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YCMaker Duel DoJo (Closed)


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[align=center]Duel DoJo - Round 1!


Task: Create 1 Staple Monster Card

"The may be easy now but they'll get harder!" ;-)




Card Quality 60%

Card Image 10%

"Stapleness" - 15%

Effort - 5%


All Cards Are Due By Thursday This Week

Faliure To Submit Cards = -1 DoJo Point

Of Course' date=' As you know your card will be compared to your opponent's

By the end of the week if you have 0 Points your Out!



Boss Z v.s. BlueKyubbi

Dj-Osiris v.s. Yankeefan07

Pistols 4 Pandas v.s. Bhim

Darkness King2007 v.s. vulture

CrazyKev v.s. Da Pokemon Lord

bobscholtz911911 v.s. browarod


Not Everyone Participates at 1 time....





where am i dude?

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Man today sucked.


First of all I'm sick, second the chemotherapy for my mom's cancer is messing up her immune system so she's got bronchitis. Then since she's sick we can't go to Mexico, and I just had to sit on a concrete floor for three hours watching my brother practice baseball, and I've got only one hour of free time.


Edit: I pm'd it


[spoiler=My Contest Card] no, it's not in here


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Man today sucked.


First of all I'm sick' date=' second the chemotherapy for my mom's cancer is messing up her immune system so she's got bronchitis. Then since she's sick we can't go to Mexico, and I just had to sit on a concrete floor for three hours watching my brother practice baseball, and I've got only one hour of free time.


But I've still managed to get my card. It's a high attack staple to take out monarchs and Jinzo's


[spoiler=My Contest Card'] 5fmat5.jpg



tsk.... you have to pm the card.

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