon's BindThunder Wave + Water Pulse = Hydro ShockerDragonbreath + Thunder Wave = Lightning Stream Dani(Unfezant)-Female Level: 10-EXP: 0Equipped item; LeftoversGustGrowlLeerQuick Attack[spoiler=Dani's Combo's/Special Maneuvers]Quick Attack + Gust = Quick Wind [spoiler=Team Combos]Sui-Dragonbreath + Ryukizo-Dragon Rage = Ultima Draco [spoiler=Items]Electrizer x 1TM 82 Dragon TailTM 38 fire Blast EXP. Share x 1(Equipped to Sui) Cheri Berries (4) Chesto Berries (4)Pecha Berries (4)Lum Berries (4)Oran Berries (4)Sitrus Berries (4)-Enigma Berry (1) Posts to Level Up(9/10)Posts to BP(9/10)Posts to Next Pokemon(9/60)To 50 BP of the week(NA/10)20 BPBattles Won: 3Lost: 2Tied: 0 @BS: Sui is surprised by the sudden attack and only manages to get Dragon Rage out a moment before it hits, lower the effect but still causing damage. She is now enraged. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted December 3, 2011 Report Share Posted December 3, 2011 @Ryumori: now Ralts use Double Team to surround Dratini and everyone use Shadow Balls [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Johto's Burning MasterChaos. Chaos is Power, Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is one that unifies the chaos. Welcome challenger, I am Silver Yuja, I am generally a competitive person, and that fuels my spirit, and my spirit contributes to the power that emanates from my soul. Now let me show you what true power feels like. Club Posts: 1437 Pokemon Gabite (Shark) - MaleSand VeilLV38 - EXP: 7TackleSand AttackDragon RageDigSandstormTake DownSand TombDual ChopDragon Claw[spoiler=Gabite's Combo Moves]Sandstorming Dragon Rage - Sandstorm + Dragon Rage Trapinch (Dragor) - MaleHyper CutterLV34 - EXP: 0BiteSand AttackFaint AttackSand TombCrunchDig Horsea (Sea Dragon) - MaleSwift SwimLV34 - EXP: 0BubbleSmokescreenLeerWater GunFocus EnergyBubblebeamAgilityTwisterBrine-------------------Ice Beam[spoiler=Horsea's Combo Moves]Smokey Bubbles - Bubble + SmokescreenFrigid Smoke - Ice Beam + SmokescreenFrigid Twister - Ice Beam + TwisterFocused Bubblebeam - Focus Energy + Bubblebeam Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitQuick AttackMoonlight-----------------Dark PulseDigSecret PowerShadow Ball[spoiler=Umbreon's Combo Moves]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsQuick Tackle - Quick Attack + TackleDark Pulse Impact - Dark Pulse + Pursuit Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFire SpinConfuse Ray---------------------FlamethrowerSunny DayThunderboltOverheat[spoiler=Magmortar's Combo moves]Burning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogBlazing Bolt - Flamethrower + ThunderboltBlazing Storm Smog - Flamethrower + Thunderbolt + SmokescreenExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Ralts (Psi-Blade) - Male*EXP Share*SyncronizeLV15 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble TeamTeleport--------------------ThunderboltShadow Ball[spoiler=Ralt's Combo moves]Controlled Thunderbolt - Confusion + ThunderboltControlled Shadow Balls - Confusion + Shadow Ball [spoiler=Box #1 (24/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock[spoiler=Electivire's Combo Moves]Storming Quick Attack - Thundershock + Quick Attack Swinub (Mammoth) - MaleThick FatLV10 - EXP: 0TackleOdor SleuthMud SportPowder Snow Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm---------------------Shadow Ball[spoiler=Metagross' Combo Moves]Bullet Claw - Metal Claw + Bullet PunchControlled Shadow Balls - Psychic + Shadow Balls Larvitar (Tyranno) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0BiteLeerSandstormScreech Vanillite (Ice Cream) - MaleIce BodyLV10 - EXP: 0Icicle SpearHardenAstonishUproar Dratini (Dragos) - MaleShed SkinLV10 - EXP: 0WrapLeerThunder Wave Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV35 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse SwipeFury CutterSlash[spoiler=Scizor's Combo Move]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitFury Slash - Fury Cutter + Slash Salamence (Drago) - MaleIntimidateLV50 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerHeadbuttFocus EnergyDragonbreathZen HeadbuttScary FaceCrunch-------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Salamence's Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerRaging Flamethrower - Rage + FlamethrowerRaging Zen Headbutt - Rage + Zen Headbutt Druddigon (Dragan) - MaleRough SkinLV10 - EXP: 0LeerScratchHone ClawsBite Darkrai (Darkrai)Bad DreamsLV26 - EXP: 0Ominous WindDisableQuick AttackHypnosis Chandelure (Ghoulflame) - MaleFlame BodyLV41 - EXP: 0EmberAstonishMinimizeSmogFire SpinConfuse RayNight ShadeWill 'O' WispFlame BurstImprisonHexMementoInferno-------------------Shadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Chandelure's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow BallBurning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Swablu (Cotton) - MaleNatural CureLV10 - EXP: 0PeckGrowlAstonishSing Aerodactyl (Aero) - MaleRock HeadLV10 - EXP: 0Ice FangFire FangThunder FangWing AttackSupersonicBiteScary FaceRoar Charmander (Blaze) - MaleBlazeLV10 - EXP: 0ScratchGrowlEmberSmokecreen Haxorus (Dracofang) - MaleMold BreakerLV48 - EXP: 0ScratchLeerAssuranceDragon RageDual ChopScary FaceSlashFalse SwipeDragon ClawDragon DanceTaunt[spoiler=Haxorus' Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerDragon Swipe - Dragon Claw + False Swipe Houndour (Hellhound) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0LeerEmberHowlSmogFlamethrower-----------------------Shadow BallSunny DayDark PulseOverheat[spoiler=Houndour's Combo Moves]Flaming Smog - Ember + SmogDark Flame Pulse - Flamethrower + Dark PulseExplosive Smog - Overheat + SmogDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsFlaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Magikarp (Rage) - MaleSwift SwimLV10 - EXP: 0Splash Unfezant (Birdy) - Female*Leftovers*Super LuckLV10 - EXP: 0GustGrowlLeerQuick Attack Rotom (Rotom)//LevitateLV20 - EXP: 0TrickAstonishThunder WaveThundershockConfuse RaySignal BeamUproarDouble Team----------------------Shadow BallThunderboltDark Pulse[spoiler=Formes Available]Heat Forme - Overheat [spoiler=Rotom's Combo Moves]Shocking Shadow Balls + Thunderbolt + Shadow BallShocking Signal Beam - Thunderbolt + Signal BeamStorming Heat - Thunderbolt + OverHeat (Heat Forme only) Flareon (Flame Guy) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandSand Attack-----------------------Sunny DayDigShadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spopiler=Flareon's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball[spoiler Hydreigon (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV64 - EXP: 0TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteHeadbuttDragonbreathRoarCrunchSlamDragon PulseWork UpDragon RushBody SlamScary FaceHyper VoiceOutrage-----------------Dark PulseFlamethrower[spoiler=Hydreigon's Combo Moves]Focused Dragon Rage - Focus Energy + Dragon RageDark Dragon Rage - Dark Pulse + Dragon RageOutraging Dragon Rush - Outrage + Dragon RushFlaming Rage - Flamethrower + Dragon RageDarkened Flame Pulse - Dark Pulse + Flamethrower Volcarona (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV59 - EXP: 0EmberString ShotLeech LifeTake DownFlame ChargeBug BiteDouble-EdgeQuiver Dance---------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Volcarona's Combo Moves]Burning String Shot - String Shot + FlamethrowerFlaming Double Edge - Flame Charge + Double Edge [spoiler=in Day Care] Items: Dawn Stone x1 Thunderstone x1 Dragon Scale x1 Rare Candy x 6Rare Goody x 3 Cheri Berry x 4 Chesto Berry x 4 Pecha Berry x 4 Lum Berry x 4 Oran Berry x 4 Sitrus Berry x 4 Enigma Berry x 1 BP: 484TMs/HMs:TM11 Sunny DayTM13 Ice BeamTM24 ThunderboltTM28 DigTM30 Shadow Ball TM35 FlamethrowerTM43 Secret PowerTM50 NightmareTM50 OverheatTM61 Will O WispTM79 Dark Pulse [spoiler=Move Tutor Moves]Moonlight [spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Sandile2. Tepig3. Chimchar4. Sneasel5. Snorunt6. Gastly7. Totodile8. Torchic9. Cyndaquil10. Growlithe11. Torkoal12. Slugma13. Vulpix14. Darumakka15. Ponyta16. Castform17. Pansear18. Heatmor19. Numel Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 9Losses: 8Draws: 5 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament"September 18th - I advanced to the "Pokemon Master" rankOctober 6th - i got 1000 Club PostsOctober 27th - I obtained my first Legendary Pokemon - Darkrai posts 7/10posts till next pokemon 47/60 i'll pay 120 BP to get both Horsea and Trapinch out of the Day Care, and i'll pay 44BP to buy TM13 Ice Beami'll put Hydreigon and Volcarona in the PC and put Horsea and Eevee in the teamTeaches TM13 to HorseaUses Fire Stone on Eevee.....What? Flame Guy is evolving *evolution music* congratulations your Flame Guy has Evolved into FlareonTeaches TM11, TM28, TM30, TM35, TM50 (Overheat) to FlareonPuts Flareon in the PC and puts Trapinch in the teamTeaches TM28 to Trapinch Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
☖☠☗JAXCOB☗☠☖ Posted December 3, 2011 Report Share Posted December 3, 2011 I haven't used BP in such a long time. :vD Also,Is PKMN Black/White still going on? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted December 3, 2011 Report Share Posted December 3, 2011 @Jaxcob: the series? or the games? [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Johto's Burning MasterChaos. Chaos is Power, Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is one that unifies the chaos. Welcome challenger, I am Silver Yuja, I am generally a competitive person, and that fuels my spirit, and my spirit contributes to the power that emanates from my soul. Now let me show you what true power feels like. Club Posts: 1438 Pokemon Gabite (Shark) - MaleSand VeilLV38 - EXP: 8TackleSand AttackDragon RageDigSandstormTake DownSand TombDual ChopDragon Claw[spoiler=Gabite's Combo Moves]Sandstorming Dragon Rage - Sandstorm + Dragon Rage Trapinch (Dragor) - MaleHyper CutterLV34 - EXP: 0BiteSand AttackFaint AttackSand TombCrunchDig Horsea (Sea Dragon) - MaleSwift SwimLV34 - EXP: 0BubbleSmokescreenLeerWater GunFocus EnergyBubblebeamAgilityTwisterBrine-------------------Ice Beam[spoiler=Horsea's Combo Moves]Smokey Bubbles - Bubble + SmokescreenFrigid Smoke - Ice Beam + SmokescreenFrigid Twister - Ice Beam + TwisterFocused Bubblebeam - Focus Energy + Bubblebeam Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitQuick AttackMoonlight-----------------Dark PulseDigSecret PowerShadow Ball[spoiler=Umbreon's Combo Moves]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsQuick Tackle - Quick Attack + TackleDark Pulse Impact - Dark Pulse + Pursuit Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFire SpinConfuse Ray---------------------FlamethrowerSunny DayThunderboltOverheat[spoiler=Magmortar's Combo moves]Burning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogBlazing Bolt - Flamethrower + ThunderboltBlazing Storm Smog - Flamethrower + Thunderbolt + SmokescreenExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Ralts (Psi-Blade) - Male*EXP Share*SyncronizeLV15 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble TeamTeleport--------------------ThunderboltShadow Ball[spoiler=Ralt's Combo moves]Controlled Thunderbolt - Confusion + ThunderboltControlled Shadow Balls - Confusion + Shadow Ball [spoiler=Box #1 (24/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock[spoiler=Electivire's Combo Moves]Storming Quick Attack - Thundershock + Quick Attack Swinub (Mammoth) - MaleThick FatLV10 - EXP: 0TackleOdor SleuthMud SportPowder Snow Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm---------------------Shadow Ball[spoiler=Metagross' Combo Moves]Bullet Claw - Metal Claw + Bullet PunchControlled Shadow Balls - Psychic + Shadow Balls Larvitar (Tyranno) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0BiteLeerSandstormScreech Vanillite (Ice Cream) - MaleIce BodyLV10 - EXP: 0Icicle SpearHardenAstonishUproar Dratini (Dragos) - MaleShed SkinLV10 - EXP: 0WrapLeerThunder Wave Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV35 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse SwipeFury CutterSlash[spoiler=Scizor's Combo Move]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitFury Slash - Fury Cutter + Slash Salamence (Drago) - MaleIntimidateLV50 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerHeadbuttFocus EnergyDragonbreathZen HeadbuttScary FaceCrunch-------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Salamence's Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerRaging Flamethrower - Rage + FlamethrowerRaging Zen Headbutt - Rage + Zen Headbutt Druddigon (Dragan) - MaleRough SkinLV10 - EXP: 0LeerScratchHone ClawsBite Darkrai (Darkrai)Bad DreamsLV26 - EXP: 0Ominous WindDisableQuick AttackHypnosis Chandelure (Ghoulflame) - MaleFlame BodyLV41 - EXP: 0EmberAstonishMinimizeSmogFire SpinConfuse RayNight ShadeWill 'O' WispFlame BurstImprisonHexMementoInferno-------------------Shadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Chandelure's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow BallBurning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Swablu (Cotton) - MaleNatural CureLV10 - EXP: 0PeckGrowlAstonishSing Aerodactyl (Aero) - MaleRock HeadLV10 - EXP: 0Ice FangFire FangThunder FangWing AttackSupersonicBiteScary FaceRoar Charmander (Blaze) - MaleBlazeLV10 - EXP: 0ScratchGrowlEmberSmokecreen Haxorus (Dracofang) - MaleMold BreakerLV48 - EXP: 0ScratchLeerAssuranceDragon RageDual ChopScary FaceSlashFalse SwipeDragon ClawDragon DanceTaunt[spoiler=Haxorus' Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerDragon Swipe - Dragon Claw + False Swipe Houndour (Hellhound) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0LeerEmberHowlSmogFlamethrower-----------------------Shadow BallSunny DayDark PulseOverheat[spoiler=Houndour's Combo Moves]Flaming Smog - Ember + SmogDark Flame Pulse - Flamethrower + Dark PulseExplosive Smog - Overheat + SmogDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsFlaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Magikarp (Rage) - MaleSwift SwimLV10 - EXP: 0Splash Unfezant (Birdy) - Female*Leftovers*Super LuckLV10 - EXP: 0GustGrowlLeerQuick Attack Rotom (Rotom)//LevitateLV20 - EXP: 0TrickAstonishThunder WaveThundershockConfuse RaySignal BeamUproarDouble Team----------------------Shadow BallThunderboltDark Pulse[spoiler=Formes Available]Heat Forme - Overheat [spoiler=Rotom's Combo Moves]Shocking Shadow Balls + Thunderbolt + Shadow BallShocking Signal Beam - Thunderbolt + Signal BeamStorming Heat - Thunderbolt + OverHeat (Heat Forme only) Flareon (Flame Guy) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandSand Attack-----------------------Sunny DayDigShadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Flareon's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Hydreigon (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV64 - EXP: 0TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteHeadbuttDragonbreathRoarCrunchSlamDragon PulseWork UpDragon RushBody SlamScary FaceHyper VoiceOutrage-----------------Dark PulseFlamethrower[spoiler=Hydreigon's Combo Moves]Focused Dragon Rage - Focus Energy + Dragon RageDark Dragon Rage - Dark Pulse + Dragon RageOutraging Dragon Rush - Outrage + Dragon RushFlaming Rage - Flamethrower + Dragon RageDarkened Flame Pulse - Dark Pulse + Flamethrower Volcarona (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV59 - EXP: 0EmberString ShotLeech LifeTake DownFlame ChargeBug BiteDouble-EdgeQuiver Dance---------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Volcarona's Combo Moves]Burning String Shot - String Shot + FlamethrowerFlaming Double Edge - Flame Charge + Double Edge [spoiler=in Day Care] Items: Dawn Stone x1 Thunderstone x1 Dragon Scale x1 Rare Candy x 6Rare Goody x 3 Cheri Berry x 4 Chesto Berry x 4 Pecha Berry x 4 Lum Berry x 4 Oran Berry x 4 Sitrus Berry x 4 Enigma Berry x 1 BP: 484TMs/HMs:TM11 Sunny DayTM13 