Lexadin Posted August 15, 2011 Report Share Posted August 15, 2011 And Katana has been loaded on it aswell. Cyah soon Katana. Lexadin just recieved Slashbug. WHat?! Slashbug is evolving. *evolution music* Congratulations your Slashbug just evolved into a Scisor. Now to trade it back. *loads Slashbug into tradin machine* Say your master hello for me Slashbug. [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 9Post till next BP: 9Posts till next Pokémon: 19[spoiler=Team](Brutus)~ Lv. 22~ Speed Boost* Lucky Egg- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Ruin)~ Lv. 12~ Hustle- Tackle- Dragon Rage- Headbutt- Bite (Spinecrow)~ Lv. 10~ Sand Veil- Poison Sting- Leer- Absorb- Growth (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Cronos)~ Lv. 10~ Guts- Bite- Leer- Sandstorm- Screech [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Box I (22/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Paling)~ Lv. 34 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 117 Items: Insta-Evolution x2 TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted August 15, 2011 Report Share Posted August 15, 2011 @Lex: Katana has been loaded into the trade machine "bye Katana, say hi for me" Katana has been sent back to Lexadin, thanks Lex [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Ace TrainerClub Posts: 438 Pokemon: Metang (Mecha).Clear BodyLV36 - EXP: 8Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet Punch Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFlamethrowerFire SpinConfuse Ray Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV20 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerFlamethrowerHeadbuttFocus Energy Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitDark PulseQuick Attack Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuit [spoiler=Box #1 (3/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock Items:BP: 201TMs/HMs: TM35 Flamethrower TM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Totodile2. Gible3. Swinub4. Houndour5. Deino6. Aerodactyl7. Larvesta8. Sneasel9. Larvitar Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 4Losses: 5Draws: 2 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament" posts 8/10posts till next pokemon 18/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted August 15, 2011 Report Share Posted August 15, 2011 Welcome back Katana. I would pet you if you didn't have that big knive on your head. Anywho, np. It was no trouble at all. [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 8Post till next BP: 8Posts till next Pokémon: 18[spoiler=Team](Brutus)~ Lv. 22~ Speed Boost* Lucky Egg- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Ruin)~ Lv. 12~ Hustle- Tackle- Dragon Rage- Headbutt- Bite (Spinecrow)~ Lv. 10~ Sand Veil- Poison Sting- Leer- Absorb- Growth (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Cronos)~ Lv. 10~ Guts- Bite- Leer- Sandstorm- Screech [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Box I (22/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Paling)~ Lv. 34 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 117 Items: Insta-Evolution x2 TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted August 15, 2011 Report Share Posted August 15, 2011 @Lex: that reminds me, have you seen the New Moon event details yet? [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Ace TrainerClub Posts: 439 Pokemon: Metang (Mecha).Clear BodyLV36 - EXP: 9Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet Punch Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFlamethrowerFire SpinConfuse Ray Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV20 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerFlamethrowerHeadbuttFocus Energy Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitDark PulseQuick Attack Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuit [spoiler=Box #1 (3/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock Items:BP: 201TMs/HMs: TM35 Flamethrower TM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Totodile2. Gible3. Swinub4. Houndour5. Deino6. Aerodactyl7. Larvesta8. Sneasel9. Larvitar Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 4Losses: 5Draws: 2 