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切り拓け未来 アストラルの決断!!
第139話 放送日:2014.02.02
ついに正体を現したバリアンの神ドン・サウザンドは、バリアン七皇の力を吸収して我が物とし、脅威的な力を 得てしまうのだった…!そして「ヌメロン・コード」を手に入れるため、バリアン七皇最後の一人、ナッシュを 取り込もうと企む。この世界中を巻き込んだ危機の中、遊馬はナッシュと共に最強と化したドン・サウザンドを 相手に立ち上がるのだった!

脚本家:広田光毅/演出:武藤公春/コンテ:桑原 智/作画監督:中田亜希子、長田絵里

Episode 139
February 2nd, 2014
切り拓け未来 アストラルの決断!! Kirihiraku Mirai Asutoraru no Keddan!! (Open The Path To The Future: Astral's Decision!!)
Finally, Don Thousand, God of the Barians, has revealed his true form, and after absorbing the power of the Seven Barian Emperors, he has obtained terrifying power... ...! And in order to obtain the Numeron Code, he plans to absorb the last of the Barian Emperors, Nasch! In a crsis that has engulfed the entire world, Yuma stands up against Don Thousand forming the strongest tag team with Nasch!!
Episode Writer: Hirota Mitsutaka

第140話 放送日:2014.02.09
地球上に眠る「ヌメロン・コード」の力を利用した、フィールド魔法「ヌメロン・ネットワーク」で遊馬たちを 追い詰めるドン・サウザンド。攻撃力「10000」という脅威的モンスター「夢幻虚神(むげんきょじん)ヌ メロニアス」まで召喚し、全世界を手中に収めようとしていた!この窮地を脱するべく、遊馬とアストラルはゼ アルとなって必死の攻防を繰り返す!

脚本家:広田光毅/演出:羽原久美子/コンテ:桑原 智/作画監督:牧内ももこ

Episode 140
February 9th, 2014
想いはひとつに!創造龍『ヌメロン・ドラゴン』 Omoi ha Hitotsu ni! Souzouryuu "Numeron Doragon" (Feelings As One! The Dragon of Creation "Numeron Dragon")
Don Thousand corners Yuma using the Field Spell Card "Numeron Network" which uses the power of the "Numeron Code" which rests sleeping on the Earth. Then Don Thousand Summons the terrifying monster "Mugenkyojin Numeronius" which has 10,000 ATK, which grasps the entire world in its hands! In order to escape from this horrifying dillema, Yuma and Astral become ZEXAL, frantically pulling all the stops offensively and defensively!

And in the middle of this struggle, the true origin of the Numbers, which has been shrouded in mystery, is finally revealled...
Episode Writer: Hirota Mitsutaka

混沌終焉 必殺のファイナル・ホープ剣・スラッシュ!!
第141話 放送日:2014.02.16
激しい攻防を終えた遊馬とナッシュ。しかし、ドン・サウザンドが残したNo.はアストラルには吸収すること ができず、邪悪な瘴気とともにナッシュの手に渡ってしまう…!心をひとつに激闘をともにしたはずの遊馬とナ ッシュは、地上世界とアストラル世界を背負う遊馬と、バリアン世界を背負うナッシュとして対峙するのだった 。ドン・サウザンドの力を得たナッシュは、オーバーハンドレッドNo.を次々と召喚していく… !

脚本家:吉田 伸/演出:望月敬一郎/コンテ:須永 司/作画監督:宍倉 敏

Episode 141
February 16th, 2014
混沌終焉 必殺のファイナル・ホープ剣・スラッシュ!! Konoton Shuuen Hissatsu no Fainaru Hoopu Ken Surasshu!! (The End of Chaos: The Killing Blow, Final Hope Sword Slash!!)
Yuma and Nasch have been subjected to an intense battle. However, the Numbers Don Thousand left behind cannot be absorbed by Astral, and thus end up in Nasch's hands, covered in a evil aura....! Yuma and Nasch, who should of been united by their fierce battle together... are not. Yuma carries the burden of Earth and the Astral World on his back, while Nasch carries the weight of the Barian World on his. Nasch, using Don Thousand's power, summons the Over Hundred Numbers, one after another...!

Episode Writer: Yoshida Shin

最後の希望!! 我は「ビヨンド」  
第142話 放送日:2014.02.23
七皇たちの想いを継いだナッシュは、彼らの夢の化身であり、最後の切り札となる「CX冀望皇(きぼうおう) バリアン」を召喚する!その効果は、想像を絶する最強かつ凶悪なものであった!そして、その効果を完璧に使 いこなすナッシュを前に、遊馬は圧倒されながらも必死に応戦し、白熱したデュエルを展開するの だった!

