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Yu-Gi-Oh! ZeXal Sub/Manga Official Discussion Thread


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Yeah, I did notice how similar to Utopia the new Zexal was. I chose not to care.


Everyone hates Vector. But he's still extremely good at making plans and is definitely not someone you want opposing you. Also, there may be something more to Nasch's memories being awakened that affects how Shark handles this type of conflict.


You really hate Utopia don't you? 


Also, here's the whole dialogue regarding Nasch:



Vector: ナッシュ! メラグ!(Nasch! Merag!)
Vector: バカな!こいつらが 生きていたとは…。 あのとき 確かに2人をやったはず…》 (Impossible! They're still alive.... I was certain I offed them back then...)
Durbe: どうした? ベクター。 (What's wrong, Vector?)
Vector: あっ… いや。 (Ah... nothing.)
Durbe: 彼らは 地上にいたのだ。 (They were on Earth.)
Durbe: 人間に姿を変え 神代凌牙と璃緒として…。 (Transformed into the humans Kamishiro Ryouga and Rio.)
Vector: 何!? 凌牙と璃緒だと!? (What!? Ryouga and Rio!?)
Durbe: そうだ。 (Yes.)
Durbe: 彼らは バリアンとしての 記憶をなくし 人間として生きていたのだ。 (Having lost their memories of being Barians.)
Vector: 《これは かなり よからぬ状況だぜ…。 こいつら あのときのことも 思い出したのか? 俺が 2人を罠にはめ…》 (This isn't good... Do they remember what happened back then? I lured the two of them into a Trap...)
Don Thousand: うろたえるな。 (Don't lose your head over this.)
Vector: ドン・サウザンド! (Don Thousand!)
Don Thousand: 今のやつに殺気はない。 (That brat isn't thirsting for blood.
Vector: 《じゃ やつらの記憶はまだ 完全に戻ってないってことか》 (Have they not completely regained their memories?)
Nasch/Ryouga: ベクター。 (Vector.)
Nasch: お前が 俺を疑う気持はわかる。 (I understand you doubt me.)
Nasch: 確かに俺とメラグは 人間界で お前たちの敵であった。 (Merag and I were indeed your enemies in the Human World.)
Nasch: だが今 俺たちは バリアンとして目覚めた。 (But now we have reawakened as Barians.)
Nasch: 今は この世界を守るため ともに力を合わせるときだ。 (It is time for us to join forces and protect this world.)
Nasch: ただし 俺が 裏切る素振りを見せたら そのときは 背中から俺を斬れ。 (But, if I sense any hint that you plan to betray me, this time, I won't give a second thought to stabbing you in the back myself.)
Vector: クッ… ナッシュ…。 (Keh... Nasch...)
Nasch: 俺とメラグの運命は バリアンとともにある! (The fates of Merag and I are with the Barians!)
Vector: わかった。 (Understood.)
Durbe: ところで ベクター。 (By the way, Vector.)
Durbe: こいつは お前の仕業か? (Is this your doing?)
Vector: な… なんのことだ? (W... What's that?)
Durbe: バリアン世界と人間世界の融合。 (The merger of the Human and Barian Worlds.)
Durbe: これほどの力は ドン・サウザンド以外には考えられない。 (No one else should be able to do that besides Don Thousand.)
Durbe: 誰かが やつの力を よみがえらせた。 (So someone must of revived him.)
Vector: 俺は知らねえ! (I know nothing!)
Vector: ああ もしかしたら あのハエ野郎 あいつじゃねえのか? (Ah, maybe it was that fly bastard who did it?)
Durbe: ハートランドが? (Heartland?)
Vector: だが こりゃ絶好の機会だぜ。 (But this is a perfect opportunity.)
Vector: 今なら遊馬とアストラルもいねえ。 (Right now, Yuma and Astral aren't around.)
Vector: 一気に地上を…。 (We could take Earth...)
Nasch: ベクター。 (Vector.)
Nasch: お前は 遊馬とアストラルを 甘く見すぎている。 (You give Yuma and Astral too little credit.)
Vector: なに!? (What!?)
Nasch: やつらは必ず戻ってくる。 (Those guys will always come back.)
Nasch: そういうやつらだ。 (That's the kinda guys they are.)
Nasch: お前たちに力を授けよう。 (So, I'll give you guys this power.)
Nasch: やつらと戦うための力を! (The power we need to be able to fight them!)
Nasch: さあ いくぞ! (Now, let's go!)


