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Numbered Days [PKM] (OoC, PG-16, Accepting, Not Started)


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Oh she would just be there visiting so she still gets to see her mother every now and then. She could be off from school and take that time to visit her mom, but I could increase her age to 11 at least just so she's not "extremely young". 11 year olds could take heat better without getting whiny :P


oh, and I will probably have a working computer by monday/tuesday, yay for efficency! :D

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Well, most of the children start their pokemon adventure at 10.

Pokemon was originally based off of bug-collecting, from Satoshi's (not Ash, but Satoshi Tajiri, the creator of Pokemon, who is also, in fact, alive) childhood days. Which is presumably why Trainers start their journeys at the age of ten. Just a random tidbit of info I thought I'd throw out there.

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she is not on an adventure though, she is attending a school that is pokémon themed and has gotten all but one pokémon through that school. She won't be starting her journey before she graduates at age 18-19 but then she will be a lot mor experienced than a beginner trainer could ever be thanks to her studies

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Why not?


Username: Enrise

Name: Geraldus von Wulfheim (Nicknamed: Wulfscythe)

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Appearance: Yeah, I'm a lazy guy. Here


Personality: A bit reckless and "evil" in his actions and plans, he loves to take risks and chances, and even goes as far as to even go overboard with such decisions. However, even with his recklessness, he does care for his Pokemon more than himself, and does whatever to protect them, even if he were to give his own life for them. Since he cares so much for his Pokemon, he in turn receives the same care from them. He also does also have a sense of Conduct Disorder, which cannot help for his own sake. However, this Disorder only is towards humans than people, which was developed due to his parents.


Bio: Since he was born into a rich family, Geraldus rarely had any fun around the house, and liked to go on adventures with his “friends” (his family disapproved his childhood friends). When he grew old enough, at age 18, he left his family behind, and started his adulthood in the mercenary business with his first ever pokemon and friend that stay with him yet, Absol (past may be revealed in the story). Since then, he was successful in his life so far, and made two new friends along his journey.


Position: Mercenary: Not with the other mercenaries, comes from a different branch of the mercenary business.



Species Name: Absol

Nickname: Scythe

Nature: Naughty

Quirks: Scythe is always doing things he shouldn't do (when it comes to "play-time" for him), and sometimes disobeys his orders. However, when things get very serious, he pulls through in the end.

Level: 100

Special Moves: Megahorn, Giga Impact


Species Name: Hydreigon

Nickname: Hydra

Nature: Rash

Quirks: He’s rather quick to act for anything, whether to get the last food item, or to try and defeat the opponent. However, despite the rash behavior, he stills listens to his trainer and poke-friends.

Level: 60

Special Moves: Draco Meteor, Work Up


Species Name: Pupitar

Nickname: N/A

Nature: Brave

Quirks: He always wants to stick out into the action, to prove that he’s not afraid, and to show that he’s capable of handling a fight. However, he also does these things cause he feels no fear, or at least no immediate fear of it, and that if he doesn’t fear it, he should be able to do it.

Level: 50

Special Moves: Bulldoze,


Species Name: Zorua

Nickname: Z

Nature: Mild

Quirks: He's usually quite calm and and somewhat a spectator of things that don't involve him. However, even in battle, he can act this way, but always tends to "telepathically" say that "the one who overreacts is the one that's overestimating."

Level: 50

Special Moves: Dark Pulse


NOTICE: Notice Removed



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I've been a fan of Absol ever since Generation 3 came out. I didn't suddenly become a fan or just decided to pick Absol. No, never.

Whenever I got a new game, I would trade over Absol.


So, I'm done ranting about my view-point of Absol.


Oh yeah, my post is done being edited.

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Guest Simdoggy

Ive always tried to catch or trade absol in my games, ever since i got emerald (I never got ruby or sapphire) and I always train him up and use him as my main pokemon.

Thats it for my rant now too

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I'm going to close this, sorry for not starting fast enough, but I was talking with someone and came up with a better idea for an RP. That and I was beginning to lose interest in where I could go with this.


For those of you who were/are interested, I can PM you what was actually going to happen in the RP. Given that we basically ended the description of the plot with a major cliffhanger.

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