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Yu-Gi-Oh! ZeXal Sub/Manga Official Discussion Thread


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If evilfusion's prediction is true, then they could have just could have ended the episode when it was still Nasch's turn and they could attack. Pretty much towards this upcoming episode Don Thousand will just zoom in on the fact that if any of the Numbers do not attack, he insta-wins (Next level BS here). And at this point Don Thousand as no other options left. He has never even legit NS or SS a monster (with the exception of that silly battle Fader), so yeah...he's dead. I believe that there will be some filler in between the duel, and I did see some of the other Barian's over hundreds being previewed so that's something to see.

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the 4 originals are for sure, and we can assume that powertool/life stream and black feather are as well. Goodwin released the 4 cards to the public becasue (I think) that roman told him that the cards would find their way to their proper owners, which they did.



I think he just meant let them go from person to person until a Signer gets to be the owner.

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In 5Ds, the Aporia Duel episode also ended literally like 2 minutes before the finish. The dub actually was cool about it by extending the episode time to the conclusion, and then declaring the series over.


I always suspected Yusei's Stardust support and Jack's Red Daemon support was because Jack was the Duel King (and got special treatment) and Yusei won the Fortune Cup (and got special treatment).


Zexal's issue with cards like that is the fact that


1) They're not subtle about it at all.

2) The best justification I came up with was "Barians create their own cards". There's a lot of evidence suggesting this, as the characters who have the most questionable archetypes/support cards are either Barians themselves, or in a contract with the Barians (Tron's entire family). Of course, the Barian world being a parallel world means this COULD happen legitimately.


I got most upset when in Zexal II, Yuma started carrying "Number" support. When III used Number Wall in the tag duel against Kaito and Yuma, that drew a lot of criticism, because of how Numbers are from another dimension. Yuma shouldn't NEED Number support cards. In fact, no character, Barian or otherwise, should have Number support cards. You can usually acheive the same effect with mere "Xyz Monster" support cards.

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The 5d's dub never got past aporia? wow


Yeah, they did the Aporia Duel, then ended the series when Team 5Ds was declared the winners of the WRGP (before the Ark Cradle re-emerged). So they took advantage of the original version's fakeout ending and treated it as the actual ending. It left plotholes here and there, but ultimately, not a big deal.

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I doubt they'll finish ZeXal either, if the trend keeps going as is.

DM was finished because there was nothing after that to rush for. They even had time to make that Capsule Monsters mini-arc before they all decided what they'd do with the franchise.


GX ended with Yubel's union with Jaden, and people in charge of the project tried to soft-talk their way by saying they might pick it back up in the future. After all, this hadn't happened before and people actually had some hope for it. At this point it'd be pretty pointless if they did so. The show's fans, it being a card game franchise, might not be into Yugioh anymore, and the ones that are cannot exactly unsee the new pace of the game and the introduction of CG animation slapped into the field. Who would it be for? Would it be worth it for the few that are still up for the ride?


5Ds then ends prematurely because people were interested in picking up ZeXal. Though to be fair, 2 other things were endangering it at the time. 4Kids had problems since that point, and there was that law in probation process in Japan that'd cause Yugioh to censor the hell out of the series, especially one as dark as 5Ds (relatively speaking). Which ZeXal was probably a safety cushion for that to begin with...


ZeXal. I haven't even seen dubbed ZeXal at all. Just know the skirts are longer in a fashion that looks like MS Paint would have made similar or better quality work, and that names are bizzare like Reginald, Kite, Vetrix, Dextra, etc (most of whom are of my personal dislike after following the subs). What part of the story are they even at? Without any base, I'd make a guess that they'd end on ZeXal 1 if they haven't reached ZeXal II, or they'll end with Astral's good bye after having defeated C96, which is my most safe bet since it does look like a somewhat end-ish point. Like all, leaving holes everywhere, heck I think even the Japanese version will leave something inconclusive by the end, more the reason for a deliberately incomplete one to be so. 

Though why would it end soon? Well, they seem to have enough plans for Arc V already.... 

Also, how popular is Yugioh on TV nowadays? I have no idea of the ratings as I don't really watch TV anymore, and Mexican dub has sucked for the most part for the last decade or so last time I checked, so I am not holding many hopes of it even getting here. The US might be better on that aspect.

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I doubt they'll finish ZeXal either, if the trend keeps going as is.

DM was finished because there was nothing after that to rush for. They even had time to make that Capsule Monsters mini-arc before they all decided what they'd do with the franchise.