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No, I don't hate Utopia. However, I feel Yuma overuses it. This is a huge flaw when you consider that the very premise of Zexal was collecting the Numbers. Therefore, he has an unimaginably flexible Extra Deck. But very, very rarely has he ever played a Number other than Utopia, and there are constantly more support cards (the ZWs) and upgrades. Furthermore, half his plot device cards support Utopia in some way, and opponent cards are becoming more and more "anti-Utopia".


Therefore, the potential the premise has at its very core is being wasted on one card. That said, I greatly approve of C39-V and C39 - Victory.


I chose not to care about how Yuma looked not because I'm anti-Utopia but because the Zexal forms looking absurd has become the expectation.


Where are you finding these translations?

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Thanks. I've been wondering where the translations have come from for a while now.


I'm becoming more and more curious/concerned about how far the Barians' knowledge goes regarding Don Thousand. Vector knew not only that Don Thousand was sealed, but where he was, and how to free him. Durbe here acknowledged that merging the human and Barian Worlds is only possible by Don Thousand, and that someone must have revived him. Vector himself didn't seem to realize at first that Don Thousand was capable of merging the two worlds.


Obviously, Vector's not admitting he freed Don Thousand because that's the type of guy he is: It'll be his hidden trump card if he feels like stabbing the Barians in the back, and considering his past life and general insanity, he would totally do that.


Interesting, so Vector lured Merag and Nasch into a trap and then killed them. I wonder what his ACTUAL reason for doing so was. Obviously, he hates Nasch. He did in the past, and he did even as a Barian. He mused in a previous episode (Kurage's debut) that whenever he thinks of Shark, he gets an unexplainable surge of hatred. But did he expect their disappearance to aid himself in some way? Make it easier for him to do his own things, or maybe become the leader?


Also, what was the deal with the Don Thousand Numbers (1-4)? Were all of them fakes? Astral acknowledged SOMETHING about them after Mr. Heartland lost, and they're obviously connected to Don Thousand in some way.

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Also, what was the deal with the Don Thousand Numbers (1-4)? Were all of them fakes? Astral acknowledged SOMETHING about them after Mr. Heartland lost, and they're obviously connected to Don Thousand in some way.





Mr. Heartland: お… おのれ…。 (Y... you...)
Mr. Heartland: 貴様らごときにこの燃えるハートのハートランドが…。 (You punks could... My passionate, burning heart...)
Mr. Heartland: これは…。 (They're...)
Mr. Heartland: ヒャ~ッ!! (Haaaah!)
Mr. Heartland: も… 燃えている! 私が ハーエバーニング!? (I... I'm burning! I'm HAE Burning!?)
Mr. Heartland: ア~ッチ! アチチ! (Hooottt! Hotot!)
Mr. Heartland: アチッ アチッ! ベ… ベクター様! (Hott! Hott! Master V... Vector!)
Mr. Heartland: 燃えております! な… なぜ!? (I'm burning! W... why!?)
Mr. Heartland: ベクター様~! (Master Vector~!)
Astral: あれは! (That's!)
Yuma: アストラル ナンバーズが! (Astral, the Numbers!)
Astral: いや あれは ナンバーズではない。 (No, those weren't Numbers.)




I wish these episodes had reliable subbing though.

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So they were fakes.


