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[quote name='Jord200' timestamp='1337216399' post='5940803']
I predict Yuma will use Revise against Shark. As a result of Yuma vs Chaos Number 32, Revise will FINALLY get a Chaos form.
i doubt Revise will get a Chaos form, imho when Yuma faces Shark, it'll probs be C39 vs C32

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[quote name='evilsoul' timestamp='1337327688' post='5941708']
i doubt Revise will get a Chaos form, imho when Yuma faces Shark, it'll probs be C39 vs C32


Of course it will be. Let's face it, Leviath is unspectacular in its effect, and there's no reason for him to get a new one. It's not like he needs a card with another matchwinning effect, because that's reserved for Zexal Weapons.

Anyway, point of my post:

Anyone else think V isn't using his proper deck, and is just using one for the purposes of Dyson Sphere?

His space deck just... doesn't seem to sit with him. Especially after all his Hell traps.

I can't see this being his only duel in the series, especially as he probably won't lose Number 9 to Kaito. Can see him returning later and playing a proper archtype.

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V's crest, like IV and III, should protect him from Kaito's Photon Hand, or even Astral's power. The only reason Yuma got Number 33 and 6 were because III willingly gave them up (or his crest was neutralized after the Duel, possibly because III passed its powers on).

For that matter, I think Yuma gaining some of III's powers will be important in the future. Like maybe it'll play a role in protecting him somehow down the road.

The fact they're pitting Kaito vs V as V's first real Duel makes me agree that V's role isnt ending here. When IV complained that V wasn't collecting Numbers, V said something to the effect of it wasn't his time to act. So if V has a real role in Tron's plans, it's unclear now. III and IV by contrast really do seem like they're doing the grunt work, with III being assigned to losing a Duel with Shark, IV collecting Numbers, and the two of them stalling Kaito and Yuma (I honestly think they were only there to stall for Tron's ritual to complete, and were not truly expected to win, despite coming extremely close to it).

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Let's see...

Tron's name is a corrupted portmanteau of two and one, so I suspected he was I and II. This was both weakened and strengthened by episode 55 - his name seems more likely to be a reference to Byron, but on the other hand, the evidence points to him being an Xyz of Byron and Kazuma, thus being two people.

But Darkplant's theory is bro-tastic.

It's bizarre that we've gotten the real effects of Dyson Sphere revealed before the anime effects. Seeing as it's several million miles wide, it should be ridiculously powerful. Atlanthal had one, two, three, four different effects (which makes me wonder what Tron is doing with a comparatively non-ridiculous Number like Genome Heriter). But props to V for playing the largest monster in the anime's history.

On an entirely unrelated note, I don't like Gauche. He irritates me.

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Considering Dyson Sphere was "announced" several weeks before the episode even aired, I'm not really that surprised the RL card was revealed first.

Just because the Tron family seems to have a bunch of ridiculous Numbers doesn't mean that Tron himself has a "non-ridiculous" one. Number 8 has 3 effects, and we only saw him use one of them. It's also a 2400/1800 2 Material Rank 4. III had a 2400/1500 Rank 5, and a 2600/3000 Rank 6, and he earlier used a 2800 3 Material Rank 4. IV has a 1500/2500 sadistic effect Rank 8, and a 3000 ATK Rank 8 that's even more evil. V has a 2800/3000 Rank 9.

Relatively speaking, Tron's Number should be mildly more reasonable with those stats in mind.

But I still theorize the other Numbers were probably created by Tron, considering III was GIVEN Number 6, despite it being an OOPArts like Number 33. Likewise, IV has 2 Rank 8 Gimmick Puppet Numbers. Tron's Number is also part of his Deck's archetype (Heraldry Beast).

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Can someone give me the episodes Droite appears in? It doesn’t need to show her dueling, I mostly need all her screentime to do something (probably AMV/fanfic/drawing/the usual stuff).

I should watch the entire show to get a grasp and I will, mainly because of 3 characters who grabbed my attention (the other 2 being Anna Kozuki and Nelson Andrews).
But it will take a while and the only thing that I can follow about Yugioh is the story, not necessarily the duels. :D

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[quote name='Starlight Taxi' timestamp='1337467986' post='5942833']
Can someone give me the episodes Droite appears in? It doesn’t need to show her dueling, I mostly need all her screentime to do something (probably AMV/fanfic/drawing/the usual stuff).

I should watch the entire show to get a grasp and I will, mainly because of 3 characters who grabbed my attention (the other 2 being Anna Kozuki and Nelson Andrews).
But it will take a while and the only Yugioh thing that interests me is the story, not necessarily the duels. :D

You're going to do drawings of Droite?

*puts eyes and tongue back in their respective slots*

Droite debuts in episode 26, and features heavily in episodes 37, 38 and 54. She also features in eps 50-53, 40, and a few others.

Anna appears in eps 29 and 52.

Fuya appears in episodes 7, 8 and 45.

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And yes, although it's probably going to be an AMV or fanfic at some point. Not really the fluff kind, but I'll try to go for something similar to the Ryo/Amon GX conversation fic I did once.

Anyway, PM me, I don't really want to disturb the flow of the discussion in here.=S
Like I said, I [i]will [/i]give the whole show a chance, but for now I mostly want to understand Droite's personality/overall character. It's about time that a strong, although non-b*tchy female shows up because the leads don't really do it for me. :D

And the "few others" part is really what I'm looking for. I've only seen 37/38, 53/54 and all the Anna-related ones so far, but really anything that shows a strand of Droite's/Anna's/Fuya's hair or so is good.

