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Holy Lightning/Star Seraph does require a perfect hand to specifically summon all 3 main of the monsters, while sacrificing a Spell. 102 is actually a very nice Xyz that can halve ATK/negate effects while also preventing its destruction, but there really is no skill within Durbe's deck; just the same sequence he did back at Sargasso. Merag's 103 and C103 can be as disappointing; They're basically Mini Machu Machs/Fort Hyuks...just applicable to any other deck. It also seems strange how Ragna Zero/Ragna infinity can work with rio's Zerofyne and Zereort, but regardless it sounds much dependent and I hope they change the effect for IRL.


As for Alito and Girag, I'm much interested in how Alito pulls off Sandayu.

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It seems Ponta ( Gilag's Tanuki ) will make a return. Sad about Durbe though. Also, not next week, but the week after, we finally see Number 62. 


EDIT- I just noticed something. If there is no new manga Number this month, Galaxy Eyes Prime Photon Dragon will be the 62nd Number we've seen.

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It seems Ponta (Gilag's Tanuki) will make a return.

Well yuma did give Alit Number 64 to use against him so I wasn't surprised, and the writers conveniently gave him a level 2 Burning Knuckler.


Teh weirdest part of the episode for me was when Vector went "dun dun dun dun" before showing Merag and Durbe the image of Nasch.

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Poor Durbe. Not much of a good duelist who hasn't been seen much dueling...at all, but he was the one who brought Nasch and Merag back to the Barian's side, and he put faith in them towards the end.


But that last Counter Spell...so, it negates effect damage, and then it can target a player's monster and it gains ATK equal to the negated damage....and during the End Phase it inflicts damage to the opposing player without the boost?

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The most recent subs actually added some interesting information about the Barians and their past lives.


Astral noted that the ruins' legends indicated the Barian past lives were noble, and their souls should have been taken to the Astral World, rather than the malicious Barian World, and that Don Thousand probably altered the outcomes of their lives to somehow fill them with hatred. Which is perplexing in some cases. Alito is the most obvious example, that he was a noble person, but was framed and executed injustly, and Don Thousand brainwashed his friend to betray Alito, filling his heart with hatred upon death.


But what of the other Barians? Since Durbe and Merag are going to lose this Duel to Vector, they won't be able to fight their Legendary Number with their Over-Hundred Numbers and regain their true memories, and learn what Don Thousand presumably orchestrated to make them into Barians. Durbe's case may simply be that Don Thousand brainwashed his friends to kill him, but the ruins almost explicitly stated that Durbe was taken to heaven when he died, not the Barian World. Merag's memories might be revealed when Nasch's are, since they're almost two sides of the same coin in that regard.


Based on how rapidly the Gilag and Alito Duel is shaping up to be going, I'm not sure what they'll reveal about Gilag's past and Don Thousand's involvement. Mizael is Dueling Kaito next, who has Mizael's Legendary Number, so that at least will probably reveal more of what happened to Mizael.


Also, I liked how Merag pointed out that Vector is one of the Barian lords, when apparently the lords were always nothing more than sacrifices to Don Thousand's power. Granted, Vector seems convinced that because he's one with Don Thousand, he'll be spared. I somehow doubt this is the case, although I guess Vector views it as he has access to Don Thousand's powers, rather than Don Thousand sharing his powers. I'm expecting that Vector is going to get body-snatched at some point.

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Durbe's gone... I don't like that. He got pretty shafted -_-

Looks like we'll be seeing C43 next episode, and all THAT craziness.

I'm honestly kind of dissapointed that we got to see so little of good old Black Mist in this duel. i got really excited when Vector played him, then Merag kills it in one turn... meh.

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I considered it symbolic. Black Mist is just a puppet to Vector and Don Thousand. His role is over.


More than that. He's more or less dead. The creature itself is pretty much dead. Number 96 is now nothing more than an ordinary Number, with no sentience, unlike Numbers like 39, 83, and 32.

