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99~ A Club of RP'ing, Chatting, Creating, & More

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A game? Like? Maybe hangman.....I used to have a thread for that on here. It got 3,000+ views in a week. O.o | Also, I'm beginning to get 99~ to start inventing a new language! More information below and on the first post.

[spoiler=Grammar, Vocab., etc.]
Basically, I don't know what to call it. So we'll need to come up with a name. But anyways- yeah. All words with the exception of [b]questions, must[/b] begin with the letter "c." Example below.

Hai (do) cquing (you) cuan (understand) chow (this)?[/spoiler]

As you can see, everything but [b]Hai[/b] started with the letter "c." This is because it's the beginning of a question. There are no accents or the two dots over letters. It won't be in this language. Hopefully, once the language is complete, the whole club can speak it. For the most part, I'll invent the words. If you want to add, you'll have to get approval from me by PM'ing me [b]ten or less[/b] words at a time, and only [b]ten[/b] per day.[/spoiler]

Everyone needs to delete their poll vote and vote on the new one.

~Future Paradise
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