Ice BeamTM24 ThunderboltTM28 DigTM30 Shadow Ball TM35 FlamethrowerTM43 Secret PowerTM50 NightmareTM50 OverheatTM61 Will O WispTM79 Dark Pulse [spoiler=Move Tutor Moves]Moonlight [spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Sandile2. Tepig3. Chimchar4. Sneasel5. Snorunt6. Gastly7. Totodile8. Torchic9. Cyndaquil10. Growlithe11. Torkoal12. Slugma13. Vulpix14. Darumakka15. Ponyta16. Castform17. Pansear18. Heatmor19. Numel Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 9Losses: 8Draws: 5 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament"September 18th - I advanced to the "Pokemon Master" rankOctober 6th - i got 1000 Club PostsOctober 27th - I obtained my first Legendary Pokemon - Darkrai posts 8/10posts till next pokemon 48/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
☖☠☗JAXCOB☗☠☖ Posted December 3, 2011 Report Share Posted December 3, 2011 @Jaxcob: the series? or the games? [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Johto's Burning MasterChaos. Chaos is Power, Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is one that unifies the chaos. Welcome challenger, I am Silver Yuja, I am generally a competitive person, and that fuels my spirit, and my spirit contributes to the power that emanates from my soul. Now let me show you what true power feels like. Club Posts: 1438 Pokemon Gabite (Shark) - MaleSand VeilLV38 - EXP: 8TackleSand AttackDragon RageDigSandstormTake DownSand TombDual ChopDragon Claw[spoiler=Gabite's Combo Moves]Sandstorming Dragon Rage - Sandstorm + Dragon Rage Trapinch (Dragor) - MaleHyper CutterLV34 - EXP: 0BiteSand AttackFaint AttackSand TombCrunchDig Horsea (Sea Dragon) - MaleSwift SwimLV34 - EXP: 0BubbleSmokescreenLeerWater GunFocus EnergyBubblebeamAgilityTwisterBrine-------------------Ice Beam[spoiler=Horsea's Combo Moves]Smokey Bubbles - Bubble + SmokescreenFrigid Smoke - Ice Beam + SmokescreenFrigid Twister - Ice Beam + TwisterFocused Bubblebeam - Focus Energy + Bubblebeam Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitQuick AttackMoonlight-----------------Dark PulseDigSecret PowerShadow Ball[spoiler=Umbreon's Combo Moves]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsQuick Tackle - Quick Attack + TackleDark Pulse Impact - Dark Pulse + Pursuit Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFire SpinConfuse Ray---------------------FlamethrowerSunny DayThunderboltOverheat[spoiler=Magmortar's Combo moves]Burning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogBlazing Bolt - Flamethrower + ThunderboltBlazing Storm Smog - Flamethrower + Thunderbolt + SmokescreenExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Ralts (Psi-Blade) - Male*EXP Share*SyncronizeLV15 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble TeamTeleport--------------------ThunderboltShadow Ball[spoiler=Ralt's Combo moves]Controlled Thunderbolt - Confusion + ThunderboltControlled Shadow Balls - Confusion + Shadow Ball [spoiler=Box #1 (24/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock[spoiler=Electivire's Combo Moves]Storming Quick Attack - Thundershock + Quick Attack Swinub (Mammoth) - MaleThick FatLV10 - EXP: 0TackleOdor SleuthMud SportPowder Snow Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm---------------------Shadow Ball[spoiler=Metagross' Combo Moves]Bullet Claw - Metal Claw + Bullet PunchControlled Shadow Balls - Psychic + Shadow Balls Larvitar (Tyranno) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0BiteLeerSandstormScreech Vanillite (Ice Cream) - MaleIce BodyLV10 - EXP: 0Icicle SpearHardenAstonishUproar Dratini (Dragos) - MaleShed SkinLV10 - EXP: 0WrapLeerThunder Wave Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV35 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse SwipeFury CutterSlash[spoiler=Scizor's Combo Move]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitFury Slash - Fury Cutter + Slash Salamence (Drago) - MaleIntimidateLV50 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerHeadbuttFocus EnergyDragonbreathZen HeadbuttScary FaceCrunch-------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Salamence's Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerRaging Flamethrower - Rage + FlamethrowerRaging Zen Headbutt - Rage + Zen Headbutt Druddigon (Dragan) - MaleRough SkinLV10 - EXP: 0LeerScratchHone ClawsBite Darkrai (Darkrai)Bad DreamsLV26 - EXP: 0Ominous WindDisableQuick AttackHypnosis Chandelure (Ghoulflame) - MaleFlame BodyLV41 - EXP: 0EmberAstonishMinimizeSmogFire SpinConfuse RayNight ShadeWill 'O' WispFlame BurstImprisonHexMementoInferno-------------------Shadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Chandelure's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow BallBurning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Swablu (Cotton) - MaleNatural CureLV10 - EXP: 0PeckGrowlAstonishSing Aerodactyl (Aero) - MaleRock HeadLV10 - EXP: 0Ice FangFire FangThunder FangWing AttackSupersonicBiteScary FaceRoar Charmander (Blaze) - MaleBlazeLV10 - EXP: 0ScratchGrowlEmberSmokecreen Haxorus (Dracofang) - MaleMold BreakerLV48 - EXP: 0ScratchLeerAssuranceDragon RageDual ChopScary FaceSlashFalse SwipeDragon ClawDragon DanceTaunt[spoiler=Haxorus' Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerDragon Swipe - Dragon Claw + False Swipe Houndour (Hellhound) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0LeerEmberHowlSmogFlamethrower-----------------------Shadow BallSunny DayDark PulseOverheat[spoiler=Houndour's Combo Moves]Flaming Smog - Ember + SmogDark Flame Pulse - Flamethrower + Dark PulseExplosive Smog - Overheat + SmogDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsFlaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Magikarp (Rage) - MaleSwift SwimLV10 - EXP: 0Splash Unfezant (Birdy) - Female*Leftovers*Super LuckLV10 - EXP: 0GustGrowlLeerQuick Attack Rotom (Rotom)//LevitateLV20 - EXP: 0TrickAstonishThunder WaveThundershockConfuse RaySignal BeamUproarDouble Team----------------------Shadow BallThunderboltDark Pulse[spoiler=Formes Available]Heat Forme - Overheat [spoiler=Rotom's Combo Moves]Shocking Shadow Balls + Thunderbolt + Shadow BallShocking Signal Beam - Thunderbolt + Signal BeamStorming Heat - Thunderbolt + OverHeat (Heat Forme only) Flareon (Flame Guy) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandSand Attack-----------------------Sunny DayDigShadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spopiler=Flareon's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Hydreigon (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV64 - EXP: 0TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteHeadbuttDragonbreathRoarCrunchSlamDragon PulseWork UpDragon RushBody SlamScary FaceHyper VoiceOutrage-----------------Dark PulseFlamethrower[spoiler=Hydreigon's Combo Moves]Focused Dragon Rage - Focus Energy + Dragon RageDark Dragon Rage - Dark Pulse + Dragon RageOutraging Dragon Rush - Outrage + Dragon RushFlaming Rage - Flamethrower + Dragon RageDarkened Flame Pulse - Dark Pulse + Flamethrower Volcarona (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV59 - EXP: 0EmberString ShotLeech LifeTake DownFlame ChargeBug BiteDouble-EdgeQuiver Dance---------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Volcarona's Combo Moves]Burning String Shot - String Shot + FlamethrowerFlaming Double Edge - Flame Charge + Double Edge [spoiler=in Day Care] Items: Dawn Stone x1 Thunderstone x1 Dragon Scale x1 Rare Candy x 6Rare Goody x 3 Cheri Berry x 4 Chesto Berry x 4 Pecha Berry x 4 Lum Berry x 4 Oran Berry x 4 Sitrus Berry x 4 Enigma Berry x 1 BP: 484TMs/HMs:TM11 Sunny DayTM13 Ice BeamTM24 ThunderboltTM28 DigTM30 Shadow Ball TM35 FlamethrowerTM43 Secret PowerTM50 NightmareTM50 OverheatTM61 Will O WispTM79 Dark Pulse [spoiler=Move Tutor Moves]Moonlight [spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Sandile2. Tepig3. Chimchar4. Sneasel5. Snorunt6. Gastly7. Totodile8. Torchic9. Cyndaquil10. Growlithe11. Torkoal12. Slugma13. Vulpix14. Darumakka15. Ponyta16. Castform17. Pansear18. Heatmor19. Numel Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 9Losses: 8Draws: 5 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament"September 18th - I advanced to the "Pokemon Master" rankOctober 6th - i got 1000 Club PostsOctober 27th - I obtained my first Legendary Pokemon - Darkrai posts 8/10posts till next pokemon 48/60The Series silly nilly. :3 Also, YOur Spoiler. D: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryumori Posted December 3, 2011 Report Share Posted December 3, 2011 [spoiler=Trainer Info]Trainer Name: Ryumaru MugenTeam:Lulu(Gible)-Female Level: 11-EXP: 0Ability: Rough SkinEquiped Item: N/ATackleSand AttackDragon RageFire BlastRyukizo(Hydreigon)-Male Level: 20-Exp: 0Ability: LevitateEquipped Items: N/ADragon RageBiteHeadbuttTackleFocus EnergyDragon TailDragonbreathFire BlastRoar[spoiler=Ryukizo's Combos/Special Maneuvers] Bite + Dragon Rage = Crushing DragonDragon energy(blasted towards ground) = Dragon GuardDragon energy(blasted towards ground) + Tackle = Dragon SmashDragon energy(blasted towards ground) + Headbutt = Draco HeadbuttDragon Rage(Shot Separately from each head) = Double DragonDragon Rage(fired rapidfire) = Hydra RageBite + Fire Blast = Blazing FangTwo Dragon Rage(fired in close proximity of each other) = Twisted Dragons Sui(Dratini)-Female Level: 17-EXP: 0Ability: Shed SkinEquipped Item: EXP. ShareWrapLeerThunder WaveDragonbreathWater PulseDragon TailTwisterFire BlastDragon Rage[spoiler=Sui's Combos/Special Maneuvers]Wraps then Dragon Breath = Dragon's BindThunder Wave + Water Pulse = Hydro ShockerDragonbreath + Thunder Wave = Lightning Stream Dani(Unfezant)-Female Level: 10-EXP: 0Equipped item; LeftoversGustGrowlLeerQuick Attack[spoiler=Dani's Combo's/Special Maneuvers]Quick Attack + Gust = Quick Wind [spoiler=Team Combos]Sui-Dragonbreath + Ryukizo-Dragon Rage = Ultima Draco [spoiler=Items]Electrizer x 1TM 82 Dragon TailTM 38 fire Blast EXP. Share x 1(Equipped to Sui) Cheri Berries (4) Chesto Berries (4)Pecha Berries (4)Lum Berries (4)Oran Berries (4)Sitrus Berries (4)-Enigma Berry (1) Posts to Level Up(0/10)Posts to BP(0/10)Posts to Next Pokemon(0/60)To 50 BP of the week(NA/10)21 BPBattles Won: 3Lost: 2Tied: 0 @BS: Ummm... You do know Double Team only makes illusions of one pokemon and I'm pretty sure they can't duplicate an actually move after they're created. Dratini uses Dragonbreath at the ground to blast herself into the air and then used a second Dragon breath targeting each of the Ralts. _______Lulu Levels Up!Sui Levels Up! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted December 3, 2011 Report Share Posted December 3, 2011 @Jaxcob: i fixed the problems i had @Ryumori: yes thay can, it was done in the series (i.e. When Dawn battled Lila in the Celestic Contest, all of Ambipom's doubles used Focus Punch)the clones dispersed and the real Ralts used Confusion to redirect the Dragonbreath at a nearby rock now use multiple Shocking Shadow Balls [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Johto's Burning MasterChaos. Chaos is Power, Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is one that unifies the chaos. Welcome challenger, I am Silver Yuja, I am generally a competitive person, and that fuels my spirit, and my spirit contributes to the power that emanates from my soul. Now let me show you what true power feels like. Club Posts: 1438 Pokemon Horsea (Sea Dragon) - MaleSwift SwimLV34 - EXP: 9BubbleSmokescreenLeerWater GunFocus EnergyBubblebeamAgilityTwisterBrine-------------------Ice Beam[spoiler=Horsea's Combo Moves]Smokey Bubbles - Bubble + SmokescreenFrigid Smoke - Ice Beam + SmokescreenFrigid Twister - Ice Beam + TwisterFocused Bubblebeam - Focus Energy + Bubblebeam Gabite (Shark) - MaleSand VeilLV38 - EXP: 0TackleSand AttackDragon RageDigSandstormTake DownSand TombDual ChopDragon Claw[spoiler=Gabite's Combo Moves]Sandstorming Dragon Rage - Sandstorm + Dragon Rage Trapinch (Dragor) - MaleHyper CutterLV34 - EXP: 0BiteSand AttackFaint AttackSand TombCrunchDig Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitQuick AttackMoonlight-----------------Dark PulseDigSecret PowerShadow Ball[spoiler=Umbreon's Combo Moves]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsQuick Tackle - Quick Attack + TackleDark Pulse Impact - Dark Pulse + Pursuit Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFire SpinConfuse Ray---------------------FlamethrowerSunny DayThunderboltOverheat[spoiler=Magmortar's Combo moves]Burning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogBlazing Bolt - Flamethrower + ThunderboltBlazing Storm Smog - Flamethrower + Thunderbolt + SmokescreenExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Ralts (Psi-Blade) - Male*EXP Share*SyncronizeLV15 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble TeamTeleport--------------------ThunderboltShadow Ball[spoiler=Ralt's Combo moves]Controlled Thunderbolt - Confusion + ThunderboltControlled Shadow Balls - Confusion + Shadow Ball [spoiler=Box #1 (24/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock[spoiler=Electivire's Combo Moves]Storming Quick Attack - Thundershock + Quick Attack Swinub (Mammoth) - MaleThick FatLV10 - EXP: 0TackleOdor SleuthMud SportPowder Snow Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm---------------------Shadow Ball[spoiler=Metagross' Combo Moves]Bullet Claw - Metal Claw + Bullet PunchControlled Shadow Balls - Psychic + Shadow Balls Larvitar (Tyranno) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0BiteLeerSandstormScreech Vanillite (Ice Cream) - MaleIce BodyLV10 - EXP: 0Icicle SpearHardenAstonishUproar Dratini (Dragos) - MaleShed SkinLV10 - EXP: 0WrapLeerThunder Wave Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV35 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse SwipeFury CutterSlash[spoiler=Scizor's Combo Move]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitFury Slash - Fury Cutter + Slash Salamence (Drago) - MaleIntimidateLV50 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerHeadbuttFocus EnergyDragonbreathZen HeadbuttScary FaceCrunch-------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Salamence's Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerRaging Flamethrower - Rage + FlamethrowerRaging Zen Headbutt - Rage + Zen Headbutt Druddigon (Dragan) - MaleRough SkinLV10 - EXP: 0LeerScratchHone ClawsBite Darkrai (Darkrai)Bad DreamsLV26 - EXP: 0Ominous WindDisableQuick AttackHypnosis Chandelure (Ghoulflame) - MaleFlame BodyLV41 - EXP: 0EmberAstonishMinimizeSmogFire SpinConfuse RayNight ShadeWill 'O' WispFlame BurstImprisonHexMementoInferno-------------------Shadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Chandelure's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow BallBurning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Swablu (Cotton) - MaleNatural CureLV10 - EXP: 0PeckGrowlAstonishSing Aerodactyl (Aero) - MaleRock HeadLV10 - EXP: 0Ice FangFire FangThunder FangWing AttackSupersonicBiteScary FaceRoar Charmander (Blaze) - MaleBlazeLV10 - EXP: 0ScratchGrowlEmberSmokecreen Haxorus (Dracofang) - MaleMold BreakerLV48 - EXP: 0ScratchLeerAssuranceDragon RageDual ChopScary FaceSlashFalse SwipeDragon ClawDragon DanceTaunt[spoiler=Haxorus' Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerDragon Swipe - Dragon Claw + False Swipe Houndour (Hellhound) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0LeerEmberHowlSmogFlamethrower-----------------------Shadow BallSunny DayDark PulseOverheat[spoiler=Houndour's Combo Moves]Flaming Smog - Ember + SmogDark Flame Pulse - Flamethrower + Dark PulseExplosive Smog - Overheat + SmogDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsFlaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Magikarp (Rage) - MaleSwift SwimLV10 - EXP: 0Splash Unfezant (Birdy) - Female*Leftovers*Super LuckLV10 - EXP: 0GustGrowlLeerQuick Attack Rotom (Rotom)//LevitateLV20 - EXP: 0TrickAstonishThunder WaveThundershockConfuse RaySignal BeamUproarDouble