Ren✧ Posted September 20, 2011 Author Report Share Posted September 20, 2011 @Renegade: yup i told him also with the pokemon pic i am planning to do, i have a month to do it, so if i don't like it or i make a mistake then i have time to do another [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Johto's Burning MasterChaos. Chaos is Power, Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is one that unifies the chaos. Welcome challenger, I am Silver Yuja, I am generally a competitive person, and that fuels my spirit, and my spirit contributes to the power that emanates from my soul. Now let me show you what true power feels like. Club Posts: 839 Pokemon: Litwick (Ghoulflame) - MaleFlame BodyLV10 - EXP: 9EmberAstonishMinimizeSmogFire SpinConfuse Ray-------------------Shadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV35 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse SwipeFury CutterSlash Hydreigon (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV64 - EXP: 0TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteHeadbuttDragonbreathRoarCrunchSlamDragon PulseWork UpDragon RushBody SlamScary FaceHyper VoiceOutrage-----------------Dark Pulse Volcarona (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV59 - EXP: 0EmberString ShotLeech LifeTake DownFlame ChargeBug BiteDouble-EdgeQuiver Dance---------------------Flamethrower Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFire SpinConfuse Ray---------------------FlamethrowerSunny DayThunderbolt Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitQuick Attack-----------------Dark PulseDigSecret PowerShadow Ball [spoiler=Box #1 (9/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock Gible (Shark) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0TackleSand AttackDragon Rage Swinub (Mammoth) - MaleThick FatLV10 - EXP: 0TackleOdor SleuthMud SportPowder Snow Houndour (Hellhound) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0LeerEmberHowlSmog Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Axew (Dracofang) - MaleMold BreakerLV10 - EXP: 0ScratchLeerAssuranceDragon Rage Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm---------------------Shadow Ball Larvitar (Tyranno) - MaleimageSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0BiteLeerSandstormScreech [spoiler=in Day Care]Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV22 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerHeadbuttFocus Energy-------------------FlamethrowerNone Items: Dusk Stone x1 Dawn Stone x1 Thunderstone x1BP: 192TMs/HMs:TM11 Sunny DayTM24 ThunderboltTM28 DigTM30 Shadow Ball TM35 FlamethrowerTM43 Secret PowerTM50 OverheatTM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Vanillish2. Dratini3. Sandile4. Totodile5. Aerodactyl6. Starly7. Sneasel8. Gastly9. Aron10. Tynamo11. Timburr12. Skorupi13. Rhyhorn14. Trapinch15. Teddiursa16. Karrablast17. Corphish18. Golett19. Tirtouga20. Archen21. Lillipup Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 5Losses: 6Draws: 4 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament"September 18th - I advanced to the "Pokemon Master" rank posts 10/10 -> 0/10posts till next pokemon 60/60 -> 0/60 Litwick levels up and i get another new pokemon, Larvitar (Tyranno), with his DW ability You gonna use Photoshop or GIMP? [spoiler=Pokemon and Club Statistics]~Renegade~ (Pokemon Master Champion)Kanto’s Normal Nuisance The best have come and gone. The weary have been swept away. Which will you be? Will you triumph your quest to beat me, or will you fall to my hands just like the others? Challenge me if you have the guts, but I don’t think you do. You may grovel for mercy if you wish, but it will not stop me from taking you down.[spoiler=Pokemon ][spoiler=Team] Kecleon/Oddy(Male)~Color Change~Lv.32~TM/HM Moves:Thunder WaveTrick RoomFire BlastFrustrationToxicSolarBeamDigShadow BallSunny DayStrength Castform/Elementalist(Male)~Lv.50~Forecast~TM/HM Moves:SolarBeamShadow BallToxicFrustrationThunder Wave Clefairy/Celestia(Female)~Lv.10~Cute Charm~TM/HM Moves:ToxicFrustrationSolarBeamDigPsychicShadow BallFire BlastThunder WaveSunny DayStrength Smeargle/Vangoh(Male)~Lv.10~Own Tempo~Sketch Moves: Snorlax/Gus(Male)~Lv.10~Thick Fat~TM/HM Moves:SolarBeamShadow BallStrength Lickitung/Chummy (Male)~Lv.10~Own Tempo~TM/HM Moves:Sunny DaySolarBeamDigShadow BallStrength [spoiler=Box 1 (24/30)]Exeggcute/Scrambled(Male)~Lv.20~Chlorophyll~TM/HM Moves:SolarBeamPsychicEgg BombStrengthToxicSunny DaySolarBeamTrick Room Haxorus/Ares(Male)~Lv.74~Mold Breaker~TM/HM Moves:DigPoison JabStrengthToxicSunny DayEarthquakeFrustrationDigFocus Blast Slowpoke/Velox(Male)~Lv.20~Own Tempo~TM/HM Moves:DigPsychicShadow BallFire BlastSunny DayEarthquakeToxicStrengthFrustrationThunder WaveTrick Room http://getaz.deviant...81174753?q=&qo=(Sprite Credit: Getaz-Man on dA)Torkano/Erupteer(Male)~Lv.20~Flame Body~TM/HM Moves:TauntFrustrationSunny DayDigSolarBeamEarthquakeFocus BlastToxicFire Blast Spiritomb/Pluto(Female)~Lv.34 ~Infiltrator~TM/HM Moves:PsychicShadow Ball Espeon/Forma(Female)~Lv.34~Synchronize~TM/HM MovesPsychicDigShadow BallEmolga/Sparks(Male)~Lv.10~StaticTM/HM Moves:Abra/Eximius Rectus(Male)~Lv.26~Magic GuardTM/HM Moves:ToxicSunny DayFrustrationPsychicShadow BallTrick RoomPawniard/Kit(Male)~Lv.10~Inner Focus~TM/HM Moves:DigPoison Jab Cubchoo/Minor(Female)~Lv.10~Snow Cloak~TM/HM Moves:StrengthGolett/Mechis(Genderless)~Lv.10~Iron Fist~TM/HM Moves:PsychicShadow BallStrengthDarumaka/Otium(Male)~Lv.16~Hustle~TM/HM Moves:SolarBeamStrength Larvesta/Wiggles(Female)~Lv.10~Flame Body~TM/HM Moves:SolarBeamPsychicZorua/Deimos(Female)~Lv.10~Illusion~TM/HM Moves:DigShadow BallSneasel/Nightwind(Male)~Lv.10~Keen Eye~TM/HM Moves:Shadow BallStrengthArchen/Roc(Male)~Lv.10~Defeatist~TM/HM Moves:DigPoliwhirl/Spiral(Female)~Lv.20~Water Absorb~TM/HM Moves:DigPsychicStrength Bellsprout/Vinny(Male)~Lv.10~Chlorophyll~TM/HM Moves:Sunny DaySolarBeamShadow BallDigStrengthNuzleaf/Abysis(Male)~Lv.46~Early Bird~TM/HM Moves:SolarBeamDigShadow BallStrength Manaphy/Bubbles(Genderless)~Lv.20~Hydration~TM/HM Moves:PsychicShadow Ball Mr. Mime/Charlie(Male)~Lv.10~Filter~TM/HM Moves:ToxicTauntSunny DayFrustrationSolarBeamPyschicShadow BallFocus Blast Magikarp/Elka(Female)~Lv.10~Swift Swim~TM/HM Moves: Tropius/Amoz(Male)~Lv.10~Solar Power~TM/HM Moves:ToxicSunny DayFrustrationSolarBeamEarthquakeStrength Accelgor/(Female)~Lv. 10~Hydration~TM/HM Moves:Frustration[spoiler=Items]TM DigTM Shadow BallTM Solar BeamTM PsychicTM Egg BombTM Poison JabTM Sunny DayTM TauntTM FrustrationTM EarthquakeTM Focus BlastTM ToxicTM Fire BlastTM Trick RoomTM TormentTM Thunder WaveHM Strength Item- Lucky Egg(Lead Pokemon)[spoiler=BP]277[spoiler=Win/Loss Ratio](Restarted May 8, 2011)SingleW: 6L:1D: 6DoubleW:L:D:Triple+W:L:D: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted September 20, 2011 Report Share Posted September 20, 2011 @Ren: Mhh, for covering your weakness, perhaps a Girafarig instead of an Flying type. Or if you really want an Flying type, perhaps a Fearow? As for your ace, perhaps a Slaking, Exploud or Porygon-Z. As for type coveredge, perhaps a Sawsbuck? [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 