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A perfectly crimeless discussion about a decision our board's staff has made.

~ P O L A R I S ~

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Guest Icyblue

What's Sirlin Josh? Sounds like something edible. Probally way off though lol.


OT: As I said previously, Frunk has a good point. Give Draco a second chance. You did it for me :)


You didn't have a "second chance". Your ban was for 3 months, not permanent.

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Justice has prevailed on this day, March 13th 2011. When the whole staff believed that Matt shouldn't be banned, it was Frunk who actually took action. Let's mark this day on our calanders as "YCM Justice Day" and celebrate it annually.


In the end of the day, you gotta standby by the decision of the ADMINISTRATOR and accept his permaban.


So stop acting like we have just banished someone into a dark ravine.


Just like you accepted your permaban. Right Benraino? You're a fraud, just look at your dupe's username. "BehindTheMask". HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. But of course, the fact that Draco's ban was at the hand of the ADMINISTRATOR changes everything, because all acts done as part of ADMINISTRATIVE DUTY OF ADMINISTRATORS are always just without exception. Right Benraino? I'll be calling you Benraino from now on btw.

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Just like you accepted your permaban. Right Benraino? You're a fraud, just look at your dupe's username. "BehindTheMask". HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. But of course, the fact that Draco's ban was at the hand of the ADMINISTRATOR changes everything, because all acts done as part of ADMINISTRATIVE DUTY OF ADMINISTRATORS are always just without exception. Right Benraino? I'll be calling you Benraino from now on btw.


hey polaris. I actually did accept my permaban. I also didn't give a flying ****. I've made multiple accounts after my other account was banned to troll and have fun. I'm not saying that Draco doesn't have a right to be mad, he does, however everyone getting butthurt over it wont change YCMakers mind.


btw the mods know I'm benraino. I stopped OMGAKITTY and others from attacking this board before it happened. I showed them my PMs over MSN. The only reason I made the other accounts and fail trolled was to troll. It was funny as hell. If the mods were to ban me, i wouldn't care. I would just make another dupe account and proceed to post. It literally is that simple. If Draco wanted to come back so badly, he could have just done that. Which he did. He wasn't smart enough to realize "oh hey if i tell the mods here im Draco, they might ban me." He also wasn't smart enough to realize that "advertising in my sig for my site might not be the best idea." The main reason I suspect Draco cares so much is that he has the most fragile ego ever. I could be wrong, but I don't care.


Also, the reason for "behindthemask" is from the song "Open your Eyes" from Immortal Technique. the lyrics are "But behind the mask of efficiency, they claimed that we need them to succeed. They're no better than us;"

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btw the mods know I'm benraino. I stopped OMGAKITTY and others from attacking this board before it happened. I showed them my PMs over MSN. The only reason I made the other accounts and fail trolled was to troll. It was funny as hell. If the mods were to ban me, i wouldn't care. I would just make another dupe account and proceed to post. It literally is that simple. If Draco wanted to come back so badly, he could have just done that. Which he did. He wasn't smart enough to realize "oh hey if i tell the mods here im Draco, they might ban me." He also wasn't smart enough to realize that "advertising in my sig for my site might not be the best idea." The main reason I suspect Draco cares so much is that he has the most fragile ego ever. I could be wrong, but I don't care.


IKR. I'll still be calling you Benraino on the off chance that sharp reminders of your appalling history of betrayals and hypocrisy might rouse some shred of humility in you and prevent further douchebaggery in the future.


if u dont mind

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IKR. I'll still be calling you Benraino on the off chance that sharp reminders of your appalling history of betrayals and hypocrisy might rouse some shred of humility in you and prevent further douchebaggery in the future.


if u dont mind




Back on topic:


This topic should be closed until Draco gets banned again, simply for the fact that subject matter is irrelevant now.

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ITT: Butthurt members and YCMaker is god.


ITT: You don't know the context. If you honestly think this thread's pro-YCMaker at all you're retarded.




ohwait a defensive cheapshot because we can't use our words


I also didn't give a flying ****

i wouldn't care.

