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Yu-Gi-Oh! ZeXal Sub/Manga Official Discussion Thread


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From what I can gather, Rei/Vector enacted a long-term play to lure the puny humans who kicked his ass, and simultaneously possessed the Numbers the Barians are trying to obtain, into a position where they would be on Vector's turf, and therefore Vector and his buddies could defeat Yuma. Kaito, and Shark with a home advantage. The psychological screwing with Yuma was an added bonus.

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I would've thought Rei being Vector would've been more apparent when Number 104 and Number C104 were announced. Also it would explain why Rei was unaffected when Aika used her power to make everyone else unconscious, but when he was shown to be brainwashed by Gilag it most likely was an act and Rei wasn't actually brainwashed at all.


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There was Malik.
There was Bakura.
There was Saioh.
There was Yubel.
There was Kiryu.
There was Aporia.
There was Tron and his kids.
[spoiler=Then there is Vector.]



I opened the tab and my dogs started barking... O_O  I think we just found out who gets the award for creepiest facial expression this season.... So far....

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There was Malik.
There was Bakura.
There was Saioh.
There was Yubel.
There was Kiryu.
There was Aporia.
There was Tron and his kids.
[spoiler=Then there is Vector.]

Also, he's got Joey's creepy chin. For some reason. The entire scene was just nuts.


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Also, he's got Joey's creepy chin. For some reason. The entire scene was just nuts.

That reminds me of a good amount of Toriko villains. For some reason, they love to make horrifying exaggerated expressions.
Anyways, this has been worth the past 20+ episodes of crappyness and plot misdirection. Vector is now one of the best villains in YGO ever.
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That episode was beautiful. Yuma pissed off is SOOOOOO fun to watch. Most characters when they go evil/angry mode are less likable. Yuma is MORE likable (Jaden was the same way, actually) because he stops being so damn annoying and any recklessness or stupid moves are justified rather than being a stupid move for the sake of stupidity.


Vector's facial expressions are...weird.


And I'm aware people predicted that 'twist' when we saw Vector's picture. Still was funny.

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[spoiler='…']I LOVE Kaito's and Shark's interactions for some reason. They're just awesome.

Some of the animation looked really off this episode.

Oh my god, what an episode.




I doubt he will for the Varian World duels. Maybe Master Key Beetle or Revise. Since he and Astral are dueling 96 later, and we saw 61 and 6 last time 96 showed up, it could happen. Unlikely though.

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Kaito and Shark are amusing together.


And yeah, animation seemed weird. Maybe they were messing with Vector so much, they couldn't remember what the other characters' animation was supposed to be like.


And I somehow doubt Yuma uses another Number. I more easily envision either a Zexal Weapon or a Dark Zexal Weapon.

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:') That was......absolutely beautiful... As FinalFan, this has been worth the past 20+ episodes of crappyness and plot misdirection. It was really a great episode. My only fear is that being Yu-Gi-Oh, they'll subvert it and later reveal that [i]"Vector was lying all along and Rei is his twin brother now stuck in some other dimension etc., etc."[/i], in a similar way as to how horribly they handled Shark vs IV after all that buildup. Hopefully, they'll keep the plot twist as it is.

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Meanwhile, I wonder how the Positiveshippers are affected by this. It must be pretty hard for them, because at this point, their shipping is now a whole lot more dramatic, and the very monicker 'positive-shipping' now extremely ironic. The miniature yaoi fanbase will have to undergo a transition, and make a choice about whether to stay and accept that 'Rei' was 'zero' all along, or to leave and return back to the photonshipping and sharkbaitshipping bases.

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Watched the sub. Made the episode even more beautifully awesome. Vector mocking the absolute hell out of Yuma with his reveal was so cruelly ironic that it's fantastic.


[spoiler=Vector's plan]

Pretty much, Vector was Shingetsu from the very beginning, befriending Yuma and when he revealed himself as a Varian with Limited Varian's Force, by that time, Yuma had trusted him so completely that he agreed not to tell Astral or his friends ANYTHING about it. And then he gave him numerous more V cards to set up that Trap.


This explains a few more things, too. Durbe demanded to know where Vector had disappeared to following the Dr. Faker incident. Vector avoided answering this directly. Where was Vector? In the human world, pretending to be a transfer student. Furthermore, it makes Shingetsu's actions in the earlier episode have more impact. Shingetsu called Yuma for help, and when Yuma arrived, he saw Shingetsu dueling "Vector" (a clone). Vector fled immediately upon seeing Yuma, and after giving Yuma the cards, Shingetsu followed to the Varian World.


Vector met with Durbe and Misael in the following scene. They had not seen or heard from him since the WDC days, which was shortly before Shingetsu debuted.


And when Yuma beat Vector, Shingetsu intercepted Vector's kidnapping hand. Since Shingetsu was Vector, that was purely a lure, to make it look like Shingetsu had nobly defended Yuma from a terrible fate, when Vector never intended to grab Yuma in the first place, and Yuma would rush to save Shingetsu. Vector even intended Yuma to be uber-pissed.


Sudden realization: Wait...that means Vector attacked Alit SPECIFICALLY to be identified, so that Gilag would get pissed and try to fight him and Yuma. That's the only logic for why he would have attacked Alit at all.



Unrelated, apparently Misael did have the Sargasso's Lighthouse card, which was kind of badass. When Kaito asked if he didn't have it, his response was "No, of course I have it, but it's a card only for cowards to use. This battle would have no meaning if I'm not in the same situation as you".

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