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The Mega-Multiverse : Rising Dawn [Started/Accepting]


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my other naruto char.
[spoiler=Tai Kagura]
Name: Tai Kagura
Age: 35
Aliases: "the Spiked Bird"
Familiars/Pets/Sidekicks: various birds summoned by using the Tsubasu bird calling jutsu, the 2 or 3 squads worth of tsubasa clan ninjas that have allied themselves with him.
Motive: to gain control of the 5 great lands, and killing all that oppose him, often using laws against those that he cannot directly kill
Weapons: his bones
Abilities and Powers: various Wind Release Ninjutsu and ninjutsu learnt from his parents, along qwith one or two taijutsu techniques with his kaguya bones he made himself
Custom, Canon, or 'Avatar': Custom
Tranformations: [spoiler=Wing Form(jutsu used for the form)]
Tsubasa Sodachimasu no jutsu (Wing Grow Technique)
Rank: C-Rank
Skill: Ninjutsu
Effect: Lets the user grow wings of a bird out of their shoulders.
Special: Ram
Drawback: The user may feel some pain, due to the initial outburst of the extra shoulder bones that are used for the rest of the wings to grow on. Cannot Re-grow wings that were ripped or severed from the body. If one wing is removed then it is impossible to retract the wings. If a wing is injured somehow, once retracted they cannot be used for 2 weeks OOC.
Description: The user forms the handseal, and then the extra shoulder bones that come from the Ritual of Talon and Feather burst through the back of the user and they start to grow into wings of any given bird, through chakra increasing the length of the bones, (user chooses) that are twice the length of the user’s arms. Chakra will numb the pain, but it will still hurt. The chakra will also accelerate the growth of the skin, but it will come out with feathers, having stimulated the chemical. The user may then use the wings to fly and perform other techniques that require this jutsu. When the Tsubasa wishes it or has an injured wing they can retract the wings into their body to heal over time or simply to hide them.
Limit: Must be a Tsubasa, must have Ritual of the Talon and Feather performed on them.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Rooted Form(jutsu used for the form)]Spread my roots
Rank: D
Skill: Enables the user to stay in place.
Effect: Taijutsu
Special: None
Drawback: Leaves holes in sandals or shoes. Doesn’t work on wet or weak terrain such as sand or mud.
Description: Using the ability to manipulate bones within one’s body, the user releases bones from the sole of their feet, similar to “Dance of the Seedling Ferns” though on a much smaller scale. With this technique the user is only as strong as their bones are which means a D-rank user can only withstand the shockwave or power of a D-rank strike, a C-rank user the strength of a C-rank, and so on and so forth. This technique was designed for the Taijutsu influence this blood limit has on the shinobi world, which makes sure they aren’t blown away from their enemy that would otherwise try to increase their distance apart from another through the use of a shockwave or wind-like jutsu. The bones created are much like roots in the ground, spreading in random directions into the earth, spreading to a maximum ten foot diameter and ten feet deep.
Limit: Kaguya[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Bio:] Tai was born the son of a descendant of the Kagura clan, who had been taught by his family the way of the kagura but not inclined towards war as most were, and a female member of the tsuabasa clan who was skilled with her use of birds. at the age of 10 Tai had the bird ritual which fused a baby bird with him with other members of the tsubasa clan their, a year later having the wing growth ritual performed with these same people. When tai reach 15 his father taught him the way of the Kagura \, how to control his bones and also how to extract the poisoous calcium, though it is slow and painfull it is the most effect way to keep them alive. he had continued practicing and extracting the calcium when necessary until the age of 20 where he learned from his mother how to use his wings properly which he already learned how to manipulate the wings of. Within roughly 0 years he had mastered both his kekkei genkai and his clan skills before during a war between the ninja villages his parent were