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C40 means only one thing: IV will come back, and be awesome.


It also suggests that Tron will be back, which is arguably what should've happened first time around. It's just what the fact that it's Chaos Force represents, given what Chaos represents in the ZeXal world.


It's interesting though, since we could wind-up seeing the Chaos forms of other numbers.

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C40 means only one thing: IV will come back, and be awesome.


It also suggests that Tron will be back, which is arguably what should've happened first time around. It's just what the fact that it's Chaos Force represents, given what Chaos represents in the ZeXal world.


It's interesting though, since we could wind-up seeing the Chaos forms of other numbers.


If Tron returns, and Ranks Up 69, will it be Chaos Crest or something else?

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If Tron returns, and Ranks Up 69, will it be Chaos Crest or something else?


I was thinking more he'd use C8, because he's a different person to who he used to be.


But if it's like the case wih Limited and Neumeron, and that a different RUM makes a different evolution, anything is possible.


Also this is relivant:




The new RUM is made from science, so is it essentially confirmed to be the Tron Families way of fighting back?

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Sadly, I think the only Numbers that could get Chaos Numbers would be.....


8  If Tron uses the new Rank-Up 

33/6/3  III Rank-Up 

44, 54, 64, 46, 73, 94, via Numeron Force, Whatever Kaito would use, and Barian's Force

17 Growing less and less likely..... :( 


Even then, most of those most likely won't happen..... If not none of them...... MAYBE Machu Mach. 

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Interesting. And it makes sense that Tron or Dr. Faker would have designed a card to fight the Barians. If IV is using it, it's more likely to be Tron's doing. And since Tron has been referenced a few times recently, it'd most likely be him. And I can see him using Number 8. Yuma wouldn't lend Tron Number 69 because that card is practically evil incarnate and absurdly powerful. Since it embodies Tron's desire for revenge, and Tron forgave Dr. Faker, there's no chance Tron would be able to wield it the same way. Number 8 is a less dangerous example of Tron's ace monster.


We don't know for sure that IV didn't receive Number 88 from Yuma. We just know he definitely got 15 and 40, and I don't think he'd even NEED Number 88. It's impractical to Summon, and there's no point in upgrading it.


My hunch is, of course, that IV faces Nasch. And that'll be when we see Number 101 and C101.

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IV vs Nasch? I would love that to pieces if it happened.

I don't see any reason why Yuma WOULDN'T give Number 88 to IV.


He very well might have. It's just hard to be sure because even if IV has it, he's not likely to Summon it. Mostly because he's never actually NEEDED it. He usually can pull a win with Number 15 and 40 and the only reason he ever Summoned it was because the writers wanted him to be dumb and let Shark win with C32.


Well, episode previews indicate that after the Mr. Heartland situation, all 7 Barian lords make their appearance. Then a new "season" starts, and based on the reveal of C40 and the new Rank-Up Magic, it seems that they're going to start fighting the Barians seriously. And next Legacy of the Valiant is KNOWN to have C101 in it, my bet is IV Duels Nasch (fitting, with the rivalry of Shark and IV), is forced back by Number 101, uses the Rank-Up Magic for C40, but is defeated by C101.


Seriously, I'm quite confident that the above happens.

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Sweet! Maybe we'll finally see Misael and Kaito finally settle the rivalry. And we can figure out what's going on with Alit.

Speaking which... he and Gilag have been... kinda gone since their Legendary Number episodes. Where the heck have they been? Just buggering around the Barian World until Durbe tells them to do something? I mean, I know they haven't been needed these last few episodes, but jeez.

Know what I'm hoping for? Vector vs Tron. A lot of things seem to point to Tron's return, and that would be a wickedly fun duel.


Edit: I've been watching the RAWs lately, so I dunno if Alit/Gilag were mentioned and I just missed it since I didn't have subs.

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Vector vs Tron wouldn't surprise me. After all, Vector is the one who made the contracts with Tron and Dr. Faker.


Really, aside from Durbe, all of the Barian lords have been mostly MIA. Misael really only appears to talk to Durbe briefly, but doesn't do anything, and Vector is, as always, absent, at least to the other Barians' viewpoint. After all, he only shows up on a whim. But you're right, Alit and Gilag are nowhere to be seen.

