~British Soul~ Posted August 16, 2011 Report Share Posted August 16, 2011 @Destructo: ok, my level 10 Scizor looks ready [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Ace TrainerClub Posts: 486 Pokemon: Metang (Mecha).Clear BodyLV41 - EXP: 6Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron Defense Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFlamethrowerFire SpinConfuse Ray Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV20 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerFlamethrowerHeadbuttFocus Energy Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitDark PulseQuick Attack Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuit [spoiler=Box #1 (3/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock [spoiler=in Day Care]Deino (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV10 - EXP: 0TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteDark Pulse Items:BP: 261TMs/HMs: TM35 Flamethrower TM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Deino2. Larvesta3. Gible4. Swinub5. Houndour6. Totodile7. Aerodactyl8. Sneasel9. Larvitar Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 5Losses: 5Draws: 2 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament" posts 6/10posts till next pokemon 6/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DestructoDragon Posted August 16, 2011 Report Share Posted August 16, 2011 Then what are we waiting for i assume official wifi rules dont apply so Cyndaquil use smokescreen [spoiler=Pokes]Cyndaquil Lvl 10TackleLeerSmokescreenEmber Post For level 3/10New poke 3/60Bp 0 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted August 16, 2011 Report Share Posted August 16, 2011 @Destructo: Scizor use Focus Energy and combine it with Quick Attack to make the Focused Quick Attack with Technician the attack is stronger [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Ace TrainerClub Posts: 487 Pokemon: Metang (Mecha).Clear BodyLV41 - EXP: 7Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron Defense Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFlamethrowerFire SpinConfuse Ray Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV20 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerFlamethrowerHeadbuttFocus Energy Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitDark PulseQuick Attack Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuit [spoiler=Box #1 (3/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock [spoiler=in Day Care]Deino (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV10 - EXP: 0TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteDark Pulse Items:BP: 261TMs/HMs: TM35 Flamethrower TM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Deino2. Larvesta3. Gible4. Swinub5. Houndour6. Totodile7. Aerodactyl8. Sneasel9. Larvitar Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 5Losses: 5Draws: 2 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament" posts 7/10posts till next pokemon 7/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DestructoDragon Posted August 16, 2011 Report Share Posted August 16, 2011 @Burning Technician only activates at 1/4 hp unless there are special rules here Cybnda use leer then use ember 4x super effective [spoiler=Pokes] Posts 4 Cyndaquil (cynda) Lvl 10TackleLeerSmokescreenEmber exp:4 Post For level 4/10New poke 4/60Bp 0 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted August 16, 2011 Report Share Posted August 16, 2011 @Destructo: that's wrong, Swarm only activates at 1/4hp, Technician activates at anytime Scizor dodge using Quick Attack, then use the Focused Quick Attack [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Ace TrainerClub Posts: 488 Pokemon: Metang (Mecha).Clear BodyLV41 - EXP: 8Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron