~British Soul~ Posted January 6, 2013 Report Share Posted January 6, 2013 [quote name='Crazy on New Years' timestamp='1357498186' post='6113156'] We have… this: [img]http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130106164104/yugioh/images/8/82/NumberC105.png[/img] Allegedly C105. Haven't found the new episode yet, so… [/quote] I would say that'd be C105 as I tried comparing this with the image of 105 that we have. EDIT: found the new episode raw: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xwind4_zero-raws-yu-gi-oh-zexal-episode-85_shortfilms#.UOnozayjjKo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jord200 Posted January 6, 2013 Report Share Posted January 6, 2013 In Yuma's defense, had he gone Volca or Big Eye, Alit would have negated its efefct with Overlay Flash. Granted he would still have used a non Utopia Number, but still. I doubt Yuma will use any other Numbers against Alit or Gilag. We can only hope ( no pun intended ) that we either see a new Number or two after Gilag's duel, or Yuma use a non Utopia Number in an upcoming episode. Utopia's effect isn't bad, its just outclassed compared to other Numbers. Big Eye- Perminant Change of Heart Volca- Blow up monster, inlfict damageequal to attack, and the anime version allows it to attack still Galaxy Queen- Not destroyed by battle, and piercing Shock Ruler- Can shut down Spells, Traps, or Monsters Destiny Leo, Heaven's Strings, Atlanthal, Genome Heiriter- Broken in anime Machu Mach- Nice Combo with Gagaga Magician and Gagaga Girl Revise- Easy beater without drawback Acid Golem- Easy beater with horrible drawback Heart Earth/Heart Earth Dragon- Tricky to get around Crimson Shadow- Prevents it's destruction twice Freezerdon- Anime version recycles Xyz Materials real good And then Yuma has 24 other Numbers that we have yet to even see. I'm all for showcasing the hero's ace, but enough is enough. Utopia can be a backup for once. The only Numbers I can't blame Yuma for not using for Black Mist and Coat of Arms, because they are evil. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bahamut - Envoy of the End Posted January 7, 2013 Report Share Posted January 7, 2013 [quote name='Jord200' timestamp='1357512439' post='6113494'] In Yuma's defense, had he gone Volca or Big Eye, Alit would have negated its efefct with Overlay Flash. Granted he would still have used a non Utopia Number, but still. I doubt Yuma will use any other Numbers against Alit or Gilag. We can only hope ( no pun intended ) that we either see a new Number or two after Gilag's duel, or Yuma use a non Utopia Number in an upcoming episode. Utopia's effect isn't bad, its just outclassed compared to other Numbers. [/quote] Since when was 'my opponent might have a counter' a defence for doing nothing at all? That's like not attacking someone directly because the one card in their hand 'might be Gorz'. You just don't do it 9 times out of 10, because its maybe 1/30 chance that it actually will be. There is a defence for him not going Volca due to Leadbow's own effect, which if Yuma was intelligent he'd remember from their last duel about how it can avoid destruction and increase strength in doing so. But seriously the situation could not have been better for Big Eye. Stealing that sort of monster. If Alit negates it then brilliant, if he destroys it even better, because Big Eye is a freaking huge Rank 7 with a nuts effect that anyone (who watches the show who can remember it by this point anyway). If Alit took him down, that would a huge boost for him and puts Yuma right in the crap, compared to destroying Hope which is happening on a near weekly basis now so makes no impact anymore. Sure Hope can come out and save the day later, but it's beyond a joke now and ruins all the good work Misael vs Kaito had done. Yugi and Jaden seemed to win with a different monster every week, which was usually a case of 'oh look what I obtained recently which has just the very situational effect I need for this'. Yusei and Yuma always use the same thing ever single duel. How can there not be a happy inbetween somewhere? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilfusion Posted January 7, 2013 Report Share Posted January 7, 2013 Yuma is WAY worse about it than Yusei, though. Yusei at least had other Synchros, even if Stardust+ tended to be in his big plays. And he actually used them often enough that it's hard to say Stardust was his sole Synchro. Yuma has almost always been leaning towards "Hope is the only Number he'll play", even though his cards do have a great deal of Level flexibility. This is why things like him Summoning Terror-Byte get such a good reaction. Except it makes the Duels extremely annoying to watch the more often he spams Hope. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jord200 Posted January 7, 2013 Report Share Posted January 7, 2013 I honestly can't even think of a duel that involved Numbers that Hope wasn't the card that won the duel. Revise- Helped Yuma beat Kittano, used against Kaito, then used against Tron. Aside from the second one, Hope won the duel for Yuma in all. Tera-Byte- Did nothing both times Yuma summoned it. Still nice to see it though. Crimson Shadow- Destroyed early on. Only around for a turn or so. Black Corn- Helped Yuma beat Thunderspark ( this might be the sole exception ), and used against Koron, but was destroyed before doing anything. Franken- Destroyed the turn he was summoned. So yeah. Maybe one duel. Even then, Yuma STILL used Hope. I don't get why they can't let Yuma at least use another Number that has the same summoning conditions as Hope. Genome Heriter was generic in the anime, right? On a side note, I have a feeling we will be seeing Number 47 soon in the manga. Yuma dueled a Numbers Holder. Kaito is currently dueling a Numbers Holder. So I would say there is a good chance Shark will duel one soon too. If/when he does, its a given he'll probably use Number 47. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted January 7, 2013 Report Share Posted January 7, 2013 [quote name='Jord200' timestamp='1357575778' post='6114171'] Genome Heriter was generic in the anime, right? [/quote] Iirc, yeah Genome Heriter was generic in the anime. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bahamut - Envoy of the End Posted January 7, 2013 Report Share Posted January 7, 2013 [quote name='evilfusion' timestamp='1357574632' post='6114133'] Yuma is WAY worse about it than Yusei, though. Yusei at least had other Synchros, even if Stardust+ tended to be in his big plays. And he actually used them often enough that it's hard to say Stardust was his sole Synchro. Yuma has almost always been leaning towards "Hope is the only Number he'll play", even though his cards do have a great deal of Level flexibility. This is why things like him Summoning Terror-Byte get such a good reaction. Except it makes the Duels extremely annoying to watch the more often he spams Hope. [/quote] Welll... I'm interested in comparing them. Obviously Yuma is a lot lot LOT worse than Yusei, but he wasn't ever that creative in terms of finishers and what it always inevitably came down to in the end, even against most one shot jobbers. The results of this are actually a little bit surprising in places [spoiler=Yusei's Extra Deck] 1 Stardust Dragon - A lot of times ok? 2 Majestic Star Dragon - Summoned four times 3 Shooting Star Dragon - Summoned, unbelievably, just seven times 4 Shooting Quasar Dragon - Summoned once 5 Junk Warrior - Summoned sixteen times (including, its worth noting, being the winning card in his final duel against Jack to defeat RDA and close the series, as opposed to Stardust) 6 Junk Archer - Summoned twice 7 Junk Destroyer - Summoned twice 8 Junk Berserker - Summoned once 9 Nitro Warrior - Summoned seven times 10 Turbo Warrior - Summoned four times 11 Drill Warrior - Summoned twice 12 Road Warrior - Summoned twice 13 Formula Synchron - Summoned seven times 14 Armory Arm - Summoned twice 15 Draco Knight Dragon-Equiste - Summoned once [/spoiler] [spoiler=Yuma's Extra Deck] 1 Number 39: Hope - I'm not even gonna count okay? 2 Chaos Number 39: Hope Ray - Summoned twelve times, 13th next week 3 Number 17: Leviath Dragon - Summoned four times 4 Number 34: Terabyte - Summoned twice 5 Number 12: Crimson Shadow - Summoned once 6 Number 96: Black Mist - Summoned once (when possessed by Black Mist) 7 Baby Tragon - Summoned twice 8 String Devil Muzumuzu - Summoned once 9 Drum Devil Tentempo - once 10 Brass Devil Mellowmelody - once 11 One Eyed Skill Gainer - once 12 Gagaga Gunman - once in duel, plus in the melee in this week's episode 13 Heroic Champion Excalibur - twice 14 Zexal Weapon - Lion Arms - once 15 Gauntlet Shooter - once [/spoiler] True Yuma has had Hope Ray available for a lot longer than Yusei has SSD, but even combining the sum appearances of all three of Stardust's upgrades doesn't equate to Hope Ray's record (after next week anyway). Nitro and Turbo Warrior's make more appearances than all of Yuma's non phenom (Number/Zexal) Xyz do combined (11 to 10). None of this really proves anything, but interesting to look at. I thought that Junk Archer/Destroyer appeared more often than that to be honest. Ps: That was exhausting research and quite frankly I want a sodding medal! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jord200 Posted January 7, 2013 Report Share Posted January 7, 2013 [quote name='False Skel Bahamut Dragon' timestamp='1357589603' post='6114402'] Welll... I'm interested in comparing them. Obviously Yuma is a lot lot LOT worse than Yusei, but he wasn't ever that creative in terms of finishers and what it always inevitably came down to in the end, even against most one shot jobbers. The results of this are actually a little bit surprising in places [spoiler=Yusei's Extra Deck] 1 Stardust Dragon - A lot of times ok? 2 Majestic Star Dragon - Summoned four times 3 Shooting Star Dragon - Summoned, unbelievably, just seven times 4 Shooting Quasar Dragon - Summoned once 5 Junk Warrior - Summoned sixteen times (including, its worth noting, being the winning card in his final duel against Jack to defeat RDA and close the series, as opposed to Stardust) 6 Junk Archer - Summoned once 7 Junk Destroyer - Summoned twice 8 Junk Berserker - Summoned once 9 Nitro Warrior - Summoned seven times 10 Turbo Warrior - Summoned four times 11 Drill Warrior - Summoned twice 12 Road Warrior - Summoned twice 13 Formula Synchron - Summoned seven times 14 Armory Arm - Summoned twice 15 Draco Knight Dragon-Equiste - Summoned once [/spoiler] [spoiler=Yuma's Extra Deck] 1 Number 39: Hope - I'm not even gonna count okay? 2 Chaos Number 39: Hope Ray - Summoned twelve times, 13th next week 3 Number 17: Leviath Dragon - Summoned three times 4 Number 34: Terabyte - Summoned twice 5 Number 12: Crimson Shadow - Summoned once 6 Number 96: Black Mist - Summoned once (when possessed by Black Mist) 7 Baby Tragon - Summoned twice 8 String Devil Muzumuzu - Summoned once 9 Drum Devil Tentempo - once 10 Brass Devil Mellowmelody - once 11 One Eyed Skill Gainer - once 12 Gagaga Gunman - once in duel, plus in the melee in this week's episode 13 Heroic Champion Excalibur - once 14 Zexal Weapon - Lion Arms - once 15 Gauntlet Shooter - once [/spoiler] True Yuma has had Hope Ray available for a lot longer than Yusei has SSD, but even combining the sum appearances of all three of Stardust's upgrades doesn't equate to Hope Ray's record (after next week anyway). Nitro and Turbo Warrior's make more appearances than all of Yuma's non phenom (Number/Zexal) Xyz do combined (11 to 10). None of this really proves anything, but interesting to look at. I thought that Junk Archer/Destroyer appeared more often than that to be honest. Ps: That was exhausting research and quite frankly I want a sodding medal! [/quote] 1. Impressive. Nice work. 2. Didn't Yuma at least have Big Eye in his Extra Deck at one point? I thought Charlie stole it. 3. Really Yusei only used SSD 7 times, and Drill Warrior twice? Huh. Thought those would be a lot higher. 4. Here's a cookie for a job well done. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phantom Roxas Posted January 7, 2013 Report Share Posted January 7, 2013 Yusei used Junk Archer twice. The first time against Godwin, and then against Andre. So I'm catching up now, but I only finished 26. Does it get better once I watch episode 33? After the second duel with Kaito, I thought that would finally be the point where Yuma would improve as a character, but he's back to being insufferable. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bahamut - Envoy of the End Posted January 7, 2013 Report Share Posted January 7, 2013 [quote name='Jord200' timestamp='1357591024' post='6114425'] 1. Impressive. Nice work. 2. Didn't Yuma at least have Big Eye in his Extra Deck at one point? I thought Charlie stole it. 3. Really Yusei only used SSD 7 times, and Drill Warrior twice? Huh. Thought those would be a lot higher. 