Hmm...I can only hope we learn that Vector has the real ones that Don Thousand gave him. Because otherwise, the whole issue with Numbers 1-4 makes no sense whatsoever. But considering that Don Thousand materialized briefly as Mr. Heartland burned, it's just as likely that Don Thousand gave Vector fakes from the start.


However, we can't be sure of that, either. Don Thousand entrusted Vector with 4 Numbers, then had him sit on the throne and merge with it. Vector, by the time that Mr. Heartland Dueled, knew that they were fakes. So maybe in the cut between sitting on the throne, and Fly Heartland showing up and getting his human body back, Don Thousand created fakes of those Numbers and had Vector give them to Mr. Heartland and the assassins. If they won their Duels, they'd get the real Numbers, but if they lost, it would leave Don Thousand and Vector unfazed.


Which, if that's the case, makes Mr. Heartland's gushing hilarious when he got Number 1.. "I can't believe you gave me this valuable card". Yeah...because he didn't. He gave you a fake. But did Mr. Heartland know the assassins' Numbers were fake? He seemed aware that he could inflict a ton of pain to Kaito by exploiting Number 2. Alternatively, that literally was the only Number Mr. Heartland knew Kaito had (since the other in his possession was Number 46).

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Man, I am wanting to see Nasch and Merag out of silhouette SO BAD... we'll probably get to see at least Nasch in the climax of his duel with IV, when he ranks up 101 (I'm guessing that will happen). 

Next few episodes look EPIC, cannot wait.

Though the fake Numbers point still annoys me. It just seems so needless. Although.... watching Heartland at the end was fairly awesome.

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The fake Numbers (at least 1-4) is...interesting, but weird, and it sort of reduces the credibility of the storyline. It's bad enough that Don Thousand was creating fake Numbers all but identical to the Astral counterparts, but to actually have those 4 be fake and therefore NOT be in the protagonists' possession after winning the Duels makes the Duels themselves pointless.


Also, was there REALLY a need for Mr. Heartland to transform into a monster fly or whatever? It's easier to overlook with the first 3, who labeled themselves outright as Barians. But Mr. Heartland was a human. The only explanation seems to be the fake Numbers caused it.


Also, Zexal usually is pretty good with reasonable reactions to either things the characters remember, or just discover, especially if it's completely out of nowhere. Mr. Heartland transforms, and pretty much everyone is like..."Gasp! Oh. Okay, carry on."

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Either way, as long as the real 1-4 are at least similar to the fakes, and going by fake Number 10, they probably will be, it is fine with me. Annoying, but fine. Also, like I said a while back. Numeron Fall seems to suggest they will destroy the Numeron Code. The seven cards were probably what lolwikia lists as "The Seventh One". Yuma's dueling Alit. I'm going to call it, and say he will use Lion Heart. Then he'll use Sandayu against Gilag, Sky Pegasus against Durbe, and Revise against Nasche.

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Either way, as long as the real 1-4 are at least similar to the fakes, and going by fake Number 10, they probably will be, it is fine with me. Annoying, but fine. Also, like I said a while back. Numeron Fall seems to suggest they will destroy the Numeron Code. The seven cards were probably what lolwikia lists as "The Seventh One". Yuma's dueling Alit. I'm going to call it, and say he will use Lion Heart. Then he'll use Sandayu against Gilag, Sky Pegasus against Durbe, and Revise against Nasche.

Why does the idea of destroying the Numeron Code make me think of the ending to Sonic 06? I mean, that would be a terrible way to end the series.

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Also, Zexal usually is pretty good with reasonable reactions to either things the characters remember, or just discover, especially if it's completely out of nowhere. Mr. Heartland transforms, and pretty much everyone is like..."Gasp! Oh. Okay, carry on."

You know you see a lot of weird sh*t when people turning into eldritch abominations comes to be par for the course.

Also, I'm a bit surprised that 101 is a Rank 4, with all the Abyss Splash stuff lately I was sure it would be a Rank 5. Given it's a rank 4, maybe we'll see good old Shark Drake again soon. I used to be tired of him, but we haven't seen that card in a good long while. Not since the Sargasso episodes, I don't think.