Defense Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFlamethrowerFire SpinConfuse Ray Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV20 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerFlamethrowerHeadbuttFocus Energy Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitDark PulseQuick Attack Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuit [spoiler=Box #1 (3/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock [spoiler=in Day Care]Deino (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV10 - EXP: 0TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteDark Pulse Items:BP: 261TMs/HMs: TM35 Flamethrower TM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Deino2. Larvesta3. Gible4. Swinub5. Houndour6. Totodile7. Aerodactyl8. Sneasel9. Larvitar Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 5Losses: 5Draws: 2 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament" posts 8/10posts till next pokemon 8/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DestructoDragon Posted August 16, 2011 Report Share Posted August 16, 2011 @Burning Oh yeah Sorry Dodge using smokescreen then charge it with tackle [spoiler=Pokes] Posts 5 Cyndaquil (cynda) Lvl 10TackleLeerSmokescreenEmber exp:5 Post For level 5/10New poke 5/60Bp 0 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted August 16, 2011 Report Share Posted August 16, 2011 @BS: That's why I always call mine after the Ruin/Demise Duo. [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 5Post till next BP: 5Posts till next Pokémon: 35[spoiler=Team](Spinecrow)~ Lv. 12~ Sand Veil* Lucky Egg- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Brutus)~ Lv. 30~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Ruin)~ Lv. 12~ Hustle- Tackle- Dragon Rage- Headbutt- Bite (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Cronos)~ Lv. 10~ Guts- Bite- Leer- Sandstorm- Screech [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Box I (23/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Paling)~ Lv. 36 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 104 Items: Insta-Evolution x2 TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ren✧ Posted August 16, 2011 Author Report Share Posted August 16, 2011 Welcome all new members. Glad to see some new faces avis. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted August 16, 2011 Report Share Posted August 16, 2011 @Destructo: ok, Scizor charge at him using the Focused Pursuit! [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Ace TrainerClub Posts: 489 Pokemon: Metang (Mecha).Clear BodyLV41 - EXP: 9Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron Defense Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFlamethrowerFire SpinConfuse Ray Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV20 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerFlamethrowerHeadbuttFocus Energy Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitDark PulseQuick Attack Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuit [spoiler=Box #1 (3/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock [spoiler=in Day Care]Deino (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV10 - EXP: 0TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteDark Pulse Items:BP: 261TMs/HMs: TM35 Flamethrower TM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Deino2. Larvesta3. Gible4. Swinub5. Houndour6. Totodile7. Aerodactyl8. Sneasel9. Larvitar Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 5Losses: 5Draws: 2 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament" posts 9/10posts till next pokemon 9/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anti-Apocryphal Posted August 16, 2011 Report Share Posted August 16, 2011 I guess I'm glad to be here. zD [spoiler=X-Judgement's Elite/Statistics]PokemonLv. 