killed trying to protect their home, enraged Tai used his Kagura clan kekkei genkai to spread his tailboine throughn the ground having multiple spike popping up stabbing almost all of the ninja simaltaneously, the few who ran he then chased, returning his bones inside of himself and manipulating his wings so they were sharp enough to cut bone, slicing these men in half. He has since despised all others wishing to kill all but the tsubasa clan being the only people who tried to help him afterwards. Tai has gotten a following of a few squads of Tsubasa clan members who believe he should have his revenge against those villages and have trained with him constantly to master their tsubasa clan skills.
[spoiler=Appearance:] [img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/072/f/e/s_t_a_l_k_e_r_by_ferlynnez-d3bjs7w.jpg[/img] similar to.. hair more of a white-ish color..
Others: Clans are [url=http://narutoforumrp.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=clanindex&action=display&thread=13067]Tsubasa (Wing Clan)[/url] & [url=http://narutoforumrp.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=bloodlimitindex&action=display&thread=13002]Kaguya Clan[/url]
Weaknesses: has certain times every few weeks (shorter or longer times dependent on use of bone techniques) when he uses Calcium Extraction during this long and painful process he is easily vulnerable as as of such it is usually when he's the hardest to find
Franchise: Naruto
and street fighter char.
[spoiler=Dark Ryu]Name: Dark Ryu
Age: Unknown
Aliases: "the True Ansatsuken Master"
Familiars/Pets/Sidekicks: street thugs/gang members whose leaders he has killed..
Motive: the gain power over all the beings, whether they be good or evil to make the world under one rule and one style making no good nor any evil rather a society of neutral life, suffering and joy..
Weapons: fists?
Abilities and Powers: mastery of the ansatsuken style, satsui no hadou, and most techniques related to it.. modified versions of various Techniques similar to the ansatsuken style
Custom, Canon, or 'Avatar': Custom
Tranformations: [spoiler=Shin Dark Ryu] When Dark Ryu's life is in danger his satsui no hadou's power is boosted, his skin turning a reedp red while his hair turns pure white, a black aura caused by his satsui no hadou surrounding him and increasing his strength[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Bio:] Dark Ryu is a clone made from Ryu's Satsui no Hadou, having been concentrated by the psycho energies of the psycho driver and then placed in a body made by M. Bison. The body appeared to look similar to Ryu's when he was in the state of using his satsui no hadou, but wore darker clothimng and had pure red eyes along with being slightly larger than ryu. Dark ryu has since mastered various ansatsuken techniques, some already known through the satsui no hadou being inside ryu while others were learnt while watching videos of various fights with akuma and ryu, having been able to replicate the techniques almost perfectly. Dark Ryu was also able to replicate a few of Fei long's techniques having been modified due to both his difference in size and his difference in energy. Dark Ryu then left the compund where M. Bison had made him, killing all of the guards who had attempted to stop him with blasts of various hadoukens before walking along thr road and travelling the country searching for a bae from which to start hi control of the world with his power. he has since found a large abandone warehouse which he has made into a makeshift base and recruited street thugs after killing their leaders to work under im and help transform the place into a base.
[spoiler=Appearance:] [img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs9/i/2006/145/a/d/Street_Fighter___Evil_Ryu_by_furan_san.jpg[/img]
Others: he is a clone of Ryu's Satsui no hadoumore focued, having been extracted from ryu's subconscious by M. Bison's Psycho Driver Machine having been used on evil ryu, removing the satsui no hadou's strength from ryu and then concentratijng it before m. bison made a body for it and placed it inside.
Weaknesses: ranged weapons...
Franchise: Street Fighter
Neutral/Evil [/spoiler]
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[quote name='♪♫ SF-A2★Miki ♫♪' timestamp='1300590694' post='5084133']
Of course Herbert hates Ben tons! Bears have absurbly heavy grudges....

