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Yu-Gi-Oh! ZeXal Sub/Manga Official Discussion Thread


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I think there's been a rumour that two of the World Premiers are C6 and C9.


Also doesn't the new Heraldry Number give more evidence for Tron's return?


Even the OOParts Number seems alright because we know that III is in the Barian World now. Which means there's a possibility he returns in some form. That or Tron is going to turn up using some of his Sons cards as well as his own to et payback.


I just don't think they'd print those two archetypes Numbers without them showcasing in the anime.

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I think there's been a rumour that two of the World Premiers are C6 and C9.

Yeah I heard that too, and instead we get new Numbers.


Also doesn't the new Heraldry Number give more evidence for Tron's return

Yeah, although I've seen some people say that Tron will most likely not return

Hell, I believe that this is Konami giving extra support to these archetypes without the anime, similar to how they've released all those extra numbers in Number Hunters.

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Yeah I heard that too, and instead we get new Numbers.


Yeah, although I've seen some people say that Tron will most likely not return

Hell, I believe that this is Konami giving extra support to these archetypes without the anime, similar to how they've released all those extra numbers in Number Hunters.


Thing about ZeXal: It's generally been really good with it's own continuity, building to things for quite a while in all honesty.


The fact that Tron has been mentioned quite a lot this series (I think at least), and the fact that wel... He's him, gives some decent evidence for him returning, at lest in my eyes. The Barian's have in part ruined his life, which well... He's not the sort of person to take that lying down. His sons are gone, and even if he didn't show a lot of care for them before, he still isn't likely to take it lying down.

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Tron was repeatedly mentioned since the return of the Arclight siblings and a little before that. Mr. Heartland taunted III by mentioning Tron, III mentioned his bracelet specifically had the power of his father's crest, Kurage referred to IV almost exclusively as "Tron's son", when Number 96 stole Coat of Arms, Kaito mentioned it was Tron's ace monster.


I really do think Tron could (and should) return because it'd be a way to see how he's changed since forgiving Dr. Faker. We got hints of it in the last series, but III, IV, and V were showcased better when they're not focused on revenge. Tron could be a really significant ally, and with the protagonists' side dwindled down so badly, Tron could be a major asset.


Plus, the opening and ending have showed his character a few times, so he might reappear, especially with his sons down for the count. He did once say that he put his faith only in himself and the Barian World, since the Barian World saved him. Well, now the Barian World just took out his sons...

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The fact that Tron has been mentioned quite a lot this series (I think at least), and the fact that well... He's him, gives some decent evidence for him returning, at lest in my eyes. The Barian's have in part ruined his life, which well... He's not the sort of person to take that lying down. His sons are gone, and even if he didn't show a lot of care for them before, he still isn't likely to take it lying down.

I know Tron has been mentioned quite a few times this season, and while it gives him some decent evidence of him returning, I'll say what I've said numerous times already today: We'll just have to wait and see what happens. It'd be interesting to see Tron return though. If my sons were killed by the enemy who had saved me once before I'd be preetty p***ed off with them, probs to the point where'd I get sent to jail. Thus it'd be interesting as to how Tron will react to his sons being sent to the Barian world.

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Oh nice, I was wondering when/if they would make an OOPArts based off the Nebra Star Disk. Also, I realized there is one thing Yuma has done even less than use non-Hope Numbers…………………...

























Actually use Gagaga Magician's effect.


Against Tonsuke ( Howver you spell it. )

Against the cleaning robot ( Not even for an Xyz Summon, for Burn damage. )

With Anna, against her mentor.

Twice against the guy he used Volca, Atlanthal, and Black Mist against

In the manga with Gagaga Girl to summon Fran Ken


That's 6. Yuma's used 10 Numbers. Not sure which is more sad.

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Especially given the latest episode where he had Gagaga Kid in hand as well. He could have gone for literally ANY Number from Ranks 1 through 8. It still would have likely been popped by C105 anyway, but seriously. Number 49 would have been quite handy there.

