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Worst anime you've ever seen?

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GX was ok, but 5Ds clearly shows that because Kazuki wanted to be back in Shonen Jump and back on the air, he came up with something so stupid. It's like joining the C squad and retard academy.

Kazuki actually wanted to stop after GX, but he drew Yusei and a Duel Runner...They practically begged him to allow another season. Zexal is just the Yugioh version of Pokemon gen 4 and on...


This is all what I've heard, and what majority believe to be true.

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He wanted to stop after GX? No, anyone would have wanted to go on for moneymaking using paper.




if anyone is wondering, since we are all talking about anime (this is not a bad show ive seen the previews.) there is another yu-gi-oh anime show coming it is called Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal check it out yourself heres the link alot of people know of this though so yeah im just spreading the word cause it aires APRIL 18!!!!!!!!!!!



Wow! Old news is so exciting!

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I don't watch much bad anime (I hope I don't), so it's kinda by default (but that's okay with me) that I say Naruto.


For one, I hate Naruto. I usually like idiot heroes, but he's just so annoying to me. And he spends way too much time going after Sasuke (and so the yaoi fangirls rejoice). Plus, what kind of ninja wears orange?


This show just doesn't have ninja as you imagine them. I prefer the old-timey ninja wearing all black and sneaking around, not ones wearing brightly colored outfits blasting through places with magical powers and talking animals.


And I only know that much because my friends are Narutards. I stopped watching a few episodes in.

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He wanted to stop after GX? No, anyone would have wanted to go on for moneymaking using paper.

"Kazuki Takahashi had promised himself that Yu-Gi-Oh! GX would be the last Yu-Gi-Oh! series. However, he was approached at the end of 2006 with the idea for Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's. The production staff and TV board were long time associates and friends, who had spread Yu-Gi-Oh! to many people in the world, so Takahashi agreed, under the condition that this would be the last Yu-Gi-Oh! series. Despite this, another series Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL has since been created.


With the intention of being different rather than repeat the same ideas, Takahashi prepared for criticism and decided how the setting would look, designed the main characters and the D-Wheel(Duel Runner). The story development was left to the writers."




That's just one place that says it.

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Bakugan. The entire battle sequences is this.




Dan: ):

Person 1: Bakugan, field open!(Complete with random time slowing!)

Dan: *Insert Monologue about something random*

Person1: My _____ Now attacks Drago!


Person1: *Insert Monologue*


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if anyone is wondering, since we are all talking about anime (this is not a bad show ive seen the previews.) there is another yu-gi-oh anime show coming it is called Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal check it out yourself heres the link alot of people know of this though so yeah im just spreading the word cause it aires APRIL 18!!!!!!!!!!!




Zexal is going to suck... 5D's was the last of the great Yu-Gi-Ohs... Such a shame...

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Guest PikaPerson01
For instance, there was an episode where Kira decided to put a piece of pencil lead in his door henge. If the led broke in half, he would then go on to instantly make the assumption that security cameras were placed in his room, because obviously his parents/sister would never go into his room ever for any reason at all at any time EVER. It's a lousy assumption.


It was actually a two-tiered trap. The first was like... something about his door knob. The second was the piece of lead. If some handsome FBI agent entered his room, he'd note the first one, the door knob, and go well out of his way to correct it. However, he'd be unlikely to notice the piece of lead. If his parents/sister entered his room, they'd break the lead and ruin his doorknob, without a care for correcting either of them.


I believe Ryuk then straight up told him there were cameras in his room, because he wanted food or something.


Near was just rediculous. I love the idea of a child prodigy, but I don't like the idea of a reincarnaion of L. They should have either kept L alive or changed Near so that he didn't behave with the same mannerisms (replace chocolate with toys).

Agreed. The show was ruined at that point.




