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Yu-Gi-Oh! ZeXal Sub/Manga Official Discussion Thread


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It's number 01 so I'm expecting Rank 10.


It sounds scarier than Rank 1 in all honesty.


I considered that, too. I think it's almost certain to be either a Rank 1 or a Rank 10. Patterns suggest a Rank 1 is likely, since Mr. Heartland will be using it, and it'll probably be something Fly related. After all, it fits Mr. Heartland's theme since reappearing in the Barian World, and Numbers 2-4 also matched the "species" of the Duelist wielding them.


Dailymotion has the first episode of the III + Yuma Tag Duel subbed now. Apparently, Mr. Heartland and those 3 others used to be in some sort of Dueling gang or something before. Odd, since Heartland never really seemed like a Duelist until receiving Number 1.


I'm sort of expecting now that Mr. Heartland might end up in a Duel against Tron or Dr. Faker or something. His three subordinates went after Yuma, Shark, and Kaito, respectively. There might be a tag Duel, but I just think it'd be amusing if Mr. Heartland had to Duel Dr. Faker or Tron. A Yuma/Tron Tag Duel could also be interesting.


But according to previews, it might be a long time before that ever happens, which further suggests to me that Mr. Heartland's Duel will be something special, sort of like how Dr. Faker was a 3 vs 1 Duel. After all, he has Number 1.

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I actually have a good idea of what Number 1 will be. It will involve flies, but not like that. Have you ever heard of Beezlebub? 


1. Its a demon.


2. It is sometimes called the Fly Lord.


You should see where I'm going with this.


On the other hand, it could be a shout out to the crappy book, Lord of the Flies. I mean we already have shout outs to Frankenstein, The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Shogi, and who knows what else.

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One clearly belongs to Mr Heartland, if the name is any indication, (Manga usually follows a different canon in terms of decks and boss monsters, looking at you, Goodwin) while the other seems to belong to Yagumo.

Yeah that is Yagumo below Number 70. In fact both he and Heartland are dueling in the latest chapter of the manga.

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There's something I want to bring up. Is anyone else disapointed by Numbers 2, 3, and 4? I was expecting something more then stuff you can take out with a fly swatter, and taking away water..... Also, I love how we got 21 new Numbers this summer. Now that is progress.

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Tbh, I'm not even sure anymore if we'll ever see some of those numbers released in Number Hunters in the anime or in the manga, I mean, they've been announced for a while yet no indication of them in either ZeXal worlds. Yes, I'm talking out Master of Blades, Queen of the Night, Crazy Box, Fortune Tune and Tri-Head Dust Dragon.

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So that's 31 we are unlikely to actually know for certain unless they do another Number Hunters sort of thing.


But yeah, we've found so many new Numbers it's actually amazing how quickly it's changed. From like the WDC where we had two months with like only two new numbers to this...


I actually liked the 3 most recent Anime Numbers... aside from the fact that... they were really stall intensive in part. I forgive Number 4 because it did it in such an interesting way, but 2... not so much.

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They might do another Numbers Hunter. I mean it would give them an excuse to print Zubaba Strongest General. I can see 13 and 31 being in it if they do. Same with Xyz Treasure, C92 and C69 ( provided they aren't in the next pack ), and maybe a few other things.

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They might do another Number Hunters. I mean it would give them an excuse to print Zubaba Strongest General. I can see 13 and 31 being in it if they do. Same with Xyz Treasure, C92 and C69 (Provided they aren't in the next pack), and maybe a few other things.

I'm not sure about Xyz Treasure, but the others sound plausible. Though I reckoned that C92 and C69 would end up as promos (like The Valuable Book promos).

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Just because Kaito has Number 2 doesn't mean he's going to use it. The only thing I found odd is that Kaito took it, which means V probably won't be doing much in the plot's future, whereas Yuma gave III Number 3, and IV took Number 4 himself.


The disappointment with Number 2, 3, and 4 is that Don Thousand had them. Unless they're Numbers that Number 96 had gathered, I'm quite perplexed on where the hell the Barians are getting these Astral Numbers. Vector had Number 66, and gained 1-4 from Don Thousand. Don Thousand had been sealed for ages. Where did he get them?


