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A perfectly crimeless discussion about a decision our board's staff has made.

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ITT: Butthurt members and YCMaker is god.


Having Draco back was nice, but rules are rules. We have a good mod team atm, I trust there decision. Even if we hate it there is nothing we can do...we also lack the info that the mods have. Just like the government, sometimes you hate them, sometimes you love them.

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Who cares? Seriously?


Everyone is treating this like this is Neslon Mandela(Draco) and a battle between the super third reich multiplied by the KKK, multiplied by 2. Its not. No offense to Draco, but its a forum. Its not like this is the end all be all mode of social interaction and political brainstorming.


Draco was accused of things that may or may not be true. YCMaker, in his ADMINISTRATIVE DUTY chose to PERMANENTLY BAN him. Its not like it is a rogue moderator constantly finding flimsy excuses to limit-ban him.


I am not saying that the Staff is 100% innocent of what they are accused of, nor am I saying that they are dirty. I'm not saying that Matt is a paragon of virtue, but I'm not saying he is the ultimate evil.


Let's take a look at somethings that Draco did while being unbanned under Wahrheit:


Advertised in his sig.

Talked about getting around IP and other types of blocks.

and yes, he did make a few good topics of discussion, however, he also uses(d) this place as a hunting grounds for members for his own paysite.


In the end of the day, you gotta standby by the decision of the ADMINISTRATOR and accept his permaban.


So stop acting like we have just banished someone into a dark ravine.

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EDIT: Just noticed this is post #37 of this thread. :D


It was more or less a direct order from YCMaker (albeit he should just have done the ban directly instead of making us) himself. Board Staff in this equation is irrelevant, your paragraphs of whatever else is there is fruitless. If you want him unbanned, the hammer falls to the site owner and no one else. Take it up with him personally and no one else.


Or if you want a simple answer? Permanent means Permanent.


YCMaker posted one sentence and in reality he was simply sharing his opinion as opposed to "giving an order". I know it's a cardinal sin to disclose information from the Mod's but the YCM public deserves the whole truth, and this, ladies and gentlemakers, is YCMaker's only post in the recent Matt-related thread in its entirety:


I say uphold his ban, he's already started another controversial thread in General.


As a current, albeit inactive, member of the mod team, I will not stand by and allow us to hide behind the post quoted above. It's clear that YCMaker is no longer that concerned with the workings of the forum that the mod team should come to a reasonable decision on its own, as we are the ones who are around the forum and understand things far better than someone with YCMaker's activity could.


My original opinion, alluded to by MarbleZone, was based on rumour, rhetoric, and misinformation that I never thought to look deeper in to. I hereby recant those statements and acknowledge my mistake.


As for the original permanent ban, there is no justification for it. Matt was originally for a period of 2 days for flaming, which 3 years later he has more than served his time for. He was new to the forum at the time and as such could not be expected to fully understand the expectations of the forum staff, at the time predominately myself and Tkill93. I know some of you will respond by saying that he broke rules in an attempt to clear his name and return to the forum, but to that I respond that it has long been an unwritten rule that if your ban proves to be unjust in the first place, you cannot be held accountable for the "ban breaches".


Irrespective, the porn raids - ancient history nowadays - which happened shortly after my departure in February 2008, cannot be justifiably linked to Matt. Reviewing Falling Pizza's evidence from 2008, and other various records including the Ban Thread, I have come to the conclusion that there has never been genuine proof that Matt was involved. Additionally, and most importantly, Mare admitted to orchestrating the attacks, so how can we possible finger Matt for them? There is no proof.


So, aside from a minor incident of flaming, there is no record of Matt breaking any rules, least not any that deserved a permanent ban. Even so, it's clear that his influence on the forum is a positive one, and the YCM public will not be satisfied until justice is done.


I myself have reversed a number of permanent bans after realising in hindsight that they were mistakes, namely Gist, and later Crab Helmet. Simply, had I allowed those bans to stand, knowing I was wrong, it would have been an injustice, and that totally goes against what is expected of myself and all staff members.


Given Matt's productive behaviour over the past 3 weeks on YCM, where he has attempted to make himself an asset to us, which he has no reason to do, lest driven by a genuine desire to be a part of this forum, I see the ban as a mistake, and have reversed it.


I am available for discussion via the regular means (Mod's Forum, PM, IM, Facebook or 37), but I feel no one has a case to make for further exclusion of Matt from this forum. If my decision is reversed, I will unban him again, and continue until my point is realised, or my powers revoked. If my powers are revoked, I will create a new thread in General explaining my reasoning every day until I am banned. I simply will not be a part of injustice.


And I'm back, by the way.


The Frunk has spoken.

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Permanent means Permanent.

Even for a member who could have been wrongly accused by a mod decision way back when the rules were being implemented?

And on top of that a new member at the time who was only getting used to the rules as any other new member would be and just made a mistake?


Everyone makes mistakes we all learn from mistakes from what I've seen Warheit/Draco has learned from his mistake that he made three years ago by flaming in the first place, from what I've seen in his recent posts I don't think he should be banned anymore. I feel that he deserves a second chance, criminals get second chances so why can't banned members who were wrongly accused get a second chance especially if they have learned from their mistake(s)?

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Guest Halubaris Maphotika

I dont get it I have checked Wahrheits profile and it doesn't say he is banned it says he is still a member are you sure hes banned?

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

There are times when I think that people pay too much attention to the government of a forum about children's card games.


This is one of them.

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Given Matt's productive behaviour over the past 3 weeks on YCM, where he has attempted to make himself an asset to us, which he has no reason to do, lest driven by a genuine desire to be a part of this forum, I see the ban as a mistake, and have reversed it.


I am available for discussion via the regular means (Mod's Forum, PM, IM, Facebook or 37), but I feel no one has a case to make for further exclusion of Matt from this forum. If my decision is reversed, I will unban him again, and continue until my point is realised, or my powers revoked. If my powers are revoked, I will create a new thread in General explaining my reasoning every day until I am banned. I simply will not be a part of injustice.


And I'm back, by the way.


The Frunk has spoken.

Oh I Frunk big girls, Hard. =D

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Guest Halubaris Maphotika

You know, Frunk will just get revoked and banned as soon as YCMaker comes online.

For some reason I don't think he cares....

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