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament" posts 9/10posts till next pokemon 19/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted August 15, 2011 Report Share Posted August 15, 2011 Yep, I knew it was going to be a Darkray. SO I'M NOT GONNA LOSE YOU HEAR ME SHADOW LEXADIN!!!! But it does kinda fit the Shadow Trainer's theme, I mean Darkray is know to induse nightmares and a Shadow trainer could be considered a Nightmare. [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 7Post till next BP: 7Posts till next Pokémon: 17[spoiler=Team](Brutus)~ Lv. 22~ Speed Boost* Lucky Egg- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Ruin)~ Lv. 12~ Hustle- Tackle- Dragon Rage- Headbutt- Bite (Spinecrow)~ Lv. 10~ Sand Veil- Poison Sting- Leer- Absorb- Growth (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Cronos)~ Lv. 10~ Guts- Bite- Leer- Sandstorm- Screech [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Box I (22/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Paling)~ Lv. 34 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 117 Items: Insta-Evolution x2 TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kotaro Posted August 15, 2011 Report Share Posted August 15, 2011 I hope I can win, havent got close in tournaments so far. Anyone having problems with images in spoilers? Title[spoiler=My Pokemon and (Club) Statistics] Flying-type Hoenn Master file:///C:/Users/chris/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.png Front Pokemon: BlazikenPosts Until New Pokemon: 9 PostUntil Front Pokemon Levels Up:1/10BP:111[spoiler=Pokemon:]~ Level 44~ Speed Boost~ Male- Lucky Egg- Double Kick- Bulk Up- Sand Attack- Aerial Ace- Flamethrower- Quick Attack- Blaze Kick- Slash ~Level 34~Intimidate~Male- Quick Attack- Wing Attack- Double Team- Endeavor- Aerial Ace- Close Combat ~Level 34~Super Luck~Female- Metronome- Sweet Kiss- Yawn- Aerial Ace- Wish- Ancientpower- Flamethrower- Shadow Ball ~Level 50~Intimidate~Male- Bite- Leer- Flamethrower- Protect- Dragonbreath- Zen Headbutt- Fly ~Level 40~Sand Veil~Male- Harden- Aerial Ace- Earthquake- Faint Attack- Acrobatics- Night Slash- Swords Dance Level 40~Guts~Female- Growl- Focus Energy- Quick Attack- Wing Attack- Aerial Ace- Double Team [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Box 1]~Level 20~Rock Head~Male- E-fangs- Wing attack- Supersonic- Bite- Aerial Ace- Agility ~Level 20~Keen Eye~Male- Leer- Peck- Sand attack- Swift- Agility- Fly- Fient ~Level 14~Aftermath~Male- Constrict- Minimise- Astonish- Gust ~Level 12~Arena Trap~Male- Bite- Sand Attack ~Level 10~Insomnia~Male- Peck- Astonish- Pursuit ~Level 10~Keen Eye~Female- Peck- Leer- Fury Attack- Wing attack ~Level 10~Solar power~Female- Bite- Gust- Growth ~Level 10~Blaze~Male- Scratch- Growl- Ember- Smokescreen ~Level 10~Insomnia~Female- Tackle- Growl- Foresight- Hypnosis- Peck [spoiler=TM's] TM 40 - Aerial AceTM 37 Egg BombTM 35 – Flamethrower TM 26 - EarthquakeHM 02 - FlyTM 30 - Shadow Ball [spoiler=Items] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted August 15, 2011 Report Share Posted August 15, 2011 @Kota: Well that all depends on your own skillz. Seeing as they're your Pkmn. No, not really. Try pressing edit and then save, without actually doing something. [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 6Post till next BP: 6Posts till next Pokémon: 16[spoiler=Team](Brutus)~ Lv. 22~ Speed Boost* Lucky Egg- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Ruin)~ Lv. 12~ Hustle- Tackle- Dragon Rage- Headbutt- Bite (Spinecrow)~ Lv. 10~ Sand Veil- Poison Sting- Leer- Absorb- Growth (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Cronos)~ Lv. 10~ Guts- Bite- Leer- Sandstorm- Screech [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Box I (22/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Paling)~ Lv. 34 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 117 Items: Insta-Evolution x2 TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted August 15, 2011 Report Share Posted August 15, 2011 @Lex: i knew it was gonna be Darkrai too, since it would be appropriate because Darkrai lives on New Moon island, and i hope i can win because it's my first shot at a Legendary, YOU GOT THAT