4. Here's a cookie for a job well done. [/quote] Didn't count Big Eye as he hasn't actually used it. I thought he'd only used Drill Warrior once tbh. But yeah doesn't seem often does it. But then he only acquired it in ep 109 of a 155ep series or whatever it was, and there were quite a few 5 episode duels in that time so... To be honest only twelve appearances for Hope Ray doesn't sound much, but it feels like a ton... [quote name='Phantom Roxas' timestamp='1357591690' post='6114433'] Yusei used Junk Archer twice. The first time against Godwin, and then against Andre. So I'm catching up now, but I only finished 26. Does it get better once I watch episode 33? After the second duel with Kaito, I thought that would finally be the point where Yuma would improve as a character, but he's back to being insufferable. [/quote] Thought that had appeared more. Fixed (also appeared in a practise against Akiza, but not counting that) For the love of all that is holy skip to 33. Otherwise he'll get even more unbearable..... "OMG his drill machine is attacking me? What on earth can I do?" Astral: "Activate your trap card!" *inaudible over drill* Yuma: WHAT!? Slap hard? TRAP CARD YOU ****ING ****ING MORON!!! WHAT DO YOU THINK!?!? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phantom Roxas Posted January 7, 2013 Report Share Posted January 7, 2013 Yeah, I saw that it appeared in a practice duel, but I wasn't even going to mention that because I knew it wasn't worth counting. I'm also forcing myself through the godawful post-script season that is Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time. I think I can make it through three hours of Zexal continuing to show off how much of an idiot Yuma is. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~British Soul~ Posted January 7, 2013 Report Share Posted January 7, 2013 [quote name='False Skel Bahamut Dragon' timestamp='1357589603' post='6114402'] 13 Heroic Champion Excalibur - [b]twice[/b] [/quote] Don't want to nitpick, but Yuma has actually used this twice. He used it against Shark in the previous episode prior to this week. (in addition to Kaito) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilfusion Posted January 7, 2013 Report Share Posted January 7, 2013 Nitpicking as well: Revise was Summoned 4 times. 1- Episode 4 (Hope still won, but Revise destroyed Terror-Byte) 2- Episode 6 (He Summoned it, Tokunosuke used his Trap to steal it) 3- Episode 14 (vs Kaito) 4- Episode I forget. (vs Tron) But that doesn't change the obvious "Ooh, go for Hope!" mentality. Wait, Yuma Summoned Fran in the manga? He Summoned a Rank 8 monster?! The manga already makes him more flexible than the anime. [quote name='Phantom Roxas' timestamp='1357591690' post='6114433'] Yusei used Junk Archer twice. The first time against Godwin, and then against Andre. So I'm catching up now, but I only finished 26. Does it get better once I watch episode 33? After the second duel with Kaito, I thought that would finally be the point where Yuma would improve as a character, but he's back to being insufferable. [/quote] Do not watch episodes 27- 31. You will not enjoy them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astro Dude Posted January 7, 2013 Report Share Posted January 7, 2013 You're gonna have to differentiate the two Big Eye cards. There's the Xyz Big Eye and then theres the the flip effect Big Eye. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blake Posted January 7, 2013 Report Share Posted January 7, 2013 Anyone with half a mind knows which Big Eye is which in context. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phantom Roxas Posted January 7, 2013 Report Share Posted January 7, 2013 [quote name='evilfusion' timestamp='1357600514' post='6114593']Do not watch episodes 27- 31. You will not enjoy them. [/quote] False warned me to skip to 33. If I end up hating episode 32, I will blame you. [quote name='Astro Dude' timestamp='1357600899' post='6114608']You're gonna have to differentiate the two Big Eye cards. There's the Xyz Big Eye and then theres the the flip effect Big Eye. [/quote] There's a simple solution to that conundrum: Which Big Eye do people actually use? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilfusion Posted January 7, 2013 Report Share Posted January 7, 2013 I consider the Charlie episodes at least watchable. I dont remember if that's 31 and 32, or 32+33. 27: Soccer kid 28: Construction kid 29: Anna 30: Veggie guy 31: Charlie 1 32: Charlie 2 33: IV does stuff (Double checking on Wiki if I got that right) Yeah, I got that right. 