Sorry, no one can create characters that [i]caused[/i] the portals...
But you can create characters that [i]manipulate[/i] portals, to an extent of course.

[b]And this is referring to who? Me?[/b]

Besides, the mysterious portal-causer makes his debut in the later Arcs.

lolAccepted All.

OK, we're ready to start anytime now...
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I'm thinking of having Anshamesh appear in the Pokemon universe and have him make doppelgängers of the local Pokemon. It would be massively funny to have someone as powerful as him having a Pokemon battle.

I don't know where to put Dryn. What are the current universes with people in them.
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question: Still acceptin?

edit: Never mind, apparently my ability to read past "started" was inactive...character to come soon


Name: Sesshomaru
Age: 500+, yet appears 19
Aliases: Lord Sesshomaru, Demon Lord of the Western Lands
Familiars/Pets/Sidekicks: Rin, Jakan, Ah-un
Motive: Sesshomaru has no motives, he merely does whatever he pleases and expects to be left alone
Weapons: [url=http://inuyasha.wikia.com/wiki/Tenseiga]Tenseiga[/url], [url=http://inuyasha.wikia.com/wiki/Bakusaiga]Bakusaiga[/url], and Tokojin- a sword crafted by the evil sword smith Kaijinbō from the fangs of Goshinki as part of Sesshomaru's continued efforts to obtain Tetsaiga or a sword matching it in power. It can fire off extremely powerful blasts of pure evil energy, but because it is filled with Goshinki's malice, only Sesshomaru can wield it without being controlled by it. Tōkijin can be used to blow back and injure an enemy with a powerful pinkish-purple aura, generated as the manifestation of pure hatred. It can also be used to slash at an opponent either directly or with kenatsu, and, like Tenseiga, can perform Sōryūha; however, being "only an oni's fang", Tōkijin initially could not withstand repeated uses of Sōryūha the way that Tenseiga could. But later, in the 4th InuYasha movie, Tōkijin seemed capable of being a conduit for the attack with no ensuing refractory period.
[spoiler=Abilities and Powers:]
As a full blooded demon, Sesshomaru is overwhelmingly powerful, being a match for any opponent he encounters. He has exhibited senses much more powerful than that of humans and even many demons and a plethora of powerful techniques at his disposal. Many of Sesshomaru's innate abilities are a result of his lineage, being the son of two extremely powerful demons. Naraku has referred to Sesshomaru as "the perfect demon"; the natural 'completion' of Sesshomaru's demonic aura may be the reason why the Shikon Jewel appears to have no effect on his demonic abilities, and thus would explain why he has no interest in obtaining its shards. In contrast, nearly every other sentient demon, save those affiliated with Sesshomaru's father in some way, seek its power relentlessly. Eventually, Sesshomaru grows to become the most powerful demon.


* Dokkasō (毒花爪, Toxic Flower Claw): Sesshomaru's claws release deadly acidic poison which can melt flesh and virtually anything else very quickly and he can also spray the poison from his claws. They can fire large blades of energy similar to InuYasha's "Sankon Tesso". He is also shown to transfer poison into his punches. As he did so with Inuyasha, thus blinding him.

* Whip of Light: In both anime and manga, Sesshomaru can generate a thin, whip-like strand of yellow-green energy from his fingertips that can slice through almost anything. The whip also displays characteristics of poison akin to the burning effect it has on contact.

* Sōryūha (蒼龍破, Azure Dragon Stream) Dragon Strike in the English Dub: It is his signature move but it is mainly seen in the movies (three times in the third and twice in the fourth). Its strength is comparable, if not greater, to his brother's Bakuryūha. The Dragon Strike takes on the form of a dragon-like lighting by Sesshomaru waving his sword in the air and from there it takes form. He can also put in the ground which allows him break an enemy's barrier. Unlike the Wind Scar or Backlash Wave, however, this attack is born of Sesshomaru's own power rather than that of a sword, as he is seen using it with both the Tokijin and Tenseiga in the third movie. In the second episode of Inuyasha: The Final Act, Sesshomaru used the Dragon Strike on Mōryōmaru with the Tōkijin at point blank range.

* Mokomoko: The fur on Sesshomaru's shoulder can be extended to great lengths and used to whip or constrict people. It appears to be part of his body, despite some misdirections in the anime. When fighting Setsuna no Takemaru in the third InuYasha movie, Swords of an Honorable Ruler, the Mokomoko has been shown bleeding. Jaken has been seen clinging to it whenever Sesshomaru takes flight. Upon transforming, the Mokomoko can still be seen as a massive mane-like wrap of fur going across his body.


* Flight: Sesshomaru has the ability to float in the sky; however, in the anime, he can sometimes ride upon a sparkling dust cloud. The latter way of flight enables him to bring others along with him while flying by riding the cloud along with him.

* Immunity: Sesshomaru is immune to diseases, poisons, and gases that can paralyze or kill both humans and other normal creatures as well as weaker yōkai. His greatest resistance seems to be toward holy and divine powers; his resistance to purification powers was so strong that he was able to enter Mt. Hakurei's purification barrier, by far the strongest of its type in the series, without being purified. He was somewhat weakened, however, though not significantly so, and it negated his sword's powers. In another instance, Sesshomaru catches one of Kagome's purification arrows barehanded and to no ill-effect; any other demon would have been severely injured, if not outright purified. Monks who try to purify him to 'save' Rin are totally ineffective, and Sesshoumaru's yōki destroys their relics merely by being released. It seems that the only mystical powers that Sesshomaru is not resistant to is yōki such as InuYasha's Kaze no Kizu. Another example of his strong body is seen in Naraku's inability to absorb him. Because of Sesshomaru's demonic purity, his aura emanates around his body in perfect "completion", making it almost impossible to compromise. InuYasha states that human attacks will not harm Sesshomaru, and true to this, none ever have; barring one incident in Mt. Hakurei, which is excusable because of the barrier. Thus far, the only damage he has sustained throughout the series has been from yōki-powered attacks.

