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[size="1"]Deadly Assault Regiment & Tactical Strategies Group[/size][/b][/center]


June 3rd, 2013. Everything has calmed down since December 21st, 2012, when it was thought that the Earth was to come to an end. Many people were outside on that night watching the clear night sky show a raidiant row of glowing planets allign. When the clock was at exactly 11:59 PM that night, people were counting down the seconds. Loved ones were sobbing together, while others were rejoicing. Then the clock struck 12:00 AM: December 22nd. Nothing happened. The planets began to un-allign, and things returned to normal. It was a regular night.
Then something strange happened on New Year's Eve- right as the clock struck 12:00 AM, a big explosion happened. All the people in the world were silent, some even laying on the ground, ears covered. Everybody looked up to the sky and saw a huge red cloud that gradually got bigger, then faded away. A small circle, hardly noticeable, was spotted. It was assumed by most that it was just a meteor crash.
Scientists began to investigate this matter. Through the night sky, they viewed through one of the most powerful telescopes where the explosion took place- and the little circle. What they found was shocking.
They kept the infomation away from the public, and only repoted it to the following: FBI, U.S.A Government and other allied governments, CIA, and the newly arrised DARTS group. This is the report of which they found:

Our fellow humans,

On the night of February 7th, 2013, we and other NASA officials viewed the spot of where a gigantic explosion took place on this past New Year's Eve. Through the past month, we looked into this situation. What we found was extraterrestrial.
What we discovered was that a new planet was somehow born. During the night of which the planets alligned, the planet's gasses fumed in the very spot to create some sort of hole in space that linked to another far away galaxy. On New Year's Eve, the gases exploded because of this new planet being sucked in through the hole to our galaxy. We suspect that the hole is still there. We also discovered alien (ET) life on the planet. As we viewed the planet, we saw that this was a much more advanced species than our own. We would still be studying until something happened.
One night, we were studying the ET life. We followed them with our telescope. We didn't know who we were following until they looked up- directly into our telescope, and held up a peice of paper. They speak english. This is what it read:

[center]"We have come from another galaxy. We have already conquered every galaxy int he universe except yours, humans. You are our next targets. Prepare to die."[/center]

This is why we have only sent this information to you. We need to form an army to fight this force.



However, a week later, the NASA officials who observed these ETs dissapeared. Now the CIA has agreed to issue the DARTS team weapons to fight against this force.[/spoiler]

Description (Physical Features)-
Life Background (Humans Only)-
Age (Humans only 1-120; ETs any age)-
Hometown (Humans Only)-[/code]
[spoiler=My Application]
Name- Anthony Kyslemy
Description (Physical Features)- He stands at 6'5. He's white, but tanned from being outside. He wears size 18 shoes. He has blue eyes and brown hair. His hands are huge.
Life Background- He grew up as a really cool person. People loved him, and he graduated high school with honors. He took a degree in Mass Communications. When he was 16, we started a group known as DARTS. He liked war strategies and guns. Soon, it grew to be bigger than the CIA and FBI combined. It's an advanced group of people who know combat like the back of their hand. He is the most skilled as leader. He has a great family, and is Christian. He stands and fights for what he beleives in.
Age- 27
Hometown- Washington D.C.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

Copy and paste apps, and fill them out. [b]I won't accept yours if it isn't copied and pasted.[/b]
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[font=tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif][size=2][color=#660066]Name[/color][color=#666600]- Fendas Month[/color][color=#000000]
DARTS [/color][color=#000088]or[/color][color=#000000] ET[/color][color=#666600]?- DARTS[/color][color=#000000]
[/color][color=#660066]Description[/color][color=#000000] [/color][color=#666600]([/color][color=#660066]Physical[/color][color=#000000] [/color][color=#660066]Features[/color][color=#666600])- Scar on chin, Blue eyes, Black hair, and a scar that appered one day and has never gone away[/color][color=#000000]
[/color][color=#660066]Life[/color][color=#000000] [/color][color=#660066]Background[/color][color=#000000] [/color][color=#666600]([/color][color=#660066]Humans[/color][color=#000000] [/color][color=#660066]Only[/color][color=#666600])- A very Intelegent person who has grown up in the worst of conditions. he has been in and out of foster homes and has never had a grade of 95 or lower. Once he learned about DARTs and their perpouse he thought of joining in the technology department he wasn't sure until that fateful night when the sky exploded he didn't know what it was but he had to join DARTS he just knew it.[/color][color=#000000]
[/color][color=#660066]Age[/color][color=#000000] [/color][color=#666600]([/color][color=#660066]Humans[/color][color=#000000] only [/color][color=#006666]1[/color][color=#666600]-[/color][color=#006666]120[/color][color=#666600];[/color][color=#000000] [/color][color=#660066]ETs[/color][color=#000000] any age[/color][color=#666600])- 25[/color][color=#000000]
[/color][color=#660066]Hometown[/color][color=#000000] [/color][color=#666600]([/color][color=#660066]Humans[/color][color=#000000] [/color][color=#660066]Only[/color][color=#666600])- Fort Morgan, Colorado[/color][/size][/font]
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