SHADOW SILVER?! I'M NOT GONNA LOSE [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Ace TrainerClub Posts: 440 Pokemon: Metang (Mecha).Clear BodyLV37 - EXP: 10 -> 0Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet Punch Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFlamethrowerFire SpinConfuse Ray Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV20 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerFlamethrowerHeadbuttFocus Energy Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitDark PulseQuick Attack Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuit [spoiler=Box #1 (3/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock Items:BP: 201TMs/HMs: TM35 Flamethrower TM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Totodile2. Gible3. Swinub4. Houndour5. Deino6. Aerodactyl7. Larvesta8. Sneasel9. Larvitar Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 4Losses: 5Draws: 2 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament" posts 10/10 -> 0/10posts till next pokemon 20/60 Metang levels up Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted August 15, 2011 Report Share Posted August 15, 2011 Mhh, I'm thinking about choosing weak Pkmn for this event. Seeing as my opponent's Pkmn would be weak aswell. [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 5Post till next BP: 5Posts till next Pokémon: 15[spoiler=Team](Brutus)~ Lv. 22~ Speed Boost* Lucky Egg- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Ruin)~ Lv. 12~ Hustle- Tackle- Dragon Rage- Headbutt- Bite (Spinecrow)~ Lv. 10~ Sand Veil- Poison Sting- Leer- Absorb- Growth (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Cronos)~ Lv. 10~ Guts- Bite- Leer- Sandstorm- Screech [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Box I (22/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Paling)~ Lv. 34 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 117 Items: Insta-Evolution x2 TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted August 15, 2011 Report Share Posted August 15, 2011 @Lex: i don't know who to choose at this moment in time, though i'm not gonna choose metang [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Ace TrainerClub Posts: 441 Pokemon: Metang (Mecha).Clear BodyLV37 - EXP: 1Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet Punch Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFlamethrowerFire SpinConfuse Ray Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV20 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerFlamethrowerHeadbuttFocus Energy Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitDark PulseQuick Attack Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuit [spoiler=Box #1 (3/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock Items:BP: 201TMs/HMs: TM35 Flamethrower TM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Totodile2. Gible3. Swinub4. Houndour5. Deino6. Aerodactyl7. Larvesta8. Sneasel9. Larvitar Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 4Losses: 5Draws: 2 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament" posts 1/10posts till next pokemon 21/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted August 15, 2011 Report Share Posted August 15, 2011 Lol, I should get a Purrloin as my next Pkmn and use that. XD [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 4Post till next BP: 4Posts till next Pokémon: 14[spoiler=Team](Brutus)~ Lv. 22~ Speed Boost* Lucky Egg- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Ruin)~ Lv. 12~ Hustle- Tackle- Dragon Rage- Headbutt- Bite (Spinecrow)~ Lv. 10~ Sand Veil- Poison Sting- Leer- Absorb- Growth (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Cronos)~ Lv. 10~ Guts- Bite- Leer- Sandstorm- Screech [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Box I (22/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Paling)~ Lv. 34 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 117 Items: Insta-Evolution x2 TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted August 15, 2011 Report Share Posted August 15, 2011 @Lex: i didn't want to choose metang because it might be a Metagross by then, and become too powerful for my team to comprehend lol, i think i know who i'm