Team----------------------Shadow BallThunderboltDark Pulse[spoiler=Formes Available]Heat Forme - Overheat [spoiler=Rotom's Combo Moves]Shocking Shadow Balls + Thunderbolt + Shadow BallShocking Signal Beam - Thunderbolt + Signal BeamStorming Heat - Thunderbolt + OverHeat (Heat Forme only) Flareon (Flame Guy) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandSand Attack-----------------------Sunny DayDigShadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Flareon's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Hydreigon (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV64 - EXP: 0TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteHeadbuttDragonbreathRoarCrunchSlamDragon PulseWork UpDragon RushBody SlamScary FaceHyper VoiceOutrage-----------------Dark PulseFlamethrower[spoiler=Hydreigon's Combo Moves]Focused Dragon Rage - Focus Energy + Dragon RageDark Dragon Rage - Dark Pulse + Dragon RageOutraging Dragon Rush - Outrage + Dragon RushFlaming Rage - Flamethrower + Dragon RageDarkened Flame Pulse - Dark Pulse + Flamethrower Volcarona (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV59 - EXP: 0EmberString ShotLeech LifeTake DownFlame ChargeBug BiteDouble-EdgeQuiver Dance---------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Volcarona's Combo Moves]Burning String Shot - String Shot + FlamethrowerFlaming Double Edge - Flame Charge + Double Edge [spoiler=in Day Care] Items: Dawn Stone x1 Thunderstone x1 Dragon Scale x1 Rare Candy x 6Rare Goody x 3 Cheri Berry x 4 Chesto Berry x 4 Pecha Berry x 4 Lum Berry x 4 Oran Berry x 4 Sitrus Berry x 4 Enigma Berry x 1 BP: 484TMs/HMs:TM11 Sunny DayTM13 Ice BeamTM24 ThunderboltTM28 DigTM30 Shadow Ball TM35 FlamethrowerTM43 Secret PowerTM50 NightmareTM50 OverheatTM61 Will O WispTM79 Dark Pulse [spoiler=Move Tutor Moves]Moonlight [spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Sandile2. Tepig3. Chimchar4. Sneasel5. Snorunt6. Gastly7. Totodile8. Torchic9. Cyndaquil10. Growlithe11. Torkoal12. Slugma13. Vulpix14. Darumakka15. Ponyta16. Castform17. Pansear18. Heatmor19. Numel Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 9Losses: 8Draws: 5 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament"September 18th - I advanced to the "Pokemon Master" rankOctober 6th - i got 1000 Club PostsOctober 27th - I obtained my first Legendary Pokemon - Darkrai posts 9/10posts till next pokemon 49/60 i'll put Horsea in front Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ren✧ Posted December 3, 2011 Author Report Share Posted December 3, 2011 Hey guys, sorry I wasn't on yesterday. I had a busy day. Now I have a splitting headache. Anyway, what's been happening? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted December 3, 2011 Report Share Posted December 3, 2011 @Renegade: nothing much, me and Ryumori are battling, and i'm in the middle of choosing an XMAS avi the Santa VERZion of my avi or Snowman Eater? OR [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Johto's Burning MasterChaos. Chaos is Power, Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is one that unifies the chaos. Welcome challenger, I am Silver Yuja, I am generally a competitive person, and that fuels my spirit, and my spirit contributes to the power that emanates from my soul. Now let me show you what true power feels like. Club Posts: 1438 Pokemon Horsea (Sea Dragon) - MaleSwift SwimLV34 - EXP: 9BubbleSmokescreenLeerWater GunFocus EnergyBubblebeamAgilityTwisterBrine-------------------Ice Beam[spoiler=Horsea's Combo Moves]Smokey Bubbles - Bubble + SmokescreenFrigid Smoke - Ice Beam + SmokescreenFrigid Twister - Ice Beam + TwisterFocused Bubblebeam - Focus Energy + Bubblebeam Gabite (Shark) - MaleSand VeilLV38 - EXP: 0TackleSand AttackDragon RageDigSandstormTake DownSand TombDual ChopDragon Claw[spoiler=Gabite's Combo Moves]Sandstorming Dragon Rage - Sandstorm + Dragon Rage Trapinch (Dragor) - MaleHyper CutterLV34 - EXP: 0BiteSand AttackFaint AttackSand TombCrunchDig Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitQuick AttackMoonlight-----------------Dark PulseDigSecret PowerShadow Ball[spoiler=Umbreon's Combo Moves]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsQuick Tackle - Quick Attack + TackleDark Pulse Impact - Dark Pulse + Pursuit Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFire SpinConfuse Ray---------------------FlamethrowerSunny DayThunderboltOverheat[spoiler=Magmortar's Combo moves]Burning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogBlazing Bolt - Flamethrower + ThunderboltBlazing Storm Smog - Flamethrower + Thunderbolt + SmokescreenExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Ralts (Psi-Blade) - Male*EXP Share*SyncronizeLV16 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble TeamTeleport--------------------ThunderboltShadow Ball[spoiler=Ralt's Combo moves]Controlled Thunderbolt - Confusion + ThunderboltControlled Shadow Balls - Confusion + Shadow Ball [spoiler=Box #1 (24/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock[spoiler=Electivire's Combo Moves]Storming Quick Attack - Thundershock + Quick Attack Swinub (Mammoth) - MaleThick FatLV10 - EXP: 0TackleOdor SleuthMud SportPowder Snow Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm---------------------Shadow Ball[spoiler=Metagross' Combo Moves]Bullet