~British Soul~ Posted August 22, 2011 Report Share Posted August 22, 2011 @Lex: i was also thinking of doing a sudowoodo evo too[spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Ace TrainerClub Posts: 590 Pokemon: Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV16 - EXP: 10 -> 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse Swipe Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV21 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerFlamethrowerHeadbuttFocus Energy Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFlamethrowerFire SpinConfuse Ray Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitDark PulseQuick Attack Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb [spoiler=Box #1 (3/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock [spoiler=in Day Care]Deino (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV22 - EXP: 0[spoiler=moves]TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteDark PulseHeadbuttDragonbreathRoar Larvesta (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV18 - EXP: 0[spoiler=moves]EmberString ShotLeech LifeFlamethrower Items:BP: 371TMs/HMs: TM35 Flamethrower TM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Gible2. Swinub3. Houndour4. Totodile5. Aerodactyl6. Sneasel7. Larvitar Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 5Losses: 5Draws: 4 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament" posts 10/10 -> 0/10posts till next pokemon 50/60 Scizor levels up Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted August 22, 2011 Report Share Posted August 22, 2011 Oh of course. It's getting late so everything's just, you know. Anywho mine is: 1635 3709 8706 [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 4Post till next BP: 4Posts till next Pokémon: 14[spoiler=Team](Spinecrow)~ Lv. 16~ Sand Veil* Lucky Egg- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Brutus)~ Lv. 30~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Cronos)~ Lv. 10~ Guts- Bite- Leer- Sandstorm- Screech [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Box I (24/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Paling)~ Lv. 44~ Levitate- Crunch- Thunder Wave- Wild Charge- Charge Beam- Zap Cannon- Thunderbolt (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Ruin)~ Lv. 22 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 83 Items: Insta-Evolution x2 TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM07 Zap CannonTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomTM93 Wild ChargeHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted August 23, 2011 Report Share Posted August 23, 2011 nice to wake up and YCM is back up/accessible again[spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Ace TrainerClub Posts: 591 Pokemon: Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV16 - EXP: 1Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse Swipe Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV21 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerFlamethrowerHeadbuttFocus Energy Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFlamethrowerFire SpinConfuse Ray Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitDark PulseQuick Attack Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb [spoiler=Box #1 (3/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock [spoiler=in Day Care]Deino (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV22 - EXP: 0[spoiler=moves]TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteDark PulseHeadbuttDragonbreathRoar Larvesta (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV18 - EXP: 0[spoiler=moves]EmberString ShotLeech LifeFlamethrower Items:BP: 371TMs/HMs: TM35 Flamethrower TM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Gible2. Swinub3. Houndour4. Totodile5. Aerodactyl6. Sneasel7. Larvitar Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 5Losses: 5Draws: 4 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament" posts 1/10posts till next pokemon 51/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luxray334 Posted August 23, 2011 Report Share Posted August 23, 2011 Lol I thought I't was only me who couldn't access it :P. Anyways I get Luxio out of the Day Care, I already payed 35 points.*Evolution Music* Luxio evolves into a Luxray. :D :D [spoiler=Pokemon Info] Front Pokemon: Athene(Lilligant)Number of Posts: 80Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 10Post till next BP: 10Posts till next Pokémon: 40Posts this week: 3BP: 3 [spoiler=Team] Athene(Lilligant)~ Level 12~ Leaf Guard~ Female- Growth- Absorb- Solar Beam- Sunny Day- Leech Seed- Mega Drain- Synthesis- Teeter Dance- Sleep Powder Charge(Luxray)~ Level 30~ Rivalry~ Male- Thunderbolt- Leer- Charge- Spark- Bite- Roar- Swagger [spoiler=Boxes] [spoiler=Box I] [spoiler=Pokemon in Centers] [spoiler= TM's, HM's & Items] Items: TM's & HM's:TM24 ThunderboltTM11 Sunny DayTM22 Solar Beam Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted August 23, 2011 Report Share Posted August 23, 2011 @BS: Same here. I wonder what happened. @Luxray: Congrats, you now have a Pkmn that shares your name. [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 