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Render: http://media.photobucket.com/image/death%20note%20renders/33Lana33/anime/death%20note/yagami-light-Render-SV.png?o=22

Size: 350 x 200

Preferred colours?: No

Text?: No

Crop to Avi?: No

Border?: No

Details: (be as specific as possible.) Pure Vector with at least 80% scratched elements. Render must also be vectored. Have fun!


Never vector'd before, to be honest.

Don't think i will either.











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Text: Club Fantasy

Sub Text?: Place of Imagination (This or if it is too long or doesn't work for you, than just don't bother with this one.

Preferred colours?: Pink, purple, green, blue, red, and yellow (If you like a different colour combination then you just choose the colours.

Details: (be as specific as possible.) Have the main text near the top left corner and the sub text just under that aligned a little bit to the right.

Have some nice effects with the writing if you like.


I don't care how long it takes. :)

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I'm really sorry to be bothering you again, Night. Take your sweet time getting to this, as I know I just got a tag. ><



Render/Stock/Sprite: [spoiler=here]



Size: (if unsure of dimensions, use a preset; 300 x 100 | 400 x 150 | 450 x 200 ) 300x100

Preferred colours?: Nope.

Text?: Nope!

Crop to Avi?: Ehhh, nope. xD

Border?: Nope.

Details: I'm sure I'll be blown away by anything that you make from this.


Too LQ? D:

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