31 is meh, though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phantom Roxas Posted January 7, 2013 Report Share Posted January 7, 2013 Oh, IV does stuff? Well, he was certainly such a compelling villain that I am eager to see what's next! No, in all seriousness, he's a character whose design is a shameless ripoff of Star Driver (Which, considering how Tron inherited Pegasus' love of cartoons, gives further examples of how derivative Zexal can be), although I do like that he's an antagonist to Shark, if only because Shark was already a better character than Yuma. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blake Posted January 7, 2013 Report Share Posted January 7, 2013 [quote name='Phantom Roxas' timestamp='1357601775' post='6114633'] Oh, IV does stuff? Well, he was certainly such a compelling villain that I am eager to see what's next! No, in all seriousness, he's a character whose design is a shameless ripoff of Star Driver (Which, considering how Tron inherited Pegasus' love of cartoons, gives further examples of how derivative Zexal can be), although I do like that he's an antagonist to Shark, if only because Shark was already a better character than Yuma. [/quote] Ever read KHR? Tron is Bermuda von Vechtenstein's expy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilfusion Posted January 8, 2013 Report Share Posted January 8, 2013 [quote name='Phantom Roxas' timestamp='1357601775' post='6114633'] Oh, IV does stuff? Well, he was certainly such a compelling villain that I am eager to see what's next! No, in all seriousness, he's a character whose design is a shameless ripoff of Star Driver (Which, considering how Tron inherited Pegasus' love of cartoons, gives further examples of how derivative Zexal can be), although I do like that he's an antagonist to Shark, if only because Shark was already a better character than Yuma. [/quote] I understand nothing of what you said. But 33 is good purely because it had confirmed the good writers WERENT all dead. Compared to the horrible or subpar episodes between 25-32, 33 was amazing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blake Posted January 8, 2013 Report Share Posted January 8, 2013 [quote name='evilfusion' timestamp='1357603558' post='6114667'] I understand nothing of what you said. But 33 is good purely because it had confirmed the good writers WERENT all dead. Compared to the horrible or subpar episodes between 25-32, 33 was amazing. [/quote] He's commenting on how, even more than GX and especially 5D's, Zexal either blatantly parodies or rips off existing characters and ideas to an absurd point. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilfusion Posted January 8, 2013 Report Share Posted January 8, 2013 Oh, that is true. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Phantom Roxas Posted January 8, 2013 Report Share Posted January 8, 2013 [quote name='Josh Black' timestamp='1357603150' post='6114662'] Ever read KHR? Tron is Bermuda von Vechtenstein's expy. [/quote] I've only read the first few chapters of KHR, and despite hearing about several characters in the series, I've never heard of Bermuda. Pegasus just seemed more obvious to me, although admittedly that's only in regards to the obsession with cartoons. If Bermuda is incredibly childlike but still sadistic, then okay. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blake Posted January 8, 2013 Report Share Posted January 8, 2013 He's a somewhat sadistic baby like Reborn that uses the power of and desire to have revenge to avenge himself for the damage the main "villain" did to them, and to just ruin his life. So Tron. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bahamut - Envoy of the End Posted January 8, 2013 Report Share Posted January 8, 2013 [quote name='~British Soul~' timestamp='1357594695' post='6114474'] Don't want to nitpick, but Yuma has actually used this twice. He used it against Shark in the previous episode prior to this week. (in addition to Kaito) [/quote] Haven't we established by now I don't watch the raw? #Excuses [quote name='evilfusion' timestamp='1357600514' post='6114593'] Nitpicking as well: Revise was Summoned 4 times. 1- Episode 4 (Hope still won, but Revise destroyed Terror-Byte) 2- Episode 6 (He Summoned it, Tokunosuke used his Trap to steal it) 3- Episode 14 (vs Kaito) 4- Episode I forget. (vs Tron) [/quote] I put... wait why the hell didn't I put four? I knew it was four? Damn it. Stuff all of you pissing on my bonfire Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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