3Post till next BP: 3Posts till next Pokémon: 13[spoiler=Team](Spinecrow)~ Lv. 16~ Sand Veil* Lucky Egg- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Brutus)~ Lv. 30~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Cronos)~ Lv. 10~ Guts- Bite- Leer- Sandstorm- Screech [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Box I (24/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Paling)~ Lv. 44~ Levitate- Crunch- Thunder Wave- Wild Charge- Charge Beam- Zap Cannon- Thunderbolt (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Ruin)~ Lv. 24 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 83 Items: Insta-Evolution x2 TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM07 Zap CannonTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomTM93 Wild ChargeHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted August 23, 2011 Report Share Posted August 23, 2011 @Lex: that's what i want to know on my yellow ROM i'm up to Vermilion and my strongest pokemon is a level 26 Gyarados lol, the rest of mt pokemon are at level 19/20 (there are 5 of them) - grinding ftw[spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Ace TrainerClub Posts: 592 Pokemon: Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV16 - EXP: 2Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse Swipe Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV21 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerFlamethrowerHeadbuttFocus Energy Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFlamethrowerFire SpinConfuse Ray Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitDark PulseQuick Attack Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb [spoiler=Box #1 (3/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock [spoiler=in Day Care]Deino (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV24 - EXP: 0[spoiler=moves]TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteDark PulseHeadbuttDragonbreathRoar Larvesta (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV20 - EXP: 0[spoiler=moves]EmberString ShotLeech LifeFlamethrower Items:BP: 371TMs/HMs: TM35 Flamethrower TM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Gible2. Swinub3. Houndour4. Totodile5. Aerodactyl6. Sneasel7. Larvitar Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 5Losses: 5Draws: 4 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament" posts 2/10posts till next pokemon 52/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted August 23, 2011 Report Share Posted August 23, 2011 Seeing as it's Yellow, I also presume you have a Pikachu? [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 2Post till next BP: 2Posts till next Pokémon: 12[spoiler=Team](Spinecrow)~ Lv. 16~ Sand Veil* Lucky Egg- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Brutus)~ Lv. 30~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Cronos)~ Lv. 10~ Guts- Bite- Leer- Sandstorm- Screech [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Box I (24/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Paling)~ Lv. 44~ Levitate- Crunch- Thunder Wave- Wild Charge- Charge Beam- Zap Cannon- Thunderbolt (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Ruin)~ Lv. 24 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 83 Items: Insta-Evolution x2 TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM07 Zap CannonTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomTM93 Wild ChargeHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted August 23, 2011 Report Share Posted August 23, 2011 @Lex: yup, level 22 now, and i beat LT. Surge with just a level 23 Diglett, got a Squirtle, and grinded in Diglett's cave to get it into a Wartortle[spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Ace TrainerClub Posts: 593 Pokemon: Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV16 - EXP: 3Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse Swipe Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV21 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerFlamethrowerHeadbuttFocus Energy Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFlamethrowerFire SpinConfuse Ray Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitDark PulseQuick Attack Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb [spoiler=Box #1 (3/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock [spoiler=in Day Care]Deino (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV24 - EXP: 0[spoiler=moves]TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteDark PulseHeadbuttDragonbreathRoar Larvesta (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV20 - EXP: 0[spoiler=moves]EmberString ShotLeech LifeFlamethrower Items:BP: 371TMs/HMs: TM35 Flamethrower TM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Gible2. Swinub3. Houndour4. Totodile5. Aerodactyl6. Sneasel7. Larvitar Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 5Losses: 5Draws: 4 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament" posts 3/10posts till next pokemon 53/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted August 23, 2011 Report Share Posted August 23, 2011 Mhh, not bad. So are you also going to keep the Charmender