* Super Endurance: Sesshomaru is able to resist pain better than most demons.

* Super Speed: Sesshomaru can move faster than the eye can see, both on land and through the air. He leaves behind a fast-moving blur and in some cases, after-images. He can also instantaneously close long distances without being detected by others. He is capable of moving so fast that he can decapitate an entire army of samurai without they even having time to react.

* Super Strength: Sesshomaru possesses physical strength far beyond that of a normal demon; he was able to easily lift InuYasha by the throat into the air with one hand in one of their earlier encounters. In addition, Sesshomaru was seen carrying the boulder-sized demon head of Goshinki in one hand with little to no effort. In the InuYasha profiles manga, Rumiko stated that Sesshomaru has Herculean strength, even with only one arm; his strength with only one arm is equal to InuYasha's full strength; InuYasha's strength allows him to lift a 9 to 10 ton boulder using one arm with little effort, so Sesshomaru would naturally be capable of lifting double that or far more with the same amount of effort.

* Senses: Due to his lineage, Sesshomaru exhibits extremely heightened senses, particularly his sense of smell. He can discern characteristics of most objects through scent, such as the undead Band of Seven through the scent of graveyard soil and pure-demon blood from half-demon blood (such as when InuYasha's demon blood takes over). Through smell alone, Sesshomaru can follow events transpiring far away or which have already transpired; for example, he learned of everything that had happened during Inuyasha's confrontation with Goshinki by simply sniffing the area in which they fought at least several hours, if not days, after the battle. Besides the five basic senses, Sesshomaru's ability in sensing other's auras are exceptional.

* Exceptional Reflexes: Sesshomaru, with his heightened senses, also possesses astonishing reflexes, as shown when he was battling Jakotsu; he managed to deflect the latter snake-like sword at the very last second with Tokijin and even hurl it back in front of Jakotsu himself.

* Intelligence: Despite his vast overall intelligence, Rumiko Takahashi reveals that his intellect is actually one of his weakest points (despite it being considerably high, it pales in comparison to his other capabilities). With this attribute, he was able to correctly deduce that Magatsuhi can be slain with Tenseiga. Only being wrong once, in the 3rd InuYasha movie, Sesshomaru cut Takemaru in half with Tenseiga, but because of So'unga's ability to bring back the living dead, it did not work.

* Teleportation: Sesshomaru can morph into a ball of energy and move himself, as well as others, over great distances in a short amount of time.

* Psionics: Though Sesshomaru's psionic capabilities have never been specifically quantified, he has demonstrated exceptionally strong and powerful feats of both telepathy and telekinesis. Examples of such being his power and ability to mentally levitate and telekinetically fly skulls at Inuyasha and Kagome, and the ability to telepathically overcome Tokijin's telepathic aura.

* Daiyōkai: As the son of a daiyōkai, Sesshomaru has inherited similar levels of power and thus is a daiyōkai in his own right — endowed with heightened senses, intelligence, strength, and a myriad of yōkai powers. While he appears to be an elf-eared human bearing splendid clothing and armour most of the time; he can transform into his true form at will, which is that of a gigantic, acid-breathing, crimson eyed, canine with white fur. With the acquisition of Bakusaiga, Totosai has stated that Sesshomaru has exceeded his father as a daiyōkai.

* Immortality: Being a yōkai, Sesshomaru does not suffer from old age the way humans do. He appears to be around 18 to 19 years old. However, he has been around for at least over two hundred years. In the third movie, Swords of an Honorable Ruler, a flashback from the day Inuyasha was born - 200 years prior to the Sengoku Jidai - shows Sesshomaru as, physically, only a few years younger than his current appearance (with considerably shorter hair). This suggests that Sesshomaru could easily be over 400 years old or likely even 500 years old.

* Regeneration: During his battle with Magatsuhi, Sesshomaru's right arm was badly injured. By beginning to transform into his daiyōkai form, the pure fighting spirit and eminence output of his demonic aura allowed Sesshomaru to completely regenerate the injuries to his right arm. In the same battle, he is also able to restore his left arm, which is cut off by InuYasha at the beginning of the series. However, the full extent to which Sesshomaru can regenerate his wounds is not given in the series.