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More previews:



ベクターの嘲笑 引き裂かれた七皇!!
第131話 放送日:2013.11.24
遊馬たちを乗せた異次元飛行船がバリアン世界へ突入しようとしていたちょうどその頃、バリアン世界ではドル べ・メラグとベクターが対峙していた。No.96を自身に取り込み更なる邪悪な力を手にしたベクターは、2 人を倒し、その力を吸収しようと企んでいた。そして、捕らわれの身となったナッシュとメラグに隠された衝撃 の事実が明らかになる…。

脚本家:雑破 業/演出:羽原久美子/コンテ:須永 司/作画監督:牧内ももこ
ベクターの嘲笑 引き裂かれた七皇!! Bekutaa no Choushou Hikisakareta Shichi Kou!! (Vector's Scorn: The Sundered Seven Emperors!!)
Episode 131 / Airdate: November 24th, 2013
As Yuma tries to rush to the Barian World, Vector, Durbe and Merag face-off in the Barian World. Having absorbed Number 96 into himself, Vector's gained even greater evil powers, and now plans to defeat the two of them and steal their power for his own! And a hidden shocking truth about Merag and the captured Nasch finally is revealed...!
Episode Writer: Zappa Gou

我が身を盾に! ドルベ最後の誓い!!
第132話 放送日:2013.12.08
ベクターから語られた衝撃の事実によってドルべ・メラグの怒りは最高潮に!決死の覚悟でベクターを倒そうと する2人に、さらなる衝撃、永続魔法『ドン・サウザンドの玉座』の恐ろしい効果をが襲いかかる。一方、全て の記憶を取り戻したアリトは、洗脳されたままのギラグを救うべく、遺跡のNo.を手にギラグとの決闘に挑む が…!?

脚本家:雑破 業/演出:山本隆太/コンテ:須永 司/作画監督:原 憲一、丸山修二、長田絵里
我が身を盾に!ドルベ最後の誓い! Wagami wo Tate ni! Dorube Saigo no Chikai! (My Body as a Shield! Durbe's Final Vow!)
Episode 132 / Airdate: December 8th, 2013
Due to what Vector says, Durbe and Merag's rage reaches their limit! While they throw their everything at Vector, ready to die if it means taking him down, they're shocked even further when they're savagely attacked by the power of the Continuous Spell Card "Don Thousand's Throne"! On the other hand, Alito, who finally regained his memories, goes to save his brainwashed buddy, Girag, with "Number 64: Ronin Raccoon Sandayu" at his side, and challenges Girag to a Duel.
Episode Writer: Zappa Gou

別れは刹那… 哀しき兄妹の宿命
第133話 放送日:2013.12.15
バリアンの力を失ったアリトだったが、本来のギラグを取り戻したいという熱い想いを胸に、必死の攻防を繰り 広げる!そんな激闘を前に遊馬は、仲間を取り戻すためにどんな犠牲をもいとわないという真の決闘者魂に感銘 を受けるのだった。その頃「ヌメロン・コード」のカギを探るべく月へと旅立ったカイトは、同じ「銀河眼」使 いのミザエルと対峙し、2体の「銀河眼」の起源を知る…!

脚本家:雑破 業、吉田 伸/演出:Lee Seok-in/コンテ:桑原 智/作画監督:-
別れは刹那… 哀しき兄妹の宿命 Wakare ha Setsuna... Kanashiki Kyoudai no Shukumei (Goodbye is a Moment... The Sad Fate of the Brother and Sister)
Episode 133 / Airdate: December 15th, 2013
Alito has lost his powers as a Barian, but his hot-blooded heart pushes him to bring Girag back to the man he used to be, as they wage a desperate battle. Yuma finds himself in awe at their battle, as Alito impresses him with his true Duelist Soul that drives him to sacrifice everything to get back his friend. Meanwhile, Kaito has left for the moon to find the key to the "Numeron Code", and ends up facing Mizael who also uses a "Galaxy-Eyes", and they learn the true origin of the two "Galaxy-Eyes"...!
Episode Writer: Zappa Gou

甦る竜皇神話!! 『銀河眼の光子竜皇』
第134話 放送日:2013.12.22
2人の「銀河眼」使い、カイトとミザエルの決戦の舞台は月。それぞれが操る「銀河眼」は怒涛の光を放ち、咆 哮を鳴り響かせ、かつてない激しい攻防を重ねていた!カイトは、かつてジンロンが話していた遺跡の伝説にな ぞらえ、ついに新たな「銀河眼」を生み出すことに成功する!! このカイトの「新銀河眼」とミザエルの「時空竜」の対峙は、世界を希望へと導いていけるのか― ――。