7Post till next BP: 7Posts till next Pokémon: 17[spoiler=Team](Cronos)~ Lv. 38~ Sand Stream* Lucky Egg- Rock Slide- Trash- Dark Pulse- E-Fangs (Brutus)~ Lv. 32~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Chad)~ Lv. 10~ Run Away- Tackle- Howl- Sand Attack (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Nightmare (9/30)](Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite (Sabrina)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Growl- Psywave- Spite- Astonish [spoiler=Lost Souls (14/30)](Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Ruin)~ Lv. 51~ Levitate- Dragon Pulse- Dragon Rush- Crunch- Dark Pulse (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Spinecrow)~ Lv. 44~ Sand Veil- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Piccolo)~ Lv. 10~ Adaptability- Bubble- Harden- Vicegrip (Gargula)~ Lv.10~ Overcoat- Gust- Leer- Fury Attack- Pluck (Kimberley)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Sand Attack- Assist- Scratch- Growl [spoiler=Other (7/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Paling)~ Lv. 44~ Levitate- Crunch- Thunder Wave- Wild Charge- Charge Beam- Zap Cannon- Thunderbolt (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare None. [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 93 Items: None TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM07 Zap CannonTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomTM93 Wild ChargeHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ren✧ Posted September 20, 2011 Author Report Share Posted September 20, 2011 @Ren: Mhh, for covering your weakness, perhaps a Girafarig instead of an Flying type. Or if you really want an Flying type, perhaps a Fearow? As for your ace, perhaps a Slaking, Exploud or Porygon-Z. As for type coveredge, perhaps a Sawsbuck? [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 7Post till next BP: 7Posts till next Pokémon: 17[spoiler=Team](Cronos)~ Lv. 38~ Sand Stream* Lucky Egg- Rock Slide- Trash- Dark Pulse- E-Fangs (Brutus)~ Lv. 32~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Chad)~ Lv. 10~ Run Away- Tackle- Howl- Sand Attack (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Nightmare (9/30)](Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite (Sabrina)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Growl- Psywave- Spite- Astonish [spoiler=Lost Souls (14/30)](Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Ruin)~ Lv. 51~ Levitate- Dragon Pulse- Dragon Rush- Crunch- Dark Pulse (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Spinecrow)~ Lv. 44~ Sand Veil- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Piccolo)~ Lv. 10~ Adaptability- Bubble- Harden- Vicegrip (Gargula)~ Lv.10~ Overcoat- Gust- Leer- Fury Attack- Pluck (Kimberley)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Sand Attack- Assist- Scratch- Growl [spoiler=Other (7/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Paling)~ Lv. 44~ Levitate- Crunch- Thunder Wave- Wild Charge- Charge Beam- Zap Cannon- Thunderbolt (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare None. [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 93 Items: None TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM07 Zap CannonTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomTM93 Wild ChargeHM05 Waterfall Hmm...good ideas. Exploud sounds good. Girafarig, and Sawsbuck will also be on my list. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted September 20, 2011 Report Share Posted September 20, 2011 @Renegade: haven't decided yet, though this is gonna be a project i'm not gonna give up on, heck i might even do one for christmas[spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Johto's Burning MasterChaos. Chaos is Power, Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is one that unifies the chaos. Welcome challenger, I am Silver Yuja, I am generally a competitive person, and that fuels my spirit, and my spirit contributes to the power that emanates from my soul. Now let me show you what true power feels like. Club Posts: 841 Pokemon: Litwick (Ghoulflame) - MaleFlame BodyLV11 - EXP: 1EmberAstonishMinimizeSmogFire SpinConfuse Ray-------------------Shadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV35 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse SwipeFury CutterSlash Hydreigon (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV64 - EXP: 0TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteHeadbuttDragonbreathRoarCrunchSlamDragon PulseWork UpDragon RushBody SlamScary FaceHyper VoiceOutrage-----------------Dark Pulse Volcarona (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV59 - EXP: 0EmberString ShotLeech LifeTake DownFlame ChargeBug BiteDouble-EdgeQuiver Dance---------------------Flamethrower Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFire SpinConfuse Ray---------------------FlamethrowerSunny DayThunderbolt Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitQuick Attack-----------------Dark PulseDigSecret PowerShadow Ball [spoiler=Box #1 (9/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock Gible (Shark) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0TackleSand AttackDragon Rage Swinub (Mammoth) - MaleThick FatLV10 - EXP: 0TackleOdor SleuthMud SportPowder Snow Houndour (Hellhound) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0LeerEmberHowlSmog Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Axew (Dracofang) - MaleMold BreakerLV10 - EXP: 0ScratchLeerAssuranceDragon Rage Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm---------------------Shadow Ball Larvitar (Tyranno) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0BiteLeerSandstormScreech [spoiler=in Day Care]Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV22 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerHeadbuttFocus Energy-------------------FlamethrowerNone Items: Dusk Stone x1 Dawn Stone x1 Thunderstone x1BP: 193TMs/HMs:TM11 Sunny DayTM24 ThunderboltTM28 DigTM30 Shadow Ball TM35 FlamethrowerTM43 Secret PowerTM50 OverheatTM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Vanillish2. Dratini3. Sandile4. Totodile5. Aerodactyl6. Starly7. Sneasel8. Gastly9. Aron10. Tynamo11. Timburr12. Skorupi13. Rhyhorn14. Trapinch15. Teddiursa16. Karrablast17. Corphish18. Golett19. Tirtouga20. Archen21. Lillipup Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 5Losses: 6Draws: 4 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament"September 18th - I advanced to the "Pokemon Master" rank posts 1/10posts till next pokemon 1/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted September 20, 2011 Report Share Posted September 20, 2011 I always quite liked Exploud tbh. Well speaking of aces. I might train my Honchkrow some more to be more up to par with the others' aces. [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 6Post till next BP: 6Posts till next Pokémon: 16[spoiler=Team](Cronos)~ Lv. 38~ Sand Stream* Lucky Egg- Rock Slide- Trash- Dark Pulse- E-Fangs (Brutus)~ Lv. 32~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Chad)~ Lv. 10~ Run Away- Tackle- Howl- Sand Attack (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Nightmare (9/30)](Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite (Sabrina)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Growl- Psywave- Spite- Astonish [spoiler=Lost Souls (14/30)](Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Ruin)~ Lv. 51~ Levitate- Dragon Pulse- Dragon Rush- Crunch- Dark Pulse (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Spinecrow)~ Lv. 44~ Sand Veil- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Piccolo)~ Lv. 10~ Adaptability- Bubble- Harden- Vicegrip (Gargula)~ Lv.10~ Overcoat- Gust- Leer- Fury Attack- Pluck (Kimberley)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Sand Attack- Assist- Scratch- Growl [spoiler=Other (7/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Paling)~ Lv. 44~ Levitate- Crunch- Thunder Wave- Wild Charge- Charge Beam- Zap Cannon- Thunderbolt (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare None. [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 93 Items: None TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM07 Zap CannonTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomTM93 Wild ChargeHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted September 20, 2011 Report Share Posted September 20, 2011 @Lex: like Ren's Haxorus or my Hydreigon and Volcarona?[spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Johto's Burning MasterChaos. Chaos is Power, Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is one that unifies the chaos. Welcome challenger, I am Silver Yuja, I am generally a competitive person, and that fuels my spirit, and my spirit contributes to the power that emanates from my soul. Now let me show you what true power feels like. Club Posts: 841 Pokemon: Litwick (Ghoulflame) - MaleFlame BodyLV11 - EXP: 1EmberAstonishMinimizeSmogFire SpinConfuse Ray-------------------Shadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV35 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse SwipeFury CutterSlash Hydreigon (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV64 - EXP: 0TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteHeadbuttDragonbreathRoarCrunchSlamDragon PulseWork UpDragon RushBody SlamScary FaceHyper VoiceOutrage-----------------Dark Pulse Volcarona (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV59 - EXP: 0EmberString ShotLeech LifeTake DownFlame ChargeBug BiteDouble-EdgeQuiver Dance---------------------Flamethrower Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFire SpinConfuse Ray---------------------FlamethrowerSunny DayThunderbolt Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitQuick Attack-----------------Dark PulseDigSecret PowerShadow Ball [spoiler=Box #1 (9/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock Gible (Shark) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0TackleSand AttackDragon Rage Swinub (Mammoth) - MaleThick FatLV10 - EXP: 0TackleOdor SleuthMud SportPowder Snow Houndour (Hellhound) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0LeerEmberHowlSmog Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Axew (Dracofang) - MaleMold BreakerLV10 - EXP: 0ScratchLeerAssuranceDragon Rage Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm---------------------Shadow Ball Larvitar (Tyranno) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0BiteLeerSandstormScreech [spoiler=in Day Care]Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV22 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerHeadbuttFocus Energy-------------------FlamethrowerNone Items: Dusk Stone x1 Dawn Stone x1 Thunderstone x1BP: 193TMs/HMs:TM11 Sunny DayTM24 ThunderboltTM28 DigTM30 Shadow Ball TM35 FlamethrowerTM43 Secret PowerTM50 OverheatTM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Vanillish2. Dratini3. Sandile4. Totodile5. Aerodactyl6. Starly7. Sneasel8. Gastly9. Aron10. Tynamo11. Timburr12. Skorupi13. Rhyhorn14. Trapinch15. Teddiursa16. Karrablast17. Corphish18. Golett19. Tirtouga20. Archen21. Lillipup Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 5Losses: 6Draws: 4 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament"September 18th - I advanced to the "Pokemon Master" rank posts 2/10posts till next pokemon 2/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ren✧ Posted September 20, 2011 Author Report Share Posted September 20, 2011 Yeah I am thinking about having a Masters Tournament where only Pokemon Masters(and myself) get to battle, that way we don't have to feel bad about using our high leveled Pokemon against the lower leveled Pokemon(considering most of us have pretty high leveled Pokemon). Moving Smeargle to first Pokemon. [spoiler=Pokemon and Club Statistics]~Renegade~ (Pokemon Master Champion)Kanto’s Normal Nuisance The best have come and gone. The weary have been swept away. Which will you be? Will you triumph your quest to beat me, or will you fall to my hands just like the others? Challenge me if you have the guts, but I don’t think you do. You may grovel for mercy if you wish, but it will not stop me from taking you down.[spoiler=Pokemon ][spoiler=Team] Smeargle/Vangoh(Male)~Lv.10~Own Tempo~Sketch Moves: Kecleon/Oddy(Male)~Color Change~Lv.34~TM/HM Moves:Thunder WaveTrick RoomFire BlastFrustrationToxicSolarBeamDigShadow BallSunny DayThunder WaveStrength Castform/Elementalist(Male)~Lv.50~Forecast~TM/HM Moves:SolarBeamShadow BallToxicFrustrationThunder Wave Clefairy/Celestia(Female)~Lv.10~Cute Charm~TM/HM Moves:ToxicFrustrationSolarBeamDigPsychicShadow BallFire BlastThunder WaveSunny DayStrength Snorlax/Gus(Male)~Lv.10~Thick Fat~TM/HM Moves:SolarBeamShadow BallStrength Lickitung/Chummy (Male)~Lv.10~Own Tempo~TM/HM Moves:Sunny DaySolarBeamDigShadow BallStrength [spoiler=Box 1 (24/30)]Exeggcute/Scrambled(Male)~Lv.20~Chlorophyll~TM/HM Moves:SolarBeamPsychicEgg BombStrengthToxicSunny DaySolarBeamTrick Room Haxorus/Ares(Male)~Lv.74~Mold Breaker~TM/HM Moves:DigPoison JabStrengthToxicSunny DayEarthquakeFrustrationDigFocus Blast Slowpoke/Velox(Male)~Lv.20~Own Tempo~TM/HM Moves:DigPsychicShadow BallFire BlastSunny DayEarthquakeToxicStrengthFrustrationThunder WaveTrick Room http://getaz.deviant...81174753?q=&qo=(Sprite Credit: Getaz-Man on dA)Torkano/Erupteer(Male)~Lv.20~Flame Body~TM/HM Moves:TauntFrustrationSunny DayDigSolarBeamEarthquakeFocus BlastToxicFire Blast Spiritomb/Pluto(Female)~Lv.34 ~Infiltrator~TM/HM Moves:PsychicShadow Ball Espeon/Forma(Female)~Lv.34~Synchronize~TM/HM MovesPsychicDigShadow BallEmolga/Sparks(Male)~Lv.10~StaticTM/HM Moves:Abra/Eximius Rectus(Male)~Lv.26~Magic GuardTM/HM Moves:ToxicSunny DayFrustrationPsychicShadow BallTrick RoomPawniard/Kit(Male)~Lv.10~Inner Focus~TM/HM Moves:DigPoison Jab Cubchoo/Minor(Female)~Lv.10~Snow Cloak~TM/HM Moves:StrengthGolett/Mechis(Genderless)~Lv.10~Iron Fist~TM/HM Moves:PsychicShadow BallStrengthDarumaka/Otium(Male)~Lv.16~Hustle~TM/HM Moves:SolarBeamStrength Larvesta/Wiggles(Female)~Lv.10~Flame Body~TM/HM Moves:SolarBeamPsychicZorua/Deimos(Female)~Lv.10~Illusion~TM/HM Moves:DigShadow BallSneasel/Nightwind(Male)~Lv.10~Keen Eye~TM/HM Moves:Shadow BallStrengthArchen/Roc(Male)~Lv.10~Defeatist~TM/HM Moves:DigPoliwhirl/Spiral(Female)~Lv.20~Water Absorb~TM/HM Moves:DigPsychicStrength