Claw - Metal Claw + Bullet PunchControlled Shadow Balls - Psychic + Shadow Balls Larvitar (Tyranno) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0BiteLeerSandstormScreech Vanillite (Ice Cream) - MaleIce BodyLV10 - EXP: 0Icicle SpearHardenAstonishUproar Dratini (Dragos) - MaleShed SkinLV10 - EXP: 0WrapLeerThunder Wave Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV35 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse SwipeFury CutterSlash[spoiler=Scizor's Combo Move]Quick Pursuit - Quick Attack + PursuitFury Slash - Fury Cutter + Slash Salamence (Drago) - MaleIntimidateLV50 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerHeadbuttFocus EnergyDragonbreathZen HeadbuttScary FaceCrunch-------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Salamence's Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerRaging Flamethrower - Rage + FlamethrowerRaging Zen Headbutt - Rage + Zen Headbutt Druddigon (Dragan) - MaleRough SkinLV10 - EXP: 0LeerScratchHone ClawsBite Darkrai (Darkrai)Bad DreamsLV26 - EXP: 0Ominous WindDisableQuick AttackHypnosis Chandelure (Ghoulflame) - MaleFlame BodyLV41 - EXP: 0EmberAstonishMinimizeSmogFire SpinConfuse RayNight ShadeWill 'O' WispFlame BurstImprisonHexMementoInferno-------------------Shadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Chandelure's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow BallBurning Smog - Flamethrower + SmogExplosive Smog - Overheat + Smog Swablu (Cotton) - MaleNatural CureLV10 - EXP: 0PeckGrowlAstonishSing Aerodactyl (Aero) - MaleRock HeadLV10 - EXP: 0Ice FangFire FangThunder FangWing AttackSupersonicBiteScary FaceRoar Charmander (Blaze) - MaleBlazeLV10 - EXP: 0ScratchGrowlEmberSmokecreen Haxorus (Dracofang) - MaleMold BreakerLV48 - EXP: 0ScratchLeerAssuranceDragon RageDual ChopScary FaceSlashFalse SwipeDragon ClawDragon DanceTaunt[spoiler=Haxorus' Combo Moves]Scary Leer - Scary Face + LeerDragon Swipe - Dragon Claw + False Swipe Houndour (Hellhound) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0LeerEmberHowlSmogFlamethrower-----------------------Shadow BallSunny DayDark PulseOverheat[spoiler=Houndour's Combo Moves]Flaming Smog - Ember + SmogDark Flame Pulse - Flamethrower + Dark PulseExplosive Smog - Overheat + SmogDark Shadow Pulse - Dark Pulse + Shadow BallsFlaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Magikarp (Rage) - MaleSwift SwimLV10 - EXP: 0Splash Unfezant (Birdy) - Female*Leftovers*Super LuckLV10 - EXP: 0GustGrowlLeerQuick Attack Rotom (Rotom)//LevitateLV20 - EXP: 0TrickAstonishThunder WaveThundershockConfuse RaySignal BeamUproarDouble Team----------------------Shadow BallThunderboltDark Pulse[spoiler=Formes Available]Heat Forme - Overheat [spoiler=Rotom's Combo Moves]Shocking Shadow Balls + Thunderbolt + Shadow BallShocking Signal Beam - Thunderbolt + Signal BeamStorming Heat - Thunderbolt + OverHeat (Heat Forme only) Flareon (Flame Guy) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandSand Attack-----------------------Sunny DayDigShadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat[spoiler=Flareon's Combo Moves]Flaming Shadow Ball - Flamethrower + Shadow Ball Hydreigon (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV64 - EXP: 0TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteHeadbuttDragonbreathRoarCrunchSlamDragon PulseWork UpDragon RushBody SlamScary FaceHyper VoiceOutrage-----------------Dark PulseFlamethrower[spoiler=Hydreigon's Combo Moves]Focused Dragon Rage - Focus Energy + Dragon RageDark Dragon Rage - Dark Pulse + Dragon RageOutraging Dragon Rush - Outrage + Dragon RushFlaming Rage - Flamethrower + Dragon RageDarkened Flame Pulse - Dark Pulse + Flamethrower Volcarona (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV59 - EXP: 0EmberString ShotLeech LifeTake DownFlame ChargeBug BiteDouble-EdgeQuiver Dance---------------------Flamethrower[spoiler=Volcarona's Combo Moves]Burning String Shot - String Shot + FlamethrowerFlaming Double Edge - Flame Charge + Double Edge [spoiler=in Day Care] Items: Dawn Stone x1 Thunderstone x1 Dragon Scale x1 Rare Candy x 6Rare Goody x 3 Cheri Berry x 4 Chesto Berry x 4 Pecha Berry x 4 Lum Berry x 4 Oran Berry x 4 Sitrus Berry x 4 Enigma Berry x 1 BP: 484TMs/HMs:TM11 Sunny DayTM13 Ice BeamTM24 ThunderboltTM28 DigTM30 Shadow Ball TM35 FlamethrowerTM43 Secret PowerTM50 NightmareTM50 OverheatTM61 Will O WispTM79 Dark Pulse [spoiler=Move Tutor Moves]Moonlight [spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Sandile2. Tepig3. Chimchar4. Sneasel5. Snorunt6. Gastly7. Totodile8. Torchic9. Cyndaquil10. Growlithe11. Torkoal12. Slugma13. Vulpix14. Darumakka15. Ponyta16. Castform17. Pansear18. Heatmor19. Numel Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 9Losses: 8Draws: 5 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament"September 18th - I advanced to the "Pokemon Master" rankOctober 6th - i got 1000 Club PostsOctober 27th - I obtained my first Legendary Pokemon - Darkrai posts 10/10 -> 0/10posts till next pokemon 50/60 Horsea levels up.....What? Horseas is evolving *evolution music* congratulations your Horsea evolved into SeadraRalts levels upi attach the Dragon Scale to Seadra who wants to help me in evolving my Seadra? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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