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Yu-Gi-Oh! ZeXal Sub/Manga Official Discussion Thread


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[quote name='Pacmanexus' timestamp='1336095483' post='5932135']
How did Astral not figure out that Yuma's stupid before observation 19?

That's the writer's increasingly desperate attempt to make gags about Yuma being a moron. Thanks, I knew Yuma was a moron back in episodes 1-4, don't need the characters to start mentioning it EVERY episode. It's not even funny.

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[quote name='Legend Zero' timestamp='1336144517' post='5932436']
It seems counter productive to have Yuma as our growing protagonist when his idiocy hasn't changed, or even gotten worse.

(Okay, not sure how I posted a blank post twice, will fix soon)

I've actually come to SOMEWHAT respect Yuma as a character, even if I don't really respect him as a Duelist, but the way almost all the characters emphasize that Yuma's stupid, rather than impulsive and overexcited is getting annoying. Yuma's not a brilliant person and makes mistakes, but it seems like all the characters are so used to it that they seem obligated to outright state that Yuma's stupid.

There's only so often this is even mildly amusing, but from episode 50 on, they seem incapable of NOT mentioning this.

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Yeah, Yuma's a complete idiot.

How come the girls always go for the idiots?

.... I said that out loud didn't I?

I am half-serious though, what is it about him that is supposed to be so attractive for Kotori/Cathy/Anna? I really can't see it.

Looking forward to next week, even if I'm skeptical about Droite and her 'teenage' crush on Kaito. And about her getting pummelled. But Tron will make me happy I think.

[spoiler=Yeah, I can totally see this working...]

Apologises if image is borderline, I was hardly spoiled for choice.

Just gotta keep my fingers crossed for two new Numbers. Need a desperate increase in the resource pool for my fic.

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I can only imagine part of Yuma's appeal, maybe not to girls, specifically, but as a person, is he's passionate and strongly driven. However, he's also impulsive and makes a lot of mistakes.

I enjoy Yuma's emotional rants. His voice actor is pretty good with that.

As to why he appeals to girls, I think Kotori is a long-time friend. She likes him. Simple as that.

Anna is crazy. Simple as that.

Cathy...well, that's a tough one, since she seemed a bit obsessed from the start, so she's less easy to read. I suppose because she's shy, but is fascinated by the very loud, passionate Yuma who goes against odds constantly despite the possibility of failure. Shyer people don't really have that same mindset. Fear of failure is why a shy person avoids company or taking risks, and Yuma's complete disregard for failure, to the point of almost embracing the fact the odds are against him, would be fascinating.

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I have a few theories.

Tron will use a Machine deck with cards so broken that ZONE's cards look balanced.
Dyson Sphere will have a burn effect since all of V's other cards do.
Shark will take IV's Numbers, or at the very least his new upcoming Number.
Gauche and Yuma will both duel with 2000 or less Life Points.
Dr. Faker will know Yuma somehow.

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Considering this show will probably run 150+ episodes, making Yuma noticeably smarter now kind of makes later growth a little hard. He'll probably develop a sense of cunning much later. With the possible length, hopefully, it'll be more natural than having an episode about him becoming dramatically smarter. As a "growing character," hopefully Yuma won't end up like Yusei and just get a new boss monster in place of actual character growth.

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Regarding predictions, think this series is aiming for 100 episodes in total. And I would be dismayed if Tron or V used Machines. Seriously it's always Machines.

Anyway, I've just noticed something about V's cards. It may have been mentioned before but I don't think it has been...

[b]Radiance of Hell[/b]
When a monster with 2000 or more ATK declares an attack: Negate that attack, and return that monster to the hand.

[b]Sunlight of Hell[/b]
If you control no monsters when an opponent's monster with 2000 or more ATK declares an attack: Inflict 800 damage to your opponent for each card in their hand.

[b]Those Crawling into Hell[/b]
When an opponent's monster with 2000 or more ATK declares an attack: Negate that attack, and inflict damage to your opponent equal to half that monster's ATK. You can activate this card from your hand.

Yeah, what was Photon's gimmick again?

Coincidence much?

Anyway, new ep is out tomorrow, so I'll be ducking out until the sub on Thursday now. Can't wait.[color=#ffffff] No really I can't, Droite is in in peril!!![/color]

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Only got halfway into the episode because the video took forever to buffer and stopped halfway like the video finished...

Kite and those other two were trained in a Danger Room with Duel Disks fighting a giant robot while wearing goofy spandex? Professor Xavier should sue.

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I look forward to subs, because so much was dialogue. I'd be totally puzzled about Droite's lockdown if the effects hadn't been shown visually at some point.

I do like Tron's reaction to the LP screens. It was more or less like this:

Tron: 4000
Droite: 8000

Both: "Duel!"
Tron: *blinks* What the...? 8000 LP?

That's one thing I really enjoy about Zexal. A lot of characters will actively and appropriately react or acknowledge something that should ring a bell or prompt a reaction, such as Droite recognizing that Yuma was the guy begging for a Heart Piece, and Yuma freaking out when Droite Summoned Photon Butterfly Assassin in the two on one Duel (since it was a Photon). III and IV freaking out about Yuma having a Number, Kotori getting anxious when recognizing IV and Number 15, all things like that. Most other Yugioh series rarely took advantage of this or even had characters acknowledge those things. It was even better last episode, when Gauche commented to himself that he had recognize V based on Yuma's description in episode 41 (even better because in that episode, Gauche didn't believe Yuma, but had remembered the description enough to spot someone who matched that description). More amusing to me in that right was Yuma got the info from Astral, and some of the description was stuff you wouldn't tell someone, like their WEIGHT.

While I usually dislike how a lot of Yugioh series show a character losing badly before pulling off a win, seeing Tron get thrashed during the first half of the duel, only to follow it up by bringing out Number 8 and then turning Droite's combo back on her was awesome. It was kind of satisfying to NOT portray him as a flawless, unshakable Duelist. Seeing the damage actually knock him down like a ragdoll felt satisfying, and made his shift in control satisfying in return.

And seriously, Tron uses a Spell that Xyz Summons using the Graveyard. HELL YES. It'll probably never, ever get released (same as Xyz Plant), but that was awesome anyway. I also like how Tron's Deck ISNT (at least for now) the typical "I'm an evil/broken character" theme that antagonists tend to go for. The monsters look kind of interesting and kind of appropriate for someone who looks that age. According to Wiki, the two Level 4s dont even have broken effects. One of them is a "make all monsters the same Level as this card" and the other is like Necro Doll, but returns to hand instead of SSing.

Although at the same time, it still begs the question of how the hell he beat 3 guys with over 5000 LP each controlling huge monsters in one move. His Deck doesn't seem remotely capable of that level of power, but he also only played 4 cards in his Duel (the two Level 4s, the Xyz Spell, and that Trap), and he was clearly semi-trapped by Droite's combo.

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http://blueyescyberdustdrag.deviantart.com/art/Something-I-found-out-in-Zexal-298382093 leaving this here. IV is most likely the one figure. I agree with the comments that this is probably how IV got his scar, but if the girl is Shark's sister why would IV do that? Its against his charecter andso many other things......

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[quote name='evilsoul' timestamp='1336561635' post='5935615']
apparently an image i found on the lolwikia suggests that Number 9 will have 5000 ATK / 5000 DEF although i am very skeptical about this (can't past image without scewing my screen over on college computers)

Then watch it be even more overpowered than Fran Ken......

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