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[KING.]A couple of Speed Spells. [KING.]

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[size="3"][font="Times New Roman"][b]Speed Spell - Black Whirlwind
Activate only when you have 3 or more Speed Counters. When you Normal Summon a "Blackwing" monster, you can remove 1 Speed Counter to add 1 "Blackwing" monster from your Deck to your hand that has less ATK than that monster.

Speed Spell - De-Synchro
Activate only when you have 3 or more Speed Counters. Select 1 face-up Synchro Monster. Return it to its owner's Extra Deck. Then, if all the monsters that were used for the Synchro Summon of that monster are in your Graveyard, you can remove 2 Speed Counters to Special Summon.

Been playing WC2011 and I was surprised these cards weren't added to the game, so I decided to make them myself.[/b][/font][/size]
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King, you can't have Speed Spells that are not Quickplay or Normal .-. Besides, 3 is too low for BW.

De-Synchro needs to have the cost up front, as you can just hit an opponoent's Sycnhro, anyways. The cost always goes first.

Activate only by removing 2 Speed Counters while you have 3 or more Speed Counters.
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As stated before Speed Spells are only Normal or Quickplay Spells other than that

IDK why De-Synchro is not there...(And I assume you want it for Tuningware abuse?)
But the correct OCG is:
Activate only by removing 2 Speed Counters while you have 3 or more Speed Counters. Select 1 face-up Synchro Monster. Return it to its owner's Extra Deck. Then, if all the monsters that were used for the Synchro Summon of that monster are in your Graveyard, you can Special Summon them.
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