gonna use now [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Ace TrainerClub Posts: 442 Pokemon: Metang (Mecha).Clear BodyLV37 - EXP: 2Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet Punch Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFlamethrowerFire SpinConfuse Ray Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV20 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerFlamethrowerHeadbuttFocus Energy Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitDark PulseQuick Attack Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuit [spoiler=Box #1 (3/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock Items:BP: 201TMs/HMs: TM35 Flamethrower TM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Totodile2. Gible3. Swinub4. Houndour5. Deino6. Aerodactyl7. Larvesta8. Sneasel9. Larvitar Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 4Losses: 5Draws: 2 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament" posts 2/10posts till next pokemon 22/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted August 15, 2011 Report Share Posted August 15, 2011 Actually it would be a Metagross vs Metagross battle then. So unless your Metagross would lose, you should be fine. [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 3Post till next BP: 3Posts till next Pokémon: 13[spoiler=Team](Brutus)~ Lv. 24~ Speed Boost* Lucky Egg- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Ruin)~ Lv. 12~ Hustle- Tackle- Dragon Rage- Headbutt- Bite (Spinecrow)~ Lv. 10~ Sand Veil- Poison Sting- Leer- Absorb- Growth (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Cronos)~ Lv. 10~ Guts- Bite- Leer- Sandstorm- Screech [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Box I (22/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Paling)~ Lv. 34 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 117 Items: Insta-Evolution x2 TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Demyx~ Posted August 15, 2011 Report Share Posted August 15, 2011 Is today the New Moon? I'm ready, if it is. I think I'll chose Krokorok and Magneton. They're at an average level. Purrloins aren't that bad. I like Purrloins, but not as much as Poochyena/Mightyena. [spoiler=Kurth's Magnificent Pokemon and Statistics]Unova's Light and Darkness Champion I am a man cut in half. One part of me is of pure justice, of luminous willpower that burns bright. That is Light. The other part of me is of pure chaos, of an inky heart that forms the most trecherous of dark powers. That is Darkness. When the two souls come together, they form one thing that grows inside of me: Power. With the power of light and darkness in me, let me show you my power, with my Electric and Dark Pokemon! Front Pokemon: ChenillePosts Until New Pokemon: 34Posts Until Front Pokemon Levels Up: 6/10[spoiler=BP]117 [spoiler=Achivements]April 30, 2011: Defeated Baraka in the semifinal match in the Tag Team Tournament.May 1st, 2011: Defeated Reaper:Jaxcob in the finals in the Tag Team Tournament.May 1st: Won the Tag Team Tournament.May 1st: Obtained his first Legendary Pokemon, Regigigas.May 17th: Obtained the Legendary Pokemon, Cressalia.June 27th: Became Unova's Light and Darkness Champion.June 29th: Sent Venoclaw entry for the Fakemon Creation Contest.July 7th: Reached 1000 postsJuly 12th: Came in 2nd place in the Fakemon Creation Contest...along with everyone else except Nightwing.July 19th: Switched in a new team!July 25th: Beat Nightwing in the Weaklings Tournament,July 26th: Was disqualified because he wasn't able to battle. [spoiler=Inventory][spoiler=TM/HM's]Energy BallDigScaldFlash CannonEgg BombShock WaveBrick BreakVolt SwitchThunder WavePoison JabX-Scissor [spoiler=Key Items/Item's]Electirizer [spoiler=Trainer Card:] [spoiler='Pokemon':]~ Chenille~ Level 24~ Swarm~ Male- Lucky Egg- Iron Defense- Bug Bite- Rollout- Protect- Pursuit- Poison Jab- X-Scissor- Screech~ Foudre~ Level 10~ Quick Feet~ Male- Tail Whip- Tackle- Sand Attack- Helping Hand~ Serpent~ Level 17~ Shed Skin~ Male- Wrap- Lick- Bite~ Piege~ Level 10~ Static~ Female- Mud Slap- Bide- Thundershock- Mud Sport ~ Lunette~ Level 30~ Intimidate~ Male- Brick Break- Crunch- Swagger- Dig- Torment~ Aimant~ Level 30~ Analytic~ Genderless- Lock On- Electro Ball- Tri Attack- Shock Wave- Thunder Wave- Volt Switch [spoiler=Center's][spoiler=Day Care Center] [spoiler=Breeding Center] [spoiler=Trading Center] [spoiler=Playground] [spoiler=Box's:][spoiler=Box 1: Darkness Pokemon:]~ Loup~ Level 54~ Quick Feet~ Male~ Adament- Dig- Scary Face- Swagger- Assurance- Take Down- Embargo- Roar~ Matou~ Level 46~ Prankster~ Female~ Naive- Night Slash- Taunt- Hone Claws- Fake Out- Assurance- Assist- Snatch~ Homard~ Level 56~ Adaptability~ Male~ Naughty- Protect- Swift- Dig- Taunt- Crabhammer- Swords Dance- Night Slash~ Cocoter~ Level 10~ Stench~ Male- Dig- Fury Swipes- Screech- Poison Gas~ Clair~ Level 10~ Synchronize~ Female- Tail Whip- Tackle- Sand Attack- Helping Hand [spoiler=Box 2: Light Pokemon]~ Biser~ Level 1~ Super Luck~ Female- Growl- Charm~ Mugen~ Level 40~ Levitate~ Female- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Mist- Confusion- Double Team- Safeguard~ Meloi~ Level 43~ Static~ Female- Quiet- Brick Break- Fire Punch- Electro Ball- Cotton Spore- Shock Wave~ Engin~ Level 42~ Levitate~ Genderless~ Modest- Forms Avalible: Fan, Frost, Wash- Substitute- Thunder Wave- Ominous Wind (Fan: Air Slash; Frost: Ice Punch; Wash: Scald)- Double Team- Confuse Ray- Shock Wave- Tonnerre~ Level 47~ Motor Drive~ Male~ Lonely- Electro Ball- Light Screen- Swift- Discharge- Thunderpunch- Brick Break- Fire Punch~ Ecureuil~ Level 10~ Volt Absorb~ Female- Growl- Bide- Quick Attack- Charm- Shock Wave~ Lantern~ Level 10~ Water Absorb~ Female- Volt Switch- Supersonic- Scald- Thunder Wave- Flail- Shock Wave [spoiler=Box 3: Other Pokemon]~ Lapin~ Level 20~ Cute Charm~ Female- Mirror Coat- Endure- Thunder Wave- Quick Attack- Return~ Predatour~ Level 23~ Keen Eye~ Female- Wing Attack- Quick Attack- Double Team- Endeavor~ Gardeur~ Level 14~ Tinted Lens~ Female- Hypnosis- Psywave- Tailwind- Gust~ Poulet~ Level 27~ Speed Boost~ Female- Ember- Peck- Double Kick- Sand Attack~ Teishu~ Level 30~ Slow Start~ Genderless- Ice Punch- Fire Punch-Thunder Punch- Dizzy Punch- Confuse Ray- Revenge~ Fleur~ Level 10~ Poison Point~ Female- Absorb- Energy Ball- Water Spout- Tackle~ Roi~ Level 42~ Steadfast~ Male- Brick Break- Heal Pulse- Dig- Detect- Dark Pulse- Bone Rush- Me First- Swords Dance- Flash Cannon~ Roulons~ Level 10~ Shiny~ Pickup~ Female- Odur Sleuth- Take Down- Defense Curl- Flail Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted August 15, 2011 Report Share Posted August 15, 2011 @Kurth: it isn't until the 27th, so we still have time to prepare, and yea Lex, i'm not risking anything though [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Ace TrainerClub Posts: 443 Pokemon: Metang (Mecha).Clear BodyLV37 - EXP: 3Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet Punch Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFlamethrowerFire SpinConfuse Ray Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV20 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerFlamethrowerHeadbuttFocus Energy Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitDark PulseQuick Attack Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuit [spoiler=Box #1 (3/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock Items:BP: 201TMs/HMs: TM35 Flamethrower TM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Totodile2. Gible3. Swinub4. Houndour5. Deino6. Aerodactyl7. Larvesta8. Sneasel9. Larvitar Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 4Losses: 5Draws: 2 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament" posts 3/10posts till next pokemon 23/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted August 15, 2011 Report Share Posted August 15, 2011 I know they're not as bad as Magikarp or Beldum or Abra. But still, they're not that good. 1 thing is shure, I'll not be using Sasuki (Ninjask) or Brutus (Carvanha) cause I know how enoying Double Team spam can be. [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 2Post till next BP: 2Posts till next Pokémon: 12[spoiler=Team](Brutus)~ Lv. 24~ Speed Boost* Lucky Egg- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Ruin)~ Lv. 12~ Hustle- Tackle- Dragon Rage- Headbutt- Bite (Spinecrow)~ Lv. 10~ Sand Veil- Poison