GX ended with Yubel's union with Jaden, and people in charge of the project tried to soft-talk their way by saying they might pick it back up in the future. After all, this hadn't happened before and people actually had some hope for it. At this point it'd be pretty pointless if they did so. The show's fans, it being a card game franchise, might not be into Yugioh anymore, and the ones that are cannot exactly unsee the new pace of the game and the introduction of CG animation slapped into the field. Who would it be for? Would it be worth it for the few that are still up for the ride?


5Ds then ends prematurely because people were interested in picking up ZeXal. Though to be fair, 2 other things were endangering it at the time. 4Kids had problems since that point, and there was that law in probation process in Japan that'd cause Yugioh to censor the hell out of the series, especially one as dark as 5Ds (relatively speaking). Which ZeXal was probably a safety cushion for that to begin with...


ZeXal. I haven't even seen dubbed ZeXal at all. Just know the skirts are longer in a fashion that looks like MS Paint would have made similar or better quality work, and that names are bizzare like Reginald, Kite, Vetrix, Dextra, etc (most of whom are of my personal dislike after following the subs). What part of the story are they even at? Without any base, I'd make a guess that they'd end on ZeXal 1 if they haven't reached ZeXal II, or they'll end with Astral's good bye after having defeated C96, which is my most safe bet since it does look like a somewhat end-ish point. Like all, leaving holes everywhere, heck I think even the Japanese version will leave something inconclusive by the end, more the reason for a deliberately incomplete one to be so. 

Though why would it end soon? Well, they seem to have enough plans for Arc V already.... 

Also, how popular is Yugioh on TV nowadays? I have no idea of the ratings as I don't really watch TV anymore, and Mexican dub has sucked for the most part for the last decade or so last time I checked, so I am not holding many hopes of it even getting here. The US might be better on that aspect.


I don't want the Zexal dubbed. For one, everyone's voice is like sandpaper on your ears. Especially Yuma's. While some of the name changes/tweaks I don't mind to an absurd extent, I'm not amused by Kaito's name change, even if it might carry the intention of the original (evidently, Kaito's name in Japanese could be Kite or Kaito...but the latter's an actual NAME).


Secondly, while I watched the original series and GX dubbed and enjoyed them, I watched the Japanese 5Ds and admittedly enjoyed it far too much to ever go back to dubs, where I now find the constant puns and filler speak (and dub errors, like referring to Traps as Spells) too distracting to watch for long. Zexal just ups the ante by having it be so genuinely painful to endure just because of dub voices.


Plot wise, I think the dub just reached Vector w/No.66. I know Vector kept his original name, at least.

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I don't want the Zexal dubbed. For one, everyone's voice is like sandpaper on your ears. Especially Yuma's. While some of the name changes/tweaks I don't mind to an absurd extent, I'm not amused by Kaito's name change, even if it might carry the intention of the original (evidently, Kaito's name in Japanese could be Kite or Kaito...but the latter's an actual NAME).
Secondly, while I watched the original series and GX dubbed and enjoyed them, I watched the Japanese 5Ds and admittedly enjoyed it far too much to ever go back to dubs, where I now find the constant puns and filler speak (and dub errors, like referring to Traps as Spells) too distracting to watch for long. Zexal just ups the ante by having it be so genuinely painful to endure just because of dub voices.
Plot wise, I think the dub just reached Vector w/No.66. I know Vector kept his original name, at least.

I did mention the ZEXAL dub that could have been, right?
The one with Johnny Young Bosch (Vash from Trigun, Ichigo from Bleach, and Lelouch from Code Geass) as Yuma and Vic Mignogna (Edward from Fullmetal Alchemist, Kurz from Full Metal Panic, and Yoshimori from Kekkaishi) as Shark?
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I did mention the ZEXAL dub that could have been, right?
The one with Johnny Young Bosch (Vash from Trigun, Ichigo from Bleach, and Lelouch from Code Geass) as Yuma and Vic Mignogna (Edward from Fullmetal Alchemist, Kurz from Full Metal Panic, and Yoshimori from Kekkaishi) as Shark?


I don't know if you mentioned it, but I did hear about it a long time ago.

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I did mention the ZEXAL dub that could have been, right?
The one with Johnny Young Bosch (Vash from Trigun, Ichigo from Bleach, and Lelouch from Code Geass) as Yuma and Vic Mignogna (Edward from Fullmetal Alchemist, Kurz from Full Metal Panic, and Yoshimori from Kekkaishi) as Shark?


Actually I would have imagined it better the other way around...

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Either way, Zexal could have been really good, but they messed up for the most part. Hopefully, the finale will be good. The manga is still really good though, and if you remember, that actually started BEFORE the anime.

I agree, the YGO mangas has always been good and once the anime is over, all eyes will turn to the Zexal manga for the rest of the Numbers (as well as a possible NUMH2).

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