Bellsprout/Vinny(Male)~Lv.10~Chlorophyll~TM/HM Moves:Sunny DaySolarBeamShadow BallDigStrengthNuzleaf/Abysis(Male)~Lv.46~Early Bird~TM/HM Moves:SolarBeamDigShadow BallStrength Manaphy/Bubbles(Genderless)~Lv.20~Hydration~TM/HM Moves:PsychicShadow Ball Mr. Mime/Charlie(Male)~Lv.10~Filter~TM/HM Moves:ToxicTauntSunny DayFrustrationSolarBeamPyschicShadow BallFocus Blast Magikarp/Elka(Female)~Lv.10~Swift Swim~TM/HM Moves: Tropius/Amoz(Male)~Lv.10~Solar Power~TM/HM Moves:ToxicSunny DayFrustrationSolarBeamEarthquakeStrength Accelgor/(Female)~Lv. 10~Hydration~TM/HM Moves:Frustration[spoiler=Pokemon List]1. Whismur2. Girafirig3. Sawsbuck4. Slakoth5. Porygon6. Rufflet7. Bouffalant8. Jigglypuff9. Ditto10. Kangaskhan[spoiler=Items]TM DigTM Shadow BallTM Solar BeamTM PsychicTM Egg BombTM Poison JabTM Sunny DayTM TauntTM FrustrationTM EarthquakeTM Focus BlastTM ToxicTM Fire BlastTM Trick RoomTM TormentTM Thunder WaveHM Strength Item- Lucky Egg(Lead Pokemon)[spoiler=BP]277[spoiler=Win/Loss Ratio](Restarted May 8, 2011)SingleW: 6L:1D: 6DoubleW:L:D:Triple+W:L:D: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted September 20, 2011 Report Share Posted September 20, 2011 @BS: Yep exactly. Though I want to train Cronos to 44ish first. @Ren: Not that it would make a lot of difference. Seeing as almost only the masters are actually active here. [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 5Post till next BP: 5Posts till next Pokémon: 15[spoiler=Team](Cronos)~ Lv. 38~ Sand Stream* Lucky Egg- Rock Slide- Trash- Dark Pulse- E-Fangs (Brutus)~ Lv. 32~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Chad)~ Lv. 10~ Run Away- Tackle- Howl- Sand Attack (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Nightmare (9/30)](Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite (Sabrina)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Growl- Psywave- Spite- Astonish [spoiler=Lost Souls (14/30)](Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Ruin)~ Lv. 51~ Levitate- Dragon Pulse- Dragon Rush- Crunch- Dark Pulse (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Spinecrow)~ Lv. 44~ Sand Veil- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Piccolo)~ Lv. 10~ Adaptability- Bubble- Harden- Vicegrip (Gargula)~ Lv.10~ Overcoat- Gust- Leer- Fury Attack- Pluck (Kimberley)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Sand Attack- Assist- Scratch- Growl [spoiler=Other (7/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Paling)~ Lv. 44~ Levitate- Crunch- Thunder Wave- Wild Charge- Charge Beam- Zap Cannon- Thunderbolt (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare None. [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 93 Items: None TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM07 Zap CannonTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomTM93 Wild ChargeHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted September 20, 2011 Report Share Posted September 20, 2011 @Renegade: that isn't a bad idea, seeing as all of the masters (incl. myself) have high levelled pokemon[spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Johto's Burning MasterChaos. Chaos is Power, Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is one that unifies the chaos. Welcome challenger, I am Silver Yuja, I am generally a competitive person, and that fuels my spirit, and my spirit contributes to the power that emanates from my soul. Now let me show you what true power feels like. Club Posts: 843 Pokemon: Litwick (Ghoulflame) - MaleFlame BodyLV11 - EXP: 3EmberAstonishMinimizeSmogFire SpinConfuse Ray-------------------Shadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV35 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse SwipeFury CutterSlash Hydreigon (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV64 - EXP: 0TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteHeadbuttDragonbreathRoarCrunchSlamDragon PulseWork UpDragon RushBody SlamScary FaceHyper VoiceOutrage-----------------Dark Pulse Volcarona (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV59 - EXP: 0EmberString ShotLeech LifeTake DownFlame ChargeBug BiteDouble-EdgeQuiver Dance---------------------Flamethrower Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFire SpinConfuse Ray---------------------FlamethrowerSunny DayThunderbolt Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitQuick Attack-----------------Dark PulseDigSecret PowerShadow Ball [spoiler=Box #1 (9/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock Gible (Shark) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0TackleSand AttackDragon Rage Swinub (Mammoth) - MaleThick FatLV10 - EXP: 0TackleOdor SleuthMud SportPowder Snow Houndour (Hellhound) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0LeerEmberHowlSmog Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Axew (Dracofang) - MaleMold BreakerLV10 - EXP: 0ScratchLeerAssuranceDragon Rage Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm---------------------Shadow Ball Larvitar (Tyranno) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0BiteLeerSandstormScreech [spoiler=in Day Care]Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV22 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerHeadbuttFocus Energy-------------------FlamethrowerNone Items: Dusk Stone x1 Dawn Stone x1 Thunderstone x1BP: 193TMs/HMs:TM11 Sunny DayTM24 ThunderboltTM28 DigTM30 Shadow Ball TM35 FlamethrowerTM43 Secret PowerTM50 OverheatTM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Vanillish2. Dratini3. Sandile4. Totodile5. Aerodactyl6. Starly7. Sneasel8. Gastly9. Aron10. Tynamo11. Timburr12. Skorupi13. Rhyhorn14. Trapinch15. Teddiursa16. Karrablast17. Corphish18. Golett19. Tirtouga20. Archen21. Lillipup Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 5Losses: 6Draws: 4 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament"September 18th - I advanced to the "Pokemon Master" rank posts 3/10posts till next pokemon 3/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted September 20, 2011 Report Share Posted September 20, 2011 Well it's not that my Honchkrow isn't high lvled, but it's more that it isn't high enough comapred to the others.I think the reason for that is mostly that I've been lvling other Pkmn instead. [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 4Post till next BP: 4Posts till next Pokémon: 14[spoiler=Team](Cronos)~ Lv. 38~ Sand Stream* Lucky Egg- Rock Slide- Trash- Dark Pulse- E-Fangs (Brutus)~ Lv. 32~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Chad)~ Lv. 10~ Run Away- Tackle- Howl- Sand Attack (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Nightmare (9/30)](Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite (Sabrina)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Growl- Psywave- Spite- Astonish [spoiler=Lost Souls (14/30)](Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Ruin)~ Lv. 51~ Levitate- Dragon Pulse- Dragon Rush- Crunch- Dark Pulse (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Spinecrow)~ Lv. 44~ Sand Veil- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Piccolo)~ Lv. 10~ Adaptability- Bubble- Harden- Vicegrip (Gargula)~ Lv.10~ Overcoat- Gust- Leer- Fury