Sting- Leer- Absorb- Growth (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Cronos)~ Lv. 10~ Guts- Bite- Leer- Sandstorm- Screech [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Box I (22/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Paling)~ Lv. 34 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 117 Items: Insta-Evolution x2 TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted August 15, 2011 Report Share Posted August 15, 2011 @Lex: ...and the Speed Boost thing too lol [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Ace TrainerClub Posts: 444 Pokemon: Metang (Mecha).Clear BodyLV37 - EXP: 4Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet Punch Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFlamethrowerFire SpinConfuse Ray Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV20 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerFlamethrowerHeadbuttFocus Energy Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitDark PulseQuick Attack Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuit [spoiler=Box #1 (3/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock Items:BP: 201TMs/HMs: TM35 Flamethrower TM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Totodile2. Gible3. Swinub4. Houndour5. Deino6. Aerodactyl7. Larvesta8. Sneasel9. Larvitar Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 4Losses: 5Draws: 2 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament" posts 4/10posts till next pokemon 24/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted August 15, 2011 Report Share Posted August 15, 2011 Yeah, not something I want to have used against me. I think I'll just use Luna and perhaps Yvaine or maybe even Ulquiorra. [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 1Post till next BP: 1Posts till next Pokémon: 11[spoiler=Team](Brutus)~ Lv. 24~ Speed Boost* Lucky Egg- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Ruin)~ Lv. 12~ Hustle- Tackle- Dragon Rage- Headbutt- Bite (Spinecrow)~ Lv. 10~ Sand Veil- Poison Sting- Leer- Absorb- Growth (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Cronos)~ Lv. 10~ Guts- Bite- Leer- Sandstorm- Screech [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Box I (22/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Paling)~ Lv. 34 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 117 Items: Insta-Evolution x2 TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted August 15, 2011 Report Share Posted August 15, 2011 @Lex: those are good/interesting choices, i think i have got a good idea for the pokemon i want to use, oh btw, do the pokemon have to be in front when the event starts? [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Ace TrainerClub Posts: 445 Pokemon: Metang (Mecha).Clear BodyLV37 - EXP: 5Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet Punch Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFlamethrowerFire SpinConfuse Ray Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV20 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerFlamethrowerHeadbuttFocus Energy Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitDark PulseQuick Attack Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuit [spoiler=Box #1 (3/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock Items:BP: 201TMs/HMs: TM35 Flamethrower TM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Totodile2. Gible3. Swinub4. Houndour5. Deino6. Aerodactyl7. Larvesta8. Sneasel9. Larvitar Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 4Losses: 5Draws: 2 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament" posts 5/10posts till next pokemon 25/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted August 15, 2011 Report Share Posted August 15, 2011 @BS: Mhh, that's a good question. You gotta ask Falcon about that part. Brutus lvled up twice and learned Assurance. [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 10Post till next BP: 10Posts till next Pokémon: 10[spoiler=Team](Brutus)~ Lv. 26~ Speed Boost* Lucky Egg- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Ruin)~ Lv. 12~ Hustle- Tackle- Dragon Rage- Headbutt- Bite (Spinecrow)~ Lv. 10~ Sand Veil- Poison Sting- Leer- Absorb- Growth (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Cronos)~ Lv. 10~ Guts- Bite- Leer- Sandstorm- Screech [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Box I (22/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Paling)~ Lv. 34 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 167 Items: Insta-Evolution x2 TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted August 15, 2011 Report Share Posted August 15, 2011 @Lex: i think, that once i get Deino and Larvesta, i might put them in the Day Care center [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Ace TrainerClub Posts: 446 Pokemon: Metang (Mecha).Clear BodyLV37 - EXP: 6Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet Punch Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFlamethrowerFire SpinConfuse Ray Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV20 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerFlamethrowerHeadbuttFocus Energy Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitDark PulseQuick Attack Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuit [spoiler=Box #1 (3/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock Items:BP: 201TMs/HMs: TM35 Flamethrower TM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Totodile2. Gible3. Swinub4. Houndour5. Deino6. Aerodactyl7. Larvesta8. Sneasel9. Larvitar Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 4Losses: 5Draws: 2 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament" posts 6/10posts till next pokemon 26/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lexadin Posted August 15, 2011 Report Share Posted August 15, 2011 Smart move, they both evolve at an incredibly high lvl. I think Larvesta actually evolves at the highest lvl of all Pkmn. Though now that I think of it. I'm not even shure if you can have a Larvesta outside of events. [spoiler=Pokemon Info & Likewise]Hoenn's Shadow ChampionFirst of all congratulations for making it all this way, it is truely something you should be proud of. Now let me introduce myself, my name is Lexadin. I've been facinated with everything that the rest would call "scary" or "vile". Though I find this not to be true. These creatures that rest in the shadows are actually beautiful, perhaps not in apearance, but in soul. Now let me show you the beautiful souls of my Pokemon! Posts till next Lvl front Pokémon: 9Post till next BP: 9Posts till next Pokémon: 9[spoiler=Team](Brutus)~ Lv. 26~ Speed Boost* Lucky Egg- Double Team- Rain Dance- Dark Pulse- Waterfall- Ice Beam (Ruin)~ Lv. 12~ Hustle- Tackle- Dragon Rage- Headbutt- Bite (Spinecrow)~ Lv. 10~ Sand Veil- Poison Sting- Leer- Absorb- Growth (Katana)~ Lv. 10~ Defiant- Scratch- Leer- Fury Cutter (Grogorion)~ Lv. 10~ Iron Fist- Pound- Astonish- Defence Curl- Mud Slap- Rollout (Cronos)~ Lv. 10~ Guts- Bite- Leer- Sandstorm- Screech [spoiler=Boxes][spoiler=Box I (22/30)](Tsuguran)~ Lv. 43~ Torrent- Earthquake- Waterfall- Take Down- Muddy Water (Shade)~ Lv.55~ Insomnia- Wing Attack- Night Shade- Foul Play- Haze- Taunt- Tailwind (Excrusio)~ Lv. 42~ Flash Fire- Confuse Ray- Flametrower- Hex- Will-o-wisp (Phobos)~ Lv.42~ Illusion- Hidden Power (Ice)- Focus Blast- Foul Play- Flametrower- Taunt- Torment (Blackout)~ Lv.43~ Synchronize- Assurance- Toxic- Double Team- Quick Attack- Confuse Ray (Ulquiorra)~ Lv.43~ Wonder Guard- Dig- Shadow Claw- Bug Bite- Double Team- Confuse Ray (Azrael)~ Lv 45~ Pressure- Shadow Punch- Nightshade- Disable- Confuse Ray- E-Punches (Yvaine)~ Lv. 44~ Shadow Tag- Hidden Power (Fighting)- Psychic- Shadow Ball- Thunderbolt- Reflect- Light Screen (Luna)~ Lv.40~ Levitate- Future Sight- Aurora Beam- Double Team- Confusion (Sasuki)~ Lv.26~ Speed Boost- Swords Dance- Screech- X-scissor- Double Team- Aerial Ace (Chaos)~Lv. 10~ Infiltrator- Faint Attack- Shadow Sneak- Confuse Ray- Curse (Flashleave)~Lv. 10~ Chlorophyll- Bide- Harden- Growth ~ Lv. 10~ Shell Armour- Quick Guard- Poison Jab- Frustration- Twineedle (Jack)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Scratch- Screech- Taunt- Quick Attack (Big Bob-Omb)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Bubble- Water Sport- Absorb- Night Shade (Necrofear)~ Lv. 10~ Cursed Body- Knock Off- Screech- Night Shade (Takelot)~ Lv. 