I could be wrong, but I don't care.


All in the same post! How long and hard do you expect to keep playing the "I don't care/I was just trolling" cards without people noticing that maybe the reason you're doing so is in an attempt to conceal how incredibly enraged and conflicted you are inside?


This topic should be closed until Draco gets banned again, simply for the fact that subject matter is irrelevant now.



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These are some PM archives, in order of time.








Everything I've done in my current stay that Ben has said is so bad was all done with permission. Heck, I even asked a super if I could come back. He said yup. :)


If you don't understand something I say in Latin, click here.


Who cares? Seriously?


Everyone is treating this like this is Neslon Mandela(Draco) and a battle between the super third reich multiplied by the KKK, multiplied by 2. Its not. No offense to Draco, but its a forum. Its not like this is the end all be all mode of social interaction and political brainstorming.


Draco was accused of things that may or may not be true. YCMaker, in his ADMINISTRATIVE DUTY chose to PERMANENTLY BAN him. Its not like it is a rogue moderator constantly finding flimsy excuses to limit-ban him.


I am not saying that the Staff is 100% innocent of what they are accused of, nor am I saying that they are dirty. I'm not saying that Matt is a paragon of virtue, but I'm not saying he is the ultimate evil.


Let's take a look at somethings that Draco did while being unbanned under Wahrheit:


Advertised in his sig.

Talked about getting around IP and other types of blocks.

and yes, he did make a few good topics of discussion, however, he also uses(d) this place as a hunting grounds for members for his own paysite.


In the end of the day, you gotta standby by the decision of the ADMINISTRATOR and accept his permaban.


So stop acting like we have just banished someone into a dark ravine.


1. Reductio ad absurdum, bordering on Godwin's law. Ad hominem. Appeal to pity. Other than that, this has been kind of a long time coming. There were things like this back in my original day, and there's a group of people (see: ex-mods) who know that part of the reason there wasn't much discussion regarding why I was the scapegoat is because I actually wanted stuff to get done. My approach may have been harsh, but it kind of worked and I was a freshman (aka 14). Everybody messes up and I owned up for the stuff that I actually did (this is the post that got me banned temporarily the first time, I knew full well it would happen as you can tell) and I'm just a tad miffed that I get all of these labels cast on me and made an example when I really shouldn't be.


2. Argumentatively, that doesn't make any difference whatsoever. Practically he holds the greatest threshold of power, but if it were so desired the mods could do exactly what Reece (see: Frunk) is doing right now. Some of them actually are in the mod forum, you just don't know it.


3. The beauty of that is that it doesn't really matter who throws the most insults, it matters how all parties involved choose to proceed in the future. I believe (as apparently do others) that I have given a rather 250 or so wonderful reasons to keep me around this time. One of the prevailing arguments cast by those in my favor, as I understand it, is that I can do a lot of good for the site and it's silly to ignore that. Well, these are great examples of that. People appear to like me pretty well, I link to the ACP for quick fixes and the IPS forums for bigger ones in the suggestions topics, and I try to keep smart, awesome discussions going around. A few of my topics are still on the front page of General. Funny how that happens.


4. I asked first and the rules allow it.


SSH tunneling is not typically used to get around an IP block, it still gives you a static IP anyway, requires you to have an SSH-enabled login to a running server, and requires that you maintain the connection on both ends. It's generally used to subvert proxies that are forced on you, like in China or at school (they're kind of the same). In my case I'm taking Computer Programming I this semester and I used it to get around the school's proxy because I've already finished the entire curriculum for the class. It's so nice <3.