脚本家:吉田 伸/演出:茉田哲明/コンテ:須永 司/作画監督:Lee Seok-in

Episode 142
February 23rd, 2014
最後の希望!! 我は「ビヨンド」  Saigo no Kibou!! Waga ha "Biyondo" (The Final Hope!! I am "Beyond")
Nasch, carrying the feelings of the Seven Emperors, Summons the Embodiment of their dreams and his ultimate Trump Card "Chaos Xyz: Barian the King of Wishes"! It possesses a cruel and unimaginably powerful effect! Nasch, who has complete control of its effects, stands before Yuma who tries to fight back, despite being overwhelmed... but it turns in a white-hot Duel beyond both of their imaginations!

Episode Writer: Yoshida Shin

孤高の決闘者『ナッシュ』 宿命のラストバトル!!
第143話 放送日:2014.03.02
満身創痍の体を奮い立たせる遊馬と凌牙。二人のフィールドには、「希望皇ホープ」と「ブラックレイランサー 」が対峙していた。それは、彼らが初めて出会った時に闘ったモンスターであり、懐かしい記憶を呼び覚ました 。目の前に立つ凌牙がバリアンだとしても、わかりあえるはずだと強く信じる遊馬だが、バリアン七皇のリーダ ーとして仲間の意思を継ぐ凌牙は、「ヌメロン・コード」を手に入れるべく、遊馬に容赦ない猛攻を仕掛ける! 姿は違っても、かつて絆で結ばれていた凌牙にとどめを刺せない遊馬に対して凌牙がとった行動と は…!?

脚本家:吉田 伸/演出:山本隆太/コンテ:桑原 智/作画監督:丸山修二

Episode 143
March 2nd, 2014
孤高の決闘者『ナッシュ』 宿命のラストバトル!! Kokou no Dyuerisuto "Nasshu" Shukumei no Rasuto Batoru!! (The Lone Duelist "Nasch": The Destined Final Battle!!)
Yuma and Ryouga's bodies are riddled with wounds. On their fields are "Black Ray Lancer" and "Hope the King of Wishes", who faced off against each other in one of their earliest Duels. The sight evokes sweet memories in both Dueists. Even though the Ryouga standing before him now is a Barian, Yuma believes they can still understand one another, but Ryouga, as the leader of the Seven Barian Emperors, and the inheritor of their will, launches a merciless attack on Yuma in order to get the Numeron Code! Even though they look different now, can Yuma reforge the bonds of friendship with Ryouga, when he can't bring himself to deal the winning blow against Ryouga...?

Episode Writer: Yoshida Shin

闘いの儀!! 遊馬VSアストラル  
第144話 放送日:2014.03.09
ナッシュとの激闘に終止符が打たれ、バリアン世界に捕らわれていた無数の魂が地上へと降り注ぐ!この世界の 未来を命がけで守ろうとした仲間たちと遊馬は喜びの再会を果たす!しかし、全てのNo.(ナンバーズ)を手 にしたアストラルがついに「ヌメロン・コード」を出現させ、状況が一変する!自身に託された使命を果たすた め、アストラルは遊馬とのラストデュエルに挑む…!!

脚本家:吉田 伸/演出:児谷直樹/コンテ:須永 司/作画監督:加々美高浩

Episode 144
March 9th, 2014
闘いの儀!! 遊馬VSアストラル Tatakai no Gi!! Yuuma VS Asutoraru (The Ceremonial Battle!! Yuma VS Astral)
When the fierce battle with Nasch comes to an end, the countless souls trapped in the Barian World rain down on the Earth! As a result, Yuma is able to meet back up with all his friends, who risked their lives to protect the future of their world! However, with all the Numbers now in Astral's hands, the Numeron Code finally appears, completely changing everything! In order to fulfill the mission entrusted to him, Astral challenges Yuma to one final Duel...!!

Episode Writer: Yoshida Shin

『わが名はアストラル』 最強の決闘者!!  
第145話 放送日:2014.03.16
全てのNo.(ナンバーズ)を手にしたアストラルは、5体の「ホープ」を召喚し、容赦なくその力を遊馬に見 せつける!その猛威に圧倒される遊馬だが、怯むことなく、むしろ全身全霊でアストラルとのデュエルを楽しん でいた。そんな2人のデュエルには、遊馬とアストラルの間で交わされたある重大な条件が隠され ていて…!?