10 Dratini BP: 0Posts Till Level Up: 9Posts Till New Pokemon: 59 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ren✧ Posted August 16, 2011 Author Report Share Posted August 16, 2011 Anyone up for a battle? I haven't battled in awhile. [spoiler=Pokemon and Club Statistics]Nighwing, the Dark Falcon(Pokemon Master Champion)Look into my eyes and tell me that you believe you can win. Tell me that you have what it takes. Tell me that you are the one that will beat. Then show me. Show me your power. Show me your skill. Show me your courage. If you cannot leave. Leave and don't come back. If you cannot stand up now, you will never be able to. Here you are faced with a choice, stand and fight or turn and run. They will both end in the same result. Abandon hope for there is none when you face me. I will win, that is that. [spoiler=Pokemon ][spoiler=Team]Haxorus/Ares(Male)~Lv.74~Mold Breaker~TM/HM Moves:DigPoison JabStrengthToxicSunny DayEarthquakeFrustrationDigFocus Blast Exeggcute/Scrambled(Male)~Lv.10~Chlorophyll~TM/HM Moves:SolarBeamPsychicEgg BombStrength Slowpoke/Velox(Male)~Lv.20~Own Tempo~TM/HM Moves:DigPsychicShadow BallFire BlastSunny DayEarthquakeToxicStrengthFrustrationThunder WaveTrick Room http://getaz.deviant...81174753?q=&qo=(Sprite Credit: Getaz-Man on dA)Torkano/Erupteer(Male)~Lv.20~Flame Body~TM/HM Moves:TauntFrustrationSunny DayDigSolarBeamEarthquakeFocus BlastToxicFire Blast Kecleon/Oddy(Male)~Color Change~Lv.32~TM/HM Moves:Thunder WaveTrick RoomFire BlastFrustrationToxicSolarBeamDigShadow BallSunny DayStrength Castform/Elementalist(Male)~Lv.50~Forecast~TM/HM Moves:SolarBeamShadow BallToxicFrustrationFire BlastThunder Wave [spoiler=Box 1 (23/30)]Spiritomb/Pluto(Female)~Lv.34 ~Infiltrator~TM/HM Moves:PsychicShadow Ball Espeon/Forma(Female)~Lv.34~Synchronize~TM/HM MovesPsychicDigShadow BallEmolga/Sparks(Male)~Lv.10~StaticTM/HM Moves:Abra/Eximius Rectus(Male)~Lv.26~Magic GuardTM/HM Moves:ToxicSunny DayFrustrationPsychicShadow BallTrick RoomPawniard/Kit(Male)~Lv.10~Inner Focus~TM/HM Moves:DigPoison Jab Cubchoo/Minor(Female)~Lv.10~Snow Cloak~TM/HM Moves:StrengthGolett/Mechis(Genderless)~Lv.10~Iron Fist~TM/HM Moves:PsychicShadow BallStrengthDarumaka/Otium(Male)~Lv.16~Hustle~TM/HM Moves:SolarBeamStrength Larvesta/Wiggles(Female)~Lv.10~Flame Body~TM/HM Moves:SolarBeamPsychicZorua/Deimos(Female)~Lv.10~Illusion~TM/HM Moves:DigShadow BallSneasel/Nightwind(Male)~Lv.10~Keen Eye~TM/HM Moves:Shadow BallStrengthArchen/Roc(Male)~Lv.10~Defeatist~TM/HM Moves:DigPoliwhirl/Spiral(Female)~Lv.20~Water Absorb~TM/HM Moves:DigPsychicStrength Snorlax/Gus(Male)~Lv.10~Thick Fat~TM/HM Moves:SolarBeamShadow BallStrength Lickitung/Chummy (Male)~Lv.10~Own Tempo~TM/HM Moves:Sunny DaySolarBeamDigShadow BallStrengthBellsprout/Vinny(Male)~Lv.10~Chlorophyll~TM/HM Moves:Sunny DaySolarBeamShadow BallDigStrengthNuzleaf/Abysis(Male)~Lv.46~Early Bird~TM/HM Moves:SolarBeamDigShadow BallStrength Manaphy/Bubbles(Genderless)~Lv.20~Hydration~TM/HM Moves:PsychicShadow Ball Mr. Mime/Charlie(Male)~Lv.10~Filter~TM/HM Moves:ToxicTauntSunny DayFrustrationSolarBeamPyschicShadow BallFocus Blast Magikarp/Elka(Female)~Lv.10~Swift Swim~TM/HM Moves: Tropius/Amoz(Male)~Lv.10~Solar Power~TM/HM Moves:ToxicSunny DayFrustrationSolarBeamEarthquakeStrength Accelgor/(Female)~Lv. 10~Hydration~TM/HM Moves:Frustration Smeargle/Vangoh(Male)~Lv.10~Own Tempo~TM/HM Moves:None [spoiler=Items]TM DigTM Shadow BallTM Solar BeamTM PsychicTM Egg BombTM Poison JabTM Sunny DayTM TauntTM FrustrationTM EarthquakeTM Focus BlastTM ToxicTM Fire BlastTM Trick RoomTM TormentTM Thunder WaveHM Strength Item- Lucky Egg(Abra)[spoiler=BP]277[spoiler=Win/Loss Ratio](Restarted May 8, 2011)SingleW: 6L:1D: 6DoubleW:L:D:Triple+W:L:D: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DestructoDragon Posted August 16, 2011 Report Share