And do feel free to call me if she ever shows up again.
*crosses fingers that she will*

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Just watched the unsubbed episode.

-Dyson Sphere has all the RL effects.
-Kaito uses Photonize/Lumenize for the first time since episode 14. Yay...it gets negated, but yay...
-Kaito wins. Big shock.
-What the hell is up with that Spell Kaito uses? Not sure what's important about it.
-V willingly parts with Number 9, leaving it behind the same way III did.
-V goes into III's room. His blue crest appears from his heart area, and then disappears, causing V to collapse and seemingly fall asleep/go comatose a moment later. ...The hell?

Next episode looks...interesting, to say the least. Shark vs IV.

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Kaito's Big Bang Panic and Feelings towards the future could give Yusei's plot devices a run for it's money. At least BBP had a somewhat epic name.
One interesting thing though was how V had "Dyson Sphere" specific support cards.
Also, an extra yay for the creepy piano/strings/whatever it is tension music.

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[quote name='Dementuo Black Sun' timestamp='1337642900' post='5944407']
Has any other episode so far given us 3 new soundtracks?
And gawd, those new soundtracks just gave the episode so much win.
They keep on introducing tracks. The music in this episode was largely original, but there was one song that definitely also played in the last one.

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That Kaito vs. That Dyson Sphere guy duel was horrible. It was just GEPD attacking, getting negated, character backstory I don't care about, then NGEPD for game. I looked at Dyson Sphere and kept thinking about Final Weapon from Megaman X4. Then, I thought how Dyson Sphere guy would be more interesting if he was a giant, military robot with rocket fists instead of a generic long-haired pretty boy with a cold personality #859. Weird.

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[quote name='God Crouton!!!' timestamp='1337708421' post='5944949']
That Kaito vs. That Dyson Sphere guy duel was horrible. It was just GEPD attacking, getting negated, character backstory I don't care about, then NGEPD for game. I looked at Dyson Sphere and kept thinking about Final Weapon from Megaman X4. Then, I thought how Dyson Sphere guy would be more interesting if he was a giant, military robot with rocket fists instead of a generic long-haired pretty boy with a cold personality #859. Weird.
The duel was terrible, but the Tron Family is probably one of the best antagonists in the franchise yet.

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Of course the Duel sucked. It was mostly set up to be EXTREMELY IMPORTANT exposition while playing a card game.

Sadly, V is kind of a boring character, especially compared to III, IV, and Tron. He has interesting moments, but he's mostly just someone who watches everything and comments on it.

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[quote name='Darkplant - VENOM' timestamp='1337724297' post='5945073']
The duel was terrible, but the Tron Family is probably one of the best anta-

Yo, Darkplant, I’m really happy for you. Imma let you finish. But the Dark Signers are the best antagonists of the franchise.

But they come a close 3rd behind Marik :P

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Subbed is up guys. They're getting faster which is awesome.

Wasn't majorly disappointed by the duel to be honest, I accepted it as second fiddle to the backstory (which was extremely important, satisfyingly informative, and something we've needed for a while. YGO is more than just duel, duel, duel for the sake of card games like certain filler, and this plot is getting sorta good with multiple antagonists). However the last turn, what kinda of ridiculous shizzle was that Feelings Towards the Future card? Geez, really?

Shame Dyson Sphere is cack given its a Rank 9. Also gutted that V has just given up. III already had the role as the benign one, I guess it makes sense that V's watched it all happen and looks at it over time in that light and can open his eyes unlike IV, but still kinda dull and I didn't want him to just be a one-shot enemy.

Destiny Leo by the way looks like its gonna be Rank 8 from the promo, as thought. Bet its going to be three materials though, which will hurt me.

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[quote name='Verz Bahamut' timestamp='1337773710' post='5945405']
Subbed is up guys. They're getting faster which is awesome.

Wasn't majorly disappointed by the duel to be honest, I accepted it as second fiddle to the backstory (which was extremely important, satisfyingly informative, and something we've needed for a while. YGO is more than just duel, duel, duel for the sake of card games like certain filler, and this plot is getting sorta good with multiple antagonists). However the last turn, what kinda of ridiculous shizzle was that Feelings Towards the Future card? Geez, really?

Shame Dyson Sphere is cack given its a Rank 9. Also gutted that V has just given up. III already had the role as the benign one, I guess it makes sense that V's watched it all happen and looks at it over time in that light and can open his eyes unlike IV, but still kinda dull and I didn't want him to just be a one-shot enemy.

Destiny Leo by the way looks like its gonna be Rank 8 from the promo, as thought. Bet its going to be three materials though, which will hurt me.

We have a picture of it?

Also I figured it would be Rank 8. I predict its Number will either be 41 or 71. By the way, do we know if its going to be a Gimmick Puppet or not?

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[quote name='Jord200' timestamp='1337774034' post='5945407']
We have a picture of it?

Also I figured it would be Rank 8. I predict its Number will either be 41 or 71. By the way, do we know if its going to be a Gimmick Puppet or not?

Just gathered from pausing the 'Next time on YGO Zexal' at the end and counting the stars on it. He could have been holding Giant Killer I guess, his fingers obscured the pic a bit the way he held it.

And no, its not going to be a Gimmick Puppet.

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