and Bulbasaur? [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 1Post till next BP: 1Posts till next Pokémon: 11[spoiler=Team](Spinecrow)~ Lv. 16~ Sand Veil* Lucky Egg- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Brutus)~ Lv. 30~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Cronos)~ Lv. 10~ Guts- Bite- Leer- Sandstorm- Screech [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Box I (24/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Paling)~ Lv. 44~ Levitate- Crunch- Thunder Wave- Wild Charge- Charge Beam- Zap Cannon- Thunderbolt (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Ruin)~ Lv. 24 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 83 Items: Insta-Evolution x2 TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM07 Zap CannonTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomTM93 Wild ChargeHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted August 23, 2011 Report Share Posted August 23, 2011 @Lex: ya, they're Ivysaur and Charmeleon, both at level 23 [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Ace TrainerClub Posts: 594 Pokemon: Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV16 - EXP: 4Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse Swipe Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV21 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerFlamethrowerHeadbuttFocus Energy Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFlamethrowerFire SpinConfuse Ray Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitDark PulseQuick Attack Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb [spoiler=Box #1 (3/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock [spoiler=in Day Care]Deino (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV24 - EXP: 0[spoiler=moves]TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteDark PulseHeadbuttDragonbreathRoar Larvesta (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV20 - EXP: 0[spoiler=moves]EmberString ShotLeech LifeFlamethrower Items:BP: 371TMs/HMs: TM35 Flamethrower TM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Gible2. Swinub3. Houndour4. Totodile5. Aerodactyl6. Sneasel7. Larvitar Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 5Losses: 5Draws: 4 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament" posts 4/10posts till next pokemon 54/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted August 23, 2011 Report Share Posted August 23, 2011 Imo that's the only plus in Yellow. That you can get all 3 starters in game. Also SPinecrow lvls up twice and learns Sand Attack. Also I claim the 10 post 50 points now. [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 10Post till next BP: 10Posts till next Pokémon: 10[spoiler=Team](Spinecrow)~ Lv. 18~ Sand Veil* Lucky Egg- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Brutus)~ Lv. 30~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Cronos)~ Lv. 10~ Guts- Bite- Leer- Sandstorm- Screech [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Box I (24/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Paling)~ Lv. 44~ Levitate- Crunch- Thunder Wave- Wild Charge- Charge Beam- Zap Cannon- Thunderbolt (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Ruin)~ Lv. 24 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 134 Items: Insta-Evolution x2 TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM07 Zap CannonTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomTM93 Wild ChargeHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted August 23, 2011 Report Share Posted August 23, 2011 @Lex: i'm also planning on doing the Mew glitch on yellow too, because i can [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Ace TrainerClub Posts: 595 Pokemon: Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV16 - EXP: 5Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse Swipe Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV21 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerFlamethrowerHeadbuttFocus Energy Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFlamethrowerFire SpinConfuse Ray Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitDark PulseQuick Attack Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb [spoiler=Box #1 (3/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock [spoiler=in Day Care]Deino (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV24 - EXP: 0[spoiler=moves]TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteDark PulseHeadbuttDragonbreathRoar Larvesta (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV20 - EXP: 0[spoiler=moves]EmberString ShotLeech LifeFlamethrower Items:BP: 371TMs/HMs: TM35 Flamethrower TM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Gible2. Swinub3. Houndour4. Totodile5. Aerodactyl6. Sneasel7. Larvitar Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 5Losses: 5Draws: 4 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament" posts 5/10posts till next pokemon 55/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted August 23, 2011 Report Share Posted August 23, 2011 The Mew glitch? I haven't heard of that one yet. [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 