脚本家:吉田 伸/演出:羽原久美子/コンテ:桑原 智/作画監督:牧内ももこ

Episode 145
March 16th, 2014
『わが名はアストラル』 最強の決闘者!! Waga Na ha Asutoraru Saikyou no Dyuerisuto!! "My Name is Astral": The Ultimate Duelist!!
Astral, who now possesses all of the Numbers, summons 5 "Hopes", showing Yuma the true extent of his power, and not giving him an inch of mercy! Though Yuma is overwhelmed by their full fury, he doesn't flinch or falter, but rather enjoys the Duel with Astral, with his entire heart, body and soul. However, in this Duel between the two of them, lies a certain hidden, serious condition, signed by both Yuma and Astral...?

Episode Writer: Yoshida Shin

絆よ永遠に… かっとビングだぜ、オレたち!! 
第146話 放送日:2014.03.23
最凶の敵によって危機的状況へと追い詰められても、遊馬はいつもアストラルと力を合わせて勝利をつかんでき た。数々の闘いの中で、仲間との出会いや別れなど様々な経験を重ね、デュエリストとして大きな成長を遂げた 遊馬は、全力で相棒・アストラルと激突する!一方、アストラルは、遊馬への想いをある策略へと込めるのだっ た。

脚本家:吉田 伸/演出:武藤公春/コンテ:桑原 智/作画監督:豊田暁子

Episode 146
March 22nd, 2014
絆よ永遠に… かっとビングだぜ、オレたち!! Kizuna yo Eien ni... ... Kattobingu daze, Ore tachi!! (Together Forever... ... We'll Bring It To 'Em!!)
Even though he's been cornered into crises by the most evil and worst of enemies, Yuma has been able to seize victory with Astral by his side. Through many struggles, he's experienced many things and met and parted ways with many friends. Yuma, who has grown by leaps and bounds as a Duelist, clashes with his bestest bud, Astral, giving it everything he's got! On the other hand, Astral, shows his feelings towards Yuma through a certain strategy. At the end of this final Duel, the solid bonds of friendship these two exchange are...!?



Long story short, Nasch is the final villain, not Don Thousand, and as expected, we're getting a Ceremonial Duel between Astral and Yuma.

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Looking back, I think ZEXAL had the most cheating of all of the YGO serieses.

Pulling cards out of thin air...

Manipulating Life Points before the duels actually started so one side would have an unfair advantage...
Brainwashing duelists in the middle of duels...

The first point is the one I really dislike.

It was justified before by having blank cards like Legend of Heart and Shooting Star Dragon be in the deck.

But now, it's a blatant asspull.

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Looking back, I think ZEXAL had the most cheating of all of the YGO serieses.

Pulling cards out of thin air...

Manipulating Life Points before the duels actually started so one side would have an unfair advantage...
Brainwashing duelists in the middle of duels...

The first point is the one I really dislike.

It was justified before by having blank cards like Legend of Heart and Shooting Star Dragon be in the deck.

But now, it's a blatant asspull.


Ironic, too, since it followed the real-world rules the closest.


-Shining Draw is a pretty common criticism, since it explicitly is creating a card that perfectly counters the situation.


-To be fair to the antagonists who manipulated LP, that may have to do with the fact it was a 2 vs 1 match. The extent at which it was unfair is debatable.


-I don't think anyone was actually brainwashed mid-Duel. The only time it seemed to happen was in the couple tag match, but Vector was doing the brainwashing via RUM - Barian's Force, and it seemed more to be his method of brainwashing as opposed to Gilag or Alito's, in that the brainwashing doesn't kick in until Barian's Force is drawn.


EDIT: Except the Yuma vs Ponta Duel. But that was the absurdly blatant cheating since Zexal II literally transformed Limited Barian's Force into Numeron Force...in front of Vector.

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No Tron


Life is suffering



Looking back, I think ZEXAL had the most cheating of all of the YGO serieses.

Pulling cards out of thin air...

Manipulating Life Points before the duels actually started so one side would have an unfair advantage...
Brainwashing duelists in the middle of duels...

The first point is the one I really dislike.

It was justified before by having blank cards like Legend of Heart and Shooting Star Dragon be in the deck.

But now, it's a blatant asspull.

Let's not forget that Yugi spent most of his show willing cards to the top of his deck

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No Tron


Life is suffering



Let's not forget that Yugi spent most of his show willing cards to the top of his deck


If Yugi willingly wanted cards to be at his hand to win the duel, that would be throwing off the point of "heart of the cards". Even the Duel King can fall to dead draws. Even though it's fishy he relies on hope and determination, one of the basic tenets of the YGO.