Attack- Pluck (Kimberley)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Sand Attack- Assist- Scratch- Growl [spoiler=Other (7/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Paling)~ Lv. 44~ Levitate- Crunch- Thunder Wave- Wild Charge- Charge Beam- Zap Cannon- Thunderbolt (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare None. [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 93 Items: None TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM07 Zap CannonTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomTM93 Wild ChargeHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted September 20, 2011 Report Share Posted September 20, 2011 @Lex: we don't have to wait very long to see Ash's battle against Alder, because the episode will air October 13th hmm..... that's true, though at least because you are training other pokemon you have a more variety of pokemon to use in battles[spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Johto's Burning MasterChaos. Chaos is Power, Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is one that unifies the chaos. Welcome challenger, I am Silver Yuja, I am generally a competitive person, and that fuels my spirit, and my spirit contributes to the power that emanates from my soul. Now let me show you what true power feels like. Club Posts: 844 Pokemon: Litwick (Ghoulflame) - MaleFlame BodyLV11 - EXP: 4EmberAstonishMinimizeSmogFire SpinConfuse Ray-------------------Shadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV35 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse SwipeFury CutterSlash Hydreigon (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV64 - EXP: 0TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteHeadbuttDragonbreathRoarCrunchSlamDragon PulseWork UpDragon RushBody SlamScary FaceHyper VoiceOutrage-----------------Dark Pulse Volcarona (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV59 - EXP: 0EmberString ShotLeech LifeTake DownFlame ChargeBug BiteDouble-EdgeQuiver Dance---------------------Flamethrower Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFire SpinConfuse Ray---------------------FlamethrowerSunny DayThunderbolt Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitQuick Attack-----------------Dark PulseDigSecret PowerShadow Ball [spoiler=Box #1 (9/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock Gible (Shark) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0TackleSand AttackDragon Rage Swinub (Mammoth) - MaleThick FatLV10 - EXP: 0TackleOdor SleuthMud SportPowder Snow Houndour (Hellhound) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0LeerEmberHowlSmog Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Axew (Dracofang) - MaleMold BreakerLV10 - EXP: 0ScratchLeerAssuranceDragon Rage Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm---------------------Shadow Ball Larvitar (Tyranno) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0BiteLeerSandstormScreech [spoiler=in Day Care]Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV22 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerHeadbuttFocus Energy-------------------FlamethrowerNone Items: Dusk Stone x1 Dawn Stone x1 Thunderstone x1BP: 193TMs/HMs:TM11 Sunny DayTM24 ThunderboltTM28 DigTM30 Shadow Ball TM35 FlamethrowerTM43 Secret PowerTM50 OverheatTM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Vanillish2. Dratini3. Sandile4. Totodile5. Aerodactyl6. Starly7. Sneasel8. Gastly9. Aron10. Tynamo11. Timburr12. Skorupi13. Rhyhorn14. Trapinch15. Teddiursa16. Karrablast17. Corphish18. Golett19. Tirtouga20. Archen21. Lillipup Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 5Losses: 6Draws: 4 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament"September 18th - I advanced to the "Pokemon Master" rank posts 4/10posts till next pokemon 4/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted September 20, 2011 Report Share Posted September 20, 2011 Still, 1 somewhat more powerfull Pkmn can't hurt either. [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 3Post till next BP: 3Posts till next Pokémon: 13[spoiler=Team](Cronos)~ Lv. 38~ Sand Stream* Lucky Egg- Rock Slide- Trash- Dark Pulse- E-Fangs (Brutus)~ Lv. 32~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Chad)~ Lv. 10~ Run Away- Tackle- Howl- Sand Attack (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Nightmare (9/30)](Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite (Sabrina)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Growl- Psywave- Spite- Astonish [spoiler=Lost Souls (14/30)](Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Ruin)~ Lv. 51~ Levitate- Dragon Pulse- Dragon Rush- Crunch- Dark Pulse (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Spinecrow)~ Lv. 44~ Sand Veil- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Piccolo)~ Lv. 10~ Adaptability- Bubble- Harden- Vicegrip (Gargula)~ Lv.10~ Overcoat- Gust- Leer- Fury Attack- Pluck (Kimberley)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Sand Attack- Assist- Scratch- Growl [spoiler=Other (7/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Paling)~ Lv. 44~ Levitate- Crunch- Thunder Wave- Wild Charge- Charge Beam- Zap Cannon- Thunderbolt (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare None. [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 93 Items: None TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM07 Zap CannonTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomTM93 Wild ChargeHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted September 20, 2011 Report Share Posted September 20, 2011 @Lex: ya that is true, having 1 pokemon in your arsenal that's somewhat more powerful could add an element of surprise to the opposing trainer also i found the video preview of the upcoming episodes -[spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Johto's Burning MasterChaos. Chaos is Power, Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is one that unifies the chaos. Welcome challenger, I am Silver Yuja, I am generally a competitive person, and that fuels my spirit, and my spirit contributes to the power that emanates from my soul. Now let me show you what true power feels like. Club Posts: 844 Pokemon: Litwick (Ghoulflame) - MaleFlame BodyLV11 - EXP: 4EmberAstonishMinimizeSmogFire SpinConfuse Ray-------------------Shadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV35 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse SwipeFury CutterSlash Hydreigon (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV64 - EXP: 0TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteHeadbuttDragonbreathRoarCrunchSlamDragon PulseWork UpDragon RushBody SlamScary FaceHyper VoiceOutrage-----------------Dark Pulse Volcarona (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV59 - EXP: 0EmberString ShotLeech LifeTake DownFlame ChargeBug BiteDouble-EdgeQuiver Dance---------------------Flamethrower Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFire SpinConfuse Ray---------------------FlamethrowerSunny DayThunderbolt Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitQuick Attack-----------------Dark PulseDigSecret PowerShadow Ball [spoiler=Box #1 (9/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock Gible (Shark) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0TackleSand AttackDragon Rage Swinub (Mammoth) - MaleThick FatLV10 - EXP: 0TackleOdor SleuthMud SportPowder Snow Houndour (Hellhound) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0LeerEmberHowlSmog Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Axew (Dracofang) - MaleMold BreakerLV10 - EXP: 0ScratchLeerAssuranceDragon Rage Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm---------------------Shadow Ball Larvitar (Tyranno) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0BiteLeerSandstormScreech [spoiler=in Day Care]Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV22 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerHeadbuttFocus Energy-------------------FlamethrowerNone Items: Dusk Stone x1 Dawn Stone x1 Thunderstone x1BP: 193TMs/HMs:TM11 Sunny DayTM24 ThunderboltTM28 DigTM30 Shadow Ball TM35 FlamethrowerTM43 Secret PowerTM50 OverheatTM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Vanillish2. Dratini3. Sandile4. Totodile5. Aerodactyl6. Starly7. Sneasel8. Gastly9. Aron10. Tynamo11. Timburr12. Skorupi13. Rhyhorn14. Trapinch15. Teddiursa16. Karrablast17. Corphish18. Golett19. Tirtouga20. Archen21. Lillipup Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 5Losses: 6Draws: 4 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament"September 18th - I advanced to the "Pokemon Master" rank posts 5/10posts till next pokemon 5/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted September 20, 2011 Report Share Posted September 20, 2011 Yeah, I can imagine the trainers being like: "WTH? Why is that Pkmn so high lvled?" I understand why Elesa's an model... Ehem. Those superheroes look kinda stupid. And I see the legendary trio is coming up. [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 2Post till next BP: 2Posts till next Pokémon: 12[spoiler=Team](Cronos)~ Lv. 38~ Sand Stream* Lucky Egg- Rock Slide- Trash- Dark Pulse- E-Fangs (Brutus)~ Lv. 32~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Chad)~ Lv. 10~ Run Away- Tackle- Howl- Sand Attack (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Nightmare (9/30)](Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite (Sabrina)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Growl- Psywave- Spite- Astonish [spoiler=Lost Souls (14/30)](Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Ruin)~ Lv. 51~ Levitate- Dragon Pulse- Dragon Rush- Crunch- Dark Pulse (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Spinecrow)~ Lv. 44~ Sand Veil- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Piccolo)~ Lv. 10~ Adaptability- Bubble- Harden- Vicegrip (Gargula)~ Lv.10~ Overcoat- Gust- Leer- Fury Attack- Pluck (Kimberley)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Sand Attack- Assist- Scratch- Growl [spoiler=Other (7/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Paling)~ Lv. 44~ Levitate- Crunch- Thunder Wave- Wild Charge- Charge Beam- Zap Cannon- Thunderbolt (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare None. [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 93 Items: None TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM07 Zap CannonTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomTM93 Wild ChargeHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted September 20, 2011 Report Share Posted September 20, 2011 @Lex: yea those henchmen don't look right to be honest, and that Cryogonal person looked better without the mask[spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Johto's Burning MasterChaos. Chaos is Power, Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is one that unifies the chaos. Welcome challenger, I am Silver Yuja, I am generally a competitive person, and that fuels my spirit, and my spirit contributes to the power that emanates from my soul. Now let me show you what true power feels like. Club Posts: 846 Pokemon: Litwick (Ghoulflame) - MaleFlame BodyLV11 - EXP: 6EmberAstonishMinimizeSmogFire SpinConfuse Ray-------------------Shadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV35 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse SwipeFury CutterSlash Hydreigon (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV64 - EXP: 0TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteHeadbuttDragonbreathRoarCrunchSlamDragon PulseWork UpDragon RushBody SlamScary FaceHyper VoiceOutrage-----------------Dark Pulse Volcarona (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV59 - EXP: 0EmberString ShotLeech LifeTake DownFlame ChargeBug BiteDouble-EdgeQuiver Dance---------------------Flamethrower Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFire SpinConfuse Ray---------------------FlamethrowerSunny DayThunderbolt Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitQuick Attack-----------------Dark PulseDigSecret PowerShadow Ball [spoiler=Box #1 (9/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock Gible (Shark) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0TackleSand AttackDragon Rage Swinub (Mammoth) - MaleThick FatLV10 - EXP: 0TackleOdor SleuthMud SportPowder Snow Houndour (Hellhound) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0LeerEmberHowlSmog Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Axew (Dracofang) - MaleMold BreakerLV10 - EXP: 0ScratchLeerAssuranceDragon Rage Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm---------------------Shadow Ball Larvitar (Tyranno) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0BiteLeerSandstormScreech [spoiler=in Day Care]Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV22 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerHeadbuttFocus Energy-------------------FlamethrowerNone Items: Dusk Stone x1 Dawn Stone x1 Thunderstone x1BP: 193TMs/HMs:TM11 Sunny DayTM24 ThunderboltTM28 DigTM30 Shadow Ball TM35 FlamethrowerTM43 Secret PowerTM50 OverheatTM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Vanillish2. Dratini3. Sandile4. Totodile5. Aerodactyl6. Starly7. Sneasel8. Gastly9. Aron10. Tynamo11. Timburr12. Skorupi13. Rhyhorn14. Trapinch15. Teddiursa16. Karrablast17. Corphish18. Golett19. Tirtouga20. Archen21. Lillipup Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 5Losses: 6Draws: 4 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament"September 18th - I advanced to the "Pokemon Master" rank posts 6/10posts till next pokemon 6/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted September 20, 2011 Report Share Posted September 20, 2011 It wasjust plain wierd. Tbqh. If I decide to continue to watch, I'll probebly skip that epp. [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 1Post till next BP: 1Posts till next Pokémon: 11[spoiler=Team](Cronos)~ Lv. 38~ Sand Stream* Lucky Egg- Rock Slide- Trash- Dark Pulse- E-Fangs (Brutus)~ Lv. 32~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Chad)~ Lv. 10~ Run Away- Tackle- Howl- Sand Attack (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Nightmare (9/30)](Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite (Sabrina)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Growl- Psywave- Spite- Astonish [spoiler=Lost Souls (14/30)](Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Ruin)~ Lv. 51~ Levitate- Dragon Pulse- Dragon Rush- Crunch- Dark Pulse (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Spinecrow)~ Lv. 44~ Sand Veil- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Piccolo)~ Lv. 10~ Adaptability- Bubble- Harden- Vicegrip (Gargula)~ Lv.10~ Overcoat- Gust- Leer- Fury Attack- Pluck (Kimberley)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Sand Attack- Assist- Scratch- Growl [spoiler=Other (7/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Paling)~ Lv. 44~ Levitate- Crunch- Thunder Wave- Wild Charge- Charge Beam- Zap Cannon- Thunderbolt (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare None. [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 93 Items: None TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM07 Zap CannonTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomTM93 Wild ChargeHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ren✧ Posted September 20, 2011 Author Report Share Posted September 20, 2011 I am guess you guys watch the subbed version? Normally I would, but when I tried I just couldn't get used to the Japanese names so I will have to stick to watching them when they air on TV here in America. Sorry I just dropped off back there, I had to do some Algebra homework(not my favorite...). I am hoping that during this season, Ash at least makes it into the top 2 in the Unova League Championship thing, because the way that other guy(I think his name was Timaeus) had a ton of legendary just ruined it for me...although I did like seeing his Darkrai in action. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted September 20, 2011 Report Share Posted September 20, 2011 @Lex: not even the badassery of the Accelgor guy with the Accelgor and the Accelgor motorcycle can mask the dumbness of the villains in that episode[spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Johto's Burning MasterChaos. Chaos is Power, Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is one that unifies the chaos. Welcome challenger, I am Silver Yuja, I am generally a competitive person, and that fuels my spirit, and my spirit contributes to the power that emanates from my soul. Now let me show you what true power feels like. Club Posts: 847 Pokemon: Litwick (Ghoulflame) - MaleFlame BodyLV11 - EXP: 7EmberAstonishMinimizeSmogFire SpinConfuse Ray-------------------Shadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV35 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse SwipeFury CutterSlash Hydreigon (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV64 - EXP: 0TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteHeadbuttDragonbreathRoarCrunchSlamDragon PulseWork UpDragon RushBody SlamScary FaceHyper VoiceOutrage-----------------Dark Pulse Volcarona (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV59 - EXP: 0EmberString ShotLeech LifeTake DownFlame ChargeBug BiteDouble-EdgeQuiver Dance---------------------Flamethrower Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFire SpinConfuse Ray---------------------FlamethrowerSunny DayThunderbolt Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitQuick Attack-----------------Dark PulseDigSecret PowerShadow Ball [spoiler=Box #1 (9/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock Gible (Shark) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0TackleSand AttackDragon Rage Swinub (Mammoth) - MaleThick FatLV10 - EXP: 0TackleOdor SleuthMud SportPowder Snow Houndour (Hellhound) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0LeerEmberHowlSmog Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Axew (Dracofang) - MaleMold BreakerLV10 - EXP: 0ScratchLeerAssuranceDragon Rage Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm---------------------Shadow Ball Larvitar (Tyranno) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0BiteLeerSandstormScreech [spoiler=in Day Care]Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV22 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerHeadbuttFocus Energy-------------------FlamethrowerNone Items: Dusk Stone x1 Dawn Stone x1 Thunderstone x1BP: 193TMs/HMs:TM11 Sunny DayTM24 ThunderboltTM28 DigTM30 Shadow Ball TM35 FlamethrowerTM43 Secret PowerTM50 OverheatTM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Vanillish2. Dratini3. Sandile4. Totodile5. Aerodactyl6. Starly7. Sneasel8. Gastly9. Aron10. Tynamo11. Timburr12. Skorupi13. Rhyhorn14. Trapinch15. Teddiursa16. Karrablast17. Corphish18. Golett19. Tirtouga20. Archen21. Lillipup Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 5Losses: 6Draws: 4 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament"September 18th - I advanced to the "Pokemon Master" rank posts 7/10posts till next pokemon 7/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ren✧ Posted September 20, 2011 Author Report Share Posted September 20, 2011 I'm sorry, I'm lost which episode are we talking about? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted September 20, 2011 Report Share Posted September 20, 2011 @Ren: Actually I used to watch it dubbed.And yeah, him using legends is totaly overkill. @BS: Actually I dislike him aswell. The entire epp just seems rediculous to me. Cronos lvls up twice. [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 10Post till next BP: 10Posts till next Pokémon: 10 [spoiler=Team](Cronos)~ Lv. 40~ Sand Stream* Lucky Egg- Rock Slide- Trash- Dark Pulse- E-Fangs (Brutus)~ Lv. 32~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Chad)~ Lv. 10~ Run Away- Tackle- Howl- Sand Attack (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Nightmare (9/30)](Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite (Sabrina)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Growl- Psywave- Spite- Astonish [spoiler=Lost Souls (14/30)](Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Ruin)~ Lv. 51~ Levitate- Dragon Pulse- Dragon Rush- Crunch- Dark Pulse (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Spinecrow)~ Lv. 44~ Sand Veil- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Piccolo)~ Lv. 10~ Adaptability- Bubble- Harden- Vicegrip (Gargula)~ Lv.10~ Overcoat- Gust- Leer- Fury Attack- Pluck (Kimberley)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Sand Attack- Assist- Scratch- Growl [spoiler=Other (7/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Paling)~ Lv. 44~ Levitate- Crunch- Thunder Wave- Wild Charge- Charge Beam- Zap Cannon- Thunderbolt (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare None. [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 94 Items: None TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM07 Zap CannonTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomTM93 Wild ChargeHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ren✧ Posted September 20, 2011 Author Report Share Posted September 20, 2011 @Ren: Actually I used to watch it dubbed.And yeah, him using legends is totaly overkill. @BS: Actually I dislike him aswell. The entire epp just seems rediculous to me. Cronos lvls up twice. [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 