9Post till next BP: 9Posts till next Pokémon: 9[spoiler=Team](Spinecrow)~ Lv. 18~ Sand Veil* Lucky Egg- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Brutus)~ Lv. 30~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Cronos)~ Lv. 10~ Guts- Bite- Leer- Sandstorm- Screech [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Box I (24/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Paling)~ Lv. 44~ Levitate- Crunch- Thunder Wave- Wild Charge- Charge Beam- Zap Cannon- Thunderbolt (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Ruin)~ Lv. 24 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 134 Items: Insta-Evolution x2 TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM07 Zap CannonTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomTM93 Wild ChargeHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luxray334 Posted August 23, 2011 Report Share Posted August 23, 2011 Mew Glitch? Pikachu was starter in yellow right? And your rival had an Eevee? [spoiler=Pokemon Info] Front Pokemon: Athene(Lilligant)Number of Posts: 81Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 9Post till next BP: 9Posts till next Pokémon: 39Posts this week: 4BP: 3 [spoiler=Team] Athene(Lilligant)~ Level 12~ Leaf Guard~ Female- Growth- Absorb- Solar Beam- Sunny Day- Leech Seed- Mega Drain- Synthesis- Teeter Dance- Sleep Powder Charge(Luxray)~ Level 30~ Rivalry~ Male- Thunderbolt- Leer- Charge- Spark- Bite- Roar- Swagger [spoiler=Boxes] [spoiler=Box I] [spoiler=Pokemon in Centers] [spoiler= TM's, HM's & Items] Items: TM's & HM's:TM24 ThunderboltTM11 Sunny DayTM22 Solar Beam Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.Corgi Posted August 23, 2011 Report Share Posted August 23, 2011 @Lex: i'm also planning on doing the Mew glitch on yellow too, because i can [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Ace TrainerClub Posts: 595 Pokemon: Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV16 - EXP: 5Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse Swipe Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV21 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerFlamethrowerHeadbuttFocus Energy Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFlamethrowerFire SpinConfuse Ray Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitDark PulseQuick Attack Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb [spoiler=Box #1 (3/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock [spoiler=in Day Care]Deino (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV24 - EXP: 0[spoiler=moves]TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteDark PulseHeadbuttDragonbreathRoar Larvesta (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV20 - EXP: 0[spoiler=moves]EmberString ShotLeech LifeFlamethrower Items:BP: 371TMs/HMs: TM35 Flamethrower TM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Gible2. Swinub3. Houndour4. Totodile5. Aerodactyl6. Sneasel7. Larvitar Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 5Losses: 5Draws: 4 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament" posts 5/10posts till next pokemon 55/60 I think the Mew glitch was fixed in Yellow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted August 23, 2011 Report Share Posted August 23, 2011 I think the Mew glitch was fixed in Yellow.i think you can do the glitch in Yellow @Lex: the glitch i'm talking about has you fight a level 7 Mew [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Ace TrainerClub Posts: 596 Pokemon: Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV16 - EXP: 6Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse Swipe Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV21 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerFlamethrowerHeadbuttFocus Energy Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFlamethrowerFire SpinConfuse Ray Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitDark PulseQuick Attack Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb [spoiler=Box #1 (3/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock [spoiler=in Day Care]Deino (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV24 - EXP: 0[spoiler=moves]TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteDark PulseHeadbuttDragonbreathRoar Larvesta (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV20 - EXP: 0[spoiler=moves]EmberString ShotLeech LifeFlamethrower Items:BP: 371TMs/HMs: TM35 Flamethrower TM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Gible2. Swinub3. Houndour4. Totodile5. Aerodactyl6. Sneasel7. Larvitar Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 5Losses: 5Draws: 4 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament" posts 6/10posts till next pokemon 56/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted August 23, 2011 Report Share Posted August 23, 2011 @Luxray: Yep, that's the one. @BS: Mhh, I've never heard of someone doing that. Then again, I only started playing Pkmn when Ruby/Saphire was out. [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 8Post till next BP: 8Posts till next Pokémon: 8[spoiler=Team](Spinecrow)~ Lv. 18~ Sand Veil* Lucky Egg- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Brutus)~ Lv. 30~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Cronos)~ Lv. 10~ Guts- Bite- Leer- Sandstorm- Screech [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Box I (24/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Paling)~ Lv. 44~ Levitate- Crunch- Thunder Wave- Wild Charge- Charge Beam- Zap Cannon- Thunderbolt (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Ruin)~ Lv. 24 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 134 Items: Insta-Evolution x2 TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM07 Zap CannonTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomTM93 Wild ChargeHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luxray334 Posted August 23, 2011 Report Share Posted August 23, 2011 I too didn't hear of something like that too. [spoiler=Pokemon Info] Front Pokemon: Athene(Lilligant)Number of Posts: 82Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 8Post till next BP: 8Posts till next Pokémon: 38Posts this week: 5BP: 3 [spoiler=Team] Athene(Lilligant)~ Level 12~ Leaf Guard~ Female- Growth- Absorb- Solar Beam- Sunny Day- Leech Seed- Mega Drain- Synthesis- Teeter Dance- Sleep Powder Charge(Luxray)~ Level 30~ Rivalry~ Male- Thunderbolt- Leer- Charge- Spark- Bite- Roar- Swagger [spoiler=Boxes] [spoiler=Box I] [spoiler=Pokemon in Centers] [spoiler= TM's, HM's & Items] Items: TM's & HM's:TM24 ThunderboltTM11 Sunny DayTM22 Solar Beam Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted August 23, 2011 Report Share Posted August 23, 2011 Maybe it's all a lie. *looks distrustful at BS and Purrlion* [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 7Post till next BP: 7Posts till next Pokémon: 7[spoiler=Team](Spinecrow)~ Lv. 18~ Sand Veil* Lucky Egg- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Brutus)~ Lv. 30~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Cronos)~ Lv. 10~ Guts- Bite- Leer- Sandstorm- Screech [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Box I (24/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Paling)~ Lv. 44~ Levitate- Crunch- Thunder Wave- Wild Charge- Charge Beam- Zap Cannon- Thunderbolt (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Ruin)~ Lv. 24 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 134 Items: Insta-Evolution x2 TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM07 Zap CannonTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomTM93 Wild ChargeHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
.Corgi Posted August 23, 2011 Report Share Posted August 23, 2011 Maybe it's all a lie. *looks distrustful at BS and Purrlion* [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 7Post till next BP: 7Posts till next Pokémon: 7[spoiler=Team](Spinecrow)~ Lv. 18~ Sand Veil* Lucky Egg- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Brutus)~ Lv. 30~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Cronos)~ Lv. 10~ Guts- Bite- Leer- Sandstorm- Screech [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Box I (24/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Paling)~ Lv. 44~ Levitate- Crunch- Thunder Wave- Wild Charge- Charge Beam- Zap Cannon- Thunderbolt (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Ruin)~ Lv. 24 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 134 Items: Insta-Evolution x2 TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM07 Zap CannonTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomTM93 Wild ChargeHM05 Waterfall No, I tested it once. And I massgrinded my Espeon, Butterfree, Mantine and Feraligatr to Lv100 in Pokemon Crystal, and my Togepå evolved :3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted August 23, 2011 Report Share Posted August 23, 2011 @Lex: i knew this would happen, but this video should change your understanding - [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Ace TrainerClub Posts: 597 Pokemon: Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV16 - EXP: 7Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse Swipe Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV21 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerFlamethrowerHeadbuttFocus Energy Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFlamethrowerFire SpinConfuse Ray Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitDark PulseQuick Attack Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb [spoiler=Box #1 (3/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock [spoiler=in Day Care]Deino (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV24 - EXP: 0[spoiler=moves]TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteDark PulseHeadbuttDragonbreathRoar Larvesta (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV20 - EXP: 0[spoiler=moves]EmberString ShotLeech LifeFlamethrower Items:BP: 371TMs/HMs: TM35 Flamethrower TM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Gible2. Swinub3. Houndour4. Totodile5. Aerodactyl6. Sneasel7. Larvitar Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 5Losses: 5Draws: 4 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament" posts 7/10posts till next pokemon 57/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted August 23, 2011 Report Share Posted August 23, 2011 Mhh, you do seem to have evidence. But I'm not shure how anything what happened in that vid made any sence. [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 6Post till next BP: 6Posts till next Pokémon: 6[spoiler=Team](Spinecrow)~ Lv. 18~ Sand Veil* Lucky Egg- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Brutus)~ Lv. 30~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Cronos)~ Lv. 10~ Guts- Bite- Leer- Sandstorm- Screech [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Box I (24/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Paling)~ Lv. 44~ Levitate- Crunch- Thunder Wave- Wild Charge- Charge Beam- Zap Cannon- Thunderbolt (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Ruin)~ Lv. 24 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 134 Items: Insta-Evolution x2 TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM07 Zap CannonTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomTM93 Wild ChargeHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted August 23, 2011 Report Share Posted August 23, 2011 @Lex: yea...... well the glitch was a software bug in all Gen 1 games....... [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Ace TrainerClub Posts: 598 Pokemon: Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV16 - EXP: 8Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse Swipe Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV21 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerFlamethrowerHeadbuttFocus Energy Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFlamethrowerFire SpinConfuse Ray Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitDark PulseQuick Attack Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb [spoiler=Box #1 (3/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock [spoiler=in Day Care]Deino (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV24 - EXP: 0[spoiler=moves]TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteDark PulseHeadbuttDragonbreathRoar Larvesta (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV20 - EXP: 0[spoiler=moves]EmberString ShotLeech LifeFlamethrower Items:BP: 371TMs/HMs: TM35 Flamethrower TM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Gible2. Swinub3. Houndour4. Totodile5. Aerodactyl6. Sneasel7. Larvitar Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 5Losses: 5Draws: 4 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament" posts 8/10posts till next pokemon 58/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted August 23, 2011 Report Share Posted August 23, 2011 Mhh, it's still really random. [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 5Post till next BP: 5Posts till next Pokémon: 5[spoiler=Team](Spinecrow)~ Lv. 18~ Sand Veil* Lucky Egg- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Brutus)~ Lv. 30~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Cronos)~ Lv. 10~ Guts- Bite- Leer- Sandstorm- Screech [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Box I (24/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Paling)~ Lv. 44~ Levitate- Crunch- Thunder Wave- Wild Charge- Charge Beam- Zap Cannon- Thunderbolt (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Ruin)~ Lv. 24 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 134 Items: Insta-Evolution x2 TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM07 Zap CannonTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomTM93 Wild ChargeHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted August 23, 2011 Report Share Posted August 23, 2011 @Lex: that's true....so anything else to discuss? [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Ace TrainerClub Posts: 599 Pokemon: Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV16 - EXP: 9Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuitFalse Swipe Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV21 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerFlamethrowerHeadbuttFocus Energy Metagross (Mecha)Clear BodyLV45 - EXP: 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron DefenseAgilityHammer Arm Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFlamethrowerFire SpinConfuse Ray Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitDark PulseQuick Attack Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb [spoiler=Box #1 (3/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock [spoiler=in Day Care]Deino (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV24 - EXP: 0[spoiler=moves]TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteDark PulseHeadbuttDragonbreathRoar Larvesta (Lava) - MaleFlame BodyLV20 - EXP: 0[spoiler=moves]EmberString ShotLeech LifeFlamethrower Items:BP: 371TMs/HMs: TM35 Flamethrower TM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Gible2. Swinub3. Houndour4. Totodile5. Aerodactyl6. Sneasel7. Larvitar Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 5Losses: 5Draws: 4 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament" posts 9/10posts till next pokemon 59/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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