Posted August 16, 2011 @burning cynda continue charging and fire of an ember [spoiler=Pokes] Posts 6 Cyndaquil (cynda) Lvl 10TackleLeerSmokescreenEmber exp:6 Post For level 6/10New poke 6/60Bp 0 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted August 16, 2011 Report Share Posted August 16, 2011 @Falcon: Is a low level (20 or lower) battle ok? [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 4Post till next BP: 4Posts till next Pokémon: 34[spoiler=Team](Spinecrow)~ Lv. 12~ Sand Veil* Lucky Egg- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Brutus)~ Lv. 30~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Ruin)~ Lv. 12~ Hustle- Tackle- Dragon Rage- Headbutt- Bite (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Cronos)~ Lv. 10~ Guts- Bite- Leer- Sandstorm- Screech [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Box I (23/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Paling)~ Lv. 36 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 104 Items: Insta-Evolution x2 TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luxray334 Posted August 16, 2011 Report Share Posted August 16, 2011 @ Falcon I will battle you if you use a low lvl Pokemon xD. Lexadin beat me, how about a three way battle? [spoiler=Pokemon Info] Front Pokemon: Charge(Shinx)Number of Posts: 46Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 4Post till next BP: 4Posts till next Pokémon: 14Posts this week: 11BP: 109 [spoiler=Team] Charge(Shinx)~ Level 14~ Rivalry~ Male~ Thunderbolt~ Bite~ Tackle~ Charge [spoiler=Boxes] [spoiler=Box I] [spoiler=Pokemon in Centers] [spoiler= TM's, HM's & Items] Items: TM's & HM's:TM24 Thunderbolt Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted August 16, 2011 Report Share Posted August 16, 2011 @Destructo: ok Scizor, jump up at the last minute, and then use a Focused Quick Attack from above![spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Ace TrainerClub Posts: 490 Pokemon: Metang (Mecha).Clear BodyLV42 - EXP: 10 -> 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron Defense Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFlamethrowerFire SpinConfuse Ray Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV20 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerFlamethrowerHeadbuttFocus Energy Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitDark PulseQuick Attack Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuit [spoiler=Box #1 (3/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock [spoiler=in Day Care]Deino (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV10 - EXP: 0TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteDark Pulse Items:BP: 262TMs/HMs: TM35 Flamethrower TM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Deino2. Larvesta3. Gible4. Swinub5. Houndour6. Totodile7. Aerodactyl8. Sneasel9. Larvitar Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 5Losses: 5Draws: 2 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament" posts 10/10 -> 0/10posts till next pokemon 10/60 Metang levels up Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ren✧ Posted August 16, 2011 Author Report Share Posted August 16, 2011 @Falcon: Is a low level (20 or lower) battle ok? [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 4Post till next BP: 4Posts till next Pokémon: 34[spoiler=Team](Spinecrow)~ Lv. 12~ Sand Veil* Lucky Egg- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Brutus)~ Lv. 30~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Ruin)~ Lv. 12~ Hustle- Tackle- Dragon Rage- Headbutt- Bite (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Cronos)~ Lv. 10~ Guts- Bite- Leer- Sandstorm- Screech [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Box I (23/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Paling)~ Lv. 36 