脚本家:吉田 伸/演出:武藤公春/コンテ:ノーチェー・ヤギ/作画監督:斎藤圭太
甦る竜皇神話!! 『銀河眼の光子竜皇』 Yomigaeru Ryuukou Shinwa!! Gyarakushii Aizu Puraimu Foton Doragon (The Revived Dragon Emperor Legend!! "Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon")
Episode 134 / Airdate: December 22nd, 2013
The two "Galaxy-Eyes" users, Kaito and Mizael face-off on the Moon. The two "Galaxy-Eyes" emit surging waves of light, as their roars howl, as the two Duelists have an incredible back-and-forth Duel! Kaito, following the past Jinlong talked about and the legend of the ruins, creates a brand-new "Galaxy-Eyes"! As Kaito's new "Galaxy-Eyes" and Mizael's "Tachyon Dragon" confront one another... ...Can the world truly be led down the path towards hope... ... ...?
Episode Writer: Yoshida Shin

未来をこの手に! 銀河決戦終結!!
第135話 放送日:2013.12.29
カイトとミザエルによる決闘は激しさを増していく。カイトはオービタル7の支え無くして立つこともできぬ状 況で、自身が背負う宿命を全うさせるべく、満身創痍でミザエルに立ち向かう!しかし、ミザエルが放つ「超銀 河眼の時空龍」の圧倒的効果により、極限へと追い詰められていく…!2人の様々な想いが交差する中、今ここ に真の「龍(ドラゴン)使い」が誕生する!!

脚本家:吉田 伸/演出:望月敬一郎/コンテ:須永 司/作画監督:宍倉 敏
未来をこの手に! 銀河決戦終結!! Mirai wo Kono Te ni! Gyrakushii Kessen Shuuketsu!! (The Future is in My Hand! The End of the Galaxy Showdown!!)
Episode 135 / Airdate: December 29th, 2013
The Duel between Kaito and Mizael intensifiess. Kaito finds him in dire straits as he loses the support of Orbital 7. In order to fulfill his destiny, he stands up to Mizael, despite the countless wounds over his body. However, when Mizael uses the overwhelming effect of "Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon", he finds himself pushed to the edge of his limits...! As the various thoughts and desires of Mizael and Kaito clash, the true "Dragon Tamer" is about to be born!!
Episode Writer: Yoshida Shin

凶気の記憶! ナッシュVS魔神ベクター!! 
第136話 放送日:1950.01.01
ドルべとメラグの力を吸収し、脅威的な力を手に入れたベクター。彼が次に狙うのは、メラグたちを失った怒り に燃えるナッシュだった!問答無用にベクターとの決闘を受け入れるナッシュだが、ベクターの卑怯な策により 早々に不利な状況へと追い詰められてしまう…。その時、未だ解明されていなかった自分たちの真の記憶が蘇り 始め…!?

凶気の記憶! ナッシュVS魔神ベクター!! Kyouki no Kioku! Nasshu VS Mashin Bekutaa!! (Sinister Memories! Nasch vs Vector the Devil!!)
Episode 136 / Airdate: January 1st, 1950
Having absorbed Durbe and Merag's power, Vector gains terrifying power. He sets his sights on Nasch next, as Nasch burns with rage from having lost his sister Merag. Nasch immediately accepts Vector's challenge to a Duel, but ends up in a troubling situation due to Vector's cheating ways... ... But then both of their remaining hidden true memories begin to reawaken...!?
Episode Writer: Hirota Mitsutaka



Episodes 131 and 132 we already know.  133 to 136 are new.   As for why 136 is in "1950", apparently the date on the NAS site is on the fritz.


Also scan of Kaito vs Mizael.

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Wasn't Merag unsure of actually fighting her former friends? Or at least regretting having to do so?


I mean, to me that seems like something that should've been explored.


None of the previews especially suprise me. Beyond it appears to be that either Nasch is going to lose, or the prior previews we had about it all will in fact be true...

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None of the previews especially suprise me. Beyond it appears to be that either Nasch is going to lose, or the prior previews we had about it all will in fact be true...

I'm in the same boat as you, the previews didn't surprise me either. I'm also thinking that Nasch is gonna lose and Vector claims all of his Numbers.

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I'm in the same boat as you, the previews didn't surprise me either. I'm also thinking that Nasch is gonna lose and Vector claims all of his Numbers.



Would that inlclude 101? Come to think of it, what would be stopping Vector from taking 102 and 103? It seems like something he would do anyways. Or Nasche will use the Gimmick Puppet Numbers? It was never said he and Misael didn't take III, IV, and V's Numbers. They probably did, but who knows. Also, why doesn't it mention anything about Kaito using 46? 

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