On-topic: Naruto. Not because it's overrated, but because it was extremely boring. They launch an attack, and then spend the next ten minutes explaining what just happened. You know how people complain about fanfics "telling, not showing"? It was exactly like this, except they have no reason not to show instead of tell since TV is primarily a visual medium. > >


I remember watching... I assume... the first arc, with 2 guys and something about a bridge or something? Watching the final battle I was trying to get pumped "Oh man! Once Naruto taps into the inner demon fox thing, all hell's gonna break loose!" He finally does it after about 5 episodes into the battle, and then all he does is break the mirrors and the loses all his powers after 2 minutes. He only punched that androgynous guy once and that was it. Apparently having his mirrors break was enough to kill him. =\


I was told to give it a second chance and was shown the "bestest" fight ever (at the time, I guess) which was that... weird looking guy with the eyebrows versus the sand guy in the Chuunin exam or something. So yeah, at the climax of the battle, Eyebrows goes crazy super saiyan with a ridiculous Deus Ex machina about opening his chakras or something and he starts punching Sand Guy a million times. He seismic tosses Sand Guy and is left mortally crippled but implied to be the victor. Suddenly, Sand Guy wakes up and he's just fine. They explain that something I figured was just an aesthetic choice, showing Eyebrows flinching slightly, was apparently the opening the Sand Guy needed to create a clone of himself out of the sand that was in the little bottle he carried.


In short, to counteract Eyebrow's ridiculous "chakra" asspull, they pulled an even worse one with the Sand Guy. Since that was the "bestest" fight the show had to offer, I avoided it like the plague.

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Rio was mostly a fanservice anime, tbh. It's gambling plot was new (to my knowledge). The whole anime had potential, but it never capitalized on that to the fullest.


Meh, opinions will be opinions, right?


You're right on the potential thing. There's gonna be 22 episodes, maybe the anime will start to grow on me. ^^

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Guest Zetsubou Black

Pokemon and GX


Pokemon died after Johto, IMO


GX... Ugh. I liked some of the characters, but the story as a whole was terrible.

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Alright, I'm going to say one on your list, but give a different reason. I just couldn't STAND death note. The entire series was filled up with countless plot device rules after plot device detective work, and half of the deductions wouldn't logically make sense. For instance, there was an episode where Kira decided to put a piece of pencil lead in his door henge. If the led broke in half, he would then go on to instantly make the assumption that security cameras were placed in his room, because obviously his parents/sister would never go into his room ever for any reason at all at any time EVER. It's a lousy assumption.


I just feel like the director over thought the show while he was making it. Of course, I've written before, and I know how hard it is to write a conflict. You know your thoughts, but your characters might not. That's the issue in death note. The writer thought that "Genius" meant that everyone knew everything. Even someone with an IQ of 200 can't read minds.


Near was just rediculous. I love the idea of a child prodigy, but I don't like the idea of a reincarnaion of L. They should have either kept L alive or changed Near so that he didn't behave with the same mannerisms (replace chocolate with toys).


Anyways, that's why I dislike Death Note. hopefully it doesn't get disregarded, and if it does I could probably move onto another anime (like bleach, DBZ, or Gundam).


lol nice job typing a whole paragraph that no one cares about. People are probably laughing at you, why don't you try and write something better then Death Note before you judge. You only thought the scenes didn't make sense because you are too stupid to understand them, lol

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Meh, opinions will be opinions, right?


You're right on the potential thing. There's gonna be 22 episodes, maybe the anime will start to grow on me. ^^

True, true.



lol nice job typing a whole paragraph that no one cares about. People are probably laughing at you, why don't you try and write something better then Death Note before you judge. You only thought the scenes didn't make sense because you are too stupid to understand them, lol

Not a good way to make a first impression...but I <3 your attitude.

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  • 2 months later...

The so called "big three" (Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece) are among the worse I've seen.

All three I came to enjoy in manga when they started. All of them had potential. Once they got enough popularity, they started to suck. I think Naruto was originally meant to be a one-shot manga or something actually....


One Piece I didn't see much off, I remember my brother watching it at episode 40 or something. Then I made him skip to about episode 200 and the main plot showed to not have moved very much if at all.


Naruto and Bleach however, are on a worse situation.


Naruto: Four out of its nine seasons are complete fillers. At some point, Naruto's squad started traveling on random unimportant missions that would not contribute to the plot. Sometimes, they would hint about info on Sasuke and Orochimaru but only to made the people thing that those episodes had a point. Ending was pointless on each of those episodes. Every episode became the same. Naruto with random pairing of classmates goes to "x" mission with powerful bad guys. Then, Naruto becomes the hero by fighting as a stupid hothead in the same way, time after time.