Custom, Canon, or 'Avatar': Custom
Tranformations: [url=http://media.photobucket.com/image/sesshomaru%20demon%20form/konia_album/Sesshomaru-8.jpg?o=1]Sesshomaru's Demon Form[/url]
Wiki Page/Bio: http://inuyasha.wikia.com/wiki/Sessh%C5%8Dmaru
Appearance: see human pick in transformation pic link
Others: nothing
Weaknesses: None Known
Franchise: Inuyasha
Neutral, only doing things that will benefit him in the long run
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Well, you haven't posted IC yet so I'm not sure if he would be talking about one of your guys.

I'm thinking of bringing Amaterasu to Pokémon and Black Knight to Naruto. I'd also like to know what other worlds there are, just a simple list for the easily confused, like me.

TTGL world is definitely out, however, as nothing happens there, it's a boring place... At least in this RP.
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Actually, Swift Assaulter, I wasn't actually referring to anyone... Its rather common to have a dimensionalholemanipulator around in diumensional hole-based RPs.

[quote name='Otaku-sama' timestamp='1300741534' post='5087990']
I'm thinking of having Anshamesh appear in the Pokemon universe and have him make doppelgängers of the local Pokemon. It would be massively funny to have someone as powerful as him having a Pokemon battle.

I don't know where to put Dryn. What are the current universes with people in them.

[i]"What do you think I am, a Pokemon Trainer"[/i]
[right][i]-Solid Snake[/i][/right]

Go ahead and get him to appear there. Well, Samantha's out in White Forest training her Swadloon. Be warned she has an extremely powerful Pokemon with a Base Stat of 680...

Ben's fighting a ninja guy and a giant evil teddy bear.

Herbert's with Pichu

[quote name='Final Fantasy Revolution' timestamp='1300748453' post='5088219']
question: Still acceptin?

edit: Never mind, apparently my ability to read past "started" was inactive...character to come soon


Name: Sesshomaru
Age: 500+, yet appears 19
Aliases: Lord Sesshomaru, Demon Lord of the Western Lands
Familiars/Pets/Sidekicks: Rin, Jakan, Ah-un
Motive: Sesshomaru has no motives, he merely does whatever he pleases and expects to be left alone
Weapons: [url=http://inuyasha.wikia.com/wiki/Tenseiga]Tenseiga[/url], [url=http://inuyasha.wikia.com/wiki/Bakusaiga]Bakusaiga[/url], and Tokojin- a sword crafted by the evil sword smith Kaijinbō from the fangs of Goshinki as part of Sesshomaru's continued efforts to obtain Tetsaiga or a sword matching it in power. It can fire off extremely powerful blasts of pure evil energy, but because it is filled with Goshinki's malice, only Sesshomaru can wield it without being controlled by it. Tōkijin can be used to blow back and injure an enemy with a powerful pinkish-purple aura, generated as the manifestation of pure hatred. It can also be used to slash at an opponent either directly or with kenatsu, and, like Tenseiga, can perform Sōryūha; however, being "only an oni's fang", Tōkijin initially could not withstand repeated uses of Sōryūha the way that Tenseiga could. But later, in the 4th InuYasha movie, Tōkijin seemed capable of being a conduit for the attack with no ensuing refractory period.
[spoiler=Abilities and Powers:]
As a full blooded demon, Sesshomaru is overwhelmingly powerful, being a match for any opponent he encounters. He has exhibited senses much more powerful than that of humans and even many demons and a plethora of powerful techniques at his disposal. Many of Sesshomaru's innate abilities are a result of his lineage, being the son of two extremely powerful demons. Naraku has referred to Sesshomaru as "the perfect demon"; the natural 'completion' of Sesshomaru's demonic aura may be the reason why the Shikon Jewel appears to have no effect on his demonic abilities, and thus would explain why he has no interest in obtaining its shards. In contrast, nearly every other sentient demon, save those affiliated with Sesshomaru's father in some way, seek its power relentlessly. Eventually, Sesshomaru grows to become the most powerful demon.


* Dokkasō (毒花爪, Toxic Flower Claw): Sesshomaru's claws release deadly acidic poison which can melt flesh and virtually anything else very quickly and he can also spray the poison from his claws. They can fire large blades of energy similar to InuYasha's "Sankon Tesso". He is also shown to transfer poison into his punches. As he did so with Inuyasha, thus blinding him.

* Whip of Light: In both anime and manga, Sesshomaru can generate a thin, whip-like strand of yellow-green energy from his fingertips that can slice through almost anything. The whip also displays characteristics of poison akin to the burning effect it has on contact.

