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This contest is all about the place you (or your parent(s)) where born. Though not in a bad way, more in a proud way. Regarding the old costums and traditions. But more to that in the requirements.

I got this idea when I was listening to some Volk/PaganMetal and felt a sence of pride of the ancient people who used to live here.


The Rules

All YCM rules aply

No Dark Synchro's, Dark Tuners and fake types.

All judges are predeterment. So don't ask if you can become one.

Card edits will not improve your ratings.

DO NOT use real Life Pics.

If you have any questions ask me in this thread.

ANYONE who acts disrespecfull about someone else thier culture WILL be negged banned from the contest and reported.



The Prizes + Fee

The entrance fee is 20 points (Though donations are apriciated).


The winner will get the pot + 3 Reps.

2nd place will get 1 Rep.


The Pot: 200 Points


The Requirements

Make 1 card that involves 1 an old tradition or holiday of the country where you (or your parent(s)) come from (so not eg Christmass in Japan or in Germany, as Christianity is only introduced there lateron).

Make 1 card about a mythological creature that originates from your (or your parent(s)) country (again no angels in above countries for the same reasons).

And make 1 card based on one of your (or your parent(s)) thier country's more recent costums or traditions (yes this can include Christmass).


Note from which myth/Custom the card is based from and from which country it comes from and who also comes from that country.


It will be rated on originality, OCG, ballance, playability, how it fits the requirments and how it looks (img, Type ect).



The Start/End Date

We will start asa we have 8 or more contestants.


The contest will end 3 days after the 8th contestant enters. And results will be up the day after it ends.



The Contestants










(x) Marks the cards.


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