I'm expecting Number 1 to be the most important of the 1-4. Vector explicitly labeled the other 3 as Heartland's subordinates. They will be given the weaker Numbers of the set, and Mr. Heartland also isn't set to Duel soon.


Honestly, didn't care much for this episode.

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It's just another one of those cards that only works because it relies on you withholding information. At best, it's a stall card that just sits there until your opponent has multiple monsters out to force you to detach all your Overlays.

This always bugs me in the anime. They always wait for their opponent to explain what the card is instead of just doing something about it.
Furthermore, why isn't there some sort of card scanner? Technically, the Duel Disks work using microchips in the cards, so shouldn't someone be able to access the information the Duel Disks are receiving from the cards?
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This always bugs me in the anime. They always wait for their opponent to explain what the card is instead of just doing something about it.
Furthermore, why isn't there some sort of card scanner? Technically, the Duel Disks work using microchips in the cards, so shouldn't someone be able to access the information the Duel Disks are receiving from the cards?

dramatic effect dude
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I always figured Master Key Beetle was a Number that was hunted by Vector.


It very well could have been. However, considering Master Key Beetle was the key to the airship within the Emperor's Key, and Vector knew this, and explicitly made a complicated plan revolving around this, it doesn't seem to have just been an ordinary Number he randomly got his hands on.


That said, Vector IS a master at making incredibly convoluted plans that take an eternity to execute, so he could have had the card for ages. It also is worth mentioning that Vector was more or less the mastermind behind Tron and Dr. Faker, and it wouldn't surprise me at all if at least 1 of their Numbers were provided by Vector.


This always bugs me in the anime. They always wait for their opponent to explain what the card is instead of just doing something about it.
Furthermore, why isn't there some sort of card scanner? Technically, the Duel Disks work using microchips in the cards, so shouldn't someone be able to access the information the Duel Disks are receiving from the cards?


In some cases, it's probably a matter of etiquette, which is why players are compelled to explain what their cards do, even if it's a common effect. And the Disks probably DO have a scanner of some sorts, especially the Zexal Disks, which have an actual display on them, which can let a player see the current Field and view their own cards (the D-Gazer seems to let you do this, too).


However, some players don't seem to have Disks like this, such as Kaito, whose Disk is blade shaped and the base is more compact. And Kaito also uses a D-Gazer tattoo, which might not have included that.


Another possibility is that Numbers are written in a foreign language. The people who can read the text are either possessed by it, or are able to read the text normally (Astral, probably anyone with Barian connections). This detail seems to rarely be important anymore, though. I remember that in episode 1, when Shark Summoned Number 17, there's a brief moment (when he's detaching for its effect) that you can see the full card. It's written in the alien language. However, in episode 2, he does something and brings up a display of Number 17 for Yuma to see (specifically, that Numbers can't be destroyed except by Numbers). It's written in Japanese normally when displayed like this. But maybe YOU have to display the card for your opponent, they can't access your cards.


Which would make sense from an etiquette standpoint. When you play a card, rather than your opponent ignoring you and reading a display of your card text for themselves, you tell them what it does when you're using the effect. They then get a surprisingly large gap of time to react.


On the subject of Duel Disks and scanners, have you ever noticed in Yu-Gi-Oh animes (all series) that when a player has a potential counter to a play, the animations for attacks/effects seem slower, and blatantly more dramatic, even? But when they don't have a counter, even with a Set card, the action goes by (relatively) extremely quickly? My theory is that it's like in the video games, when a message pops up if you have a card you can legally activate, for you to confirm whether you're doing something or not.


A good example of a ridiculously long gap of time for a reaction was the Duel with Mach and Number 44. Mach uses Sky Pegasus' effect for the second time. The effect begins to occur, waiting on whether Yuma will pay LP to negate or not. Yuma then has a debate with Astral, Durbe, and Shark as to what he should do. This takes literally like 2 minutes. Mach finally states that Sky Pegasus' effect is going to destroy Hope, and Yuma decides to pay to negate.


Most players by that point would probably say "Okay seriously, I waited like 2 minutes for you to react to this. The effect should have gone through". Especially if it was an attack or something.

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