* Sōryūha (蒼龍破, Azure Dragon Stream) Dragon Strike in the English Dub: It is his signature move but it is mainly seen in the movies (three times in the third and twice in the fourth). Its strength is comparable, if not greater, to his brother's Bakuryūha. The Dragon Strike takes on the form of a dragon-like lighting by Sesshomaru waving his sword in the air and from there it takes form. He can also put in the ground which allows him break an enemy's barrier. Unlike the Wind Scar or Backlash Wave, however, this attack is born of Sesshomaru's own power rather than that of a sword, as he is seen using it with both the Tokijin and Tenseiga in the third movie. In the second episode of Inuyasha: The Final Act, Sesshomaru used the Dragon Strike on Mōryōmaru with the Tōkijin at point blank range.

* Mokomoko: The fur on Sesshomaru's shoulder can be extended to great lengths and used to whip or constrict people. It appears to be part of his body, despite some misdirections in the anime. When fighting Setsuna no Takemaru in the third InuYasha movie, Swords of an Honorable Ruler, the Mokomoko has been shown bleeding. Jaken has been seen clinging to it whenever Sesshomaru takes flight. Upon transforming, the Mokomoko can still be seen as a massive mane-like wrap of fur going across his body.


* Flight: Sesshomaru has the ability to float in the sky; however, in the anime, he can sometimes ride upon a sparkling dust cloud. The latter way of flight enables him to bring others along with him while flying by riding the cloud along with him.

* Immunity: Sesshomaru is immune to diseases, poisons, and gases that can paralyze or kill both humans and other normal creatures as well as weaker yōkai. His greatest resistance seems to be toward holy and divine powers; his resistance to purification powers was so strong that he was able to enter Mt. Hakurei's purification barrier, by far the strongest of its type in the series, without being purified. He was somewhat weakened, however, though not significantly so, and it negated his sword's powers. In another instance, Sesshomaru catches one of Kagome's purification arrows barehanded and to no ill-effect; any other demon would have been severely injured, if not outright purified. Monks who try to purify him to 'save' Rin are totally ineffective, and Sesshoumaru's yōki destroys their relics merely by being released. It seems that the only mystical powers that Sesshomaru is not resistant to is yōki such as InuYasha's Kaze no Kizu. Another example of his strong body is seen in Naraku's inability to absorb him. Because of Sesshomaru's demonic purity, his aura emanates around his body in perfect "completion", making it almost impossible to compromise. InuYasha states that human attacks will not harm Sesshomaru, and true to this, none ever have; barring one incident in Mt. Hakurei, which is excusable because of the barrier. Thus far, the only damage he has sustained throughout the series has been from yōki-powered attacks.

* Super Endurance: Sesshomaru is able to resist pain better than most demons.

* Super Speed: Sesshomaru can move faster than the eye can see, both on land and through the air. He leaves behind a fast-moving blur and in some cases, after-images. He can also instantaneously close long distances without being detected by others. He is capable of moving so fast that he can decapitate an entire army of samurai without they even having time to react.

* Super Strength: Sesshomaru possesses physical strength far beyond that of a normal demon; he was able to easily lift InuYasha by the throat into the air with one hand in one of their earlier encounters. In addition, Sesshomaru was seen carrying the boulder-sized demon head of Goshinki in one hand with little to no effort. In the InuYasha profiles manga, Rumiko stated that Sesshomaru has Herculean strength, even with only one arm; his strength with only one arm is equal to InuYasha's full strength; InuYasha's strength allows him to lift a 9 to 10 ton boulder using one arm with little effort, so Sesshomaru would naturally be capable of lifting double that or far more with the same amount of effort.

* Senses: Due to his lineage, Sesshomaru exhibits extremely heightened senses, particularly his sense of smell. He can discern characteristics of most objects through scent, such as the undead Band of Seven through the scent of graveyard soil and pure-demon blood from half-demon blood (such as when InuYasha's demon blood takes over). Through smell alone, Sesshomaru can follow events transpiring far away or which have already transpired; for example, he learned of everything that had happened during Inuyasha's confrontation with Goshinki by simply sniffing the area in which they fought at least several hours, if not days, after the battle. Besides the five basic senses, Sesshomaru's ability in sensing other's auras are exceptional.

* Exceptional Reflexes: Sesshomaru, with his heightened senses, also possesses astonishing reflexes, as shown when he was battling Jakotsu; he managed to deflect the latter snake-like sword at the very last second with Tokijin and even hurl it back in front of Jakotsu himself.