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 104 Items: Insta-Evolution x2 TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomHM05 Waterfall Okay. I will use Exeggcute. Go Exeggcute. [spoiler=Pokemon and Club Statistics]Nighwing, the Dark Falcon(Pokemon Master Champion)Look into my eyes and tell me that you believe you can win. Tell me that you have what it takes. Tell me that you are the one that will beat. Then show me. Show me your power. Show me your skill. Show me your courage. If you cannot leave. Leave and don't come back. If you cannot stand up now, you will never be able to. Here you are faced with a choice, stand and fight or turn and run. They will both end in the same result. Abandon hope for there is none when you face me. I will win, that is that. [spoiler=Pokemon ][spoiler=Team]Exeggcute/Scrambled(Male)~Lv.10~Chlorophyll~TM/HM Moves:SolarBeamPsychicEgg BombStrengthToxicSunny DaySolarBeamTrick Room Haxorus/Ares(Male)~Lv.74~Mold Breaker~TM/HM Moves:DigPoison JabStrengthToxicSunny DayEarthquakeFrustrationDigFocus Blast Slowpoke/Velox(Male)~Lv.20~Own Tempo~TM/HM Moves:DigPsychicShadow BallFire BlastSunny DayEarthquakeToxicStrengthFrustrationThunder WaveTrick Room http://getaz.deviant...81174753?q=&qo=(Sprite Credit: Getaz-Man on dA)Torkano/Erupteer(Male)~Lv.20~Flame Body~TM/HM Moves:TauntFrustrationSunny DayDigSolarBeamEarthquakeFocus BlastToxicFire Blast Kecleon/Oddy(Male)~Color Change~Lv.32~TM/HM Moves:Thunder WaveTrick RoomFire BlastFrustrationToxicSolarBeamDigShadow BallSunny DayStrength Castform/Elementalist(Male)~Lv.50~Forecast~TM/HM Moves:SolarBeamShadow BallToxicFrustrationFire BlastThunder Wave [spoiler=Box 1 (23/30)]Spiritomb/Pluto(Female)~Lv.34 ~Infiltrator~TM/HM Moves:PsychicShadow Ball Espeon/Forma(Female)~Lv.34~Synchronize~TM/HM MovesPsychicDigShadow BallEmolga/Sparks(Male)~Lv.10~StaticTM/HM Moves:Abra/Eximius Rectus(Male)~Lv.26~Magic GuardTM/HM Moves:ToxicSunny DayFrustrationPsychicShadow BallTrick RoomPawniard/Kit(Male)~Lv.10~Inner Focus~TM/HM Moves:DigPoison Jab Cubchoo/Minor(Female)~Lv.10~Snow Cloak~TM/HM Moves:StrengthGolett/Mechis(Genderless)~Lv.10~Iron Fist~TM/HM Moves:PsychicShadow BallStrengthDarumaka/Otium(Male)~Lv.16~Hustle~TM/HM Moves:SolarBeamStrength Larvesta/Wiggles(Female)~Lv.10~Flame Body~TM/HM Moves:SolarBeamPsychicZorua/Deimos(Female)~Lv.10~Illusion~TM/HM Moves:DigShadow BallSneasel/Nightwind(Male)~Lv.10~Keen Eye~TM/HM Moves:Shadow BallStrengthArchen/Roc(Male)~Lv.10~Defeatist~TM/HM Moves:DigPoliwhirl/Spiral(Female)~Lv.20~Water Absorb~TM/HM Moves:DigPsychicStrength Snorlax/Gus(Male)~Lv.10~Thick Fat~TM/HM Moves:SolarBeamShadow BallStrength Lickitung/Chummy (Male)~Lv.10~Own Tempo~TM/HM Moves:Sunny DaySolarBeamDigShadow BallStrengthBellsprout/Vinny(Male)~Lv.10~Chlorophyll~TM/HM Moves:Sunny DaySolarBeamShadow BallDigStrengthNuzleaf/Abysis(Male)~Lv.46~Early Bird~TM/HM Moves:SolarBeamDigShadow BallStrength Manaphy/Bubbles(Genderless)~Lv.20~Hydration~TM/HM Moves:PsychicShadow Ball Mr. Mime/Charlie(Male)~Lv.10~Filter~TM/HM Moves:ToxicTauntSunny DayFrustrationSolarBeamPyschicShadow BallFocus Blast Magikarp/Elka(Female)~Lv.10~Swift Swim~TM/HM Moves: Tropius/Amoz(Male)~Lv.10~Solar Power~TM/HM Moves:ToxicSunny DayFrustrationSolarBeamEarthquakeStrength Accelgor/(Female)~Lv. 10~Hydration~TM/HM Moves:Frustration Smeargle/Vangoh(Male)~Lv.10~Own Tempo~TM/HM Moves:None [spoiler=Items]TM DigTM Shadow BallTM Solar BeamTM PsychicTM Egg BombTM Poison JabTM Sunny DayTM TauntTM FrustrationTM EarthquakeTM Focus BlastTM ToxicTM Fire BlastTM Trick RoomTM TormentTM Thunder WaveHM Strength Item- Lucky Egg(Abra)[spoiler=BP]277[spoiler=Win/Loss Ratio](Restarted May 8, 2011)SingleW: 6L:1D: 6DoubleW:L:D:Triple+W:L:D: @ Falcon I will battle you if you use a low lvl Pokemon xD. Lexadin beat me, how about a three way battle? [spoiler=Pokemon Info] Front Pokemon: Charge(Shinx)Number of Posts: 46Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 4Post till next BP: 4Posts till next Pokémon: 14Posts this week: 11BP: 109 [spoiler=Team] Charge(Shinx)~ Level 14~ Rivalry~ Male~ Thunderbolt~ Bite~ Tackle~ Charge [spoiler=Boxes] [spoiler=Box I] [spoiler=Pokemon in Centers] [spoiler= TM's, HM's & Items] Items: TM's & HM's:TM24 Thunderbolt If it is okay with Lex. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted August 16, 2011 Report Share Posted August 16, 2011 A 3-way battle is fine by me. "Go Spinecrow!" [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 3Post till next BP: 3Posts till next Pokémon: 33[spoiler=Team](Spinecrow)~ Lv. 12~ Sand Veil* Lucky Egg- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Brutus)~ Lv. 30~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Ruin)~ Lv. 12~ Hustle- Tackle- Dragon Rage- Headbutt- Bite (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Cronos)~ Lv. 10~ Guts- Bite- Leer- Sandstorm- Screech [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Box I (23/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Paling)~ Lv. 36 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 104 Items: Insta-Evolution x2 TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ren✧ Posted August 16, 2011 Author Report Share Posted August 16, 2011 A 3-way battle is fine by me. "Go Spinecrow!" [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 3Post till next BP: 3Posts till next Pokémon: 33[spoiler=Team](Spinecrow)~ Lv. 12~ Sand Veil* Lucky Egg- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Brutus)~ Lv. 30~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Ruin)~ Lv. 12~ Hustle- Tackle- Dragon Rage- Headbutt- Bite (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Cronos)~ Lv. 10~ Guts- Bite- Leer- Sandstorm- Screech [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Box I (23/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Paling)~ Lv. 36 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 104 Items: Insta-Evolution x2 TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomHM05 Waterfall Exeggcute use Sunny Day! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DestructoDragon Posted August 16, 2011 Report Share Posted August 16, 2011 @burning "cynda look up there a birde" cynda looks up still breathing embers [spoiler=Pokes] Posts 7 Cyndaquil (cynda) Lvl 10TackleLeerSmokescreenEmber exp:7 Post For level 7/10New poke 7/60Bp 0 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luxray334 Posted August 16, 2011 Report Share Posted August 16, 2011 "Charge, use Leer on Exeggcute and Spinecrow" [spoiler=Pokemon Info] Front Pokemon: Charge(Shinx)Number of Posts: 47Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 3Post till next BP: 3Posts till next Pokémon: 13Posts this week: 12BP: 109 [spoiler=Team] Charge(Shinx)~ Level 14~ Rivalry~ Male~ Thunderbolt~ Bite~ Tackle~ Charge [spoiler=Boxes] [spoiler=Box I] [spoiler=Pokemon in Centers] [spoiler= TM's, HM's & Items] Items: TM's & HM's:TM24 Thunderbolt Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ren✧ Posted August 16, 2011 Author Report Share Posted August 16, 2011 Exeggcute take the leer and then use SolarBeam on Shinx. [spoiler=Pokemon and Club Statistics]Nighwing, the Dark Falcon(Pokemon Master Champion)Look into my eyes and tell me that you believe you can win. Tell me that you have what it takes. Tell me that you are the one that will beat. Then show me. Show me your power. Show me your skill. Show me your courage. If you cannot leave. Leave and don't come back. If you cannot stand up now, you will never be able to. Here you are faced with a choice, stand and fight or turn and run. They will both end in the same result. Abandon hope for there is none when you face me. I