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Yugioh: Dimensional War’s [OCC/Started/Always Accepting]

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Username: General Blaze
RP Name: Ren Yuki
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Appearance: [img]http://cdn.pimpmyspace.org/media/pms/c/z9/ea/qv/anime-boy.jpg[/img]
Bio: He is Blaze's fraternal twin brother, and right from the start, they were both enemies. Ren always lived in the shadow of his older brother, and in a way, always came in second. He got the brains of the two, but he didn't get the dueling ability. Once when they were in a WC match, he and Blaze were in the final match, but Blaze beat him (What else is new?). So, when the war came up, after he found that his brother joined the first dimension, he decided that he would join the second dimension. When his brother found out about this, he felt extremely angry. He and Blaze have a "twin telepathy" connection.
Loyalty: 2nd Dimension
Deck: Demented (A new archetype i'm creating that consists mostly of Dark Warrior-type monsters that focus on swarming the field, although some of them have relatively low ATK and DEF, but many of them have the ability to raise their ATK points.)
Ace Card: Demented Warrior DARK *8
Demented Synchron + 1 or more non-tuner monsters
Once per turn, you can send one monster with "Demented" in its name to have this card gain 500 ATK points until the End Phase. If you do, You can not Special Summon this turn. During battle between this attacking card and a Defense-position monster with lower DEF than this card's ATK, inflict the difference to your opponent's Life Points.
ATK: 2500/DEF: 2700
Duel Disk Appearance: [img]http://lh6.ggpht.com/_4MUf6T4VzPw/TIQANM8pxsI/AAAAAAAAQw4/Y0HUZa5dzZM/yugioh-duel-disk-papercraft.jpg[/img]
Duel Runner Appearance: [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/310/5/7/oc_james__s_duel_runner_2_0_by_jamester0091-d32b0eg.jpg[/img]
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Username: Ghostmyth
RP Name: Akio Nyuhara
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Appearance: [spoiler=Appearance][IMG]http://i891.photobucket.com/albums/ac112/bumblesbee/Anime%20guys/481642.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]
Bio: Akio was born to be a man of war. He lived in the second world and served as a soldier for 3 years. Afterwords, he was promoted to Lt. but he had the connections to be considered colonel. On his 17th birthday he was considered a colonel of the army, ready to go to war. His dueling skills were unmatched, and he had the potential to be extremely powerful. Notice I said "had". A few days after his promotion, Akio got a horrible case of retrograde amnesia while breaking up a fight amongst soldiers. He spent months trying to figure the game out again. Once he did, it eventually bored him. He has no memory of his past, and only knows how to fight. This is why he was born to be a soldier, the perfect soldier. At 22 he once again became a colonel and a trusted man of the leader. He's just waiting for something to get his interest, and until that day comes, he'll continue to fight.
Loyalty: 2nd Dimension
Deck: Custom - "6 Shooter Outlaws" - This deck uses monsters and spells known as "bullets" that are discarded from the hand for a special ability from the spell "Six Shooter". The monsters of the deck all have a bit of a western theme and are known as the "Outlaw" archetype. Outlaws act a lot like Volcanics but instead of searching for monsters they search for bullets. A few Outlaws still provide support for other Outlaws.
Ace Card: Billy the Kid
[spoiler=Written Card]
Billy the Kid
Lv 8 Earth
1 "Outlaw" monster + 1 "Six Shooter"
A fusion summon of this card can only be conducted with the above cards. In order to summon this monster, you must sacrifice one "Outlaw" monster a long with the spell card "Six Shooter" while you have 2 or more "Bullet" cards in your graveyard (you do not use polymerization). The fusion summon of this monster cannot be negated. While this card is face up on the field, counter trap cards and quickplay spell cards cannot be activated.
Attack: 2600
Def: 1500[/spoiler]
Duel Disk Appearance: Akio's duel disk is a brown battle city duel disk encased in buffalo hide. The shades of brown vary in intensity based off of the colors of the battle city model.
Duel Runner Appearance: Akio's Duel Runner is actually built to look like it's backwords. A monitor shows Akio what's going on behind him. He does this so he can see exactly what his opponent is doing. It looks like Hunter's model, except it's brown like his duel disk and has a few gun holsters.
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[quote name='CardMaster24' timestamp='1301955005' post='5114748']
Thats Accepted it says 2nd Dimension now

Ok i am starting this I think we got enough second dimension now

Though still no more first dimension for a bit

Ok i got the IC thread up


that visser guy deleted his post app, you do realize that right?

I was not referring to ghost though, his was fine from the start actually.

oh btw i change the archetype of "S.F.Angel" to N.S.Angel" just to let you know
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[quote name='CardMaster24' timestamp='1301518768' post='5100888']
Sorry i havent been active for a while though you are not accepted ........! because you did not put in your loyalty

Oh Shi-- Sorry I'll edit my first post but it's the one that's being attacked.

Edit: Eh...Just read through, if you'd like I suppose I could be of the 2nd dimension.
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[quote name='CardMaster24' timestamp='1302041556' post='5117001']
Cool now that your in the second dimension you can now be in the first dimension as well

Now begin posting in the IC thread

In the whaat? Sorry for not knowing, I usually just RP on StarCraft in channels. >_>
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Username: SSD
RP Name: Akarui Kage
Gender: M
Age: 18
[spoiler=Appearance] Akarui is 6"3 has spiky dark brown hair, with sea-blue eyes. He is slightly tanned and slightly muscular. He commonly wears a dark-blue hoodie with black sweat pants. [/spoiler]
[spoiler=Bio] Akarui lived as one of the richer people in Neo Domino, he played in many tournaments and won them all, in one of these he won his deck. On his 18th birthday he got his turbo duel licence, but on the day of his birthday, the war began. His parents were killed that same day. That day he grew a deep hatred for those in the 2nd Dimension, he swore to go there and defeat them all.[/spoiler]
Loyalty: 1st Dimension
Deck: Custom; Metal, a deck with both Synchros and Fusions, made to Synchro Summon for quick victories, or toy around with the opponent
[spoiler=Ace Card][img]http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/4717/165153ag.jpg[/img][spoiler=Lore]"B - Metal Bug" + "D - Metal Dragon" + "D - Metal Drum" + "L - Metal Lion" + "S - Metal Star Sword" + "W - Metal Winged Avenger"
This card can only be Special Summoned from your Extra Deck by removing from play the above cards from your hand or your side of the field (You do not use "Polymerization"). Once per turn you can discard 1 monster from your hand to halve the ATK of one monster you control. If you do, it can attack your opponent directly this turn. You can discard 1 card from your hand to destroy 1 card on the field, if you do, this card can't declare an attack this turn.[/spoiler] You don't want to run into this guy in a dark alley[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Duel Disk Appearance][IMG]http://i55.tinypic.com/dykww1.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Duel Runner Appearance][IMG]http://i55.tinypic.com/5l9e94.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]
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