* Intelligence: Despite his vast overall intelligence, Rumiko Takahashi reveals that his intellect is actually one of his weakest points (despite it being considerably high, it pales in comparison to his other capabilities). With this attribute, he was able to correctly deduce that Magatsuhi can be slain with Tenseiga. Only being wrong once, in the 3rd InuYasha movie, Sesshomaru cut Takemaru in half with Tenseiga, but because of So'unga's ability to bring back the living dead, it did not work.

* Teleportation: Sesshomaru can morph into a ball of energy and move himself, as well as others, over great distances in a short amount of time.

* Psionics: Though Sesshomaru's psionic capabilities have never been specifically quantified, he has demonstrated exceptionally strong and powerful feats of both telepathy and telekinesis. Examples of such being his power and ability to mentally levitate and telekinetically fly skulls at Inuyasha and Kagome, and the ability to telepathically overcome Tokijin's telepathic aura.

* Daiyōkai: As the son of a daiyōkai, Sesshomaru has inherited similar levels of power and thus is a daiyōkai in his own right — endowed with heightened senses, intelligence, strength, and a myriad of yōkai powers. While he appears to be an elf-eared human bearing splendid clothing and armour most of the time; he can transform into his true form at will, which is that of a gigantic, acid-breathing, crimson eyed, canine with white fur. With the acquisition of Bakusaiga, Totosai has stated that Sesshomaru has exceeded his father as a daiyōkai.

* Immortality: Being a yōkai, Sesshomaru does not suffer from old age the way humans do. He appears to be around 18 to 19 years old. However, he has been around for at least over two hundred years. In the third movie, Swords of an Honorable Ruler, a flashback from the day Inuyasha was born - 200 years prior to the Sengoku Jidai - shows Sesshomaru as, physically, only a few years younger than his current appearance (with considerably shorter hair). This suggests that Sesshomaru could easily be over 400 years old or likely even 500 years old.

* Regeneration: During his battle with Magatsuhi, Sesshomaru's right arm was badly injured. By beginning to transform into his daiyōkai form, the pure fighting spirit and eminence output of his demonic aura allowed Sesshomaru to completely regenerate the injuries to his right arm. In the same battle, he is also able to restore his left arm, which is cut off by InuYasha at the beginning of the series. However, the full extent to which Sesshomaru can regenerate his wounds is not given in the series.

Custom, Canon, or 'Avatar': Custom
Tranformations: [url=http://media.photobucket.com/image/sesshomaru%20demon%20form/konia_album/Sesshomaru-8.jpg?o=1]Sesshomaru's Demon Form[/url]
Wiki Page/Bio: http://inuyasha.wikia.com/wiki/Sessh%C5%8Dmaru
Appearance: see human pick in transformation pic link
Others: nothing
Weaknesses: None Known
Franchise: Inuyasha
Neutral, only doing things that will benefit him in the long run


[quote name='Shradow' timestamp='1300762515' post='5088771']
Well, you haven't posted IC yet so I'm not sure if he would be talking about one of your guys.

I'm thinking of bringing Amaterasu to Pokémon and Black Knight to Naruto. I'd also like to know what other worlds there are, just a simple list for the easily confused, like me.

TTGL world is definitely out, however, as nothing happens there, it's a boring place... At least in this RP.

Well, Pokemon does have a canonical god... Maybe Arceus will drop by later if Ammy hops in.

Well, there's the Club Penguin Universe, where Herbert's doing stuff. You'll have to get into a cave to find him...
Or just directly go to the cave via a portal. Appearently I'm there in the forme of an Avatar, trying to stop the bear...

Ben, a giant bear and some ninja guy are... fighting. Real badly.
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Well, I assumed you were talking about my character when you said Kazuya saw a portal. I said in my bio that he did that very thing, but I can now understand how I got mixed up:

My bio did explain on the present day that he came through a portal, and ended up in the Naruto Universe, but I should've mentioned that it was merely an hour before Kazuya noticed the other portal. And because so, my character[b]s[/b] will appear later on when I get my other app on.
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Name: Yusuke Urameshi
Age: Lets say 19
Aliases: None
Familiars/Pets/Sidekicks: None that I'd like to list
Motive: Wants to be reunited with friends and to return home, but also really likes to fight.
Weapons: Fists.
[spoiler=Abilities and Powers:]
Though primarily a long distance fighter, in close combat, Yusuke is able to infuse parts of his body with Spirit Energy in an effort to enhance his ability in physical combat, especially his punches, this is called Spirit Punch in the games. The coating of spirit energy around his hands also can serve as a barrier to defend against projectile. He also has a very hard head, which results in a very powerful Headbutt. Apparently, his head is stronger than Chu's who's own headbutt was known to have broken rocks.