will win, that is that. [spoiler=Pokemon ][spoiler=Team]Exeggcute/Scrambled(Male)~Lv.10~Chlorophyll~TM/HM Moves:SolarBeamPsychicEgg BombStrengthToxicSunny DaySolarBeamTrick Room Haxorus/Ares(Male)~Lv.74~Mold Breaker~TM/HM Moves:DigPoison JabStrengthToxicSunny DayEarthquakeFrustrationDigFocus Blast Slowpoke/Velox(Male)~Lv.20~Own Tempo~TM/HM Moves:DigPsychicShadow BallFire BlastSunny DayEarthquakeToxicStrengthFrustrationThunder WaveTrick Room http://getaz.deviant...81174753?q=&qo=(Sprite Credit: Getaz-Man on dA)Torkano/Erupteer(Male)~Lv.20~Flame Body~TM/HM Moves:TauntFrustrationSunny DayDigSolarBeamEarthquakeFocus BlastToxicFire Blast Kecleon/Oddy(Male)~Color Change~Lv.32~TM/HM Moves:Thunder WaveTrick RoomFire BlastFrustrationToxicSolarBeamDigShadow BallSunny DayStrength Castform/Elementalist(Male)~Lv.50~Forecast~TM/HM Moves:SolarBeamShadow BallToxicFrustrationFire BlastThunder Wave [spoiler=Box 1 (23/30)]Spiritomb/Pluto(Female)~Lv.34 ~Infiltrator~TM/HM Moves:PsychicShadow Ball Espeon/Forma(Female)~Lv.34~Synchronize~TM/HM MovesPsychicDigShadow BallEmolga/Sparks(Male)~Lv.10~StaticTM/HM Moves:Abra/Eximius Rectus(Male)~Lv.26~Magic GuardTM/HM Moves:ToxicSunny DayFrustrationPsychicShadow BallTrick RoomPawniard/Kit(Male)~Lv.10~Inner Focus~TM/HM Moves:DigPoison Jab Cubchoo/Minor(Female)~Lv.10~Snow Cloak~TM/HM Moves:StrengthGolett/Mechis(Genderless)~Lv.10~Iron Fist~TM/HM Moves:PsychicShadow BallStrengthDarumaka/Otium(Male)~Lv.16~Hustle~TM/HM Moves:SolarBeamStrength Larvesta/Wiggles(Female)~Lv.10~Flame Body~TM/HM Moves:SolarBeamPsychicZorua/Deimos(Female)~Lv.10~Illusion~TM/HM Moves:DigShadow BallSneasel/Nightwind(Male)~Lv.10~Keen Eye~TM/HM Moves:Shadow BallStrengthArchen/Roc(Male)~Lv.10~Defeatist~TM/HM Moves:DigPoliwhirl/Spiral(Female)~Lv.20~Water Absorb~TM/HM Moves:DigPsychicStrength Snorlax/Gus(Male)~Lv.10~Thick Fat~TM/HM Moves:SolarBeamShadow BallStrength Lickitung/Chummy (Male)~Lv.10~Own Tempo~TM/HM Moves:Sunny DaySolarBeamDigShadow BallStrengthBellsprout/Vinny(Male)~Lv.10~Chlorophyll~TM/HM Moves:Sunny DaySolarBeamShadow BallDigStrengthNuzleaf/Abysis(Male)~Lv.46~Early Bird~TM/HM Moves:SolarBeamDigShadow BallStrength Manaphy/Bubbles(Genderless)~Lv.20~Hydration~TM/HM Moves:PsychicShadow Ball Mr. Mime/Charlie(Male)~Lv.10~Filter~TM/HM Moves:ToxicTauntSunny DayFrustrationSolarBeamPyschicShadow BallFocus Blast Magikarp/Elka(Female)~Lv.10~Swift Swim~TM/HM Moves: Tropius/Amoz(Male)~Lv.10~Solar Power~TM/HM Moves:ToxicSunny DayFrustrationSolarBeamEarthquakeStrength Accelgor/(Female)~Lv. 10~Hydration~TM/HM Moves:Frustration Smeargle/Vangoh(Male)~Lv.10~Own Tempo~TM/HM Moves:None [spoiler=Items]TM DigTM Shadow BallTM Solar BeamTM PsychicTM Egg BombTM Poison JabTM Sunny DayTM TauntTM FrustrationTM EarthquakeTM Focus BlastTM ToxicTM Fire BlastTM Trick RoomTM TormentTM Thunder WaveHM Strength Item- Lucky Egg(Abra)[spoiler=BP]277[spoiler=Win/Loss Ratio](Restarted May 8, 2011)SingleW: 6L:1D: 6DoubleW:L:D:Triple+W:L:D: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted August 16, 2011 Report Share Posted August 16, 2011 @Falcon&Luxray: "No way we're gonna fall for that. Spinecrow use Sandstorm then follow it up with an Dark Pulse on Exeggute!" [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 2Post till next BP: 2Posts till next Pokémon: 32[spoiler=Team](Spinecrow)~ Lv. 12~ Sand Veil* Lucky Egg- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Brutus)~ Lv. 30~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Ruin)~ Lv. 12~ Hustle- Tackle- Dragon Rage- Headbutt- Bite (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Cronos)~ Lv. 10~ Guts- Bite- Leer- Sandstorm- Screech [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Box I (23/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Paling)~ Lv. 36 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 