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Thank you Yin.







Size: 300 x 100

Preferred colours?: Black and Red

Text?: Killswitch Engaged rises war

Crop to Avi?: No

Border?: no

Details: (be as specific as possible.) : Make it look bloody

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Hey, sorry if I'm adding to your load, but you can take your sweet time while getting to mine. I love this shop, and I'll be willing to wait for as long as it takes. ^^

I want to revert back to my Clair theme soon, and I wanted to know what you could do about my sig. xD











Size: 300x100

Preferred colours?: Ehhh, whatever you feel would fit best with the tag, really. xD

Text?: Clair.

Crop to Avi?: Nope.

Border?: Nope.

Details: Try your best, I'm sure I'll be pleased with no matter what ends up as the finished product. ;D

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Size: 450 x 200

Preferred colours?: Pink, Heart Red

Text?: The Goddess

Text Faunt: Goddess Like Text so probualy cursive

Crop to Avi?: Yes

Border?: No

Details: Make it a all hearts and lovely but almost add a goddess flair to to


I was skipped :(

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@GEN: my apologies, i could have swore both you and rio's orders were the same.

I'll get to it when i can.


@Clair: I'll make yours extra special super sexy-like because i've been an ass to you :/



It's because of that phrase, I end up giving you your gift years ahead of time. (yes they're gifts because i <3 you)

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Will this be...rejected or something? If yes, I'll repost it other time then. I can wait, tho...




Render/Stock/Sprite: http://i54.tinypic.com/t4zlm1.jpg

Size: ~ 350x150

Preferred colours?: Anything that fits.

Text?: Overdrive

Crop to Avi?: Nope.

Border?: Nope.

Details: Just...make it look cool =D. You don't really have to hurry with this one.


*Stock from +ink kiki Stock Pack 14*

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@Kill switch: Orders done, although I minimized the text.









@LZ: I'll do the logo when i get a chance.


@Rio: ^ & No problem.


@Overdrive: I'll get to yours when i am finished with Clair's.

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Can i hazz z tag please ??? If this be rejected, i'll repost it cause i can wait....

Render/Stock/Sprite: http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/7154/elswordswordknightrende.png

Size: 385x130

Preferred colours?: you can choose but i prefer red

Text?: none

Crop to Avi?: yes if possible

Border?: yes please

Details: N/A

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@LZ: Orders done.








Took a while but i had fun with it, the scratched digi egg into the "O" was a nice touch, i think.


@Clair: : ]











Told you i'd make it super duper good-like <3

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@Clair: : ]











Told you i'd make it super duper good-like <3




I love it! You're the best! <3


Thank you so much, and you've never been an ass to me. I don't know where you got that. xD

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I love it! You're the best! <3


Thank you so much, and you've never been an ass to me. I don't know where you got that. xD




nope, i have.

You've asked me to complete tags for you many times and i've failed to do so.

enjoy your gift though : ]

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Size: 400 x 150

Preferred colours?: Reds, oranges, those kinds of colors. Heat, fire. It is a courtroom after all.

Text?: I call to the stand

Crop to Avi?: Nah.

Border?: Nah.

Details: Do whatever you think will work, and take as long as you need. I can wait.


Also, I don't know if the render will work or not. If it doesn't, I'll gladly find a new one.

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Order approved.

Although your suspicions were correct, it isn't a render.

Pro tip: click on the supposed render, drag it over the BG of your web browser, if the image has a white BG (behind the character) the image is not a render. Just to make it easier for you.

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