I resent you referring to my community as a paysite, it most certainly isn't. Summa Crossroads has and will forever be a free environment for users to thrive in each others' awesomeness and hang out and do cool things with relatively little restriction on what that means. VIP status is available for contributors as our server costs are rather pricey for a senior in high school and of course people with kind hearts should be rewarded. What that means has significantly changed recently with the introduction of the Minecraft server and the increased feature-ceiling that allows me to introduce for them, but regular, necessary, convenient functionality has always been fully available to all members for free. On top of that, anybody here who I specifically wanted to join my site was notified whether I was banned or not. There are people who willingly invite their friends on their own accord and some who even go so far as to take it upon themselves to recruit, none of this by my hand. Do I like to spread the good word? Yeah, what small site owner doesn't? Most of the stuff I offer has no relation to YCM in any form and it should not be viewed as a competitor as it isn't intended to and quite simply isn't. YCMaker even stated that when he visited oh so long ago.


5. Not really. The laws of the internet are not an actual entity, and as such if users truly feel like it they can do whatever they want with relatively little repercussion. There is a point at which the moderating team has to decide whether it's really worth it to endure losses of valued entities about something so controversial. The argument has always been YCM is a giant forum and one member won't make a difference, but there is a point at which it will be more than one member and it will make a difference. Whole waves of members have left before and when that happens users tend to initiate a "omg the old days were so much better" period because they appreciate and value the members who left. Good, active, helpful users promote the same activity as they are leaders and role models, and when they leave the new users don't have as much to live up to. It is in the interest of the site to keep the most intelligent, helpful members around. After all, a forum is nothing without its members. It's something I have to think about every time I consider banning someone from my server and it's something I'm sure YCMaker and Falling Pizza think about quite often as well. Heck, even the mods do it.


6. Metaphorically, they had. Users were asked to accept without question, much like the Orwellian society described by previous users. Don't forget, all members are equal. Some are just more equal than others.


hey polaris. I actually did accept my permaban. I also didn't give a flying ****. I've made multiple accounts after my other account was banned to troll and have fun. I'm not saying that Draco doesn't have a right to be mad, he does, however everyone getting butthurt over it wont change YCMakers mind.


btw the mods know I'm benraino. I stopped OMGAKITTY and others from attacking this board before it happened. I showed them my PMs over MSN. The only reason I made the other accounts and fail trolled was to troll. It was funny as hell. If the mods were to ban me, i wouldn't care. I would just make another dupe account and proceed to post. It literally is that simple. If Draco wanted to come back so badly, he could have just done that. Which he did. He wasn't smart enough to realize "oh hey if i tell the mods here im Draco, they might ban me." He also wasn't smart enough to realize that "advertising in my sig for my site might not be the best idea." The main reason I suspect Draco cares so much is that he has the most fragile ego ever. I could be wrong, but I don't care.


Also, the reason for "behindthemask" is from the song "Open your Eyes" from Immortal Technique. the lyrics are "But behind the mask of efficiency, they claimed that we need them to succeed. They're no better than us;"


No you didn't, are you kidding me? If anything you knew it was coming, but I certainly didn't. As stated above I accepted my temp and I flew towards it with open arms. Was it worth it? Absolutely. Was it hilarious at the time and did it serve its purpose? MOST WONDERFULLY. Did I see the ensuing ****storm approaching me? No, never. Of course I have a right to be mad, but it's not about rights really. Those are easily up to a button-press to execute a mySQL query by the administrator. It's more about ability and principle. It is for the good of the site to keep itself steady and clear... the situation surrounding me isn't either of those. It never has been, and decisions were made (correctly or not) out of haste and desire to quell the troubles. Remember, nobody has to do anything as long as everyone is quiet and submissive. Thankfully that isn't the attitude so much anymore, but it certainly used to be...


The mods didn't know I was Draco until I made it clear. I had a 100% clean IP, I moved. Coulda been invisible and just been the new age of glory under a false moniker, but that doesn't really do anybody any good. There's still suspicion and it probably would have come out eventually. Instead, I chose the honest route and used one of my personal emails on registration with easily identifying markings. Upon questioning I fessed up, gave my explanation for return, and made a jolly good show of as to what good I can do. I continue to approach the situation with a git-'er-done positive mentality. I didn't make other accounts to troll. The only other account I had was when SXR was under DDOS and I begged YCMaker to help me. He did, I left. I knew exactly what I was getting into and I always know exactly what I'm doing. What most fail to realize is I know this site pretty darn well. It follows a calculated model and the members are predictable. There's nothing bad about that, it's just how it is. I try and play my part in making it better, even if it seems like I'm just trying to cause a ruckus. Queue dramatic analogy to esteemed persona~!