Jumping to Shippuden: I thought he would make up for all the filler, and the show actually stayed on focus for two more seasons. Then we get another filler. I already didn't watch it very often but by that time I dropped it (and I think I took too long).

Manga-wise: It was better, although still has been dropping in quality with time IMO. I got a little interested in it when I heard about the Madara crap, then as soon as they entered the Madara vs The entire world arc, its been pretty boring. I occasionally peep at the pages and its random people I never heard about (but I guess I'm supposed to be impressed because they are legendary or something) or people already defeated and left behind previously.

Not to mention all Naruto versions (animes and manga) have gotten or will get into the "Main Character saves the world by fighting and depends on multiple evolutions that make him more powerful than all other characters out of nowhere, yet, there are still random fighters that match it that appear out of nowhere" nuisance.


Bleach: Same as Naruto in the sense that, it is plagued with fillers. I've never watched any filler season but I've skimmed through the episodes at times... Fillers are utterly pointless. In any anime, I'd rather have a temporal hiatus than a filler. Now, I am conscious that the company wants money but, its almost offensive to the sake of a story. Bleach has one of the most shameless fillers I've seen. When the last episode of a season ended up with Ichigo and Ulquiorra crossing swords with epic background music for the first time, the people making the anime suddenly decide that they want the next opening with everyone carefree playing at the beach outside of Hueco Mundo. With no transition.

Letting alone the "filler" aspect I hate so much, Bleach has some inconsistencies too.

First: In the other world, dead people can still die (it must be some kind of a more "deep" death or something). This is most likely made just for the sake of the combats. If there were no irreparable danger possibility for the main characters, it would be pointless to try to beat them to death with a sword. Such an aspect turns Soul Society and Hueco Mundo into other dimensions rather than "the other life". There is a true Hell and Heaven in the series though, but after over 300 episodes they just now felt like they might start covering it in the manga (which means much later in the anime).

Second: Shinigami people do nothing. I might be wrong on this one, but as far as I know, there are Shinigami representatives piercing Hollows in the world to free their souls and keep everything more safe and stable. Then again, all the squad members do nothing with those souls once they are "in peace". Everyone "lives" in poverty and hate the Shinigami people for being comfortably enclosed in their rich city. They are so imperfect for the guardians of the afterlife.

Third: Everything in the afterlife has the appearance of Japan during the Edo Period....


Pokemon and Yugioh are close behind:



http://www.animeavenue.net/pokemon-best-wishes-episode-1/ < Play episode 1, part 1, Best Wishes/B&W, source 2, 28 seconds into the video and you'll see the narrator say "Satoshi, 10 years old".

Ash doesn't age and all his friends are replaceable. Most episodes seem to have the same structure. Other than the Pokemon League of each region it doesn't have much of a plot. The people making the show make Ash and Pikachu forget all their experiences at the end of each generation. Ash has only won the at the Orange Islands. Even during the first season, Ash and Gary had no interaction at all. You could barely tell Gary was the rival because everything he did was travel faster and win at everything before Ash passed through. I remember when I was little, I saw that scene where Gary had written a message to mock Ash in a sign. At first I didn't even remember who this "Gary" was, then when I did, I thought "Well, Gary is very nice to at least remember about Ash, since they don't interact at all and Ash wasn't really considered to be at level.

I actually like the manga Pokemon Adventures. Although it also has some bad parts on itself, but its still infinitely better than the anime. Then the video games I've played SoulSilver and White.... I don't complain about those either...

Anime sucks.



I refer mainly to GX and 5Ds.


GX: This was the horrible idea to make a school out of cards. It eliminated my hopes of a serious plot. At least in DM, they actually had normal lives going to regular schools and doing more believable things. GX characters almost had no personality. I DID like the Mokey Mokey guy for the lulz but that's about it. Not to mention this is when all the DM main characters started being seen as "completely superior" to the eyes of all students. In other words, its a show that looks up to another show and therefore, you can't ever expect them to be much if they themselves don't. During this era, I cried blood tears when Yugioh fans didn't know who Kaiba was and/or absolutely preferred GX...

5ds: It had potential, but at the end lacked in a lot of ways. I'm wondering if I should even keep going because this post is already long enough...

I'll save for later...

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