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everybody loves music, but why are the veiws and comments in the music section so low?
everyone has different tastes to music, and everybody just kind of posts up way to specific songs, that may appeal to some and not to others, sooooo


i know alot of people play musical instruments, so this is kind of like a around the circle introduction

what instrument do you play?
what kind fo music do you like?
can you play that kind of music on your instrument?
are you good at singing?
singing with your instrument?
if you dont play and instrument what would you want to learn how to play?

discuss, answer questions, [s]troll[/s] w/e...
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I don't know why it's so empty... There's not much to say, most poeple just comment on whether they like a band or not...unless it's Justin Bieber, then everyone comes out of the closet.X_X

what instrument do you play? Clarinet, tried the guitar a bit but it wasn't my thing.
what kind fo music do you like? Touhou, electronic music and neoclassical mostly.
can you play that kind of music on your instrument? Yeah, I play Touhou music and Yuki Kajiura.
are you good at singing? lol...no XD
singing with your instrument? how does that work?:o
if you dont play and instrument what would you want to learn how to play? Erhu and viola

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[quote name='Opalmoon' timestamp='1300225361' post='5075705']
I don't know why it's so empty... There's not much to say, most poeple just comment on whether they like a band or not...unless it's Justin Bieber, then everyone comes out of the closet.X_X

are you good at singing? lol...no XD
singing with your instrument? how does that work?:o
if you dont play and instrument what would you want to learn how to play? Erhu and viola

lol im not to good at singing either, am praticing
singing with your instrument as in if you play guitar or ukulele, or drums or something
i play the viola!

might as well stick up some answers to my own questions

what instrument do you play? all things string (ukulele is my main), harmonica and kind of piano
what kind fo music do you like? everything, except hard core country :/, i still like bluegrass though
can you play that kind of music on your instrument? yups everything
are you good at singing? no, i wish
singing with your instrument? i try
if you dont play an instrument what would you want to learn how to play?
i dont know how to play any brass of winds so id like to learn trumpet, and then id also wanna learn how to play the drums

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[b]What instruments do I play you ask?[/b]
I play drums. Death Metal drums. Fast, brutal drums that sound like a friggin warzone when you play 'em. I like to think my play style is better suited for music like...I don't know...The Faceless, Decrepit Birth and some more melodic, technical-sounding stuff. I don't like a lot of blasting. I mean, I CAN do it...but it gets tiring (and boring) after 1 or 2 songs.

I have an old Washburn X10. It's okay I guess. Not the worst thing you can get for $120 :P

[b]What kind of music do I like?[/b]
Death. f***ing. Metal.

[b]Can I play Death. f***ing. Metal on these instruments?[/b]

Yes, I can play Death. f***ing. Metal on these instruments.

[b]Are you good at singing?[/b]
Hell naw.

[b]Can I sing with my instrument?[/b]
Gee. I wonder.

[b]what instruments do I want to learn?[/b]

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[quote name='Opalmoon' timestamp='1300230362' post='5075832']
I've always liked the sound of the viola more than the violin but it's a matter of taste, I guess.

yeah i liked the deeper sound better than the screatching violin sound

[quote name='Horrific' timestamp='1300232922' post='5075920']
[b]What instruments do I play you ask?[/b]
I play drums. Death Metal drums. Fast, brutal drums that sound like a friggin warzone when you play 'em. I like to think my play style is better suited for music like...I don't know...The Faceless, Decrepit Birth and some more melodic, technical-sounding stuff. I don't like a lot of blasting. I mean, I CAN do it...but it gets tiring (and boring) after 1 or 2 songs.

I have an old Washburn X10. It's okay I guess. Not the worst thing you can get for $120 :P

[b]What kind of music do I like?[/b]
Death. f***ing. Metal.

[b]Can I play Death. f***ing. Metal on these instruments?[/b]

Yes, I can play Death. f***ing. Metal on these instruments.

[b]Are you good at singing?[/b]
Hell naw.

[b]Can I sing with my instrument?[/b]
Gee. I wonder.

[b]what instruments do I want to learn?[/b]
hard core brah XD

lol'd at the kazoo

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