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New previews, but I would recommend to take these with a grain of salt, and yes I noticed the 1950s:



ベクターの翻弄! 捕われた仲間の絆!!
第137話 放送日:1950.01.19
ナッ シュとの因縁デュエルの最中、ベクターは自身に潜んでいた真実の記憶を知る。ベクターをはじめ、バリアン七皇の記憶を操作していたドン・サウザンド。自分 の運命を変えた諸悪の根源ドン・サウザンドに敵意を向けるベクターは、ナッシュに思いも寄らない言葉を口にするのだった! その時、ナッシュは…。

脚本家:広田光毅/演出:松田哲明/コンテ:ノーチェー・ヤギ/作画監督:Noh Gil-bo

Episode 137
ベクターの翻弄! 捕われた仲間の絆!! Bekutaa no Honrou! Torawareta Nakama no Kizuna!! (Vector's Trifling! Bonds of Trapped Friendship!!)
January 19th, 1950
During his fated Duel with Nasch, Vector learns about his true memories. Don Thousand has been toying with the memories of the Seven Barian Emperors, including Vector's. In order to decide his own fate, Vector turns on Don Thousand, the root of all evil, and says something unexpected to Nasch! At that time, Nasch...
Episode Writer: Hirota Mitsutaka



第138話 放送日:1950.01.26
卑 劣な戦略でナッシュを苦しめるベクター。怒りに震えるナッシュは、猛攻撃でベクターを窮地へと追い込む!すると、消滅したはずのドン・サウザンドの力が再 び蘇り、ベクターの体から完全に独立してしまう…。全てはドン・サウザンドの陰謀通りとなり、自由の身となった体でベクター、そして遊馬までも吸収しよう とするのだった。その時、カイトとの激闘を繰り広げたミザエルが現れる!

脚本家:広田光毅、吉田 伸/演出:児谷直樹/コンテ:桑原 智/作画監督:豊田暁子

Episode 138
混沌たる存在『ドン・サウザンド』光来!! Konoton-suru Sonzai "Don Sauzando" Kourai!! (The Embodiment of Chaos, "Don Thousand" Has Come!!)
January 26th, 1950
Vector continues to torture Nasch with his cruel strategy. Nasch, trembling with fury, drives Vector into a corner with a fierce attack! Then, the power of Don Thousand, which should of been erased, revives once more, as he now becomes completely free of Vector's body... All of this has been Don Thousand's plan. With his body no longer tied to Vector, he now plans to try and absorb even Yuma. At that time, Mizael, who fought a fierce battle with Kaito, appears!
Episode Writer: Hirota Mitsutaka



第139話 放送日:2014.02.02
力 尽きて倒れてしまったナッシュのデュエルを引き継ぎ、ドン・サウザンドに立ち向かおうとするミザエル。月で手に入れた新たなエースモンスター、『銀河眼の 光子竜皇』を序盤から召喚し、更には秘策の装備魔法、『Rコール』を発動し、見事なマジックコンボで快進撃を繰り広げる!しかし、一見有利な流れを作り出 したミザエルだが、そこにはドン・サウザンドの思いがけない陰謀が待ち構えていた…!

脚本家:吉田 伸/演出:武藤公春/コンテ:須永 司/作画監督:横田明美

Episode 139
竜 皇の雄叫び!渾身の一撃、『Rコール』発動!! Puraimu Doragon no Atakebi! Konshin no Ichigeki, "R Kooru" Hatsudou!! (The Roar of Prime Dragon! Full Force Single Strike, "R Call" Activate!!
February 2nd, 2014
Mizael takes over for Nasch, who has collapsed in exhaustion, and faces off against Don Thousand! He quickly summons his new ace monster, "Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon", which he obtained on the moon. He then activates his secret Equip Spell Card "R Call", and unleashes a powerful attack using his amazing Spell Card Combo! However, though it looks like the Duel is in Mizael's favor, Don Thousand has an unexpected plan prepared to turn the tide...!
Episode Writer: Yoshida Shin



第140話 放送日:2014.02.09
デュ エルの途中で、ミザエルの過去を語り始めるドン・サウザンド。まったく記憶になかったことを告げられ、唖然とするミザル。そこへ更にたたみかけるように、 ドン・サウザンドはついにミザエルの前世の死について、自ら真相を暴き始める。衝撃の真実を耳に、ミザエルの心に黒いしみが広がりつつあった。我を失い、 怒りに任せて無謀な攻撃に出たミザエルを目に、ドン・サウザンドは邪悪な微笑みを浮かべる…。

脚本家:吉田 伸/演出:山本隆太/コンテ:セトウケンジ/作画監督:南 伸一郎

Episode 140
ミ ザエルの真実!抑えきれぬ闇の衝動!Mizaeru no Shinjitsu! Osaekirenu Yami no Shoudou! (The Truth About Mizael! The Uncontrollable Impulse of Darkness!)
February 9th, 2014
During their Duel, Don Thousand begins talking about Mizael's past. His real past doesn't match the memories he had at all. Pressing onward, Don Thousand reveals the truth about the past Mizael's death. Shocked by what he hears, Mizael's heart and soul begin to be tainted black. Mizael loses control of himself, and attacks Don Thousand with reckless abandond. Meanwhile, Don Thousand smiles wickedly...
Episode Writer: Yoshida Shin