10Post till next BP: 10Posts till next Pokémon: 10 [spoiler=Team](Cronos)~ Lv. 40~ Sand Stream* Lucky Egg- Rock Slide- Trash- Dark Pulse- E-Fangs (Brutus)~ Lv. 32~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Chad)~ Lv. 10~ Run Away- Tackle- Howl- Sand Attack (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Nightmare (9/30)](Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite (Sabrina)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Growl- Psywave- Spite- Astonish [spoiler=Lost Souls (14/30)](Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Ruin)~ Lv. 51~ Levitate- Dragon Pulse- Dragon Rush- Crunch- Dark Pulse (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Spinecrow)~ Lv. 44~ Sand Veil- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Piccolo)~ Lv. 10~ Adaptability- Bubble- Harden- Vicegrip (Gargula)~ Lv.10~ Overcoat- Gust- Leer- Fury Attack- Pluck (Kimberley)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Sand Attack- Assist- Scratch- Growl [spoiler=Other (7/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Paling)~ Lv. 44~ Levitate- Crunch- Thunder Wave- Wild Charge- Charge Beam- Zap Cannon- Thunderbolt (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare None. [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 94 Items: None TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM07 Zap CannonTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomTM93 Wild ChargeHM05 Waterfall I mean a Darkrai and a Latios? And who knows what else they were planning with his Team. Total overkill. BTW Criteria for the Fakemon contest added to the Contest and Tournaments Spoiler Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted September 20, 2011 Report Share Posted September 20, 2011 Yeah, using legends is just cheap. And I think I could even have won with my super team. Ah, I'll get working on the 'cute dragon' asap. [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 9Post till next BP: 9Posts till next Pokémon: 9 [spoiler=Team](Cronos)~ Lv. 40~ Sand Stream* Lucky Egg- Rock Slide- Trash- Dark Pulse- E-Fangs (Brutus)~ Lv. 32~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Chad)~ Lv. 10~ Run Away- Tackle- Howl- Sand Attack (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Nightmare (9/30)](Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite (Sabrina)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Growl- Psywave- Spite- Astonish [spoiler=Lost Souls (14/30)](Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Ruin)~ Lv. 51~ Levitate- Dragon Pulse- Dragon Rush- Crunch- Dark Pulse (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Spinecrow)~ Lv. 44~ Sand Veil- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Piccolo)~ Lv. 10~ Adaptability- Bubble- Harden- Vicegrip (Gargula)~ Lv.10~ Overcoat- Gust- Leer- Fury Attack- Pluck (Kimberley)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Sand Attack- Assist- Scratch- Growl [spoiler=Other (7/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Paling)~ Lv. 44~ Levitate- Crunch- Thunder Wave- Wild Charge- Charge Beam- Zap Cannon- Thunderbolt (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare None. [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 94 Items: None TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM07 Zap CannonTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomTM93 Wild ChargeHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ren✧ Posted September 20, 2011 Author Report Share Posted September 20, 2011 I have already drawn the picture for it. (Yep I drew it this time). Just need to get the rest done. Wanna see the pic? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted September 20, 2011 Report Share Posted September 20, 2011 @Renegade: *insert Challenge Accepted pic here* though the fakemon i create i was gonna use for my set of fakemon also that does remind me, what month did you want the New Moon event? September or October?[spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Johto's Burning MasterChaos. Chaos is Power, Power is enriched by the heart. The controller is one that unifies the chaos. Welcome challenger, I am Silver Yuja, I am generally a competitive person, and that fuels my spirit, and my spirit contributes to the power that emanates from my soul. Now let me show you what true power feels like. Club Posts: 847 Pokemon: Litwick (Ghoulflame) - MaleFlame BodyLV11 - EXP: 7EmberAstonishMinimizeSmogFire SpinConfuse Ray-------------------Shadow BallFlamethrowerOverheat Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV35 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse SwipeFury CutterSlash Hydreigon (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV64 - EXP: 0TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteHeadbuttDragonbreathRoarCrunchSlamDragon PulseWork UpDragon RushBody SlamScary FaceHyper VoiceOutrage-----------------Dark Pulse Volcarona (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV59 - EXP: 0EmberString ShotLeech LifeTake DownFlame ChargeBug BiteDouble-EdgeQuiver Dance---------------------Flamethrower Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFire SpinConfuse Ray---------------------FlamethrowerSunny DayThunderbolt Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitQuick Attack-----------------Dark PulseDigSecret PowerShadow Ball [spoiler=Box #1 (9/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock Gible (Shark) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0TackleSand AttackDragon Rage Swinub (Mammoth) - MaleThick FatLV10 - EXP: 0TackleOdor SleuthMud SportPowder Snow Houndour (Hellhound) - MaleFlash FireLV10 - EXP: 0LeerEmberHowlSmog Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Axew (Dracofang) - MaleMold BreakerLV10 - EXP: 0ScratchLeerAssuranceDragon Rage Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm---------------------Shadow Ball Larvitar (Tyranno) - MaleSand VeilLV10 - EXP: 0BiteLeerSandstormScreech [spoiler=in Day Care]Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV22 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerHeadbuttFocus Energy-------------------FlamethrowerNone Items: Dusk Stone x1 Dawn Stone x1 Thunderstone x1BP: 193TMs/HMs:TM11 Sunny DayTM24 ThunderboltTM28 DigTM30 Shadow Ball TM35 FlamethrowerTM43 Secret PowerTM50 OverheatTM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Vanillish2. Dratini3. Sandile4. Totodile5. Aerodactyl6. Starly7. Sneasel8. Gastly9. Aron10. Tynamo11. Timburr12. Skorupi13. Rhyhorn14. Trapinch15. Teddiursa16. Karrablast17. Corphish18. Golett19. Tirtouga20. Archen21. Lillipup Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 5Losses: 6Draws: 4 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament"September 18th - I advanced to the "Pokemon Master" rank posts 8/10posts till next pokemon 8/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ren✧ Posted September 20, 2011 Author Report Share Posted September 20, 2011 Hmm...forgot about it honestly. Umm...lets do it in October (26, 27, 28) sound good? [spoiler=Pic] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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