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Become a soul reaper, quincy, hollow, and more (no longer running)

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This story takes place in a 2ndary world that was created by a time rift cloning the world as it is now it has become a battle zone for a great war this is where you come in as a fighter of the great war theres 2 sides Good: Soul Society Evil: Hueco Mondo. The fighting style of this RPG is basically the same as any other soul reapers do not start off with Bankai nor knowing there swords name they have to earn it. Quincies don't get all there cool stuff first either like there advanced bows and stuff they to must train for them over the course of a few days so sign up.


first of all the types of fighters you can be:


Soul Reaper


Hollow powered human

Ex-Soul Reaper on the side of good



Ex-Soul Reaper on the side of evil




Heres the sign up sheet:


Fighter Type:

Image(if you feel like it):

Abilities(you can keep secret):


My char:

Name: Kitaro

Fighter Type: Ex-Soul Reaper

Image(if you feel like it): Samurai.jpg

Abilities(you can keep secret): No Information

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