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Fiend Mini-set contest 1st round Start!]


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This Is a Three-Round Elimination contest .

It is for four Level 3 and Above members.

One Member Will be Eliminated each Round.

Each round will require you to make two new cards for a Mini-set.

The Entrance fee is 20 Points and will be added to the pot.

Donations to the pot are accepted.

If you Donate 40 points or more [not Incl. Entrance fee], you will recieve a rep

Post your cards here



[spoiler=Judge Info]

PM me your scores for each card and I will average your scores with mine.

Rate both out of 50 and then add the scores together.

The one with the lowest Average will be eliminated.

you will rate mainly on the criterea posted Next to the Task [not completely, mainly]




1st: 75% of pot + a rep from all 3 Judges

2nd: 25% of pot + a rep from me and CyberShark

3rd: a rep from me



[spoiler=Task 1]

Card 1:Normal Monster, Lv 4, Fiend Type, Any Attribute [this will make sense later], ATK and Def under 1700

Card 2: Equip card for Previous Monster can give it effect, increase ATK, be Creative!

Due Saturday, 4PM [GMT]

[spoiler=Judging main Criteria]

Card 1: Description

Card 2: Creativity/Playability






2)Maha Guns

3)Chaos Impact

4).:Gister Knows:.



1) Me

2) CyberShark



POT: 180 Points

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