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+~~Pokemon-Forming a Perfect Team~~+

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[size="5"][b]This is basically a club where we will talk about pokemon, have a few laughs on the way and try to assemble the PERFECT pokemon team that all the members will love.We will start with basic pokemon and try to get better and better ideas. We will all have a dorm and if you wish you may share a room.We will also make a "worst team".We will think of more cool things on the way, but for now just have fun.[/b][/size]

[spoiler=Banner]No banner yet[/spoiler]

Fav. Pokemon:
Which dorm #:
Would you like to share a dorm?
Will you suggest this to your friends?:[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Which dorm?][spoiler=Single Dorm]#10-TheGenuine
[spoiler=Double Dorm]#21-
#25-Star Wars Fan #1 &

[spoiler=Worst Pokemon Team]1.Magicarp

[spoiler=Pokemon Team]1.

[spoiler=Members]Explosive Crossbow
Star Wars Fan #1

[size="6"]Have Fun[/size]
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Sure, I'll join.

Username: MechaSanphred
Fav. Pokemon: Delibird
Which dorm #: 15
Would you like to share a dorm?: Nope
Will you suggest this to your friends?: Possibly

And does the team have to be your real team? Or your made-up team? (I'm posting my made-up one)

1. Spiritomb (No weaknesses WOOT)
2. Eelektross (No weaknesses WOOT)
3. Zoroark (Total beast WOOT)
4. Haxorus (Dragon WOOT)
5. Braviary (It's blue WOOT)
6. Victini (V-create WOOT)
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[quote name='MechaSanphred' timestamp='1300993874' post='5093822']
Sure, I'll join.

Username: MechaSanphred
Fav. Pokemon: Delibird
Which dorm #: 15
Would you like to share a dorm?: Nope
Will you suggest this to your friends?: Possibly

And does the team have to be your real team? Or your made-up team? (I'm posting my made-up one)

1. Spiritomb (No weaknesses WOOT)
2. Eelektross (No weaknesses WOOT)
3. Zoroark (Total beast WOOT)
4. Haxorus (Dragon WOOT)
5. Braviary (It's blue WOOT)
6. Victini (V-create WOOT)

Accepted, and it could be made up
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[quote name='Trident Dragon/Assult Mode' timestamp='1301066694' post='5095577']
Username: Trident Dragon/Assult Mode
Fav. Pokemon: Metang
Which dorm #: 7
Would you like to share a dorm? yes
Will you suggest this to your friends?: yes


Deoxys (Attack form)

go my team!

Everyone accepted
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  • 2 weeks later...
Username: Mew. Will probarly change to Comic Book Guy in a few days.
Fav. Pokémon: Often changed, but now it's like Pidgeot or Espeon, maby Mewtwo.
Dorm: Surprise me.
Share dorm: Sure.
Share club with friends: Probarly not, I'm sure they will find their way over here by themselves x3
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