第141話 放送日:2014.02.16
ミ ザエルの無残な散りざまを目の当たりにして、遊馬は悔しさを胸に、そして人間世界を守るという使命感を抱き、アストラルと共に宿敵ドン・サウザンドを迎え 撃つ!しかし、七皇全員を吸収し、最終進化形態へと姿を変えたドン・サウザンドの迫力に圧倒され、手も足も出ない遊馬とアストラルは打つ手に詰まる…。

脚本家:雑破 業/演出:児谷直樹/コンテ:桑原 智/作画監督:原 憲一

Episode 141
最 後の戦い!遊馬・アストラルvsサウザンド・ノヴァ!Saigo no Tatakai! Yuuma Asutoraru vs Sauzando Nova! (The Final Battle! Yuma and Astral VS Thousand Nova!)
Airdate: February 16th, 2014
Having seen Mizael's horrifying death before his own eyes, Yuma carries a heavy weight in his heart, and armed with a desire to protect Earth, he and Astral face off against Astral's archnemesis, Don Thousand!! But, Don Thousand, having absorbed all Seven of the Emperors, transforms into his FINAL FORM, which neither Yuma or Astral can do anything to...
Episode Writer: Zappa Gou


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... So Mizael is fighting Don Thousand? Doesn't seem like the best option to me, he already has Kaito as a rival. IF ONLY THERE WAS ANOTHER BARIAN EMPEROR WHO COULD HAVE DUELED HIM INSTEAD OF GET KILLED OFF WITH ONLY 2 DUELS.


... Yeah, Imma be a bit annoyed if these are real. 

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There also seems to be a typo saying Don Thousand plans to absorb even Yuma. I assume that was supposed to say Vector, based on context.


Honestly, the previews seem fake because of how self contrary they are.


First of which, while I can easily envision that Don Thousand becomes free of Vector's body and intends to absorb him (this is only what I've been saying will inevitably happen), it's unclear what the hell Vector says to Nasch, if that preview is supposedly true, unless Vector is trying to lose on purpose, but that doesn't make sense, even with Vector being Vector.


Next, it says Mizael faces off against Don Thousand and uses No.62. Um...well, that means Kaito lost, which would be a stupid twist that we'd already have known several episodes ago. Then it continues, saying Mizael's true memories are revealed in the Duel with Don Thousand, but based on the Alito vs Yuma Duel, Mizael's memories probably should have been revealed in the Duel with Kaito, since Kaito has Number 46. And there needs to have been a reason for Kaito to HAVE Number 46.


It is possible, since Mizael's backstory explicitly references a shaman, who we sort of found out by now was Don Thousand masquerading to kill off and revive the Barian lords.


Lastly, the final preview mentions Don Thousand has absorbed all the Barian Emperors. Again, a plausible occurrence, but the problem is that it never mentions what happened to Alito and Gilag. Unless Don Thousand brainwashing them before counts as absorbing them already, then he shouldn't have gotten them all. And it's kind of ridiculous that pretty much 2 Duels happened for Don Thousand to absorb all the Emperors, on the basis that it's just wasteful.


Vector Duels Durbe and Merag. He wins, absorbing both.


Vector Duels Nasch. Don Thousand becomes separate from Vector, putting Vector as part of the stakes. Nasch collapses and Mizael takes over, putting himself as part of the stakes. Mizael loses, and Don Thousand absorbs Vector, Nasch, and Mizael.


2 Duels = 5 Barian Emperors killed off. Yeah...that'd be dumb.


Honestly, I fully expect that Don Thousand has to Duel Yuma/Astral, Kaito, and Shark/Nasch. It'd be epic, even if predictable, especially after the Dr. Faker Duel, but those 3 have only been showcased as the main characters forever.

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Not to mention, the enormous buildup of Shark = Nasch would become utterly pointless if all Nasch did since returning was beat IV, get captured by Gilag/Don Thousand, then Duel Vector, pass out, and be absorbed. Nasch's entire contribution to the Barians would be Rank-Up Magic The Seventh One.


Well they were taken down from the NAS site, which confirms they were fake. 

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