The difference is you're a troll and I'm not. We both know what you're doing, but I actually "give a flying ***" whereas you only come here to laugh your *** off at the poor UAUs.


Now let's talk logistics.


Please, click me!


My "ill sentiments" were all but disapproval with the way some things used to be handled. The mods didn't like me voicing them, they never said I was wrong. Some of them even admitted I was right. Now, three years later, many of the things myself and my friends originally proposed have been put into action with resounding approval. What a concept. Again. The rest of it with raids and whatnot, I believe in that thread you'll find Mare admitted openly TO YCMAKER HIMSELF that it was all him. I had some Skype recordings with Yankee a while back that talked about all that stuff too, I can dig them up off of mediafire upon request. YCM was never about my thirst for drama, and it never will be. Heck, I don't like the fact that it takes drama to get anything done around here, but that's the truth. Complacency is the enemy of production, but that's what happens when nobody does anything. Suggestions get ignored and members get all but shot down. As soon as anything real is possible, it takes months for it to happen. Drama is the only way to get the mods' attention because it's bad for their image. I don't, haven't, and won't ever "take action in such a manner", but to say that nobody comes here simply for the humor is a severely false statement. I quoted one person and I could list off five others easily.


I found this on my computer from forever ago. At least two years, probably.




Any questions?

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Guest PikaPerson01

Any questions?




... But on a less-trolly and more slightly useful note, I'll avoid giving my thoughts for right now, as the information I have on you is unsubstantial (IMO) and any call I make at the end of the day will probably just end up getting overturned by someone else who can (easily) claim seniority so... w/e.


Enjoy your stay? IDK.

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... But on a less-trolly and more slightly useful note, I'll avoid giving my thoughts for right now, as the information I have on you is unsubstantial (IMO) and any call I make at the end of the day will probably just end up getting overturned by someone else who can (easily) claim seniority so... w/e.


Enjoy your stay? IDK.






No, and horseradish isn't either.


egghead58, and that is all I have to say about that. I respect your intelligence regarding rhetoric here. :)

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Guest PikaPerson01

I respect your intelligence

It's the opposite actually (unless that was sarcasm. its 2 AM <_< ). Lack of intelligence necessary to make a worthwhile decision. I attempt to ask questions every single time the subject comes up but I always get either conflicting answers, or ignored. As of right now, I just don't care enough to weigh my opinion since it'll probably be overruled by some other mod.


I will say that bowing down to public pressure as opposed to doing what is right is a terrible way of conducting oneself... and that's all.

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It's the opposite actually (unless that was sarcasm. its 2 AM <_< ). Lack of intelligence necessary to make a worthwhile decision. I attempt to ask questions every single time the subject comes up but I always get either conflicting answers, or ignored. As of right now, I just don't care enough to weigh my opinion since it'll probably be overruled by some other mod.


I will say that bowing down to public pressure as opposed to doing what is right is a terrible way of conducting oneself... and that's all.


No, I respect your intelligence by the fact you know your place. I'll be happy to answer anything you want to ask from my perspective, which I attempt to make the truth as often as possible.


Frunk would probably demolish you though yeah.

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Guest Fusion X. Denver

That was the most entertaining read YCM's given in a while.

And now I know what happened all those years ago.

Glad to see you're back, whether if your 1st ban was right or wrong, I think everyone deserves a 2nd chance.

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That was the most entertaining read YCM's given in a while.

And now I know what happened all those years ago.

Glad to see you're back, whether if your 1st ban was right or wrong, I think everyone deserves a 2nd chance.

Technically it would be the third, but that's okay. I don't count the second one either.

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Guest PikaPerson01

Frunk would probably demolish you though yeah.

Just as he did February 5th, 2008.


But enough ego tripping and all for right now, topic is apparently as closed as as it's gonna be, for now. >_>

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