* Spirit Gun (霊丸, Reigan): Yusuke concentrates his Spirit Energy into his right index finger and releases it as a projectile. After channeling his energy, he pulls the trigger in his mind when he wants to fire the "bullet." The Spirit Gun blast can range in size from a small shot, to a full-sized cannon blast, to a near atomic-explosion, as demonstrated in the demon world tournament. Initially, Yusuke can only fire the spirit gun a limited number of times per day. At first, early in his commission as Spirit Detective, he can only use it once per day, but by the beginning of the Dark Tournament, after six months of rigorous training under Genkai, Yusuke can use it four times per day. Eventually he gains the ability to shoot the spirit gun with virtually unlimited ammo, as shown in his fight against Yomi. It was originally given to him by Spirit World to fight off demons as required during his cases, but later becomes his signature move.

* Demon Gun (妖丸, Yōgan): This is the demon energy version of the Spirit Gun. After he is reborn as the mazoku, Yusuke gains the ability to fire his demon energy from his index finger. It is a vastly powerful attack. Yusuke fires a concentrated crimson blast of powerful demon energy that inflicts greater damage than a normal Spirit Gun did prior to his transformation. By the end of the series Yusuke is able to fire both his spirit and demon gun with virtually unlimited ammo, so long as he has energy.
* Spirit Gun Mega (超霊丸, Chō Reigan): In his battle against Toguro, Yusuke uses up all his remaining energy to summon a gigantic energy bullet. Though unnamed in both the anime and manga, it is called such in the games.

* Spirit Shotgun (ショットガン, Shottogan): Yusuke gathers spirit energy into his fist to form a large blast of spirit energy from it shot out in less powerful but many blasts. While the technique is not as powerful as the spirit gun, a few advantages it has is that the shots are wide spread, which makes it highly effective against quick or invisible opponents or large numbers of weak enemies. Yusuke first used this technique against a group of thugs, who were controlled by the Demon World Insects, but has only rarely used this technique since.

* Spirit Gun Barrage (霊丸連射, Reigan Rendan, translated as Spirit Gun Rapid-fire or Spirit Gun Double): Yusuke learns to shoot all the blasts of his Spirit Gun rapidly. This technique was only used against Chu in the finals of the first round of the Dark Tournament by using Yusuke's remaining Spirit Gun shots together. While not mentioned in the English anime, a side effect from using this advanced technique caused Yusuke to temporarily lose the ability to use his Spirit Gun prior to the match against the Dr. Ichigaki Team due to his inexperience at manipulating Spirit Energy. Later in the anime, Yusuke uses a variation of this when he tries to break though Yomi's Demon Energy Absorption Wall during the Demon World Tournament.

* Spirit Wave (霊光弾, Reikōdan, translates as Spirit Light Bullet): Yusuke uses it to turn his entire bodyinto a catalyst for his spirit Yusuke prepares the Spirit Wave.
Hiei JaganshiAdded by Hiei Jaganshi
energy. Instead of using his index finger to focus Spirit energy, Yusuke uses his entire body for this attack. This makes for extremely-powerful close-range attacks that negate the opponent's attack, but it's extremely difficult and dangerous to use. This was first seen being used against Jin in the Dark Tournament Saga. He tried using this against Sensui, in the original Japanese version, but was kicked out of range before he could do anything. It also has some healing properties, as it is able to heal from the wounds Kazuya inflicted when he shot at him, close range.

* Transformation: After his atavism, Yusuke temporarily transforms into this Raizen-inspired demon form whenever his emotions, most-likely negative ones like anger, run high. The full strength of this form is unknown, but it increased his speed and strength to easily dominate against an opponent who had a slight advantage over him.
Tranformations: [url=http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p169/Maphisto40/yusukeyokai.jpg]Demon Form[/url]
Wiki Page/Bio: http://yuyuhakusho.wikia.com/wiki/Yusuke_Urameshi
Appearance: Photos provided in wiki-link
Others: Nothing
Weaknesses: Is only PART demon so is still susceptible to all human things, short tempered
Franchise: Yu Yu Hakusho
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