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I doubt that Rio's Deck will change with her becoming a Barian, since Shark's over-hundred Number seems to show his Deck will remain the same, and Rio's main Xyz is Sylphine, which iiiiis... a Rank 4.

I'm not thouroughly optimistic about her using a different rank.

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Also, I'm a bit surprised that 101 is a Rank 4, with all the Abyss Splash stuff lately I was sure it would be a Rank 5. Given it's a rank 4, maybe we'll see good old Shark Drake again soon. I used to be tired of him, but we haven't seen that card in a good long while. Not since the Sargasso episodes, I don't think.

Yeah, outside the flashback in episode 121, Shark Drake hasn't been seen since the Sargasso duel.

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Which is ironic, because it appears with Shark in the opening. He's used Black Ray Lancer more often lately. Either way, we WILL be getting at least three new Chaos Numbers, in addition to Devil's Strings. The epsiode spoilers make it sound like III and V Rank-Up Machu Mach, Atlanthal, and Dyson Sphere. All of which, I'm curious to see Chaos forms for. As is, only Numbers 39, 32, 65, 96, 69, and 92 have Chaos Numbers. As far as the original Numbers anyways. Also, you think Shark may use Barian's Force on Shark Drake, Abyss Splash, or Crystal Zero? Infact, I would think he might give Crystal Zero to Rio, since it is her Legendary Number.

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Would certainly make sense of he did give her 94. 

Now me, I'M hoping for him to rank up Black Ray Lancer :o

That would be cool as hell.

But it probably won't happen :(


Did the previews mention anything about Kaito? He seemed to kind of dissapear this episode. Everyone was all "Oh, Kaito, OMG," Yuma took over, we get maybe one shot of Kaito looking battered, aaaand then I don't think we see him the rest of the episode. Maybe that's why III and V take on Mizael, because he's still unable to. His life insurance rates have to be high-fiving the sky right about now. *rimshot*

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In my opinion, they should end the dub after Yuma beats Vector.


Well I can see how Zexal from that point is going a long way, but it ain't going to be like 5Ds where the Dubbed don't know anything about Sherry, Bruno, or what the hell that upside-down robot was. The anime is just getting better, now that Yuma has become a more expert duelist with the power of Super Saiyan 3 (though he was still sort of a baby when Astral was still gone). And as much as Shark gets much attention in this Season, we need to see some Galaxy Eyes origins here.

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The one thing I'm thinking...


The Tron brothers will lose there fights.


IV doing so is kinda obvious, and III and V.... After all the established background between the two, the final showdown between those two should logically be Kaito and Miseal. I mean Kaito has yet to use 88 yet, and what better thing to use it against than Miseal.


I'm also going to call: Durbe takes on Nasch at some point... Not sure why but I want to believe so.


And Tron vs Vector, or Tron & Faker vs. Vector. If his sons lose, there is no way in hell in my eyes that Tron wouldn't take notice of the fact.

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The one thing I'm thinking...


The Tron brothers will lose there fights.


IV doing so is kinda obvious, and III and V.... After all the established background between the two, the final showdown between those two should logically be Kaito and Miseal. I mean Kaito has yet to use 88 yet, and what better thing to use it against than Miseal.


I'm also going to call: Durbe takes on Nasch at some point... Not sure why but I want to believe so.


And Tron vs Vector, or Tron & Faker vs. Vector. If his sons lose, there is no way in hell in my eyes that Tron wouldn't take notice of the fact.

You mean 46, right?

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That's the devil. I forgot which number it was, since I knew both 88 and 46 were really mediocre rank 8's... And that he had one of them, I just couldn't remember which was which.



IRL at least. Anime Destiny Leo is probably the most Broken Number. Which says a lot, given Anime Coat of Arms, Volcasaurus, Atlanthal, Judge Buster, Manga Fran Ken, and to a lesser extent, Shock Ruler.

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