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Chess Cards


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I like the way these cards deal with specific slots and direct attacking instead of using both sides of the field. I've actually made a chess set a long time ago that played the concept of both player's fields, but this is a good twist to a Chess Archtype. Their stats are great to. I hope to see a little more support for these cards.

I made these a long time ago but your welcome to look at them:
[url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/89612-piece-monsters-and-a-new-type-of-trap-card-plz-comment/"]Piece Monsters[/url]
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[quote name='Monarch Master' timestamp='1301703285' post='5105816']
you should make spells or traps named after moves like chess terms like

Here's a list of chess terms.
Already did Checkmate and thank you.
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I have no intention of making a chess based set for quite a while. I'm still working on the first 70 cards for my ccg. These have more to do with certain types of creatures. I will continue to update my ccg as often as possible. Though everyone will get the full set file. I'm just hoping I don't end up making an extremely huge set file in the end.
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[quote name='Horu' timestamp='1301816194' post='5110280']
I have no intention of making a chess based set for quite a while. I'm still working on the first 70 cards for my ccg. These have more to do with certain types of creatures. I will continue to update my ccg as often as possible. Though everyone will get the full set file. I'm just hoping I don't end up making an extremely huge set file in the end.
I never ask you about making a chess set.
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OCG Corrections

Chess Pawn Lv. 3 Atk / 1500 Def / 1300
Attribute: Light Type: Warrior
Effect: This card cannot attack a player directly. It may only attack an opponent's monster in a column diagonal from it.

Chess Rook Lv. 5 Atk / 2100 Def / 1900
Attribute: Dark Type: Warrior
Effect: This card may only attack an opponent's monster in a column straight from it. If no Spell, Trap or Monster Cards on your opponent's side of the field is in the same column as this card, it can attack your opponent directly.

Chess Knight Lv. 8 Atk / 2400 Def / 2200
Attribute: Light Type: Warrior
Effect: Once per turn, this card can move to an adjacent unoccupied Monster Card Zone. This card may only attack an opponent's monster in a column diagonal from it. If no Spell, Trap or Monster Cards on your opponent's side of the field is in the same column as this card, it can attack your opponent directly.

Chess Bishop Lv. 4 Atk / 1800 Def / 1600
Attribute: Dark Type: Spellcaster
Effect: Once per turn, this card can move to an adjacent unoccupied Monster Card Zone. When this card is Summoned, select 1 of your opponent's Card Zones. The selected zone cannot be used.

Chess Queen Lv. 7 Atk / 2500 Def / 2300
Attribute: Light Type: Spellcaster
Effect: Once per turn, this card can move to an adjacent unoccupied Monster Card Zone. If this card destroys a monster, select 1 card on the field and remove it from play.

Chess King Lv. 8 Atk / 2900 Def / 2700
Attribute: Light Type: Warrior
Effect: This card cannot be Special Summoned. Once per turn, this card can move to an adjacent unoccupied Monster Card Zone. All face-up “Chess” monsters gain 200 ATK. This card gains 300 ATK for each face-up “Chess” Monster on the field. If this card is removed from the field, the controller automatically loses. There can only be one “Chess King” on the field.

Battlefield Board Field Spell Card
Effect: All “Chess” monsters gain 200 ATK. Each player may use the Spell and Trap Card Zones as Monster Card Zones.

Pawn’s Promotion Spell Card
Tribute 1 “Chess Pawn” and Summon 1 “Chess” monster from your Graveyard. This Summon cannot be negated. Destroy it during the End Phase.

Defending Troops Quick Play Spell Card
If a “Chess” monster would be remove from the field, send 1 “Chess” monster from your hand to the Graveyard instead.

Checkers Draught Trap Card
When this card is activated, Special Summon 1 "Red Draught" token (Warrior/Earth/Level 3/ATK 1000/DEF 1000/ If attacking a monster with higher attack points, it can attack directly.) and 1 "Black Draught" token (Warrior/Earth/Level 3/ATK 1000/DEF 1000/ If this card is attacking a monster with higher attack points, this card gains ATK equal to each level of the target monster X500.) in Attack Position.

Kingdom’s Battle Plan Continuous Spell Card
Once per turn, 1 “Chess” monster can move to an adjacent unoccupied Monster Card Zone.

Royal Checkmate Spell Card
Special Summon 1 “Chess King.” Send all the cards from your Deck, Hand, and Field except “Chess King” to the Graveyard. You select and receive 1 of the following effects:
·Attack directly.
·Inflict damage equal to “Chess King” ATK.

Rapid Play Trap Card
Only activate this card when your opponent declares an attack on a “Chess” monster. The opponent may only declare one attack that turn.

Blindfold Move Trap Card
Only activate this card when your opponents monster declares an attack against a “Chess” monster. Your opponent chooses one random card from your hand. If it is a monster, end the Battle Phase. If not, double the damage.

Chess Servant Lv. 2 Atk / 500 Def / 300 Tuner
Attribute: Earth Type: Spellcaster
Effect: You can pay 500 Life Points to increase or decrease the level of this card by 1. If a card(s) effect on the field would destroy a crd, send this card from your Hand to the Graveyard to negate the card(s) effect.

Chess Assassin Lv. 4 Atk / 1700 Def / 1500
Attribute: Dark Type: Warrior
Effect: Once per turn, this card can move to an adjacent unoccupied Monster Card Zone. (This also includes your opponent's Monster Card Zones. If this card is on your opponent's side of the field, you may attack directly with this card. At the End Phase, if you use this effect, give control of this monster to your opponent.

Chess Divine Lord Lv. 8 Atk / 3000 Def / 2800 Synchro
Attribute: Light Type: Warrior
1 “Chess Servant”+ 1 or more “Chess” monsters
Effect: When this card is summoned, you gain 200 Life Points for each “Chess” monster(s) on the field. You can send 1 “Chess” card to the Graveyard to negate a card(s) effect and destroy it.

Chess Reaper Rank 4 Atk / 2400 Def / 2200 Exceed
Attribute: Dark Type: Warrior
2 Lv.4 “Chess” monsters
Effect: You can remove 1 of this card’s Exceed Material Monsters to negate and/or destroy 1 card on the field. If this card has no Exceed Material Monsters, decrease it’s ATK by half.

Chess Bound Dragon Lv. 12 Atk / 4000 Def / 4000
Attribute: Fire Type: Dragon
Effect: Once per turn if there is not a "Chess" monster(s) on the field, the owner of this card takes damage equal to half of the ATK of this monster and can’t declare an attack. This card cannot be targeted by Spell, Trap, or Monster's Effect. If this card is either in the Graveyard or is Removed from Play, you can Remove from play five "Chess" monsters to special summon it. This Summon cannot be negated.

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