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New previews



「バリアン七皇」 紅き世界の戦士!!
第124話 放送日:2013.10.06
衝 撃とともに遊馬たちの前に現れたバリアン七皇。そこにはベクターやドルべたちの横には、仲間として共に闘ってきた凌牙と璃緒が肩を並べていた…!この事態 に混乱する遊馬は、凌牙に必死に訴えかけるが、そこにはかつての凌牙の姿はなく、ナッシュという七皇が立っているのだった。皇の鍵が凌牙のペンダントと共 鳴した時、凌牙の過去の記憶を見た遊馬は、あまりの衝撃に気を失ってしまう!退却を余儀なくされた遊馬たちを救うため、かつて激闘を繰り広げたデュエリス トたちが集結する…!そしてナッシュとなった凌牙の前には、ライバル・Ⅳが立ちはだかるのだった。!

脚本家:雑破 業/演出:李カンミン/コンテ:須永 司/作画監督:Lee Seok-in

「バ リアン七皇」 紅き世界の戦士!! "Barian Shichi Kou" Akaki Sekai no Senshi!! ("The Seven Barian Emperors", the Warriors of the Crimson World!!)
Episode 124
October 6th, 2013
The seven Barian emperors finally appear together before Yuma and his friends. Standing beside Vector, Durbe and the rest are Rio and Ryouga, who once fought by Yuma and the gang's side as friends. Yuma, confused by the sight in front of him, desperately pleads with Ryouga, but he is no long the Ryouga he knew before, no, now Nasch, one of the Seven emperors, stands before him. When Yuma's key resonates with Shark's pendant, Yuma sees Ryouga's memories of his past life, and ends up fainting from the sheer shock! In order to protect Yuma and his friends, who are forced to retreated, several Duelists they fought in the past come together before the emperors...!! And in front of Ryouga, now "Nasch", stands his rival, IV!
Writer: Zappa Gou

不死身の槍術士 S・H・Dark Knight
第125話 放送日:2013.10.13
ナッ シュが七皇に手渡した、バリアンの切り札「ザ・セブンス・ワン」。かつてないほどの脅威的な効果を切り札に、バリアン七皇がⅣたちに猛攻を仕掛ける!その 強さに圧倒されるⅣたちだったが、遊馬を守るため、そして凌牙を目覚めさせるために、それぞれが渾身の力を振り絞って立ち向かうのだった。そして、ⅣはⅤ に授けられた切り札を手に、ナッシュを追い詰める戦略を繰り広げる…!

脚本家:雑破 業/演出:望月敬一郎/コンテ:ノーチェー・ヤギ/作画監督:宍倉 敏

不死身の槍術士 S・H・Dark Knight Fujimi no Soujyutsushi Sairento Onaazu Daaku Naito (The Immortal Lancer, Silent Honor's Dark Knight)
Episode 125
October 13th, 2013
Nasch supplies the Seven Emperors with the trump card of the Barians: "The Seventh One". With this trump card, armed with the most meancing effect yet, the Seven Barian Emperors mount a full-scale battle against IV and the rest! IV's group find themselves overwhelmed by the Emperors' combined strength, but they all decide to use their full strength to protect Yuma and try and bring Ryouga back. IV, armed with his own trump card given to him by V, unleashes a strategy to bring down Nasch...!
Writer: Zappa Gou

さらば友よ… 虚空へ散る想い!!
第126話 放送日:2013.10.20
Ⅳ とナッシュによる白熱デュエルに終止符が打たれた頃、遊馬たちは秘密基地へと到着していた。自分を守るために命がけで闘ってくれた仲間たち想い、胸を痛め る遊馬。しかし、凌牙がバリアン七皇のリーダー・ナッシュとして復活した今となっては、感傷にひたっている時間など残されていない。自分たちの跡を追うバ リアン七皇がすぐそこまで迫ってきている危機的状況で、遊馬はついに幕を開ける最終決戦を前に、闘う決意をするのだった…!!

脚本家:雑破 業、吉田 伸/演出:児谷直樹/コンテ:桑原 智/作画監督:蛯名秀和

さらば友よ… 虚空へ散る想い!! Saraba Tomo yo... Kokuu-he Chiru Omoi!! (Farewell My Friend...
Episode 126
October 20th, 2013
While IV and Nasch's heated duel comes to a close, Yuma and co. arrive at the Secret Base. Yuma finds himself deeply troubled by his friends ' decision to risk their lives to protect him. However, because Ryouga has revived as Nasch, leader of the Seven Barian Emperors, he doesn't have any time to get sentimental. In a critical situation, with the seven Barian Emperors on their heels, Yuma makes up his mind to fight, and raises the curtain on the final decisive battle...!!
Writer: Zappa Gou

不屈の兄弟コンボ 時空竜幽閉!!
第127話 放送日:2013.10.27
世 界の終わりを感じさせるかのように、暗雲が立ち込めるハートランドシティ。バリアンによる猛攻は激しさを増すばかりで、オボットたちはシステムエラーを起 こし、街からは人の気配が消えていた。この非常事態を脱するべく、遊馬とアストラルはバリアン世界へと旅立とうとしていた!一方、ⅢとⅤの前には遊馬とカ イトの行方を追うミザエルが姿を現す。遊馬にこの世界の未来を託したⅢ・Ⅴは、ミザエルを足止めするため決死のデュエルを仕掛けるのだった…!!