Shining Draw seems debatable but that's true willing cause there's actually a real power behind forcing the coming of either a ZW or RUM.

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If Yugi willingly wanted cards to be at his hand to win the duel, that would be throwing off the point of "heart of the cards". Even the Duel King can fall to dead draws. Even though it's fishy he relies on hope and determination, one of the basic tenets of the YGO.


Shining Draw seems debatable but that's true willing cause there's actually a real power behind forcing the coming of either a ZW or RUM.

Your argument fails because the anime outright stated during the ceremonial duel that the Heart of the Cards WAS him stacking the deck with willpower.

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At the very least, Atem could alter destiny with his will. The concept of heart of the cards was faith and never giving up, a common theme of the series. Regular Yugi didn't have that level of control over his Deck, and none of the future protagonists did, either.


It's been a while since I saw the ceremonial duel so I have no clear memory on the events of duel, but if that's true, it would pave the way for aspiring duelists such as regular Yugi and the future protagonists. But if Yami/atem is the only one that can win duels with random cards with some lineage inbetween, then I guess the willpower to change destiny is true.

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Ok...that was just awful.

[spoiler=WTF]Dead in 2 turns, his VERY FIRST TURN? AND WHY DOES HE PLAY THAT CRAP? Inflicting damage to yourself? Why is that even IN A DRAGON DECK, which does nothing but have HIGH ATTACK MONSTERS!? Such an EPIC battle VS Kite...felt like a waste.

I'm getting the feeling that Don Summons 100. Bull crap either way.[/spoiler]

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[spoiler=WTF]Dead in 2 turns, his VERY FIRST TURN? AND WHY DOES HE PLAY THAT CRAP? Inflicting damage to yourself? Why is that even IN A DRAGON DECK, which does nothing but have HIGH ATTACK MONSTERS!? Such an EPIC battle VS Kaito...felt like a waste.

I'm getting the feeling that Don Thousand Summons 100. Bull crap either way.[/spoiler]


Mizael gave Number 100 to Yuma.


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Ok...that was just awful.

[spoiler=WTF]Dead in 2 turns, his VERY FIRST TURN? AND WHY DOES HE PLAY THAT CRAP? Inflicting damage to yourself? Why is that even IN A DRAGON DECK, which does nothing but have HIGH ATTACK MONSTERS!? Such an EPIC battle VS Kite...felt like a waste.

I'm getting the feeling that Don Summons 100. Bull crap either way.[/spoiler]


Heliosphere and Parsec are not high-ATK monsters, and he could have more weak Dragons like them.  In fact, all the Main Deck dragons we've seen from him don't exceed 2000 ATK.  Also, considering that Yuma currently has it, I think it's more likely that Numeron Dragon will be a counter to Thousand's deck, especially since it benefits from Numeron Network.

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Don Thousand won't Summon No.100 because he doesn't have it. Mizael gave it to Yuma before Dueling Don Thousand.


But the Don Thousand vs Mizael Duel was...ridiculously stupid and anti-climactic. And turns out, we're looking at Z-one level tactics here. The Duels apparently start with a Sargasso-like Field Spell already in play from the beginning. And it lets Don Thousand activate Counter Traps...from his Deck. And do something else that I didn't catch.


When Mizael Summoned Galaxy Stealth Dragon (?) the Xyz portal was the one that usually Summons a Number. I was very disappointed to see him not Summon a Number.



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Don Thousand won't Summon No.100 because he doesn't have it. Mizael gave it to Yuma before Dueling Don Thousand.
But the Don Thousand vs Mizael Duel was...ridiculously stupid and anti-climactic. And turns out, we're looking at Z-one level tactics here. The Duels apparently start with a Sargasso-like Field Spell already in play from the beginning. And it lets Don Thousand activate Counter Traps...from his Deck. And do something else that I didn't catch.
When Mizael Summoned Galaxy Stealth Dragon (?) the Xyz portal was the one that usually Summons a Number. I was very disappointed to see him not Summon a Number.

Numeron Network can be activated during the opponent's Draw Phase if the player controls no other cards. He activated it during Mizael's Draw Phase, but didn't announce it (you can actually see that Don's hand count goes from 6 to 5 during that time).

I don't think he even has Numbers anymore since 107, 46 and 62 fused to create 100, and I doubt Mizael could have summoned 100.
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