104 Items: Insta-Evolution x2 TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ren✧ Posted August 16, 2011 Author Report Share Posted August 16, 2011 @Falcon&Luxray: "No way we're gonna fall for that. Spinecrow use Sandstorm then follow it up with an Dark Pulse on Exeggute!" [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 2Post till next BP: 2Posts till next Pokémon: 32[spoiler=Team](Spinecrow)~ Lv. 12~ Sand Veil* Lucky Egg- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Brutus)~ Lv. 30~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Ruin)~ Lv. 12~ Hustle- Tackle- Dragon Rage- Headbutt- Bite (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Cronos)~ Lv. 10~ Guts- Bite- Leer- Sandstorm- Screech [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Box I (23/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Paling)~ Lv. 36 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 104 Items: Insta-Evolution x2 TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomHM05 Waterfall use Psychic on yourself to throw yourself up in the air and then release the SolarBeam on Shinx as the Dark Pulse passes right beneath you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted August 16, 2011 Report Share Posted August 16, 2011 @Destructo: Scizor keep using Quick Attack as a means to confuse him, and when he's distrated strike using a Focused Quick Attack! [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Ace TrainerClub Posts: 491 Pokemon: Metang (Mecha).Clear BodyLV42 - EXP: 11Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet PunchPsychicIron Defense Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFlamethrowerFire SpinConfuse Ray Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV20 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerFlamethrowerHeadbuttFocus Energy Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitDark PulseQuick Attack Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuit [spoiler=Box #1 (3/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock [spoiler=in Day Care]Deino (Hydradark) - MaleHustleLV10 - EXP: 0TackleDragon RageFocus EnergyBiteDark Pulse Items:BP: 262TMs/HMs: TM35 Flamethrower TM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Deino2. Larvesta3. Gible4. Swinub5. Houndour6. Totodile7. Aerodactyl8. Sneasel9. Larvitar Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 5Losses: 5Draws: 2 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament" posts 1/10posts till next pokemon 11/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted August 16, 2011 Report Share Posted August 16, 2011 @Falcon&Luxray: "Heh, use Poisen Sting on Exeggute while its in the air. Then use a Dark Pulse on Shinx." [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 1Post till next BP: 1Posts till next Pokémon: 31[spoiler=Team](Spinecrow)~ Lv. 12~ Sand Veil* Lucky Egg- Sandstorm- Dark Pulse- Giga Drain- Drain Punch (Brutus)~ Lv. 30~ Speed Boost- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Ruin)~ Lv. 12~ Hustle- Tackle- Dragon Rage- Headbutt- Bite (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Cronos)~ Lv. 10~ Guts- Bite- Leer- Sandstorm- Screech [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Box I (23/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Steve)~ Lv. 10~ Intimidate- Torment- Bite- Sand Attack- Rage (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Paling)~ Lv. 36 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 104 Items: Insta-Evolution x2 TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM19 Giga DrainTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM37 SandstormTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM60 Drain PunchTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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