不 屈の兄弟コンボ 時空竜幽閉!! Fukutsu no Kyoudai Konbo Takion Doragon Yuuhei! (The Unflinching Brotherly Tag-Team: Tachyon Dragon Imprisoned!!)
Episode 127
October 27, 2013
Clouds begin to gather over Heartland City, as if to signal the end of the world. The onslaught of the Barians continues to intensify, and as the Obots cause a system error, all signs of life vanish from the city. In order to end this state of emergency, Yuma and Astral head to the Barian World itself! Meanwhile, Mizael, who is in pursuit of Yuma and Kaito, appears before III and V. III and V, who entrust the fate of the World to Yuma, challenge Mizael to a Duel in a desperate attempt to stall for time...!!
Writer: Hirota Mitsutaka

別れの涙… 超銀河眼の時空龍の暴威!!
第128話 放送日:2013.11.03
バ リアンの切り札「ザ・セブンス・ワン」を封じる策に出たⅢとⅤは、ミザエルのエースモンスター「銀河眼の時空竜」を奪い取ることに成功する!さらに、Ⅴが 開発した「アージェント・カオス・フォース」によって自身のNo.を次々とランクアップさせ、ミザエルを極限まで追い詰めていくのだった!! しかし、ドラゴン使いとしてのプライドを傷つけられたミザエルが新たな戦略で反撃に出る…!

脚本家:広田光毅/演出:山本隆太/コンテ:須永 司/作画監督:関口雅浩

別 れの涙… 超銀河眼の時空龍の暴威!! Wakare no Namida... Neo Garakushii Aizu Takion Doragon no Boui!! (Farewell Tears... The Tyranny of Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon!!)
Episode 128
November 3rd, 2013
III and V, who came up with a plan to seal the Barina Trump Card, "The Seventh One", are able to steal Mizael's ace monster, "Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon"! As well, V uses "Argent Chaos Force" to Rank-Up their Numbers one-after-another, pushing Mizael to the very limit!! However, when Mizael's pride as a Dragon Tamer is damaged, he counters their attack with a new strategy...!

混沌の影 遊馬vs執念の闘士アリト
第129話 放送日:2013.11.10
命 懸けで闘った仲間たちの想いを受け継いだ遊馬。宿敵ドン・サウザンドを倒すべく、アストラルと共にバリアン世界へと向かう。しかしその途中、かつて熱き デュエリストとして遊馬と決闘を重ね、絆で結ばれたはずのアリトが現れる!しかし今のアリトにはその面影はなく、何かに憑りつかれているかのようにその表 情は邪悪に満ちていた。遊馬は本来のアリトというデュエリストを取り戻すため、デュエルで立ち向かうのだった!

脚本家:吉田 伸/演出:茉田哲明/コンテ:ノーチェー・ヤギ/作画監督:Noh Gil-bo

混沌の影 遊馬vs執念の闘士アリト Konton no Kage Yuuma VS Shuunen no Toushi Arito (The Shadow of Chaos: Yuma vs Alito the Tenacious Gladiator!)
Episode 129
Yuma carries on the feelings of his friends and comrades who fought risking their own lives. In order to defeat his arch-nemesis, Don Thousand, he and Astral head to the Barian World itself. But in the way, Alito, the former passionate Duelist who fought Yuma time-and-time again, appears once again. But he no longer resembles the old Alito, his face is one of pure evil, as if possessed by someone... something else... In order to return Alito to the Duelist he used to be, Yuma faces off against him in a Duel!
Writer: Yoshida Shin


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These previews look promising. Shame that no mention of Tron is there, but he might show up after the Yuma/Alit fight. One can only hope.

I'm surprised there's no Rio action in there, or Gilag. But Gilag seems to be getting the short end of the stick ever since the Legendary Number arc started...

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AND DUE TO THE DUEL'S CANCELLATION, C107 WILL NOT BE SEEN AGAIN. But in all seriousness though, as likely as that is, they've been putting off its effect reveal for like 4 months, so I reckon that we'll see its effect this time.

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