10~ Mummy- Astonish- Protect- Disable- Haze (Scaragne)~ Lv. 10~ Keen Eye- Bite- Poison Sting- Leer- Knock Off (Tragedy)~ Lv. 10~ Justified- Scratch- Feint- Leer- Taunt (Ghos)~ Lv. 10~ Levitate- Hypnosis- Lick- Mean Look- Spite Cebro~ Lv. 10~ Flash Fire- Leer- Ember- Howl- Smog (Diamon)~ Lv. 10~ Prankster- Leer- Scratch- Foresight- Night Shade (Lucky)~ Lv. 1~ Hydration- Tail Glow- Bubble- Water Sport [spoiler=Pkmn in Centers]DayCare (Paling)~ Lv. 34 [spoiler=BP, TM's & Items] BP: 167 Items: Insta-Evolution x2 TM's & HM's: TM06 ToxicTM10 Hidden PowerTM13 Ice BeamTM16 Light ScreenTM18 Rain DanceTM22 ReflectTM24 ThunderboltTM26 EarthquakeTM28 DigTM30 Shadow BallTM32 Double TeamTM35 FlamenthrowerTM37 Egg BombTM40 Aerial AceTM52 Focus BlastTM58 EndureTM65 Shadow ClawTM79 Dark PulseTM81 X-scissorTM90 SubstituteTM92 Trick RoomHM05 Waterfall Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yoko Kurama Posted August 15, 2011 Report Share Posted August 15, 2011 Indeed, Larvesta is the latest evolution ever, at level 59. 7/10 Posts. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted August 15, 2011 Report Share Posted August 15, 2011 @Lex: plus by then, i would have enough BP to do both, though i'll ask Falcon about that [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Ace TrainerClub Posts: 447 Pokemon: Metang (Mecha).Clear BodyLV37 - EXP: 7Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet Punch Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFlamethrowerFire SpinConfuse Ray Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV20 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerFlamethrowerHeadbuttFocus Energy Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitDark PulseQuick Attack Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuit [spoiler=Box #1 (3/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock Items:BP: 201TMs/HMs: TM35 Flamethrower TM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Totodile2. Gible3. Swinub4. Houndour5. Deino6. Aerodactyl7. Larvesta8. Sneasel9. Larvitar Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 4Losses: 5Draws: 2 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament" posts 7/10posts till next pokemon 27/60 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ren✧ Posted August 15, 2011 Author Report Share Posted August 15, 2011 @Lex: those are good/interesting choices, i think i have got a good idea for the pokemon i want to use, oh btw, do the pokemon have to be in front when the event starts? [spoiler=~Burning Soul~'s Pokemon and Club Statistics]Silver Yuja:Ace TrainerClub Posts: 445 Pokemon: Metang (Mecha).Clear BodyLV37 - EXP: 5Take DownMetal ClawConfusionScary FaceBullet Punch Magmortar (Flame) - MaleFlame BodyLV26 - EXP: 0SmogLeerEmberSmokescreenFlamethrowerFire SpinConfuse Ray Bagon (Drago) - MaleRock HeadLV20 - EXP: 0RageBiteLeerFlamethrowerHeadbuttFocus Energy Umbreon (Shadow) - MaleSynchronizeLV23 - EXP: 0Tail WhipTackleHelping HandPursuitDark PulseQuick Attack Turtwig (Leafo) - MaleOvergrowLV10 - EXP: 0TackleWithdrawAbsorb Scizor (Slashbug) - MaleTechnicianLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerFocus EnergyPursuit [spoiler=Box #1 (3/30)]Mudkip (Mudmeister) - MaleTorrentLV10 - EXP: 0TackleGrowlMud SlapWater Gun Ralts (Psi-Blade) - MaleSyncronizeLV10 - EXP: 0GrowlConfusionDouble Team Electivire (Sparkplug) - MaleStaticLV10 - EXP: 0Quick AttackLeerThundershock Items:BP: 201TMs/HMs: TM35 Flamethrower TM79 Dark Pulse[spoiler=Future Pokemon]1. Totodile2. Gible3. Swinub4. Houndour5. Deino6. Aerodactyl7. Larvesta8. Sneasel9. Larvitar Wins to Losses Ratio:Wins: 4Losses: 5Draws: 2 [spoiler=Acheivements]July 1st - I joined the Pokemon LegionJuly 25th - I won my first battle on hereJuly 27th - I won the "Weakness Tournament" posts 5/10posts till next pokemon 25/60 No they don't have to be in the front, just in your team. Seeing as how everyone is contemplating what Pokemon they will use, I will reveal the ones I will be using. You all are going to think I am crazy for doing this... HaxorusCastform My 2 favorites that I don't use to much anymore. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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